View Full Version : b18a1 swap... radiator question.

05-12-2006, 08:31 AM
ok guys i'm just now getting into cars so i don't know as much as i need to... but what i'm asking is...

I've got a 93 hatch with a b18a1.... my radiator (stock civic radiator) is shot... which integra radiator will work best/fit the best... i know it's gonna be bigger and i know i'll have to move the mounts... but any suggestions?

05-12-2006, 01:11 PM
just geussin but i pretty sure with a DC rad u might be able to use the ac conderer mount on the bottem of the inside of the rad support to hold the big ass rad . but thats my 2 cents , just wait till someone who has done it before

05-12-2006, 01:37 PM
well... i posted that hoping someone who has done it would reply! lol.. thanks tho man!