03-27-2006, 08:56 PM

03-27-2006, 09:01 PM
wasn't there just one last week?

03-27-2006, 09:02 PM
lol what are they going for round two... bahhh WTF, i don't get it... i have a question for you GsrCRX? why are supporting this?

03-27-2006, 09:02 PM
ha our hispanics tried to get off last friday or whatever and we were like sure but you wont have a job the next day!! when is white people day off?

03-27-2006, 09:04 PM
ha our hispanics tried to get off last friday or whatever and we were like sure but you wont have a job the next day!! when is white people day off?

bahhh dayum straight :goodjob:

03-27-2006, 09:04 PM
there was but it was only here on atlkanta, this one is national, every single city on the usa, we, as hispanics, or hispanic decsent like me, are trying to get our point across

03-27-2006, 09:04 PM
lol what are they going for round two... bahhh WTF, i don't get it... i have a question for you GsrCRX? why are supporting this?

03-27-2006, 09:05 PM
thats cool man, by the way, if yall gonna start talking shit here then dont even post, deuce

03-27-2006, 09:06 PM
this should get interesting..

i aint got nothing against any type of people. i understand that many want to come make a better life for themselves and families....just do it the right way. and doint cheat, cause that doesnt get you anywhere....thats all i gotta say.

03-27-2006, 09:06 PM
so what is the point? I have really watched the news or anything but whats the deal?

03-27-2006, 09:07 PM
there was but it was only here on atlkanta, this one is national, every single city on the usa, we, as hispanics, or hispanic decsent like me, are trying to get our point across

I'm sorry what is YOUR POINT??? ok you think illegals should be entitled to gov't aid, free healthcare, free public schools, etc... i'm sorry but they are entitled to NOTHING. you don't pay taxes GO THE FUCK HOME.

question for you why do we have boarders then? why don't we just allow anyone to come to the USA? we'll just open everything up and allow anyone to come here :jerkit:

03-27-2006, 09:10 PM
*note* before someone runs their cock sucker about how i'm racist... i don't think so, i prefer EQUAL OPPORTUNITY HATER. i don't like anyone who leeches off of the gov't WHITE, BLACK, HISPANIC, ILLEGAL, ETC... they don't deserve to live in this great country and live off of the hard working class. :2up:

03-27-2006, 09:10 PM
there was but it was only here on atlkanta, this one is national, every single city on the usa,

I'll go ahead and say bullshit on this. Hail, Los Angeles had 500,000 people by itself protest on that Friday. I know of several cities that did this on the same day. Later, QD.

03-27-2006, 09:10 PM
nah man, like basically they are trying to give a felony to people that are here illegally, and personally i dont think its fair, just my 2 cent, and like what if ur parents were from lets say, italy and they came illegally when u were a baby, and they wouldnt let you go to school cause u are not born here, would you think its fair even though u might consider the usa ur country since u have been here al ur ife???

03-27-2006, 09:11 PM
*note* before someone runs their cock sucker about how i'm racist... i don't think so, i prefer EQUAL OPPORTUNITY HATER. i don't like anyone who leeches off of the gov't WHITE, BLACK, HISPANIC, ILLEGAL, ETC... they don't deserve to live in this great country and live off of the hard working class. :2up:

shhh... we can both be racise together

03-27-2006, 09:11 PM
I agree with paul if your not over here legally you ain't entitled to nothing that me or any other legal american pay taxes for...!!!...like paul said..if your not here legally they need to load your ass up and deport back to where your from...I don't have a problem as long as they are here legally...but for someone to think there entitled to something that someone else works and pays for is just wrong!...Damn people and Damn them wanting there freebies!...

03-27-2006, 09:11 PM
I'm sorry what is YOUR POINT??? ok you think illegals should be entitled to gov't aid, free healthcare, free public schools, etc... i'm sorry but they are entitled to NOTHING. you don't pay taxes GO THE FUCK HOME.

word. like i said...i dont have anything against any one.. just play fair tahts all.

03-27-2006, 09:12 PM
*note* before someone runs their cock sucker about how i'm racist... i don't think so, i prefer EQUAL OPPORTUNITY HATER. i don't like anyone who leeches off of the gov't WHITE, BLACK, HISPANIC, ILLEGAL, ETC... they don't deserve to live in this great country and live off of the hard working class. :2up:

I'm going to have to agree with him. Even if he isn't helping me out.....lolol. Later, QD.

03-27-2006, 09:12 PM
there was but it was only here on atlkanta, this one is national, every single city on the usa, we, as hispanics, or hispanic decsent like me, are trying to get our point across

and your point would be?

03-27-2006, 09:14 PM
nah man, like basically they are trying to give a felony to people that are here illegally, and personally i dont think its fair, just my 2 cent, and like what if ur parents were from lets say, italy and they came illegally when u were a baby, and they wouldnt let you go to school cause u are not born here, would you think its fair even though u might consider the usa ur country since u have been here al ur ife???

See now if you are here illegally then you deserve a felony!!..ITS ILLEGAL!!!!...I mean come on..I sure as hell don't want them in our prisons either cause that still comes from our tax money..send them the hell back home..!! let them make it here legally..And I'm not racist..Ask anyone who knows me..I just want them to have live by the same aspect and rules that i do.!!!..If you want to live in america thats great!...just do it legally!

03-27-2006, 09:15 PM
nah man, like basically they are trying to give a felony to people that are here illegally, and personally i dont think its fair, just my 2 cent, and like what if ur parents were from lets say, italy and they came illegally when u were a baby, and they wouldnt let you go to school cause u are not born here, would you think its fair even though u might consider the usa ur country since u have been here al ur ife???


1. Prohibited by law.
2. Prohibited by official rules: an illegal pass in football.
3. Unacceptable to or not performable by a computer: an illegal operation.

Whats there not to understand? You do something illegal then you pay the price in any aspect of the law

03-27-2006, 09:16 PM
my question is, Do you truly support and believe in allowing illegals into the country or are you just jumping on the bandwagon to show everyone your overwhelming hispanic pride?

03-27-2006, 09:17 PM
See now if you are here illegally then you deserve a felony!!..ITS ILLEGAL!!!!...I mean come on..I sure as hell don't want them in our prisons either cause that still comes from our tax money..send them the hell back home..!! let them make it here legally..And I'm not racist..Ask anyone who knows me..I just want them to have live by the same aspect and rules that i do.!!!..If you want to live in america thats great!...just do it legally!
:goodjob: :goodjob:

03-27-2006, 09:17 PM
yo im not trying to have a discussion on this, i just wanted to know if anyone from here was going, lol

03-27-2006, 09:17 PM
my question is, Do you truly support and believe in allowing illegals into the country or are you just jumping on the bandwagon to show everyone your overwhelming hispanic pride?

very good question, you beat me to it. i'm still waiting on your point, btw.

03-27-2006, 09:18 PM
nah man, like basically they are trying to give a felony to people that are here illegally, and personally i dont think its fair, just my 2 cent, and like what if ur parents were from lets say, italy and they came illegally when u were a baby, and they wouldnt let you go to school cause u are not born here, would you think its fair even though u might consider the usa ur country since u have been here al ur ife???

if you are illegal you don't belong here its plain and simple. we should not reward people who commit crimes. they are called illegal for a reason. if you come here just to have a childs i believe that your children shouldn't be legal until atleast 1 of the parents is legal. :goodjob:

you can get pissed b/c they are planning on enforcing laws that were already in place or should of been. you need to grow up and look at the whole picture. there is an approximate number of 15 million illegals in the USA... thats BILLIONS OF TAXES $$$ UNACCOUNTED FOR.

03-27-2006, 09:20 PM
nah, im not saying let them in, but what im saying is that they are not criminals, i mean the laws basically treat them like animals, they wont let them go to hospitals or anything, im sorry if yall think im wrong but most of the people that comne here illegally do it to give their children a better future and if i wasnt born here and i had children i would do the same, i would want to give my kids the best they can have, you know???

03-27-2006, 09:21 PM
fuck hispanics.. they can suck my bolas.

03-27-2006, 09:22 PM
nah, im not saying let them in, but what im saying is that they are not criminals, i mean the laws basically treat them like animals, they wont let them go to hospitals or anything, im sorry if yall think im wrong but most of the people that comne here illegally do it to give their children a better future and if i wasnt born here and i had children i would do the same, i would want to give my kids the best they can have, you know???

But are you saying that you are willing to pay for a family to go to that hospital, or pay for their children to go to school while they don't have to worry about taxes?

03-27-2006, 09:22 PM

03-27-2006, 09:23 PM
White people can also lick my 6 lbs bolas

03-27-2006, 09:23 PM
actually, most of the illegal hispanic that owns something, pays takes

03-27-2006, 09:24 PM
nah, im not saying let them in, but what im saying is that they are not criminals, i mean the laws basically treat them like animals, they wont let them go to hospitals or anything, im sorry if yall think im wrong but most of the people that comne here illegally do it to give their children a better future and if i wasnt born here and i had children i would do the same, i would want to give my kids the best they can have, you know???

WRONG. right now illegals can go to the hospital and do not need to show any proof of citizen ship. they can not be turned away.


and people come here to have kids so they can stay and get out of the shit hole they already are in. but if that was the motto of the USA then we would be over ran w/ criminals, terrorist, leeches, etc...

if you are illegal you should go home.:hanged:

03-27-2006, 09:26 PM
i know that, but under the new law they would be able to go to a hospital man

03-27-2006, 09:26 PM
White people can also lick my 6 lbs bolas

wtf ... you speak english at the mexican resturant :lmfao: and if you have kids w/ your girl they will be 1/4 white :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

03-27-2006, 09:27 PM
i mean they wouldnt be able to go to school, work, or go to the hospital, so what option do they have??? DIE??????

03-27-2006, 09:27 PM
actually, most of the illegal hispanic that owns something, pays takes

i'm sorry how are they paying taxes on what they make if they are illegal :thinking:

03-27-2006, 09:27 PM
Illegals not paying taxes make up for them being under paid and picking up the slack by legal americans...


Dont hate ... you bitches mad because mcdonalds is going to be closed on that date.

03-27-2006, 09:28 PM
i mean they wouldnt be able to go to school, work, or go to the hospital, so what option do they have??? DIE??????

GO HOME. how about this... how about i move to mexico and expect them to pay for my healthcare, my schoolling, my retirement???

03-27-2006, 09:29 PM
Illegals not paying taxes make up for them being under paid and picking up the slack by legal americans...


Dont hate ... you bitches mad because mcdonalds is going to be closed on that date.

lol .... your right i can't live w/o them cheeseburgers :D

03-27-2006, 09:30 PM
nah man, how about u go to mexico, make the houses for mexicans making minimum wage and not compain???

03-27-2006, 09:30 PM
Something I dont understand about these huge ass rallies they have been having.... These ARE illegal immigrants for the most part at these rallies right? Whats stopping INS from grabbing them when they are at these huge gatherings? I dont know anything about this subject, so I'm just curious.

03-27-2006, 09:31 PM
I hate mexican food...

03-27-2006, 09:32 PM
oh, because to do the rally you need the city permit, which by the way atlants didnt give,m and thats why the rally wasnt big, but the one on april 10 is already approved

03-27-2006, 09:33 PM
nah man, how about u go to mexico, make the houses for mexicans making minimum wage and not compain???

thats the thing i don't have to... i fucking work hard and pay taxes in my own country, i'm sorry but this topic is fucking gay. i'm a 2 generation to be born in this country... my fathers grandfather came from europe in the early 1900's.... this country was built on the backs of many races not just mexicans, so get that straight. :goodjob:

03-27-2006, 09:35 PM
lol, u the one that said mexican, im not mexican, im borrn here but im proud of my culture, im hispanic, not american

03-27-2006, 09:38 PM
lol, u the one that said mexican, im not mexican, im borrn here but im proud of my culture, im hispanic, not american

your not an american? then you must be an illegal as well

03-27-2006, 09:39 PM
lol, no, im actually born here, but like i said, i love my culture, and even though im born here,m i consider myself hispanic

03-27-2006, 09:40 PM
^ well most illegals are mexican... i'm not stating anything but facts. if you watch the news you can watch the idiots down town waving mexican flags, which makes no fucking sense... you want our rights yet you are waving flags from other countries :thinking:

why the fuck are you here? that is just disrespectful... thats like asking for money while spitting in the ones face.

03-27-2006, 09:40 PM
All the racists have to post a disclaimer they aren't racist. :D Let me get this straight. It's ok for an American Citizen not to pay taxes and receive federal/state benefits, but it's not for an illegal immigrant that works 50 hours a week and pays taxes? Illegal immigrants pour BILLIONS into our economy. You have to be a moron to assume they don't pay taxes on some level. Some of you think they get paid under the table and cycle ends there? They eat, buy cars, rent apartments, and buy tons of lotto tickets to fund HOPE. I wonder how many of you take advantage of the system everyday? Some of you can't even find a job as the Business Section clearly indicates. Most of us are benefiting from the taxes these illegals pay. This bill won't make a bit of difference. I guess Americans that claim 8 eligible dependents (other than their's) on their taxes isn't a crime? :rolleyes:

03-27-2006, 09:41 PM
nah man, how about u go to mexico, make the houses for mexicans making minimum wage and not compain???

If they didn't do that for us here, then I promise you that someone else would. If all the illegal imigrants left(I am not just talking about mexicans), then those jobs would get filled.

There are ways to get here legally too. If they choose not to do it, then they shouldn't come. Do you know what it takes for an American to move to another country. None of them want us, so.....

I don't like the situations they have to face but they shouldn't come here illegally making things worse for the ones who are here legally. Do you know how many hit n' runs there are yearly by illegal immigrants(once again, I am not just talking about mexicans)? What do you think that does to our insurance rates?

If you shouldn't be here, then guess what happens? You get kicked the fuck out. Just like going to the strip club when you are 16. :D

03-27-2006, 09:41 PM
thank you

03-27-2006, 09:43 PM
thats is another topic, you know why there is alot of hit and runs by hispanics??? cause the state wont give them a license and thats what i mean, if they just wana workj and pay like us that are born here, then its cool

03-27-2006, 09:44 PM
If they didn't do that for us here, then I promise you that someone else would. If all the illegal imigrants left(I am not just talking about mexicans), then those jobs would get filled.

Thats the way I feel too. I keep hearing that they do jobs that "americans won't do" I'll do any fucking job (dont even be a pervert....) for the right price. the only thing the immigrants do is come in and do the same job, for cheaper, and then they live in a 2 bedroom apartment with 12 other illegal workers paying $50 a month rent... thats the difference.

03-27-2006, 09:44 PM
All the racists have to post a disclaimer they aren't racist. :D Let me get this straight. It's ok for an American Citizen not to pay taxes and receive federal/state benefits, but it's not for an illegal immigrant that works 50 hours a week and pays taxes? Illegal immigrants pour BILLIONS into our economy. You have to be a moron to assume they don't pay taxes on some level. Some of you think they get paid under the table and cycle ends there? They eat, buy cars, rent apartments, and buy tons of lotto tickets to fund HOPE. I wonder how many of you take advantage of the system everyday? Some of you can't even find a job as the Business Section clearly indicates. Most of us are benefiting from the taxes these illegals pay. This bill won't make a bit of difference. I guess Americans that claim 8 eligible dependents (other than their's) on their taxes isn't a crime? :rolleyes:

bhwhahahaha This dudes speaks the truth.

EVERYONE GOT :smileowne

03-27-2006, 09:45 PM
All the racists have to post a disclaimer they aren't racist. :D Let me get this straight. It's ok for an American Citizen not to pay taxes and receive federal/state benefits, but it's not for an illegal immigrant that works 50 hours a week and pays taxes? Illegal immigrants pour BILLIONS into our economy. You have to be a moron to assume they don't pay taxes on some level. Some of you think they get paid under the table and cycle ends there? They eat, buy cars, rent apartments, and buy tons of lotto tickets to fund HOPE. I wonder how many of you take advantage of the system everyday? Some of you can't even find a job as the Business Section clearly indicates. Most of us are benefiting from the taxes these illegals pay. This bill won't make a bit of difference. I guess claiming 8 eligible dependents (other than their's) on their taxes isn't a crime? :rolleyes:

i have never taken a $ from the gov't and as i stated i don't care what color you are, if you are leeching off the system you don't deserve to be here.

you should know this well considering you are going into the healthcare field. this exact situation is one of the reason's healthcare cost are through the roof. people expect everything for FREE.

beyond that sales taxes do not account for the amount of tax dollars that would be in our economy if they were being charged taxes on their wages. you take 15 million and multiply it by what ever percentage you want that is a lot of tax dollars missing from our economy. shit that could of possibly paid for 1 years worth of war in iraq :goodjob:

03-27-2006, 09:48 PM
thats is another topic, you know why there is alot of hit and runs by hispanics??? cause the state wont give them a license and thats what i mean, if they just wana workj and pay like us that are born here, then its cool

You know why they can't get a license? Because they are illegal. I had mine suspended for 6 months so I didn't drive. That is how it works. Driving is a priviledge(sp) here, not a right. I don't have anything against them except for that they are illegal.

I think they should have a office for them to go to and try to get citizenship. Oh wait, they do. Its called imigration. If they go there, they don't just arrest them and send them back. They let them apply for citizenship and will give a visa and shit.

03-27-2006, 09:48 PM
i understand but out of those 15 million illegal more than half of them are paying taxes man

03-27-2006, 09:49 PM
^ well most illegals are mexican... i'm not stating anything but facts. if you watch the news you can watch the idiots down town waving mexican flags, which makes no fucking sense... you want our rights yet you are waving flags from other countries :thinking:

why the fuck are you here? that is just disrespectful... thats like asking for money while spitting in the ones face.

I completely agree!!..if you don't like it leave!!..Go back home..if you come to america then be american...!!

03-27-2006, 09:49 PM
I'm sorry what is YOUR POINT??? ok you think illegals should be entitled to gov't aid, free healthcare, free public schools, etc... i'm sorry but they are entitled to NOTHING. you don't pay taxes GO THE FUCK HOME.

question for you why do we have boarders then? why don't we just allow anyone to come to the USA? we'll just open everything up and allow anyone to come here :jerkit:
they are entitled to a good kick in the ass !

03-27-2006, 09:50 PM
funny thing.. There is still more LEGAL americans more then likely in better health then some of these imigrants and sitting at home getting help and leaching of the goverment.

I think that issue should be fixed 1st.

03-27-2006, 09:52 PM
thats what im saying

03-27-2006, 09:53 PM
i understand but out of those 15 million illegal more than half of them are paying taxes man

what sales tax? who fucking cares about that, i pay that as well as federal/state taxes. do you know how much i pay in taxes and health insurance each year??? ya well if you took the half of that 15 million and made them pay what i do then there would be alot more tax dollars in circulation.

what you don't see is the roads that those taxes pave, the schools they build, the recreation centers they build, etc...

03-27-2006, 09:53 PM
i understand but out of those 15 million illegal more than half of them are paying taxes man

I don't really give a shit who pays what. My point is if your illegal your illegal. I get in trouble for illegal shit, so.... I have to jump through hoops everytime I need something from this government, but they just drive over here and call it a day. They can come here illegally but I can't speed? Or kill people? Or steal? That is illegal too but I can't do it without getting arrested? What they do is illegal, so why should they be allowed. They aren't above the law.

03-27-2006, 09:54 PM
what sales tax? who fucking cares about that, i pay that as well as federal/state taxes. do you know how much i pay in taxes and health insurance each year??? ya well if you took the half of that 15 million and made them pay what i do then there would be alot more tax dollars in circulation.

what you don't see is the roads that those taxes pave, the schools they build, the recreation centers they build, etc...

Scratch the Schools.. You know how much lotto this people play.. Boy... enough to fund HOPE for the next 30 years. werd. lol

03-27-2006, 09:54 PM
funny thing.. There is still more LEGAL americans more then likely in better health then some of these imigrants and sitting at home getting help and leaching of the goverment.

I think that issue should be fixed 1st.

i can't agree more but illegals have no rights here, so we need to start where we can.

03-27-2006, 09:55 PM
nah man, like all the illegals that own houses, which most of them do have to pay taxes

03-27-2006, 09:55 PM
I don't really give a shit who pays what. My point is if your illegal your illegal. I get in trouble for illegal shit, so.... I have to jump through hoops everytime I need something from this government, but they just drive over here and call it a day. They can come here illegally but I can't speed? Or kill people? Or steal? That is illegal too but I can't do it without getting arrested? What they do is illegal, so why should they be allowed. They aren't above the law.

Dude, Your comparing shit to vaseline.....

03-27-2006, 09:55 PM
what you don't see is the roads that those taxes pave, the schools they build, the recreation centers they build, etc...

Wait, I get it now. They don't have to pay taxes because they build all of the above for minumum wage. Lol.

03-27-2006, 09:55 PM
funny thing.. There is still more LEGAL americans more then likely in better health then some of these imigrants and sitting at home getting help and leaching of the goverment.

no arguement there, but that is a whole nother ball of yawn

03-27-2006, 09:56 PM
i can't agree more but illegals have no rights here, so we need to start where we can.

Ok.. Lets start in the Ghetto and trailor parks... Easy enough.. :goodjob:

03-27-2006, 09:57 PM
Ok.. Lets start in the Ghetto and trailor parks... Easy enough.. :goodjob:

why those are people who pay taxes, and are voters... the gov't wont' do anything about that b/c of potential voters... illegals can't vote ;)

03-27-2006, 09:57 PM
Ok.. Lets start in the Ghetto and trailor parks... Easy enough.. :goodjob:

I agree

03-27-2006, 09:57 PM
Wait, I get it now. They don't have to pay taxes because they build all of the above for minumum wage. Lol.

of course they get minimum wage , because is people like you who think you are to good to a certain job because is not good enough..

03-27-2006, 09:58 PM
why those are people who pay taxes, and are voters... the gov't wont' do anything about that b/c of potential voters... illegals can't vote ;)

No tax on Food Stamps..

03-27-2006, 09:58 PM
nah man, like all the illegals that own houses, which most of them do have to pay taxes

lets get this straight!, they don't own houses, they may rent, but they don't own shit!

03-27-2006, 09:59 PM
of course they get minimum wage , because is people like you who think you are to good to a certain job because is not good enough..

What??? I framed houses when I was 16-17 right next to them. As well as roof, paint, pour concrete. So I am too good. Alright.

03-27-2006, 09:59 PM
And I would still do it any day if I needed to.

03-27-2006, 09:59 PM
What??? I framed houses when I was 16-17 right next to them. As well as roof, paint, pour concrete. So I am too good. Alright.

K.. I bet they worked harder then you... Admitted... Is ok...

03-27-2006, 10:00 PM
lets get this straight!, they don't own houses, they may rent, but they don't own shit!

Is very easy to pinch a hole in a water balloon ;)

03-27-2006, 10:02 PM
nah man, like all the illegals that own houses, which most of them do have to pay taxes

wtf are you babbling about? "illegals that own houses"... why the property taxes? do you own a home? do you know how much property taxes are? i pay more out of my paycheck in a month than i do on the taxes on my house in like 4 months...

you have no idea what your talking about.

03-27-2006, 10:02 PM
K.. I bet they worked harder then you... Admitted... Is ok...

Whatever dude, you don't know me from a hole in the wall. Think what you will.

Point is though, they are illegal. That is the key word. I didn't say I had a problem with people coming here. But do it the right way or don't do it at all. I break the law everyday in my car on the road, I also pay the consequeces when I get caught. They will be doing the same.

03-27-2006, 10:03 PM
hold on again... OWN HOUSES!!! :lmao:

let me guess they PAID IN CASH, b/c they have credit right? :thinking: b/c illegals have SSN..


03-27-2006, 10:06 PM
actually i know alot of illegal people that own houses, they buy them with a TAX ID NUMBER, so before u talk shit, get ur facts straight

03-27-2006, 10:06 PM
hold on again... OWN HOUSES!!! :lmao:

let me guess they PAID IN CASH, b/c they have credit right? :thinking: b/c illegals have SSN..


You know How many people are dead and for some reason are able to buy houses and build credit.. remember that y0 . ;)

03-27-2006, 10:09 PM
actually i know alot of illegal people that own houses, they buy them with a TAX ID NUMBER, so before u talk shit, get ur facts straight

oh let me guess the same TIN that they are working as contract labor under :lmao:

ya maybe if when the law passes they will start to weed through that bullshit and send them home. and yes you are still wrong b/c the little amount of taxes that contributed by property taxes from illegals isn't shit compared to what isn't being paid by wages :goodjob:

03-27-2006, 10:10 PM
i have never taken a $ from the gov't and as i stated i don't care what color you are, if you are leeching off the system you don't deserve to be here.

you should know this well considering you are going into the healthcare field. this exact situation is one of the reason's healthcare cost are through the roof. people expect everything for FREE.

beyond that sales taxes do not account for the amount of tax dollars that would be in our economy if they were being charged taxes on their wages. you take 15 million and multiply it by what ever percentage you want that is a lot of tax dollars missing from our economy. shit that could of possibly paid for 1 years worth of war in iraq :goodjob:

Based on your first statement let's round up all the deadbeats (citizens) that don't pay taxes and ship them back to where they came from. Well wait....they're already here. Illegals receiving health benefits is not the main reason healthcare costs are skyhigh. It's not even in the top 5.

Think about the BILLIONS Americans bilk out of their own system, which includes tax fraud, false worker's comp claims, false malpractice claims, and etc. Who's the real felon? Furthermore, I would never turn down a person who needed healthcare services. I don't care whether you're illegal or not. I have yet to have a non-White customer return partially chewed Zoloft. :lmfao:

Again, illegals pay more than sales tax, i.e their IRS Tax ID number.

03-27-2006, 10:11 PM
i undersatnd but u have to think that most of these people have families and are making less than 100 a day, how could they support their families if they took taxes away???

03-27-2006, 10:16 PM
Based on your first statement let's round up all the deadbeats (citizens) that don't pay taxes and ship them back to where they came from. Well wait....they're already here. Illegals receiving health benefits is not the main reason healthcare costs are skyhigh. It's not even in the top 5.

Think about the BILLIONS Americans bilk out of their own system, which includes tax fraud, false worker's comp claims, false malpractice claims, and etc. Who's the real felon? Furthermore, I would never turn down a person who needed healthcare services. I don't care whether you're illegal or not. I have yet to have a non-White customer return partially chewed Zoloft. :lmfao:

Again, illegals pay more than sales tax, i.e their IRS Tax ID number.

i never said it was main reason but a major contributing factor. maybe you should take some time and check out how much general healthcare cost are. i work for the largest TPA in the southeast i see 10,000's of claims each month. there is not general visit to a hospital under 100$ so yes, the cost are very high that hospitals are taking on. that is why hospitals like gwinnett medical are hurting for funds.

and as i stated above TIN still does not account for the amount of taxes that would of been paid in by illegals. contract labor is how contractors are getting round using illegals.

03-27-2006, 10:18 PM
i undersatnd but u have to think that most of these people have families and are making less than 100 a day, how could they support their families if they took taxes away???

that is 500$ a week... that would be 30+k a year to the avg american paying taxes, so yes that is some cheese... not a lot but more than enough to live on :goodjob:

police/firemen officers start off making less then that.

03-27-2006, 10:20 PM
thats some cheese, but you cane even compare other jobs to construction man

03-27-2006, 10:23 PM
One last thing. Who the FUCK said Americans would do the jobs illegals are doing once they opened up? How many of you would mop up shit for below minimum wage? I'd say ZERO. Why? Americans think they are entitled to a cushy 40 hr a week job and weekends off.

How many homeless Asian and Latino people hit you up for money on a weekly basis? I haven't seen any.

03-27-2006, 10:26 PM
thats some cheese, but you cane even compare other jobs to construction man

WTF... speak english. so what your trying to say is construction is more important then giving your life for you country? thats all more the reason why illegals shouldn't be here... what do you think b/c you work hard labor entitles you to something?

03-27-2006, 10:27 PM
How many of you would mop up shit for below minimum wage? I'd say ZERO.

How many employers would be able to offer jobs below minimum wage?

03-27-2006, 10:28 PM
just some of you think you are too good to paint somebody house for 7 an hour, i mean, they may be illegal, but they are humn, they just wana survive man, most of yall wont lift a finget for less tahn 10 an hour, yall are used to leaving the easy way man

03-27-2006, 10:29 PM
One last thing. Who the FUCK said Americans would do the jobs illegals are doing once they opened up? How many of you would mop up shit for below minimum wage? I'd say ZERO. Why? Americans think they are entitled to a cushy 40 hr a week job and weekends off.

How many homeless Asian and Latino people hit you up for money on a weekly basis? I haven't seen any.

I'd mop shit up... not for minimum wage tho.. like i said, thats the difference. I've actually had to do shitty jobs, but no, I wouldn't do them for a demeaning amount of money. These jobs weren't originally "below minimum wage" it's the fact that the illegal workers came here and swamped the job market and that lowered the wages. So yes, Americans WOULD do the jobs.

03-27-2006, 10:30 PM
One last thing. Who the FUCK said Americans would do the jobs illegals are doing once they opened up? How many of you would mop up shit for below minimum wage? I'd say ZERO. Why? Americans think they are entitled to a cushy 40 hr a week job and weekends off.

How many homeless Asian and Latino people hit you up for money on a weekly basis? I haven't seen any.

companys would be forced to pay more and stop breaking state/federal laws.

03-27-2006, 10:31 PM
actually im born here, this is the country where i was born, but i would never go to war for this country, im hispanic and even though im born here there is always racism, and thats the reason im NOT proud to be an american, i dont give a fuck bout what yall say, im proud of what this country has given me and my family, but people here are just plain out ignorant

03-27-2006, 10:32 PM
i never said it was main reason but a major contributing factor. maybe you should take some time and check out how much general healthcare cost are. i work for the largest TPA in the southeast i see 10,000's of claims each month. there is not general visit to a hospital under 100$ so yes, the cost are very high that hospitals are taking on. that is why hospitals like gwinnett medical are hurting for funds.

How many of those claims indicate illegal immigrant? LOL. I know how troubled the healthcare system is and was even 10 years ago. Blaming the illegals is a blanket statement and varies from region to region. Try blaming the loss of federal funds and the cost of technology. People want the latest and greatest services but don't want to pay for it.

03-27-2006, 10:33 PM
just some of you think you are too good to paint somebody house for 7 an hour, i mean, they may be illegal, but they are humn, they just wana survive man, most of yall wont lift a finget for less tahn 10 an hour, yall are used to leaving the easy way man

oh i'm so sorry i fucking speak english, went to school, and use my brain so i don't have to break my back.

i don't want to hear shit about that, i remember making 4.25 and hour back in 95 working for win dixie when i was 14 years old. i used to mop floors, clean bathrooms, etc... i'm sure you had a job at 14. :jerkit:

03-27-2006, 10:35 PM
actually im born here, this is the country where i was born, but i would never go to war for this country, im hispanic and even though im born here there is always racism, and thats the reason im NOT proud to be an american, i dont give a fuck bout what yall say, im proud of what this country has given me and my family, but people here are just plain out ignorant

seriously i hope you house catches on fire so you can kiss some ass to your local service men :goodjob:

03-27-2006, 10:35 PM
actually i did, and u were making 4.25 been 14, i know people making 6 an hour and are over 30 years old man

03-27-2006, 10:36 PM
companys would be forced to pay more and stop breaking state/federal laws.

Then the company would go out of business and create a need for more jobs, which would create an employers market, therefore driving down wages. My point is, the cycle will not stop. This bill will not make a difference.

03-27-2006, 10:36 PM
How many of those claims indicate illegal immigrant? LOL. I know how troubled the healthcare system is and was even 10 years ago. Blaming the illegals is a blanket statement and varies from region to region. Try blaming the loss of federal funds and the cost of technology. People want the latest and greatest services but don't want to pay for it.

thats my point i work for an insurance company... imagine the amount of claims that are going UNPAID.

03-27-2006, 10:37 PM
lol, well you are shit out of luck since the fire station is across the street but thanks anyways, and by the way, my sisters husband is in the marines, he is mexican, and he always says the same thing, the only reason he is there is cause he is getting the citisenship, like i love usa but i hate the way people are

03-27-2006, 10:37 PM
actually i did, and u were making 4.25 been 14, i know people making 6 an hour and are over 30 years old man

well boo fuckng hoo... if you are ILLEGAL you have no rights so you have NO OPINION.

03-27-2006, 10:39 PM
lol, well you are shit out of luck since the fire station is across the street but thanks anyways, and by the way, my sisters husband is in the marines, he is mexican, and he always says the same thing, the only reason he is there is cause he is getting the citisenship, like i love usa but i hate the way people are

If ya haven't realized yet, there are fucking morons in every country, so get over it. There is no perfect country with perfect people. The only difference is in America we dont execute people for being morons.... although it wouldn't be a bad idea.

03-27-2006, 10:39 PM
If ya haven't realized yet, there are fucking morons in every country, so get over it. There is no perfect country with perfect people. The only difference is in America we dont execute people for being morons.... although it wouldn't be a bad idea.

++++++++ AAAAAAAAAAA +++++++++

03-27-2006, 10:40 PM
its cool man, all im saying you know, all ur ancestors started out the same way and here you are preventing people from trying to do the same thing ur ancestors did

03-27-2006, 10:41 PM
i love usa but i hate the way people are

Why? Because we have respect for ourselves and our property; because we respect our government and the decisions they make (not approve of all, but at least respect).

03-27-2006, 10:42 PM
^ wrong my family isn't asking for handouts. they came here legally and they worked for what they have, they paid their dues and still are.

03-27-2006, 10:42 PM
If ya haven't realized yet, there are fucking morons in every country, so get over it. There is no perfect country with perfect people. The only difference is in America we dont execute people for being morons.... although it wouldn't be a bad idea.

Well, 90% of this board would cease to exist. :bigok: :lmfao:

03-27-2006, 10:44 PM
Well, 90% of this board would cease to exist. :bigok: :lmfao:

yeah, that would suck. We would miss you pharm_teg haha, just messin with ya

03-27-2006, 10:45 PM
yeah, that would suck. We would miss you pharm_teg haha, just messin with ya

bahhh you got fucking OWNED pharm_teg :lmfao:

03-27-2006, 10:49 PM
yo, hold up, fcman, are you from cuba???

03-27-2006, 10:51 PM
yo, hold up, fcman, are you from cuba???

Born and raised in America, grandparents came over legally right before the revolution.

03-27-2006, 10:52 PM
bahhh you got fucking OWNED pharm_teg :lmfao:

LoL..my point was made. :lmfao:

Edit: As long as I get my salary I'm content. :D

03-27-2006, 10:57 PM
LoL..my point was made. :lmfao:

Edit: As long as I get my salary I'm content. :D

ya wait till you see the taxes they take out of that shit :goodjob: ; your a 3rd or 4th year?

03-27-2006, 11:02 PM
ya wait till you see the taxes they take out of that shit :goodjob: ; your a 3rd or 4th year?

I'm going to be a true American and file fraudulent tax returns. :bigok:
I'm 3rd year and can't wait until rotations. I'm burned out.

03-27-2006, 11:04 PM
I'm going to be a true American and file fraudulent tax returns. :bigok:
I'm 3rd year and can't wait until rotations. I'm burned out.

your burned out :lmfao: , i'm married to a pharm student... i'm burned out :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:, you'll have to let me know if you take a rotation at Eglston, kate works there and bing from wTn is a manager there :goodjob:

03-27-2006, 11:13 PM
If she isn't burned out by now she will be. Tell her to go work in a rural area and have the government pay her loans back. ;)

03-27-2006, 11:14 PM
If she isn't burned out by now she will be. Tell her to go work in a rural area and have the government pay her loans back. ;)

lol, she is definately burned out :goodjob: after 20+ years of school straight who wouldn't be.

03-27-2006, 11:38 PM
so I'll be out there on Monday

Paul you should come state your points and concerns up at the rally!

cmon man, it'll be fun

03-27-2006, 11:39 PM
let me get a day off of work for being white. untill then, quit bitching.

03-27-2006, 11:41 PM
yo, thinkfast, im rolling over there with some home boys, yall wana get some more ia peeps and roll up???

03-27-2006, 11:43 PM
yea man, thats whats up! I'll talk to some fools this week, most of the peeps I know are off IA but its all good, we'll be deep as hell

03-27-2006, 11:46 PM
thats cool then, pm me, also dont know where you from homes but get a flag to represent to la migra putos, lirl

03-28-2006, 07:14 AM
so I'll be out there on Monday

Paul you should come state your points and concerns up at the rally!

cmon man, it'll be fun

maybe me, INS, and the other 8 million legal people should march down town as well... right, i'll be at work paying taxes, and it would be racist if 1000's of white people march down town....

fucking amazing if your any color but white its call a rally/march, if your white its a klan :lmfao:

03-28-2006, 07:26 AM
nah man, like basically they are trying to give a felony to people that are here illegally, and personally i dont think its fair, just my 2 cent, and like what if ur parents were from lets say, italy and they came illegally when u were a baby, and they wouldnt let you go to school cause u are not born here, would you think its fair even though u might consider the usa ur country since u have been here al ur ife???

If people were to actually do this the right way, rather than hiding, then they wouldnt have the problems they do...I am not racists, but most of the immigrants, I have bonded out of jail are either on welfare, food stamps, and dont fucking work....so the idiots, you want to stay hidden should get the felony....

I have plenty of hispanic friends, dated them, and all that jazz, I am not racists, but I am pro America...what is the best for America and its CITIZENS then I am for it...And if it stops immigrants from draining the system then do it...(Unless its murder or something along those lines)


I am only talking about the lazy ass immigrants that drain the system....and shit the citizens who drain the economy....fuckking get a job! DAMN!!!!!!!

Again not all immigrants are like this!

03-28-2006, 07:45 AM
this topic is done i've opened a poll w/ the facts of the bill.

03-28-2006, 07:45 AM
What are they marching for? They have no constitutional rights if they are not citizens (including the right to protest)

I hear a lot of people say they do jobs that Americans won't do. Illegal landscapers make atleast $10 per hr (and get it in cash at the end of the week). Don't believe me? Go to roswell rd, and 285. Try to get any of them to do anything for less than $10 per hr. Thats like $15 an hr when your paying taxes like the rest of us. I know some people on here that would do anything for $15 an hour.

Now, if the landscape companies were forced to hire Americans, they would have to start charging more. But hey that may force us to mow our own grass again, and just might take a dent out of our obesity problem. Which could lower healthcare costs even further.

03-28-2006, 02:55 PM
obesity is definitely a problem