View Full Version : PAYPAL IS THE SHIT!!!!!! I THINK!!!!!

05-09-2006, 06:52 PM
I am conducting a test. Can all of you guys paypal me $1?? I am trying to see if I have my account setup right. Adress = [email protected]. Thanks.

05-09-2006, 06:54 PM
only if u sign your car title over to me

05-09-2006, 06:54 PM

05-09-2006, 07:18 PM
yea, but it's really great how it works this way. Trust me

First you have to paypal me 10 bucks

I'll then PP you back 11 bucks.

Then you PP me 100 bucks.

Then I PP you 50 bucks.

Then you PP me 1000 bucks

Then I PP you 500 bucks.

Then you PP me 200 bucks,

Then I PP you 500 bucks.

That way, we both makes profits :)

let me know if you're interested.

05-09-2006, 08:32 PM
we should start our own pyramid... I bet we can all make money.

Grab a few OG IA members


05-09-2006, 08:37 PM
lol....good idea.

Master Shake
05-09-2006, 09:07 PM
seems like a good way to make money off everyone without really asking for it.
like a good way to bum and not make it obvious.

05-10-2006, 12:35 PM
Troo. Imagine 20 guys in a "group" (kinda like a bday club). Once a week, all 20 guys send $50 to one of the members. That's $950 for mods (50x19). Every1 rotates. The key is making sure that EVERY1 particiaptes and does not come up w/ "no money this week" excuses. Good stuff.

05-10-2006, 12:37 PM
Troo. Imagine 20 guys in a "group" (kinda like a bday club). Once a week, all 20 guys send $50 to one of the members. That's $950 for mods (50x19). Every1 rotates. The key is making sure that EVERY1 particiaptes and does not come up w/ "no money this week" excuses. Good stuff.
pshhh... lol as soon as i get my 950 i'd drop that shit and flee town

05-10-2006, 12:44 PM
And THAT is how you get your ass whooped. LOL. That would be a dumb move anyway. If you were patient then your time would come around again... it's an investment... "some" people do not know the meaning of the word. In essence you'd be paying for your OWN mods, but at an accelerated rate... making a comment like that means that you're not doing that math for the LONG run.

05-10-2006, 12:50 PM
And THAT is how you get your ass whooped. LOL. That would be a dumb move anyway. If you were patient then your time would come around again... it's an investment... "some" people do not know the meaning of the word. In essence you'd be paying for your OWN mods, but at an accelerated rate... making a comment like that means that you're not doing that math for the LONG run.
not exactly... Not very practical at all... Think about it man.

If want to do something safer, easier and better... get a loan out for 1k :)
say you have a year to pay it off w/o interest(or low), for example....

now in 12 weeks, say you're in your little scheme... 50 bux a week, you just paid 600 bux or like 65% of what your goal was... money wasted... Your chance might've not even necessarily come yet either... So 600 bux in the hole, with nothing to show for it.
sure theres a flip every 5 months, but you just put in 1k during that 5 months lol, kinda defeats the purpose... if you can afford 1k in 5 months, you can more than afford to take out a loan
And then the next thing is... all it takes is 1 person to fuck up, and for each fuckup YOU LOSE MONEY lol fuck that my money isn't going in no ones hands.
20 people, u know one of them will hit some sort of $ probs and has to drop.

05-10-2006, 12:54 PM
I make $44/hr, I do not need the scheme. I just responded to it b/c Julio mentioned a pyramid. :) It's just conversation my man.

05-10-2006, 06:37 PM
Troo. Imagine 20 guys in a "group" (kinda like a bday club). Once a week, all 20 guys send $50 to one of the members. That's $950 for mods (50x19). Every1 rotates. The key is making sure that EVERY1 particiaptes and does not come up w/ "no money this week" excuses. Good stuff.

I know people who do that in real life.

05-10-2006, 08:42 PM
^I do to! It works out very well when you have people who all can spare $50 a month.

05-10-2006, 08:55 PM
Baby J, found me a job to make that much yet? That's almost twice as my earnings. :D

05-11-2006, 05:59 AM
I know people who do that in real life.

So do I. "Some" people are not seeing the benefits though. LOL. Saul Goode.

^I do to! It works out very well when you have people who all can spare $50 a month.

I was saying a week by my example. But also tat is just an example. I know some people who are doing it w/ WAY more than $50 a week. ;)