View Full Version : Stupidest thing I have EVER done...and I seriously mean that (LONG POST)

05-03-2006, 11:48 PM
-Ok so me and my friend Rico and my Bro matt decide to make these "boats". Why we decide to IDK but it seemed like a thing to do that would keep us busy. I live in Maple Ridge with my parents, and there is a lake behind my house (somewhat in a wooded area) so we figured why not "row our boats" in there. If anybody knows maple ridge they would know the amount of house construction going on towards the back entrance of the neighborhood (thats the part i live in) and with all that work there is a shit load of just free wood in the dumpsters that they have. My dad knows alot of the contractors in the area and grew up with Mark and Mike Alexander. With them doing alot of the construction, we can just go right up to the dumpster and do whatever.
-So my friend and brother go for a "air pocket" boat. With is basically a box with reinforcements on the inside keeping a simple air pocket (later this is called the lone ranger). I go for a flat bottom canoe style that ends up being like 10 feet long and 3 feet deep (later called the beached whale.
Ok so for the story we are building our boats and since like I stated before my dad is a contractor he has a shitload of tools, so we are cutting and drilling, and nail gunning. The drill was a battery powered dewalt and after like 3 batteries ran out, I fetched the nail gun. So since his bout was very easy to build he had all the screws holding his boat together and then the drill ran out so when I got to use it, it was dead. So my boat was held together with nails (bad idea)
-So finally we finish our boats and I luanch mine well the coaking around a small gap broke lose and my boat started to dramatically sink 50 yards away from any land in the middle of a fucking lake. So I started paddling with a peice of wood and my friend comes to save me on his boat. I get my boat to the shallow water around the dock where it sat (AKA "Beached Whale")
-My friend was stuck in the middle of the lake with no way of getting back and had been sitting in the same spot on his 3x3 square block of boat, and swims back to shore (AKA Lone Ranger...it still is in the middle by the way).
So he leaves and My bro and i go back for my boat in the golf cart tie off the boat to the cart...and my batteries all DIE. So i go for the riding lawn mower and tie it off to the golf cart and it gets stuck in mud.
-So the story from here is that I have a boat in the side of the water, a golf cart about 1 foot from the water sitting on a hill, and a lawnmower stuck on a downhill slope in mud, at 11:30 at night. I had started around 8.
Ok so i get my Jeep and drive it through my yard and around a lake and get my lwanmower unstuck. My bro drives that home as I try and get my almost underwater golf cart out of mud. As that happens the rope breaks and I get a 20 foot chain and got that out. I tow the golf cart to the house push it in the garage and go back for my "beached whale" with a sledge hammer and my chains.
-At this point it is around 12:00 a full 4 hours after getting the golf cart stuck. So i am pretty agravated so i just take the sledge hammer and beat two holes all in that shit. Throw the chain in one and oput the other and hual that thing back to my house where it sits halfway in the woods.

This is one of the stupedist ideas I have ever had and certainly will not try this one again :eye: . As for the "Lone Ranger" about 15 minutes ago it sat in the same place in the middle of the lake...alone

Deaf Pimp
05-03-2006, 11:49 PM
So you want a cookie?

05-03-2006, 11:49 PM
OoO and sorry about the long post. just kinda tired and once i started i figured that if I was gonna tell the story why not go ahead and do it now while its still fresh in my mind.

05-03-2006, 11:51 PM
So you want a cookie?
Actually...Im eating oreos

05-03-2006, 11:52 PM
LOL... ahah why didnt utake a paddle on lone ranger

05-03-2006, 11:52 PM
damn to long aint wastin 30 minute out of my life for shit :D :goodjob: :jerkit:

05-03-2006, 11:53 PM
you sir are a dumb ass............ but props for the story

05-03-2006, 11:55 PM
you sir are a dumb ass............ but props for the story

WTF are you doing here? Answer your fucking phone.

05-03-2006, 11:55 PM
take my post back i actually read this crap in less then 5 minutes :D

05-03-2006, 11:57 PM
LOL... ahah why didnt utake a paddle on lone ranger

Started getting pitch black and I aint swimmin out in the middle of that lake in the dark for nothin...I seen a damn beaver at night once and almost shit myself.

05-03-2006, 11:57 PM
Started getting pitch black and I aint swimmin out in the middle of that lake in the dark for nothin...I seen a damn beaver at night once and almost shit myself.
im tlakin bout to begin with... what did u think rafts were self propelled?

05-04-2006, 12:01 AM
^^^lol, i thought he had one when he went out there...:confused: how the fuck did lone ranger get out in the middle?

05-04-2006, 12:02 AM
im tlakin bout to begin with... what did u think rafts were self propelled?

He brought one in with him thats how he got in the middle of the lake. Its just when he was trying to save me from my Titanic of a boat his paddle fell in . Since we were moving in opposite directions when he dropped it our boats kept drifting farther and farther until I came close enough to shore so that I could force my boat to hit bottom, and he just kinda stopped.

05-04-2006, 12:04 AM
RG, have any more tokyo drift people surveys lately??

05-04-2006, 12:06 AM
RG, have any more tokyo drift people surveys lately??
newp, ill be there 5-8 tomorow tho

05-04-2006, 12:10 AM
ah. im 830-530 tomorrow. i turned in my 2 week notice today so im getting the fuck outta dmills. we should go grab some HS around 120 tomorrow man

05-04-2006, 12:25 AM
bhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahaha hahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahah ahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha hhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahaha hahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahah ahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbhaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahah ahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahaha hahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhah ahahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahah ahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahah ahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahb hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahah ahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahaha hahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhah hhahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahah ahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahah ahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahaha hahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahah ahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhaha hahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahah ahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbh ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahaha hahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahah ahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahh hahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahah ahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahah ahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahaha hahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahah ahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahahah hahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahaha hahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahah ahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahah ahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhhahahahaha hahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhh ahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahahahahahahah ahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahahbhahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahhahhhahahahahahahahahahahahah

05-04-2006, 12:29 AM
are you sure this is the stupidest stunt you have ever done? cause some shit like this i doubt this is the only one :goodjob:

fight club
05-04-2006, 01:03 AM
hahahahahahahahah wow. amazing ideas.

05-04-2006, 01:05 AM
hahahahahahahahah wow. amazing ideas.

but stupid....correct?

Fake QD®
05-04-2006, 01:10 AM
Didnt read it because it is so damn long but knowing you it probably had somekind of weird scatophelic fantasy being played out. Later QD.

05-04-2006, 01:12 AM
Didnt read it because it is so damn long but knowing you it probably had somekind of weird scatophelic fantasy being played out. Later QD.
if you really want ppl to think youre QD at least put the comma after Later. Later, AI.

Fake QD®
05-04-2006, 01:14 AM
if you really want ppl to think youre QD at least put the comma after Later. Later, AI.

Its 2:15 in the morning. What you think that I give a shit? Later, QD.

05-04-2006, 01:15 AM

B16a2 Civic
05-04-2006, 07:33 AM
this is why people make fun of Columbus

05-04-2006, 06:59 PM
if you really want ppl to think youre QD at least put the comma after Later. Later, AI.

HAHAHAH!!!. later, SS.

05-04-2006, 07:35 PM

05-04-2006, 08:00 PM
Didnt read it because it is so damn long but knowing you it probably had somekind of weird scatophelic fantasy being played out. Later QD.

EXACTLY... :goodjob:

b@d @pple
05-04-2006, 10:52 PM
why the fuck do people choose to abbreviate certain phrases...ie..i dont know with IDK but continue to post a fuckin novel about some retarded mind numbing shit..eat a fuckin dic and die in a fire..now

05-04-2006, 11:44 PM
that is fucking awesome!!! Finding something to do in columbus!

05-05-2006, 03:29 PM
why the fuck do people choose to abbreviate certain phrases...ie..i dont know with IDK but continue to post a fuckin novel about some retarded mind numbing shit..eat a fuckin dic and die in a fire..now

Wow dude u got some anger problems dont u... :rant:

B16a2 Civic
05-05-2006, 03:33 PM
bwahaha, QD is crazy

05-05-2006, 08:20 PM
-Ok so me and my friend Rico and my Bro matt decide to make these "boats". Why we decide to IDK but it seemed like a thing to do that would keep us busy. I live in Maple Ridge with my parents, and there is a lake behind my house (somewhat in a wooded area) so we figured why not "row our boats" in there. If anybody knows maple ridge they would know the amount of house construction going on towards the back entrance of the neighborhood (thats the part i live in) and with all that work there is a shit load of just free wood in the dumpsters that they have. My dad knows alot of the contractors in the area and grew up with Mark and Mike Alexander. With them doing alot of the construction, we can just go right up to the dumpster and do whatever.
-So my friend and brother go for a "air pocket" boat. With is basically a box with reinforcements on the inside keeping a simple air pocket (later this is called the lone ranger). I go for a flat bottom canoe style that ends up being like 10 feet long and 3 feet deep (later called the beached whale.
Ok so for the story we are building our boats and since like I stated before my dad is a contractor he has a shitload of tools, so we are cutting and drilling, and nail gunning. The drill was a battery powered dewalt and after like 3 batteries ran out, I fetched the nail gun. So since his bout was very easy to build he had all the screws holding his boat together and then the drill ran out so when I got to use it, it was dead. So my boat was held together with nails (bad idea)
-So finally we finish our boats and I luanch mine well the coaking around a small gap broke lose and my boat started to dramatically sink 50 yards away from any land in the middle of a fucking lake. So I started paddling with a peice of wood and my friend comes to save me on his boat. I get my boat to the shallow water around the dock where it sat (AKA "Beached Whale")
-My friend was stuck in the middle of the lake with no way of getting back and had been sitting in the same spot on his 3x3 square block of boat, and swims back to shore (AKA Lone Ranger...it still is in the middle by the way).
So he leaves and My bro and i go back for my boat in the golf cart tie off the boat to the cart...and my batteries all DIE. So i go for the riding lawn mower and tie it off to the golf cart and it gets stuck in mud.
-So the story from here is that I have a boat in the side of the water, a golf cart about 1 foot from the water sitting on a hill, and a lawnmower stuck on a downhill slope in mud, at 11:30 at night. I had started around 8.
Ok so i get my Jeep and drive it through my yard and around a lake and get my lwanmower unstuck. My bro drives that home as I try and get my almost underwater golf cart out of mud. As that happens the rope breaks and I get a 20 foot chain and got that out. I tow the golf cart to the house push it in the garage and go back for my "beached whale" with a sledge hammer and my chains.
-At this point it is around 12:00 a full 4 hours after getting the golf cart stuck. So i am pretty agravated so i just take the sledge hammer and beat two holes all in that shit. Throw the chain in one and oput the other and hual that thing back to my house where it sits halfway in the woods.

This is one of the stupedist ideas I have ever had and certainly will not try this one again :eye: . As for the "Lone Ranger" about 15 minutes ago it sat in the same place in the middle of the lake...alone

Your fucking nuts.

Im not reading all that shit.