View Full Version : HELP! The DMV fucked me over. I need advice!

05-16-2006, 09:28 PM
Alright, A year ago i got 2 tickets for 25 over. yea yea, I know I was stupid. Believe me, I've learned. I hired a lawyer and he combined the 2 violations and I ended up with 40 hrs of community service, 1 year probation, $500 fine, and a 6 month liscence suspension not including the cost of my lawyer, $600. Although, I've still been driving though, I need to work to go to school, I have no other choice. I hate relying on people to drive me places and getting pulled over is a risk I'm willing to take. but I've conditioned myself to drive 489304820 times less agressive than I use to. "shrug"

So today, i was suppose to get my liscence reinstated. The fat mother fucker behind the counter said I had an additional 6 month suspension. I told him my sistuation and he said eventhough they were combined in court, they were put down as 2 seperate violations in the system. Therefore, 6 months for each ticket. I tried calling the state clerk office, they were no fucking help and they referred me to the solicitors office. I called the solicitors, they were fucking useless and reffered me to the clerk's office. I called the lawyer that dealt with my case 6 months ago and his secretary said he'll call me tomorrow, so I'm awaiting what he has to say, but I'm expecting the worst.

I know I'm making a bold move by asking help here with out getting flamed, but I'm seeking advice from anyone who has dealt with any sistuation thats similar to this. I felt that I served my time and paid my ass off because of my stupid decisions and I FULLY understand not to fucking drive like a moron now that I've somewhat grew up and what not. I also just spent 6 grand on a turbo kit with a disco potato and a bunch of other goodies I've been waiting to put on and enjoy when I get my liscence back AND a job at Toyota waiting for me when I give them a DMV report showing I have a valid liscence. So alot is riding on this and any help will be extremely appreciated. Thanks

Mr. Antonov
05-16-2006, 09:44 PM
Thats really fucking gay! I say u shoot that fat fucker next time u see him!

05-16-2006, 09:47 PM
happened to my friend a while back, all i can say is good luck

05-16-2006, 09:49 PM
happened to my friend a while back, all i can say is good luck

awesome...... :hanged:

05-16-2006, 09:50 PM
If everything does not work out(I hope it does cuse i was in the same boat as you a few months ago) you can always get a work permit and it allows you to drive to and from work and or school. If you happen to get pulled over then you are on the way to or from work or school classes no matter what. Worked for me and it was only 25 bucks. That is some bullshit tho. I hope you can get it worked out.

05-16-2006, 09:54 PM
Thats really fucking gay! I say u shoot that fat fucker next time u see him!

Why? What did he do wrong? :confused:

05-16-2006, 10:02 PM
They had sex with your wife/girlfriend. I think you should take on of your AK-47s over there and go towel head on that mofo.

05-16-2006, 10:08 PM
If everything does not work out(I hope it does cuse i was in the same boat as you a few months ago) you can always get a work permit and it allows you to drive to and from work and or school. If you happen to get pulled over then you are on the way to or from work or school classes no matter what. Worked for me and it was only 25 bucks. That is some bullshit tho. I hope you can get it worked out.

I tried doing that when I just lost my liscence but I was told I have to be 21 to recieve any type of provisional liscence. I may have just been misinformed. If you're under 21, how did you get it? or.....how can I get it when since I'm 19

05-16-2006, 10:11 PM
yes u have to be 21+ to get a permit

05-16-2006, 10:15 PM
When I first moved to GA I got a Drag Racing ticket. I did not even hit the speed limit, but the cop said thats still called Drag racing. He said it was called an "Inner contest of speed" WTF? I had a NC license since I just moved. Any way. I did community service and that offensive driving class or what ever. $250 for that $400 for court 40hrs of service and 6 months lost license. 6months go by and I call the DMV (which its hard to get to those cocksuckers on the phone) and they told me that since I was driving on a NC license, GA had nothing to do with it. That means I just spent nearly $700, my time and 40hr of community service for no fucking reason. That pissed me off. Then I called the DMV in NC and they tell me that they just received the info 2 weeks ago, I was like this happened 6months ago, but the said the system of transferring information can be slow. WTF! To top that off, in NC the drag racing is 12months suspension. An the bitch said which was in effect from when they found out about it (2 weeks ago). The god damn bastards revoked my license for over 1.5years for accelerating to the speed limit too fast. At one point I went in to see if I could get my license for school and work, so I stepped in this fat bitches office, and first thing I had to do was place my hand on a bible and say I was going to tell the truth. Anyway, she ask "why would I have done this if I knew it was not legal" and I replied " I did not know there was such a thing as Inner contest of speed" and thats when the fat bitch blew up and said I was lying to her as she kicked me out of her office. Those god damn sons a bitches can fucking die in a god damn fire! Long story short, get a Lawyer and good luck.

05-16-2006, 10:19 PM
I hate the dmv. If you go to the dmv down by canton they are really cool.

05-16-2006, 10:21 PM
Those god damn sons a bitches can fucking die in a god damn fire! Long story short, get a Lawyer and good luck.

My thoughts exactly, we should overthrow the Gov't. I hope my previous lawyer will help me out and not dick me over. I kept all the documentation of everything EXCEPT the letter my lawyer wrote to me explaining my sentence. I'm 95% sure it said ONE 6 month suspension and I'm 758943759804% sure it did nothing fucking say 12 month suspension. so....we'll see what he says tomorrow.

Is there any way I can access the court records and see my sentence or anything? I'd assume that everything done in court is documented in some form or another.

05-16-2006, 10:22 PM
I hate the dmv. If you go to the dmv down by canton they are really cool.

cool enough to understand my situation and give me my liscence?

05-16-2006, 10:23 PM
Get a new identity that is your only hope

05-16-2006, 10:26 PM
See, I represented my self, which in short means: I owned my self. If I of got a lawyer everything would have been nice and dandy.

05-16-2006, 10:29 PM
So I got my figers crossed, but I'm expecting the worst, so i won't be surprised or shocked if the worst does happen

05-16-2006, 11:27 PM
That blows monkey nuts man.

05-16-2006, 11:32 PM
no kidding, I almost shit a brick when I was told

05-17-2006, 10:15 PM
so check it out....I've been trying to call my lawyer all day and he hasn't returned any of my phone calls....so I think I'm SOL?