View Full Version : Misc FFXI?

04-10-2006, 09:25 PM
Anyone play?

04-10-2006, 11:32 PM
It sucks horribly... or atleast it did back when it came out. Also, it's absolutely nothing like any FF game I've ever played.. it's just gay IMO.

04-11-2006, 07:12 AM
installed it...played approx 3 hours, then uninstalled it...disappointment to becalled final fantasy

04-11-2006, 01:49 PM
LOL i am with the two above me. I spent $90 when it first came out for computer, installed it and played it and shit. Comes iwth two discs one for the MMORPG game and one for the Final Fantasy Card game, which was fun, but within 5 hours of playing i the game i snapped the MMORPG CD becuase it SUCKED! that game is fucking horrible!

04-11-2006, 02:18 PM
This thread makes me laugh. I have heard the same thing, but I have never played it. I a couple friends that played it til they died once lost about 3 weeks worth of XP and they quit.

04-11-2006, 05:35 PM
I spent about $500 on the game...

I had 6 copies of the game, included

1 Japanese Version
4 PC Versions
1 PS2 Version

It was a good game, people who said it sucked just haven't actually sat down and played a serious game...this game is a serious game, it's not a casual gamer who likes to play Madden NFL 2XXX (insert year here).

I probably put like 3 years into the game... and don't regret a minute of it... I got my money's worth.... if you know what I mean.

04-11-2006, 05:38 PM
and that 3 weeks worth of EXP... I call bs... anyone who talks this game down I guarentee ...you have not played the game for more than 7 days gameplay (That's 24 hours x 7)

I stick up for this game because it's an elitist game, sort of like separating the casual players who look for instant results vs. the people who actually build and train... it's not meant to be finished overnight...for sakes you are paying to play and your character... you will get attached to it if you spent days/months/years making it.

No game can compare to it... if you want to get down onto nerd levels, I will say I have played this game through and through, but I quit recently due to school and work.

You can't enjoy this game if you have a life, school, work, girlfriend, or wife. Forget it.

Again , this is the absolute most hardcore game to date in terms of hours spent to build your character, ever.

04-11-2006, 08:44 PM
^^^^^WOW, you have no clue what you are talking about. i have spent 4 years playing EQ ( Everquest), 2 1/2 playing Star Wars galaxies, and a year playing WoW. Ihave also played FFXI, City of heros, Matric Online, Lineage II, EQ2. So dont tell me my opinions of the game are wrong becuase they are not. FFXI SUCKED ASS!!!!! You play lvl 1-30 in one zone 30-45 in another zone and everything past ther ein the last zone. The game had no depth. Putting Jap. speaking chars on the same server as American speaking people, made the game twice as unfun. There was no individuality in the game at all. Everyon lookd the same. Trust me if i would have spent 24 playing that game, by the end i would have started sending death threats to the makers of the game. I will give it the only thing that made it fun was the side game the Final Fantasy Card Game which was fun as hell. Other than that the GAME SUCKED!!!!!!!

Oh an dthe best game out there that actually lets you LIVE a second life online is Star Wars, they had that figured down to the economy. Thre was no better though out game than that. But due to SOE not listening to its customers, that game will de literally dead by 07. Seeing as how every server has less than 1k of people on it. But probably the most fun game out there is World of Warcraft. That is probably the best RP game out there. but still nothing beats out Star Wars and its creativity.

04-11-2006, 10:52 PM
....FFXI has more depth than any MMO to date, you haven't even explored/researched/played the game enough to know

EQ is not nearly as hardcore as FFXI... the only reason why you say EQ is hardcore is because dumbasses kill themselves because they accidentally deleted their character

SWG was downhill after they let everyone become a jedi, don't even bring that crap in here saying it was a quality MMO.

World of Warcraft is filled with 12 year olds at endgame crying about who gets the loot and who should get what... instead of concentrating on unity and sharing.

If you think Tetra Master was fun on POL...you haven't played Final Fantasy VIII (that's Final Fantasy 8) for PSX, and you seriously don't know anything about MMO's... sit down.

American games are all about playing solo and beating games in less than a year/month depending on the "depth"

Other countries focus on unity, which most Americans don't do... they are "independent" and divided.

04-11-2006, 10:53 PM
If FFXI sucked so much, how come the people who actually spent the time to play the game enjoy it? maybe because you have no patience to sit down and play the game, you use other games to set the standard and expect instant results...

I have had tons of friends in FFXI who once played EQ and agreed that FFXI was better/more hardcore than EQ ever was...so don't try to flower other MMO's as "better"... stick to your console games.

04-11-2006, 10:55 PM
Oh yeah, there's something called an Auto-Translate function, but I guess you never figured out to learn the entire system?

I'm not sure if you know this, but everyone else can speak more than one language in the rest of the world, so why don't you take some time to learn another language? Learning the Japanese language was never a disadvantage.

04-11-2006, 10:56 PM
You spent $90 on the game? The game retailed at $50 for PC... did you buy it off of ebay or something? There was no collector's edition for FFXI.

04-11-2006, 10:58 PM
You can spend years doing something, but how much time in those years did you spend playing the game? For all I know, you could've played 10 minutes a day for 3 years and that's why you're so mad...the game requires dedication, which you do not have.

04-12-2006, 01:30 AM
Hey Outphase, go off yourself. Just because someone happens to think the game sucks major cock'n'balls, doesn't mean they don't know what they are talking about, or makes the opinion invalid. Get over your "elitist" ego, and shut the fuck up. k thx.

omg omg the game is so hardcore, wowwowowowow, just shut the fuck up... it's a game, (a shitty one at that) quit talking about it like it's a fucking way of life.

04-12-2006, 05:26 PM
Hey guess what... you don't know anything about the game.

04-12-2006, 05:38 PM
Hey guess what... you don't know anything about the game.

I know all I needed to know.. There's no point in trying to get too far into a game that obviously sucks. I gave the game a week, thats MORE than enough time to find out if a game is worth paying monthly for.

04-12-2006, 05:44 PM
That's why they give you 30 Days free. Don't lie.

04-12-2006, 09:10 PM
I know all I needed to know.. There's no point in trying to get too far into a game that obviously sucks. I gave the game a week, thats MORE than enough time to find out if a game is worth paying monthly for.

WOW same here i gave it enough time to know it was going to suck ass.

Also dont tell me i dont know MMORPS's!!!1 I have played evreyone out there. Also i will agree with you saying that SOE's "jedi" idea lead to the down-fall of SWG. But before that the game was unsirpassable!!!! There was no better game ever thought out. They had the way of life, housing, clothing, professions, economy, and even fighting system, and even forced there to be unity. You couldnt go on in the game without friends! FFXI was stupid, and had very little thought into it. Also you preach that the game was so great, but if you look at any poll it shows that FFXI was the lowest rated MMORPG out there! and had the lowest population!

04-12-2006, 11:52 PM
Guess what... you don't know what you're talking about.

04-13-2006, 02:12 AM
Guess what... you don't know what you're talking about.
:bowdown: Oh god of video games. Companies are lucky the have people like you to buy their shitty games. At least you like them. Can't say the same for a single other person I have ever talked to.

04-13-2006, 04:16 PM
And you probably have an xbox with all the madden games because they have updated stats? or is it the basketball games you buy?

04-13-2006, 04:18 PM
I played it for about a year...I thought it was pretty cool till you got to the higher levels, then its a bitch to find a party unless you are a mage with the money for the best equip and spells....I was a sam/war...and could not get any higher then level 32, so I said fuck this, I was wasting so much time just sitting there waiting for a party. this game is good when you actually know people who play it and have certain days you play to lvl up. I did like it though

04-13-2006, 10:29 PM
WOW someone who aggreed with FuckPhase here!!!!! well looks liek its 10-2 know!!! :dunno:

04-13-2006, 11:07 PM
If FFXI sucked so much, how come the people who actually spent the time to play the game enjoy it? maybe because you have no patience to sit down and play the game, you use other games to set the standard and expect instant results...

I have had tons of friends in FFXI who once played EQ and agreed that FFXI was better/more hardcore than EQ ever was...so don't try to flower other MMO's as "better"... stick to your console games.

Maybe the people who enjoy it say its great cause they spent all the time playing? not the other way around. If you go on EQ2... all the ppl doing the highend stuff are going to say EQ2 is best. same for WoW and EVERY OTHER MMRPG.

I played EQ for 4 years. and WoW for a solid year. There isnt an MMPRG out there right now that i enjoy enough to continue to play, however, i'm going to give FFXI another chance when it comes out on Xbox360. But, I'm not going to sit there and suffer through hour upon day upon month if all that sucks to get to the high end content.

Most MMRPGs work this way... Get in when its created and play from the start and stick with it through every xpansoin and you'll love it. Get in and try to play catch up and struggle to finaly get to high end content, and you'll hate it. Generally speaking.

None-the-less, quit acting like a God among Nerds. Your not God. Your just the crazy guy standing on a soap box on the corner in Atlanta screaming "Repent now, the end is ear" if even that

04-13-2006, 11:21 PM
I always thought that Matrix Online looked interesting...has anyone tried that?

04-14-2006, 12:22 AM
^^^^^WOW, you have no clue what you are talking about. i have spent 4 years playing EQ ( Everquest), 2 1/2 playing Star Wars galaxies, and a year playing WoW. Ihave also played FFXI, City of heros, Matrix Online, Lineage II, EQ2.


04-14-2006, 12:23 AM
And you probably have an xbox with all the madden games because they have updated stats? or is it the basketball games you buy?

Haha, dont play sports games, and I will always game on my PC. Nice try though, I know it must be strange to learn that you don't know as much about games as you thought. :lmfao:

04-14-2006, 01:19 AM
I always thought that Matrix Online looked interesting...has anyone tried that?

it's alright for awhile. by the time the free month is up you'll have got about all your going to out of it.

04-14-2006, 09:49 AM
it's alright for awhile. by the time the free month is up you'll have got about all your going to out of it.

dam man, thats what i did, i played through the free 30 days, and was like, man this is boring. Its got some pretty fun fight programs, but other than that its not a game that you would want to get "into"

04-14-2006, 10:28 AM
dam man, thats what i did, i played through the free 30 days, and was like, man this is boring. Its got some pretty fun fight programs, but other than that its not a game that you would want to get "into"
is it true that the story plays off of the last movie?

04-14-2006, 01:33 PM
is it true that the story plays off of the last movie?

No it starts out from the 1st movie. You start out with a crappy red pill blue pill scene, and listen as Morpheus and Trinity track you on video, and then you kind ajust get pulled into the game. IT was nt the worst mmorpg by far, but it was no where near the best. THe only thing i really liked about it was its fight system, that was pretty tight.

04-14-2006, 05:05 PM
well... it does kind of branch off the last movie, cause neo is missing/dead... or atleast thats as far as the ingame story was when i got into it.

04-14-2006, 05:16 PM
well... it does kind of branch off the last movie, cause neo is missing/dead... or atleast thats as far as the ingame story was when i got into it.
Thats what i thought. In the matrix movie dvd i have it talks about the game some.

04-15-2006, 03:38 PM
Yep... so you mean to tell me everyone who has played FFXI has been wasting their time? The best thing about FFXI is that there's no high-level newbie kids who whine about loot... aka World of Warcraft or Insert Random MMO here.

FFXI was not meant to appeal to American gamers who enjoy "solo" play and "instant" level up results.

FFXI is focused on unity, elitism, and crucial gameplay... rather than just button mashing and allowing for tons of screw ups to go through without any penalties.

Again, just because you played (insert random game here) for a week and thought it sucked, doesn't mean you actually knew what you were doing.

Games have these things called learning curves where you learn how to play the game. You can't sit there and say you learned how to play FFXI in a week and said it sucked, if you have... then explain in detail how the game is supposed to be played.

04-15-2006, 07:59 PM
FFXI is focused on unity, elitism, and crucial gameplay... rather than just button mashing and allowing for tons of screw ups to go through without any penalties.

man, just shut your mouth already. You act like this is a damn religoius debate or something.

and once again. what your describing is how EVERY MMORPG's END-GAME CONTENT IS!!!! so, shut up already.

04-15-2006, 09:08 PM
hell i'll start playing again if anyone else wants too :) I thought the game was fun when you had a static party

04-15-2006, 09:32 PM
man, just shut your mouth already. You act like this is a damn religoius debate or something.

and once again. what your describing is how EVERY MMORPG's END-GAME CONTENT IS!!!! so, shut up already.


I mean god every MMORPG is like that. You lvl fast, solo or gropu wise, and then when you get to the end its nothing but button mashing. i mean shit i am still glad i didnt keep with FFXI becuase if i would have gotten to the end i would have been 300lbs, without a girl and a life. So this is why Outphase is agruing so his meaningless life doesnt seem to meaningless!

04-16-2006, 01:45 AM
Yep... so you mean to tell me everyone who has played FFXI has been wasting their time? The best thing about FFXI is that there's no high-level newbie kids who whine about loot... aka World of Warcraft or Insert Random MMO here.

FFXI was not meant to appeal to American gamers who enjoy "solo" play and "instant" level up results.

FFXI is focused on unity, elitism, and crucial gameplay... rather than just button mashing and allowing for tons of screw ups to go through without any penalties.

Again, just because you played (insert random game here) for a week and thought it sucked, doesn't mean you actually knew what you were doing.

Games have these things called learning curves where you learn how to play the game. You can't sit there and say you learned how to play FFXI in a week and said it sucked, if you have... then explain in detail how the game is supposed to be played.

The whole point of playing games is for fun/entertainment, it shouldn't be like work. If the game can't even keep me entertained for a week, there's no way i'm going to waste my time/money trying to find something fun about the game. /end topic. Fine, you love FFXI, good for you, glad you enjoy it, definatly not a game for me, but that doesn't make me "lesser" than you as you seem to be implying.

04-16-2006, 08:04 AM
Pretty much shows how ignorant all of you actually are... you have no idea how much money I've made off of this game. (I'm talking real money), so just because I sound like I'm serious, maybe it's because I am? People dumber than you are willing to pay for virtual currency in exchange for real money because they're too lazy to spend time to get money.

04-16-2006, 10:34 AM
Well damn, If anyone wants to or still plays let me know so I can get you into our server.

04-16-2006, 10:49 AM
Pretty much shows how ignorant all of you actually are... you have no idea how much money I've made off of this game. (I'm talking real money), so just because I sound like I'm serious, maybe it's because I am? People dumber than you are willing to pay for virtual currency in exchange for real money because they're too lazy to spend time to get money.

Congratulations Outhpase...

04-16-2006, 10:53 AM
Don't know why you goons are even posting in this thread if you hate the game...

04-16-2006, 10:57 AM
Don't know why you goons are even posting in this thread if you hate the game...
i really dont have anything better to do :) My GF is alseep on the couch... and i'm waitin for everyone to get home from service so i can eat lunch with family

And we like provoking you into further making yourself look like a goober.


like this. You cant give negative Rep when youve got no positive rep.

Shit, I actualy said i'm going to play again.

04-16-2006, 11:10 AM
Oh wow... see my careface :|

Honestly out of all the posts made between 3 threads...all of them against me were because you guys disagreed with my opinions, then furthered your disagreement by following up with negative feedback and pointless pictures.

04-16-2006, 11:18 AM
Oh wow... see my careface :|

Honestly out of all the posts made between 3 threads...all of them against me were because you guys disagreed with my opinions, then furthered your disagreement by following up with negative feedback and pointless pictures.

hey your the one argueing around yourself. Shit we under stand that you use that game as your dildo, thats no problem to each his own. But we are all jsut voicing our opinions a to how bad this game sucked, and of the 15 different people who have agreed your the only one to disagree!

04-16-2006, 11:19 AM
i really dont have anything better to do :) My GF is alseep on the couch... and i'm waitin for everyone to get home from service so i can eat lunch with family

And we like provoking you into further making yourself look like a goober.


like this. You cant give negative Rep when youve got no positive rep.

Shit, I actualy said i'm going to play again.

BUHAHAHHAHAHAHA he tried to neg rep me and it didnt even count!!!!! BUHAHAHAHAH least i know i was the one who put him in the red a ew days ago!

04-16-2006, 11:19 AM
Oh wow... see my careface :|

Honestly out of all the posts made between 3 threads...all of them against me were because you guys disagreed with my opinions, then furthered your disagreement by following up with negative feedback and pointless pictures.
its not a simple disagreement, i'm sorry that you dont see it. You make comments where you attempt to elevate yourself with the game above anything/anyone else. And this is Importatlanta for crying out loud lol. When people come on here and talk shit they get it right back. so quit acting like you created the concept of the MMO, and quit downtalking everything and everyone.

heres a quick list of some of the dumbass things youve said.

-It was a good game, people who said it sucked just haven't actually sat down and played a serious game...this game is a serious game, it's not a casual gamer who likes to play Madden NFL 2XXX (insert year here).

-No game can compare to it... if you want to get down onto nerd levels

-Again , this is the absolute most hardcore game to date in terms of hours spent to build your character, ever.

-FFXI has more depth than any MMO to date, you haven't even explored/researched/played the game enough to know

-EQ is not nearly as hardcore as FFXI... the only reason why you say EQ is hardcore is because dumbasses kill themselves because they accidentally deleted their character

-World of Warcraft is filled with 12 year olds at endgame crying about who gets the loot and who should get what... instead of concentrating on unity and sharing

-American games are all about playing solo and beating games in less than a year/month depending on the "depth"

-Other countries focus on unity, which most Americans don't do... they are "independent" and divided.

-maybe because you have no patience to sit down and play the game, you use other games to set the standard and expect instant results...

-I have had tons of friends in FFXI who once played EQ and agreed that FFXI was better/more hardcore than EQ ever was...so don't try to flower other MMO's as "better"... stick to your console games.

-but I guess you never figured out to learn the entire system

-the game requires dedication, which you do not have.

-Hey guess what... you don't know anything about the game

-Guess what... you don't know what you're talking about.

-And you probably have an xbox with all the madden games because they have updated stats? or is it the basketball games you buy?

-aka World of Warcraft or Insert Random MMO here.

-FFXI was not meant to appeal to American gamers who enjoy "solo" play and "instant" level up results.

-FFXI is focused on unity, elitism, and crucial gameplay... rather than just button mashing and allowing for tons of screw ups to go through without any penalties.

-Games have these things called learning curves where you learn how to play the game

-Pretty much shows how ignorant all of you actually are...

04-16-2006, 11:20 AM
BUHAHAHHAHAHAHA he tried to neg rep me and it didnt even count!!!!! BUHAHAHAHAH least i know i was the one who put him in the red a ew days ago!
*high five* lol

+1 to you haha

04-16-2006, 11:26 AM
*high five* lol

+1 to you haha

check your reps fool!!!!!

04-16-2006, 11:58 AM
I'm actually impressed you collected my posts together and consolidated them into one big post. Thanks! :)

04-17-2006, 02:54 PM
I loved FFXI imo one of the best mmo to date the story was great game play was a bit unique to other mmo's and when you finally made it to a new city I actually felt like i made it some where I only stopped playing because I only had one friend that played and he was hardly ever able to play at the same time. Oh for the person that said he would be 300lbs and have no girl when we had finished the game I never gained any weight and had gotten engaged all while spending 30+ hours a week playing its all about time movement

04-17-2006, 03:11 PM
Yeah... they just make excuses and reasons as to why they can't do it versus why they can.

04-17-2006, 04:35 PM
Yeah... they just make excuses and reasons as to why they can't do it versus why they can.


04-17-2006, 05:56 PM
Yeah... they just make excuses and reasons as to why they can't do it versus why they can.
30 hours is a normal week for me playing any MMRPG. once again... i put in well over that back when Kunark came out for Everquest. And easily over that when wow first came out.

04-17-2006, 06:30 PM

Internet is serious business.

04-17-2006, 06:34 PM
Honestly take this thread to any game-related forum and you guys would get waxed. Don't be so foolish.

04-17-2006, 06:38 PM
Back on the subject of your "godlike" MMO... SWG...

Why was the very first patch over 1 gig? Maybe because they released the game with it about... 5% done. With every patch release, the game got shittier, don't even sit there and try to make it sound awesome.

FFXI > Any MMO that you've played

04-17-2006, 06:41 PM
i play if anybody is in the world ramuh send me a /tell
my name is reignmaker! :goodjob:

04-17-2006, 06:42 PM
Oh shit son, you play Ramuh? I got home boys up on there...lmao

Alode is my boy...he's on that server... I was going to start up with him, but eh... someone said there's a new server coming out.

04-17-2006, 06:43 PM
TransAxle, you seriously talk alot of shit... Don't hide behind the computer screen for too long.

04-17-2006, 06:43 PM
ive played with him a few times and i think i was n one of his LS's. but i definitly know the name

04-17-2006, 06:57 PM
TransAxle, you seriously talk alot of shit... Don't hide behind the computer screen for too long.
dude your such a fucking idiot. Quit trying to start fights cause someone doesnt like your video game.

04-17-2006, 07:26 PM
The bottle in your car says otherwise

04-17-2006, 08:18 PM
Okay to the point....your a fucking idiot!!!! WE HAVE STABLISHED THAT MOST OF US HATE THIS GAME.....GOOD FOR YOU FOR LIKING IT know if you learn to read i never said SWG was the BEST mmo out there i jsut said it beats out FFXI anyday!!!!! Same with EQ and WoW!!!! maybe your jsut a dumbass for thinking all the other games sucked in comparison to FFXI

04-17-2006, 11:41 PM
The bottle in your car says otherwise
lol now your just being a little bitch and proving you dont know as much as you think you do.

lemme guess... i'm going to ruin my motor and blow up my car? Just because your losing the debate at hand doesnt mean you can pull something else in, which by the way, you are still wrong about haha

04-18-2006, 11:11 AM
I don't understand either one of you and your thought processes...if there even a thought process before you speak.

04-18-2006, 12:22 PM
I don't understand either one of you and your thought processes...if there even a thought process before you speak.

you need to learn to /endlife before you type!

04-18-2006, 05:16 PM
Wow you're so witty, honestly did you even get your High School Diploma? You can't type for shit.

04-18-2006, 05:19 PM
I don't understand either one of you and your thought processes...if there even a thought process before you speak.
let em put this in lamens terms for ya then.

By knocking nitrous and saying i'm not smart for installing it in my vehicle, you demonstrate that you dont really know much about Nitrous. But since you still made a comment about it, with it obvious you know nothing about nitrous, it makes you look not so smart. And gives doubt that you know much about cars.

Then when you made a comment about my nitrous you were going off topic from the game. I, and i'm sure many others also, believe you were going off topic because you are losing the debate at hand and couldnt come up with anything more inteligent to say than "The bottle in your car says otherwise", turning the debate into name calling.

I hope that straightens everything out for ya and i aplogize for complicating, or "smarting-it-up" for you

04-18-2006, 05:39 PM
Wow you're so witty, honestly did you even get your High School Diploma? You can't type for shit.
and your dumb so?

04-18-2006, 05:48 PM
In other words, you assumed I didn't know anything about nitrous, and when I said the bottle says otherwise, you automatically assumed, no?

04-18-2006, 06:34 PM
In other words, you assumed I didn't know anything about nitrous, and when I said the bottle says otherwise, you automatically assumed, no?
its not an assumption is an Inference. The impression you are trying to give to say that nitrous users are dumb? if so, you are wrong and don't know enough about nitrous to comment on it.

04-18-2006, 09:15 PM
Wow you're so witty, honestly did you even get your High School Diploma? You can't type for shit.

My god dude you remind me of two high school girls bitching and fighting. You just cant let something die, man do the world of a favor and stick loaded shotgun in your mouth and test the trigger!

04-18-2006, 10:30 PM
My god dude you remind me of two high school girls bitching and fighting. You just cant let something die, man do the world of a favor and stick loaded shotgun in your mouth and test the trigger!
awwwwwwwwh come on man... i'm having fun, and it gives me something to do when i'm at work or at home waiting on something to load. haha

04-18-2006, 10:34 PM
My god dude you remind me of two high school girls bitching and fighting. You just cant let something die, man do the world of a favor and stick loaded shotgun in your mouth and test the trigger!

Maybe because you're still in high school?

04-18-2006, 10:40 PM
Maybe because you're still in high school?
nah... you are acting like a little girl... i see it too

04-18-2006, 11:06 PM
you're all acting like little girls :blah:

04-19-2006, 08:11 AM
Maybe because you're still in high school?

and what makes you think i am still in high school, just becuase you just graduated right before you turned 20 doesnt mean the rest of us are as stupid as you!!!!!

04-19-2006, 10:54 AM
and what makes you think i am still in high school, just becuase you just graduated right before you turned 20 doesnt mean the rest of us are as stupid as you!!!!!

You recalled back to high school, so it must have been just yesterday for you.

04-19-2006, 11:39 AM
You recalled back to high school, so it must have been just yesterday for you.

Well shit am only just 18 so yeah...... for you it probably was jsut yesterday!

But you see how you are losing htis argument and are trying to keep it off the subject, what does me and high school have anything to do with this shitty as game? :dunno:

04-19-2006, 05:49 PM
Well shit am only just 18 so yeah...... for you it probably was jsut yesterday!

But you see how you are losing htis argument and are trying to keep it off the subject, what does me and high school have anything to do with this shitty as game? :dunno:

It proves you never had enough time to learn how to play the game and spend time on the game, you only played 2 hours in a week's time and you thought you made the right conclusion of saying the game sucked. You have no grasp on a game's mechanics or functionality whatsoever.

04-19-2006, 05:51 PM
It proves you never had enough time to learn how to play the game and spend time on the game, you only played 2 hours in a week's time and you thought you made the right conclusion of saying the game sucked. You have no grasp on a game's mechanics or functionality whatsoever.
Apparently he played it enough to decide for himself that he does not like it.

sheesh, why are you making me come back and explain everythign for you?

04-19-2006, 08:25 PM
sorry, but this game looks fucking wicked on the 360...I think I will start playing it again

04-19-2006, 09:23 PM
Apparently he played it enough to decide for himself that he does not like it.

sheesh, why are you making me come back and explain everythign for you?

No Shit!

And for your information if you ever learn to read i said 5 hours on the day i bought it and for me it showed the game sucked! Also i have plenty of grasp on mmorpgs mechanics, and the sad thing is you keep preaching the game, but every well know website i have seen, with all MMORPGS has given FFXI one of the lowest ratings of all the MMO's! to me, i think you HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE ABOUT WHAT MMORPGS REALLY ARE!!!!! so i am done with this conversation i would say you are like arguing with a brick wall, but i would be disgracing the brick wall!

04-19-2006, 10:56 PM
No Shit!

And for your information if you ever learn to read i said 5 hours on the day i bought it and for me it showed the game sucked! Also i have plenty of grasp on mmorpgs mechanics, and the sad thing is you keep preaching the game, but every well know website i have seen, with all MMORPGS has given FFXI one of the lowest ratings of all the MMO's! to me, i think you HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE ABOUT WHAT MMORPGS REALLY ARE!!!!! so i am done with this conversation i would say you are like arguing with a brick wall, but i would be disgracing the brick wall!

If you have a grasp on what MMO's are, you should know that you can't learn an MMO completely in 5 hours... That's like learning a regular Basketball game or Football game.

04-20-2006, 01:48 AM
sorry, but this game looks fucking wicked on the 360...I think I will start playing it again
back on topic...

how do you communicate with people? is there a keyboard you can get for the 360? or is it all thru the head set? do you actualy ply with the people who are playing on laptops?

04-20-2006, 09:01 AM
back on topic...

how do you communicate with people? is there a keyboard you can get for the 360? or is it all thru the head set? do you actualy ply with the people who are playing on laptops?

most liekly it will be networked with all the PS2 people and computer people!

04-20-2006, 09:24 AM
back on topic...

how do you communicate with people? is there a keyboard you can get for the 360? or is it all thru the head set? do you actualy ply with the people who are playing on laptops?

USB keyboard...any universal, and on-screen keyboard. No voice communication or X-Box related interface. It works just like it does on the PS2 / PC

most liekly it will be networked with all the PS2 people and computer people!

Wow, Captain mother fucking obvious. Learn to spell.

04-20-2006, 10:37 AM
USB keyboard...any universal, and on-screen keyboard. No voice communication or X-Box related interface. It works just like it does on the PS2 / PC

Wow, Captain mother fucking obvious. Learn to spell.

WOW, captain mother fucking losing the argument. If and WHen you learn to type the correct way without looking at your hands and typing 90 words a minute, spelling mistakes do happen, and if i am correct, THIS IS NOT A FUCKING ENGLISH CLASS THIS IS THE INTERNET I DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT MY SPELLING!!!!!!!! Dam get back on the topic!

04-20-2006, 11:12 AM
WOW, captain mother fucking losing the argument. If and WHen you learn to type the correct way without looking at your hands and typing 90 words a minute, spelling mistakes do happen, and if i am correct, THIS IS NOT A FUCKING ENGLISH CLASS THIS IS THE INTERNET I DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK ABOUT MY SPELLING!!!!!!!! Dam get back on the topic!

That sentence is not gramatically correct, and if you wanted to make a valid arguement you would write your sentences with somewhat of a structure. In other words, it obviously shows how much of an intelligence level you really are at.

04-20-2006, 11:17 AM
That sentence is not gramatically correct, and if you wanted to make a valid arguement you would write your sentences with somewhat of a structure. In other words, it obviously shows how much of an intelligence level you really are at.

oh god i just dont care anymore. You my friend are the dumbest fuckign person to ever come across these boards. Like EP3 said you are losing this argument and have to try and rag my posts just so that we dont sit here and RAG THIS FUCKING STUPID ASS GAME!!!!

04-20-2006, 12:07 PM
it's not a casual gamer who likes to play Madden NFL 2XXX (insert year here).
So, by your definition...

That sentence is not gramatically correct, and if you wanted to make a valid arguement you would write your sentences with somewhat of a structure. In other words, it obviously shows how much of an intelligence level you really are at.

04-20-2006, 12:11 PM
oh god i just dont care anymore. You my friend are the dumbest fuckign person to ever come across these boards. Like EP3 said you are losing this argument and have to try and rag my posts just so that we dont sit here and RAG THIS FUCKING STUPID ASS GAME!!!!

From what I've seen from your posts, you just post "I palyed tihs gmae fer tree howers and it sux", without any specific details from the game whatsoever, which leads me to believe you have barely even touched the game to know anything about it at all, nor do you have any sort of gaming knowledge to make such critical judgements on whether or not a game is deemed playable or not.

04-20-2006, 12:12 PM
So, by your definition...

It's a complete thought.

04-20-2006, 01:43 PM
You play lvl 1-30 in one zone 30-45 in another zone and everything past ther ein the last zone. The game had no depth. Putting Jap. speaking chars on the same server as American speaking people, made the game twice as unfun. There was no individuality in the game at all. Everyone looked the same.

yep never said why i hated this, once again you proved your self to right as being a dumb fuck!

04-20-2006, 02:42 PM
hey trans u dont play in one zone from lvl 1-30... n00b lol

04-20-2006, 03:05 PM
Yeah....my point exactly... he thinks I'm the idiot here, but he has no idea.

04-20-2006, 04:21 PM
Ive played alot of MMORPG and i played this one. Had a W/Monk until 37. In a way the game is ok, but overall the GAME FUCKING SUCKS

04-20-2006, 05:44 PM
It's a complete thought.

That sentence is not gramatically correct, and if you wanted to make a valid arguement you would write your sentences with somewhat of a structure. In other words, it obviously shows how much of an intelligence level you really are at.

i'm just going with what you said, your sentence wasnt gramatically correct.

*sigh* i'm dont posting here this is getting nowhere, your stuck in your mind set that everyone else was wrong. And i'm sure you'll do something cool like mock me or call me ignorant, but whatever, you can't even argue, all you do is negate everything anyone says. Grow up.

04-21-2006, 06:35 AM
does the 360 have usb ports? not sure, maybe it is all wireless

04-21-2006, 07:23 AM
does the 360 have usb ports? not sure, maybe it is all wireless

2 USB ports in the front, one in the rear. 3 Total.