View Full Version : its 508am wtf why are birds chirping?

04-26-2006, 04:08 AM
so yea its dark as hell outside :confused:

04-26-2006, 04:08 AM
they've been starting pretty early, yesterday when i went for a walk at 6am they were goin' friggin' crazy. guess it's the end of the world.

04-26-2006, 04:10 AM
wouldnt that be fun

04-26-2006, 04:13 AM
It's quite here, but I still have a bunch of feathers on my lawn. Thank you .177cal

04-26-2006, 04:16 AM

that reminds me of the scene where jamal and ocirus (sp?) from "how high" feathers everywhere in the deans office!

04-26-2006, 05:12 AM
oh i forgot to tell you guys. i put crack in the air... that would explain it...

04-26-2006, 08:50 AM
I have had geese flying back north wake me up the last few mornings. :mad:

04-26-2006, 08:52 AM
I have had geese flying back north wake me up the last few mornings. :mad:

Is that why I haven't been seeing as many ducks as I normally do at the river? lol

04-26-2006, 08:57 AM
b/c of the time change...

04-26-2006, 10:20 AM
stupid birds, don't they know the time changed? :rolleyes:

04-26-2006, 10:22 AM
there is a bird in the tree by my house that goes off 24/7 its sounds like one of those car alarms that make the different noises

The Ren
04-26-2006, 10:25 AM
You guys get birds.. I have cars....usually they arnt bad unless there is something huge going on a RA.. then its loud

04-26-2006, 04:36 PM
birds need some "act right"

04-26-2006, 04:42 PM
yea in my hood those motherfuckers start chirping around 2am drives my fucking crazy.

HeLLo iM iZzY
04-26-2006, 07:46 PM
i dont have much birds round my n-hood...

04-26-2006, 07:55 PM
Looks like Europe has more birds then the US


04-26-2006, 07:58 PM
Looks like Europe has more birds then the US



We dont have to many birds that can make enough noise to wake me up or even hear inside the house except for the blue jays....They get shot with the pellet gun if they wake me up...

Darling Nikki
04-26-2006, 08:00 PM
Birds start chirpin earlier than that....I have been outside at 2 am and they are all loud and stuff

04-26-2006, 08:02 PM
Birds start chirpin earlier than that....I have been outside at 2 am and they are all loud and stuff

There arent any birds chirping around my house til prolly about 7am or so. I would 2nd shift so I dont see 7am very often...

We do have a wiperwill that goes all night long though.