View Full Version : 100 Years Ago.......

04-17-2006, 08:41 AM
The year is 1906.
One hundred years ago.
What a difference a century makes!

Here are some of the U.S. statistics for the Year 1906:

The average life expectancy in the U.S. was 47 years.

Only 14 percent of the homes in the U.S. had a bathtub.

Only 8 percent of the homes had a telephone.

A three-minute call from Denver to New York City cost eleven dollars.

There were only 8,000 cars in the U.S., and only 144 miles of paved roads.

The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 mph.

Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa, and Tennessee were each more heavily populated than California.

With a mere 1.4 million people, California was only the 21st most populous state in the Union.

The tallest structure in the world was the Eiffel Tower!?

The average wage in the U.S. was 22 cents per hour.

The average U.S. worker made between $200 and $400 per year.

A competent accountant could expect to earn $2,000 per year, a dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and a mechanical engineer about $5,000 per year.

More than 95 percent of all births in the U.S. took place at home.

Ninety percent of all U.S. doctors had no college education.

Instead, they attended so-called medical schools, many of which were condemned in the press and by the government as "substandard."

Sugar cost four cents a pound.

Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen.

Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.

Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used borax or egg yolks for shampoo.

Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason.

Five leading causes of death in the U.S. were:

1. Pneumonia and influenza

2. Tuberculosis
3. Diarrhea

4. Heart disease

5. Stroke

The American flag had 45 stars.

Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Hawaii, and Alaska hadn't been admitted to the Union yet.

The population of Las Vegas, Nevada, was only 30 !!!

Crossword puzzles, canned beer, and ice tea hadn't been invented yet.

There was no Mother's Day or Father's Day.

Two out of every 10 U.S. adults couldn't read or write.

Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high school.

Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at the local corner drugstores. Back then pharmacist said, "Heroin clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health."

Eighteen percent of households in the U.S. had at least one full-time servant or domestic help.

There were about 230 reported murders in the entire U.S.

SO, just think, I forwarded this from someone else without typing it myself, and sent it to you in a matter of seconds!
What might it be like in another 100 years?

Mike Lowrey
04-17-2006, 08:42 AM
Interesteing info, but......

I thought that:

100 years ago.......Brett was born. :D

04-17-2006, 08:46 AM
Diarehha was leading cause of death?

04-17-2006, 08:47 AM
Interesteing info, but......

I thought that:

100 years ago.......Brett was born. :D

I knew posting this within the first 2 replies someone would say that.... I figured it would have been Justin though :D

04-17-2006, 08:49 AM
brett witnessed all of this from his one room k-12 school house

b@d @pple
04-17-2006, 08:51 AM
I knew posting this within the first 2 replies someone would say that.... I figured it would have been Justin though :D

whats fucked up about that ..i saw the thread and was like damn i gotta say brett was born..but douche beat me to it

04-17-2006, 08:52 AM
^^ See, I knew it!! ;)

04-17-2006, 08:57 AM
that would suck to die in the outhouse..."what happened to him...he was dehydrated. How'd that happen...a real severe case of the shits" lol and the coroner or whatever the people were called back then " I dont want to touch him you touch him. Fuck you...its your turn I cleaned the last one. Oh fuck it we'll just throw him in the casket and say that he is decomposing"

04-17-2006, 09:00 AM
well shit, that makes my grandma old as fuck.....lol i wander if she'll live to be a century old

04-17-2006, 09:16 AM
22 cents a hour ftw....:lmao:

The Golden Child
04-17-2006, 09:38 AM
100 years ago brett was selling Marijuana, heroin, and morphine over the counter at the local corner drugstores.

04-17-2006, 09:43 AM
The year is 1906.
One hundred years ago.

Two out of every 10 U.S. adults couldn't read or write.

or 1 out of 5 :cool:

04-17-2006, 09:44 AM
Brett did you make these up or were you around for most of them

04-17-2006, 09:44 AM
please explain

B16a2 Civic
04-17-2006, 09:52 AM
from the title of this thread, i thought Brett was talkin about teh first time he rode a bike.....100 years ago

04-17-2006, 09:58 AM
yea man, I thought he was gonna explain how he used to stamp tires when he was an apprentice, like back in the day when they made wooden rims and shit

Brett made the first set of 20" wooden spoke rims!!

04-17-2006, 09:58 AM
way to go youngblood

these whippersnappers today dont know about that eh Brett

04-17-2006, 09:59 AM
I think Brett hates me

04-17-2006, 09:59 AM
lol how many old jokes can we get in a single thread? lol i say we do an experiment....

old jokes vs. total number of replies.... and see what the ratio is.......


04-17-2006, 10:00 AM
lol how many old jokes can we get in a single thread? lol i say we do an experiment....

old jokes vs. total number of replies.... and see what the ratio is.......


I have had it done already!! HA HA HA HA HA

They can get the numbers pretty high, trust me on that!!! :lmfao:

04-17-2006, 10:03 AM
I think Brett hates me

You muh boy blue!!!

B16a2 Civic
04-17-2006, 10:05 AM
Brett made the first square tires, he didn't understand how to make them roll

04-17-2006, 10:06 AM
LOL, brett used to sell rims on the black market, back then he could get a bushel of oranges for a set of 4

04-17-2006, 10:06 AM
Brett made the first square tires, he didn't understand how to make them roll

I did eventually, You have tires today!! LOL

04-17-2006, 10:06 AM
See Ricky And B did this a few weeks back!! They did it for like 10 pages!! :lmfao:

B16a2 Civic
04-17-2006, 10:08 AM
Brett is so old, on his resume for first job it says " watered moses plants while he played in teh desert"

04-17-2006, 10:10 AM
yea man, I thought he was gonna explain how he used to stamp tires when he was an apprentice, like back in the day when they made wooden rims and shit

Brett made the first set of 20" wooden spoke rims!!

I set the trend sucka!! LOL

04-17-2006, 10:11 AM
Brett is so old, on his resume for first job it says " watered moses plants while he played in teh desert"

on the resume it said under hobbies and special interests

"all country member of track team with Judas"

"played backup QB to a man named Jesus"

B16a2 Civic
04-17-2006, 10:13 AM
under past experiences he put
" none, was here before all this shit started, matter of fact, for everyone else, they need to put down Brett for past experiences"

04-17-2006, 10:13 AM
I brought the nails to Jesus on his day!! LOL

04-17-2006, 10:29 AM

you gon burn for that one Brett

B16a2 Civic
04-17-2006, 10:30 AM
Bert is a good sport

04-17-2006, 10:32 AM
Ricky, I have a reservation in hell already homie, Thats where all the hoes are gonna be yO!!!
