View Full Version : Runaway Bride Planned Everything

05-03-2005, 09:19 AM
Here is a little bit of the Gwinnett Daily Post report:

Wilbanks bought a Greyhound bus ticket to Las Vegas from a station in Gainesville on April 19, exactly one week before her disappearance on April 26, according to Gwinnett District Attorney Danny Porter. She had stashed away $100 in cash over time, and then went to an ATM and obtained another $40 on April 26, according to Bill Elwell, spokesman for the FBI in Albuquerque.

for more.....

05-03-2005, 09:20 AM
she definitely needs to get punished....it was planned!

05-03-2005, 09:21 AM
some people are just stupid. i mean seriously dont say you were kidnapped because its gonna come out that you werent.

05-03-2005, 09:23 AM
ummmm...dumbass.....$140??? that's it?? she expected to disappear with $140 bucks??? I really do hope that they charge her with the $60k fine for all the man hours put in searching for her. She can plead insanity or shit like that, just throw her in a mental joint then.

her fiance and fiance father are dumbass's too....they welcome her back with open arms.....idiots.

05-03-2005, 09:24 AM
she does not deserve this mucha attn. she neds to be locked up for a month or so, Fined, put on probation, then issue a public apology.

that's my thoughts on the whole stupid situation!

05-03-2005, 09:25 AM
she just wanted attention...she should eb punished

05-03-2005, 09:25 AM
she does not deserve this mucha attn. she neds to be locked up for a month or so, Fined, put on probation, then issue a public apology.

that's my thoughts on the whole stupid situation!

she needs to get pelted with a tomato when she publicly apologizes

05-03-2005, 09:26 AM
she just wanted attention...she should eb punished

then she should go buy a puppy.

05-03-2005, 09:27 AM
she needs to get pelted with a tomato when she publicly apologizes


05-03-2005, 09:32 AM
Her and her husband both planned it. Just think of all the $$ they are getting this week for radio/tv interviews. And then theres the book she'll be publishing soon. They can retire in a couple years. Why didn't I think of it first?:doh:

05-03-2005, 09:37 AM

05-03-2005, 09:43 AM

heck no....see...this is where the court should intervene and say they are gonna collect 40% off any of revenue they make from this incident.

that $60,000 fine is not enough....I totally forgot about the interview circuit money....

05-03-2005, 09:47 AM
Bitch just wasted our tax dollars. Lock her up and throw away the key

05-03-2005, 11:13 AM
I wish they'd give her Community service cleaning up roadsides, I'd litter like a MOFO , and the 50 car line behind me of IA people would only begin to pay that crazy ho back.
From day one I said she had "crazy eyes"....

05-03-2005, 11:27 AM
I hate being right all the time. :D ;)

Now, where are all the people that were defending her and saying she should get in no trouble for this????? :jerkit:

05-03-2005, 11:29 AM
She will still be rich. Now I have to think of my own clever way to get rich...

05-03-2005, 11:32 AM
She will still be rich. Now I have to think of my own clever way to get rich...
Hard work and lots of it :P

05-03-2005, 11:37 AM
Hard work and lots of it :P

Nah, that'll just make someone else rich.

05-03-2005, 11:44 AM
Her and her husband both planned it. Just think of all the $$ they are getting this week for radio/tv interviews. And then theres the book she'll be publishing soon. They can retire in a couple years. Why didn't I think of it first?:doh:

The future husband doesn't need any money!

05-03-2005, 11:49 AM
Come on man if he was rich he would not be marrying that wall eye beast, he'd be dating a hot 18 yr old, maybe 2.

Just imagine waking up to this face each morning without makeup.

05-03-2005, 11:58 AM
Just imagine waking up to this face each morning without makeup.

The guys grandfather was one of the top surgeons at Joan Glancy, his dad is a sergeon and a couple of his uncles are lawyers - the guy doesn't need the money

05-03-2005, 12:13 PM
I hate being right all the time. :D ;)

Now, where are all the people that were defending her and saying she should get in no trouble for this????? :jerkit:

Are u reffering to me?
Well if u think I am defending her, I am not...I'm just trying to understand her situation.:)

05-03-2005, 02:33 PM
Are u reffering to me?
Well if u think I am defending her, I am not...I'm just trying to understand her situation.:)

If you defended her, then yes I guess I am.

05-03-2005, 03:35 PM
does that really matter Jaime? Get over it.

05-03-2005, 03:43 PM
does that really matter Jaime? Get over it.

Get over what?

05-03-2005, 03:45 PM
Get over what?

a bridge? ;)

05-03-2005, 03:46 PM
a bridge? ;)

a rainbow?

a hangover?

an ex?

to the next lane?




05-03-2005, 04:00 PM
i hope her goto jail for trying to be smart but dumb damn iwish she come to my house iwould of left her ina closet or somthing lol an got them 100g i can do alot with that lol

05-03-2005, 04:00 PM
Just imagine waking up to this face each morning without makeup.

The guys grandfather was one of the top surgeons at Joan Glancy, his dad is a sergeon and a couple of his uncles are lawyers - the guy doesn't need the money[/QUOTE]


05-03-2005, 04:16 PM
The guys grandfather was one of the top surgeons at Joan Glancy, his dad is a sergeon and a couple of his uncles are lawyers - the guy doesn't need the money


That or have his dad perform surgery to fix those scary ass looking eyes

05-03-2005, 04:32 PM
did anyone else hear about the HAA (hispanics across america) want a public apology from jennifer wilbanks because she said it was a hispanic man and a white woman who kidnapped her....wtf you don't see the kkk or any other white organization wanting a public apology for that....everyone want their 15 minutes of fame off the incident

05-03-2005, 06:47 PM
I think its only fair though. You have todo el mundo looking for a "hispanic male" with a white woman. Its like the Dave Chapelle joke "The Suspect is a blackmale between 4'11 and 6'5" ".

I was listening to Frank Ski this morning and he brings up a valid point. Fucked up how all types of people like the homeless lady with alzheimers foudn dead a cople months ago, or the countless teenage girls missing and assumed to be just on metropolitan being prostitutes can end up missing and nobody cares. This lady is missing, and even CNN is covering it. Ok, it made good media, but damn, i know a lot of those girls found in ditches dead and raped on metropolitan didnt receive tons of officers working overtime looking for them...

05-03-2005, 08:36 PM
did anyone else hear about the HAA (hispanics across america) want a public apology from jennifer wilbanks because she said it was a hispanic man and a white woman who kidnapped her....wtf you don't see the kkk or any other white organization wanting a public apology for that....everyone want their 15 minutes of fame off the incident
I agree!

That stupid Bitch, she owes me an apology... :jerkit:

05-03-2005, 08:41 PM
Well her future father in law was the mayor of Duluth at one point...

Bling makes the money go round!

05-03-2005, 09:19 PM
that would be Gainesville.. ^^^^^^ not Duluth

05-03-2005, 09:37 PM
that would be Gainesville.. ^^^^^^ not Duluth

I thought her Fiance's dad was a mayor for duluth...?

thats what my cousins best friends uncle was told by his best friends wifes boss who over heard his boss on the phone with his wife who was watching tv before he left =]

05-03-2005, 09:49 PM
I think its only fair though. You have todo el mundo looking for a "hispanic male" with a white woman. Its like the Dave Chapelle joke "The Suspect is a blackmale between 4'11 and 6'5" ".

I was listening to Frank Ski this morning and he brings up a valid point. Fucked up how all types of people like the homeless lady with alzheimers foudn dead a cople months ago, or the countless teenage girls missing and assumed to be just on metropolitan being prostitutes can end up missing and nobody cares. This lady is missing, and even CNN is covering it. Ok, it made good media, but damn, i know a lot of those girls found in ditches dead and raped on metropolitan didnt receive tons of officers working overtime looking for them...

Frank this topic has been discussed in the previous closed thread.Perhaps you shld look into that and see what you think...

05-03-2005, 09:51 PM
If you defended her, then yes I guess I am.

Well than I'm disappointed to know that all this time you don't understand what I've been talking abt.

It's aight...I get that a lot...:blah:

05-03-2005, 11:02 PM
I think she should have to pay back all the money spent on her......

through some locals here.... that have grown up with her and know the family..... she had always been one to get attention..... they didn't think it would go this far.... but she got the attention once again.....

05-04-2005, 01:37 AM
FUCK THAT CRAZY BITCH....And he still wants to marry her...FUCK THAT**Venting** .....I would slap the shit out of her....Well ok maybe I wouldnt hit her but I would hire another woman to do it...A big manly women...damn crazy ass people in the world....**Still Venting**

05-04-2005, 04:39 AM
i know someone that is friends of her family... he said he doesn't doubt that her and her fiancee planned it all... trying to make the wedding bigger and what not... he also said she was one to do anything for attention... hmm... i wonder what would happen to her if she got kidnapped in the future... lol... wonder if anyone would go looking for her then...

05-04-2005, 08:38 AM
Frank this topic has been discussed in the previous closed thread.Perhaps you shld look into that and see what you think...

Whats the link?

05-04-2005, 08:42 AM
i passed by her house yesterday there were tons of news reports out..its up by duluth high school.. passing the train track on 120..crazy story

05-04-2005, 08:47 AM
did anyone else hear about the HAA (hispanics across america) want a public apology from jennifer wilbanks because she said it was a hispanic man and a white woman who kidnapped her....wtf you don't see the kkk or any other white organization wanting a public apology for that....everyone want their 15 minutes of fame off the incident

dude! she would have to apologize to everyone, but since it came outta her mouth then she should apologize to the latino community. thats just making us look bad in front of the whole nation..i really really really hate when ignorante people decided to put other ethnic groups down cause of their personal problems...

05-04-2005, 09:00 AM
she said a WHITE woman too....should I be offended? umm No. who cares.

05-04-2005, 11:16 AM
Whats the link?


05-04-2005, 04:32 PM
dude! she would have to apologize to everyone, but since it came outta her mouth then she should apologize to the latino community. thats just making us look bad in front of the whole nation..i really really really hate when ignorante people decided to put other ethnic groups down cause of their personal problems...

I Don't think she owe the hispanic community nothing. Honestly if the U.S people beleive what she was saying, I consider them more ignorant for beleivin those types of allegations.

05-04-2005, 04:39 PM

That or have his dad perform surgery to fix those scary ass looking eyes[/QUOTE]

Thats a big 10-4!

05-05-2005, 09:30 AM

It got closed because of that? It was civil convo! I still stand by my point. Race wasnt an issue as much of it being one of social class. Let it be some poor white people who ran off it would have beena police report filed and buff, thats it. Its about those wiht money and those without. So many gwinnett officers covered this, you would think brian nichols was looses again. Im just saying if it were you or me, a report would have been taken, and thats it.

Thats why when your cars get stolen, and you try to tell the officer "Well, I think this was done because of ..." ------"Its ok sir, we'll take care of it from here". Ever wonder why there are no fingerprints taken, no checks for broken glass? Because you have to know someone in law to get it to work the most for you. People get shot the fuck up on Jimmy Carter all the time. I think there have been over 30 homocides in gwinnett this year. How many do you recall listening to on the news? LOL, ya. Rick VS Poor. But fuck it, next topic

05-05-2005, 09:42 AM
yea Julio - the guys dad is the former mayor of Duluth

they live in Duluth, not Gainesville - the lawyer is just in Gainesville.

05-05-2005, 11:02 AM
Saw an interview this morning where they had interviewed "friends" and "acquaintances" who all pretty much said that the girl is an attention hog.

They are also expecting her first public statement today.

I also read a report that allegedly she was in contact with the city of Duluth and it hinted around to the fact that she said she had no problem paying the city back the $100k they are claiming. If that is true, that would definetly put it to bed IMO.

05-05-2005, 11:15 AM
yea, i've been reading and hearing stuff too saying she is a biggest attention whore. well, i think this time she got more attention than she was prepared for.

i hope they put a live feed to her statement on Fox news today - i wanna watch that shit.

05-05-2005, 11:59 AM
I also read a report that allegedly she was in contact with the city of Duluth and it hinted around to the fact that she said she had no problem paying the city back the $100k they are claiming. If that is true, that would definetly put it to bed IMO.

Yea, you wouldnt hear any complaints from me if that were to happen. In a sue happy world, im surprised the city of duluth doesnt do a class action suit for emotional distress

05-05-2005, 10:34 PM
Latest update:

Runaway Bride Denies Having Cold Feet

GAINESVILLE, Ga. (AP) - Runaway bride Jennifer Wilbanks apologized Thursday for disappearing just before her wedding day, and insisted cryptically that her flight was prompted not by cold feet, but by ``a host of compelling issues, which seemed out of control.''

Wilbanks, whose three-day disappearance led to a nationwide search, initially told investigators she had been abducted by a Hispanic male and white woman with a handgun, a story that quickly unraveled. Albuquerque, N.M., police said Thursday that Wilbanks also claimed she had been sexually assaulted, but recanted with the rest of her story.

In a statement read by her father's pastor, the Rev. Tom Smiley, Wilbanks said she was ``truly sorry for the troubles I caused.''

Wilbanks said her flight by bus to Las Vegas and eventually to Albuquerque was not in response to her pending wedding, which had been scheduled four days after she vanished.

``Those who know me know how excited I've been, and how excited I was about the spectacular wedding we planned, and how I could not wait to be Mrs. John Mason,'' the statement said.

``In my mind, it was never about the timing, however unfortunate. I was simply running from myself and from certain fears controlling my life.''

Wilbanks said she has asked for the forgiveness of her fiance, their families, friends, churches and communities ``and any others I may have offended unintentionally,'' adding that she was ``deeply grateful and appreciative to everyone who responded on my behalf.''

Many of those in the community expressed disgust when they learned that she had run off without telling anyone.

``Each day I am understanding more about who I am and the issues that influenced me to respond inappropriately,'' Wilbanks' statement said.

Smiley, who has been counseling Wilbanks, said she ``poured her heart and her soul into this statement. These are her words and these are her feelings.''

Wilbanks' attorney Lydia Sartain has said her client is seeking professional help for her problems and is in no condition to publicly answer questions. Wilbanks has been in seclusion with her family since her return to Georgia late Saturday.

Her statement did not address Duluth Mayor Shirley Lasseter's request that she repay the city for the costs of the search. Lasseter had also wanted Wilbanks to commit to perform community service in the town.

The city is considering a lawsuit to recoup its costs, while Gwinnett County District Attorney Danny Porter is investigating possible criminal charges against Wilbanks for falsely reporting a crime. Porter said Thursday night he had not seen any information on the sexual assault claim and was awaiting an FBI report on Wilbanks' statements to authorities in Albuquerque.

Her statement also did not specifically address her false claim that a Hispanic man had abducted her. But the president of the group Hispanics Across America backed down from his threat to protest outside her home.

The group's president, Fernando Mateo, said members were satisfied with her general apology.

``Our purpose was not to crucify this woman but just to let the nation know they can't freely use the name 'Hispanic' in a stereotyping manner where Hispanics are perceived to be thugs and criminals,'' he said.

05/05/05 20:08

© Copyright The Associated Press. All rights reserved. The information contained In this news report may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press.

05-06-2005, 12:03 PM
Here is the full statement:
At this time, I cannot explain fully what happened to me last week. I had a host of compelling issues which seemed out of control — issues for which I was unable to address or confine. Please may I assure you that my running away had nothing to do with ‘‘cold feet’’ nor was it ever about leaving John. Those who know me know how excited I’ve been, and how excited I was about the spectacular wedding we planned, and how I could not wait to be Mrs. John Mason.
In my mind, it was never about the timing, however unfortunate. I was simply running from myself and from certain fears controlling my life.
Each day, I am understanding more about who I am and the issues that influenced me to respond inappropriately. Therefore, I have started professional treatment voluntarily.
I am truly sorry for the troubles I caused, and I offer my deep and sincere apology. I ask for John’s forgiveness and that of his family. I also ask for forgiveness of my family, our friends, our respective churches, our communities and any others I may have offended unintentionally.
I am deeply grateful and appreciative to everyone who responded on my behalf. I thank you for every expression of support and effort. Your sacrifices of time and personal inconvenience touched me deeply, and I hope your spirit of care is not lessened.
I understand that many people wanted to hear from me personally today, and I wanted to be here. However, I look forward to days ahead when I am strong enough to speak for myself.
As John said on countless occasions recently, may we follow the teaching of Scripture, in being kind to one another tenderhearted, forgiving, just as God in Christ forgives us. Thank you.

05-06-2005, 03:45 PM
Tom Smiley is a great pastor... He preaches at Lakewood Baptist church... I love him to death!!!

05-06-2005, 03:46 PM
Bah! I hate church..... that's why part of my mom's mother's Day gift is me goin to church w/ her and taking her to papdeaux's (SP)