View Full Version : Possible letter to al-Zarqawi cites low morale

05-03-2005, 11:36 AM
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- The U.S. military said Tuesday it has seized a letter from Iraqi insurgents believed to be intended for Jordanian-born militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi complaining about low morale among followers and weakening support for the insurgency.

The authenticity of the letter -- which the military said American troops found Thursday in a raid in Baghdad -- could not be independently verified.

The letter -- which never refers to al-Zarqawi by name -- is written to Sheik Abu Ahmad, a name not known to be used by the militant leader or his followers. But supporters often call al-Zarqawi the Sheik or Sheik Abu Musab in letters and on Web sites.

"What has happened to myself and my brothers is an unforgivable crime, but God will punish the oppressor," the letter reads. "I swear by God that you will be asked about what happened to us because you have not asked about the situation of the migrants. Morale is down and there is fatigue among mujahedeen ranks.

"There is discrimination by some of the brethren emirs. God would not accept such actions, and a simple mistake delays victory, so what about big mistakes and gross guilts? Many underestimate them and are lenient toward them."

The letter is dated April 27, the military said.

The author of the letter also "admonishes 'the Sheik' for abandoning his followers" after last year's U.S. siege on Falluja, west of Baghdad.

U.S. forces led an assault then on the Sunni Triangle city's terrorist network believed to be run by al-Zarqawi.

Because of the "continuous pressure by Iraqi and [U.S.-led] coalition forces," a military statement said, al-Zarqawi has relied on his cell leaders to conduct operations while he is forced to evade being killed or captured.

Pentagon officials said last week that U.S. troops nearly caught al-Zarqawi in February after receiving a tip that he might be traveling to Ramadi, west of Falluja. (Full story)

The author of the letter, the military said, is a member of the terrorist group known as al Qaeda in Iraq.

The author's name is Abu Asim al-Qusaymi al-Yemeni, the military statement said.

Pentagon spokesman Bryan Whitman said the letter reflects "a certain amount of proof that [al-Zarqawi's] influence and effectiveness is deteriorating."

Xrated O.G.
05-03-2005, 11:48 AM
Fuck that son of a bitch. He better keep running his ass of cause we will in fact catch him and fuck him up.

Sorry for that rant but after being in the military for so many years and having gone through "Desert Storm" I have just become so enraged with this stuff.

05-03-2005, 11:54 AM
So.....For everyone in the world who said we were losing, Waht do you think about this.

05-03-2005, 12:59 PM
Funny cause they attack our troops to de-moralize us ( Doesnt work ) and now we are doing it to them, Glad to see the troops are able to see thier work is paying off.

05-03-2005, 02:30 PM
The funny thing is that this type of report will never hit mainstream media. Good news doesn't sell.

Personally, I'm glad they're running on reserves. They should feel lucky to be able to run at all.

05-03-2005, 03:06 PM
You aint lying about this Brett. Its like me having 5 guys trying to beat up 50 guys and then myself taking off and hiding...how long do you think those 5 will keep trying to beat up the 50? Fuck Zarqawhi. They need to get his ass so all this bullshit can stop.

05-03-2005, 03:32 PM
^^ Werd!!