View Full Version : LATINOS

03-24-2006, 06:51 AM
So who is going to work today? I'm not! How many supporters wanna come along with me?!

Thousands To Participate In "Day For Latino Dignity"

POSTED: 5:45 am EST March 24, 2006
UPDATED: 6:40 am EST March 24, 2006

ATLANTA -- Members of the Latino community plan to protest against new state legislation aimed at illegal immigrants in Georgia.

Protesters say they will neither spend money nor report to work Friday. An estimated 800,000 Hispanics are expected to take part in Georgia's "Day For Latino Dignity."

Organizers passed out flyers at businesses across the metro area Thursday, pushing other Hispanic workers to take part in the protest. At least 13 supermarkets, dozens of restaurants, and even banks will likely be affected by the work stoppage. Latino community leaders, some from out of state, decided on the idea at a Thursday night meeting.

The day is set aside to protest Senate Bill 529, sponsored by state Senator Chip Rogers (R-Woodstock). Senate Bill 529 would, in part, force state and local government contractors to verify the legal status of their employees.

03-24-2006, 06:54 AM
Now I realize that you guys wanna say repost but I'm looking for supporters in this thread not Reposting! So who wants to take the day off?! Who is with me!!!!


03-24-2006, 07:18 AM

im not calling repost, but here is more info.

03-24-2006, 07:33 AM
Stay home everyday! Traffic was great this morning.

03-24-2006, 08:16 AM
So you are for people comming over who are NOT supposed to be here? So how about when your car gets stolen and all they do is deport him cause the cant charge him. Then next week he is back..? I have NOTHING against latinos but damn there has to be a line somewhere!!

03-24-2006, 08:23 AM
I'm with you Rican

03-24-2006, 08:39 AM
So you are for people comming over who are NOT supposed to be here? So how about when your car gets stolen and all they do is deport him cause the cant charge him. Then next week he is back..? I have NOTHING against latinos but damn there has to be a line somewhere!!

my truck got totaled by an illegal immigrant 2 yrs ago and he didn't have insurance. so he(was drunk btw) either got deported or sent to jail and I got screwed.

03-24-2006, 08:40 AM
my truck got totaled by an illegal immigrant 2 yrs ago and he didn't have insurance. so he(was drunk btw) either got deported or sent to jail and I got screwed.

and its reasons like that they need to stay in Mexico!

03-24-2006, 08:42 AM
Im not for or against...I just get tired of people comming over here and not paying taxes ...ect... Now to the ones who are here and have kids and jobs and pay their taxes , and got over here the RIGHT way i have NOTHING bad to say. There are a lot of reasons this is being done . As long as it targets ones that border jumped over here i will be all for it! I have a LOT of friends who are latino and they all pay taxes and have a green card...Its not that hard to get over here....Ill go away now..

03-24-2006, 08:46 AM
my truck got totaled by an illegal immigrant 2 yrs ago and he didn't have insurance. so he(was drunk btw) either got deported or sent to jail and I got screwed.

See this is what i am talking about...Now what if he raped your mother..You think he will see jail for long ? No theyll just send him back..See its not all latinos just the illegal immigrants{key word}..So unless they all are illegal they have no room to bitch....But lay out of work..Think bush will care?

03-24-2006, 08:46 AM
if tha was the case i would have not ever been conceived..... dont be so ignorant

03-24-2006, 08:50 AM
if tha was the case i would have not ever been conceived..... dont be so ignorant

Ok so your 1 in 20 cases... Also did you belong here? If so thats why.. If you had a green card then i could see you going to jail..But if you were a illegal immigrant theyll just ship you back unless you kill someone...What is ignorant is protesting a law for folks that shouldnt be here!!

03-24-2006, 08:50 AM
Rican come get me!!! my homey doesnt wanna go, he works at the dealer and is fillin in for another guys shift...

holla at ya boy!!

03-24-2006, 08:51 AM
Ok so your 1 in 20 cases... Also did you belong here? If so thats why.. If you had a green card then i could see you going to jail..But if you were a illegal immigrant theyll just ship you back unless you kill someone...What is ignorant is protesting a law for folks that shouldnt be here!!

actually I think they put illegals in prison, then deport them!

03-24-2006, 09:05 AM
depends on what they do.. A good bit of the time if its minor they just go back, jails are full they dont want them there!I was just trying to make a point.But thats not even the problem... All i am saying is come over here the right way !!

03-24-2006, 09:12 AM
actually I think they put illegals in prison, then deport them!
I disagree. There are better ways of handling this shit.

03-24-2006, 09:23 AM
I disagree. There are better ways of handling this shit.

so if they commit a crime such as drug trafficking, or murder, they shouldnt be put in jail?? Then deported....

right...then please tell me your ideas

03-24-2006, 09:58 AM
so if they commit a crime such as drug trafficking, or murder, they shouldnt be put in jail?? Then deported....

right...then please tell me your ideas

Jail? Why should we pay to house and feed them for years? They are not even citizens? Only taxes they've ever payed are sales tax. There has to be a better solution.

03-24-2006, 10:00 AM
Jail? Why should we pay to house and feed them for years? They are not even citizens? Only taxes they've ever payed are sales tax. There has to be a better solution.

then think of one, and take it to the government!

03-24-2006, 10:14 AM
I agree don't put em in jail unless its something really serious deport them my hard earn tax dollars is what pays for them to stay in prison..!! I'm sorry but if i was a boss and they layed out today for that I would fire there asses!!...I guess I see to many of them around gainesville driving brand new cars and living in nice houses but yet still living off welfare or food stamps..when hard workin people can't get them!

03-24-2006, 10:31 AM
im with you Rican LATINOS Stand UP!!!!!!...........Peace

03-24-2006, 10:31 AM
u guys are all stupid.

03-24-2006, 10:33 AM
...I guess I see to many of them around gainesville driving brand new cars and living in nice houses but yet still living off welfare or food stamps..when hard workin people can't get them!

whose fault is that homey? go start YOUR own company then, and work them 80 hours a week... then you can talk about what you can't get. There are plenty of Latinos out there that take every last opportunity of being in this country, and using it to their advantage. I see nothing wrong with that, the IRS can tax man, whether or not you are here legally. Go take a loan out and start your own construction/painting/carpentry business, as many people I know have.. then you too can have the nice house and big body cars :D

03-24-2006, 10:35 AM
im with you Rican LATINOS Stand UP!!!!!!...........Peace

why is it if "minorities", "latinos" in this case say we latinos need to stand up and organize :blah: :blah: :blah: it's all kewl and a good thing to do. Imagine if some white people said that. they would be burned in effogy and called Racists. that's BS IMO!

03-24-2006, 10:36 AM
I agree don't put em in jail unless its something really serious deport them my hard earn tax dollars is what pays for them to stay in prison..!! I'm sorry but if i was a boss and they layed out today for that I would fire there asses!!...I guess I see to many of them around gainesville driving brand new cars and living in nice houses but yet still living off welfare or food stamps..when hard workin people can't get them!

YUP!! i've seen that too. i was a grocery store clerk. but i also saw couple of white people do the same thing.

03-24-2006, 10:39 AM
YUP!! i've seen that too. i was a grocery store clerk. but i also saw couple of white people do the same thing.

ignorance knows no color!! you have whites/blacks/asians doing the same thing.

OK well probly not as many asians. but I bet it happens!

03-24-2006, 10:40 AM
im with you Rican LATINOS Stand UP!!!!!!...........Peace

WAIT UP HERE.... I have never said in ANY post i dont like latinos.. I have a lot of friends that are latino. They also are supposed to be in this country !! Only problem i have is people that are not pupposed to be here!! Be it russian ..latino..green ..brown.. I do not care , if you are not supposed to be in this country then you should not be here END OF STORY! I am NOT bashing latinos, just dont like it when anyone gets pissed because we are making a law to help with keeping out folks that do NOT belong here in the first place!!

03-24-2006, 10:43 AM
WAIT UP HERE.... I have never said in ANY post i dont like latinos.. I have a lot of friends that are latino. They also are supposed to be in this country !! Only problem i have is people that are not pupposed to be here!! Be it russian ..latino..green ..brown.. I do not care , if you are not supposed to be in this country then you should not be here END OF STORY! I am NOT bashing latinos, just dont like it when anyone gets pissed because we are making a law to help with keeping out folks that do NOT belong here in the first place!!

See that would be fine, if it was a small group of people that were here illeagally... but we are talking about MILLIONS homey. You go and pass these laws making illegals felons, and having them leave the country, I feel bad for this economy and what would become of it.

03-24-2006, 10:44 AM
ignorance knows no color!! you have whites/blacks/asians doing the same thing.

OK well probly not as many asians. but I bet it happens!

Yea you are right and as my post says above ..Its not just a latino problem..Everyone is jumping over here.. We need to put a stop to it or the whole world is gonna be here.The only reason there are a good bit more latinos over here is because its easy for them to get here..i.e. walk.... All i ask is just get the right papers to be here.. Thats all im saying..green ...brown....red...I dont care...

03-24-2006, 10:46 AM
OK...I have to agree I have seen alot of hispanics, and whites, blacks use food stamps and welfare way too much..I just fucking hate moochers...I hate the fucking people that come here, and DONT pay taxes, and we have to pay for their fucking health care, so cut them off, or make them pay out of pocket...

And yes Latinos are great in numbers.....which could be a good thing, could be a bad thing, dont know if the future comes, and that goes for all races....

BUt fi you are here illegally go back to where you came from...we dont need you problems too....

This country doesnt need more people in it...

And Ricky....americans shouldnt have to learn spanish if they dont want to...This is America, it was founded on the english language....So immigrants, or illegals should learn english...only fair?

I mean if I moved to Mexico City, wouldnt the residents there want me to know spanish???? I mean come the fuck on...

03-24-2006, 10:46 AM
Yea you are right and as my post says above ..Its not just a latino problem..Everyone is jumping over here.. We need to put a stop to it or the whole world is gonna be here.The only reason there are a good bit more latinos over here is because its easy for them to get here..i.e. walk.... All i ask is just get the right papers to be here.. Thats all im saying..green ...brown....red...I dont care...

I concur

03-24-2006, 10:47 AM
my post was not made to offend anyone, it in no way means anything bad.

03-24-2006, 10:49 AM
i stand behind the Latinos on this one. If i didn't have so much shit to do today I would b down there.

03-24-2006, 10:51 AM
And Ricky....americans shouldnt have to learn spanish if they dont want to...This is America, it was founded on the english language....So immigrants, or illegals should learn english...only fair?

I mean if I moved to Mexico City, wouldnt the residents there want me to know spanish???? I mean come the fuck on...

Please, let me know where it stated English is the official language of these United States?

You'll be hard pressed to find it, know why? ENGLIGH IS NOT THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE!! Immigrants or illegals as they are now called, have their own language/customs/beliefs. Who are you to tell people they have to change everything they know to live here? Says who? Ask your great ancestors why they picked up their shit and left on the mayflower!! If they adapted to the way of life over here we’d all be living in teepees :D

And to be honest no you wouldn’t need to know Spanish to live and survive in Mexico City. There are sections of town that are majority white/English speaking, I’m assuming business owners or wealthy older Americans… of course some do know Spanish, and they have adapted to the country, but to get around in general, especially in the second most populated city in the world, no you don’t NEED to know Spanish.

03-24-2006, 11:04 AM
if your white and have posted in this thread you should be shipped back to europe where you came from than be-headed and burned at the steak while hispanics piss on your scorching bodies to put out the flames after your demise!

*edit* only for the ignorant

03-24-2006, 11:09 AM
We should just open the borders for everyone. Its too much trouble to police. Its not our land, we should share it with the world. Either that or give it back to the indians.

03-24-2006, 11:12 AM
i'm at work today =]

03-24-2006, 11:13 AM
if your white and have posted in this thread you should be shipped back to europe where you came from than be-headed and burned at the steak while hispanics piss on your scorching bodies to put out the flames after your demise!

*edit* only for the ignorant

BWUAHAHAHA that's funny

03-24-2006, 11:16 AM
So how about when your car gets stolen and all they do is deport him cause the cant charge him. Then next week he is back..?

9 times out of 10 thats usualy some punk ass kid thats american

03-24-2006, 11:16 AM
^he was speaking theroetically^

Please, let me know where it stated English is the official language of these United States?

You'll be hard pressed to find it, know why? ENGLIGH IS NOT THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE!! Immigrants or illegals as they are now called, have their own language/customs/beliefs. Who are you to tell people they have to change everything they know to live here? Says who? Ask your great ancestors why they picked up their shit and left on the mayflower!! If they adapted to the way of life over here we’d all be living in teepees :D

And to be honest no you wouldn’t need to know Spanish to live and survive in Mexico City. There are sections of town that are majority white/English speaking, I’m assuming business owners or wealthy older Americans… of course some do know Spanish, and they have adapted to the country, but to get around in general, especially in the second most populated city in the world, no you don’t NEED to know Spanish.

if your white and have posted in this thread you should be shipped back to europe where you came from than be-headed and burned at the steak while hispanics piss on your scorching bodies to put out the flames after your demise!

*edit* only for the ignorant
^not funny^

03-24-2006, 11:17 AM
if your white and have posted in this thread you should be shipped back to europe where you came from than be-headed and burned at the steak while hispanics piss on your scorching bodies to put out the flames after your demise!

*edit* only for the ignorant

ha dayum..............

03-24-2006, 11:24 AM
9 times out of 10 thats usualy some punk ass kid thats american

Out of everything i wrote this is all you could pull out of it? ... ok... In no way was i saying latinos were the ONLY one that steal cars.. I think you missed the point on that one.

03-24-2006, 11:26 AM
Jail? Why should we pay to house and feed them for years? They are not even citizens? Only taxes they've ever payed are sales tax. There has to be a better solution.
So you are saying its correct to pay taxes for all the other (americans) people in jail. whom have commited crimes (going from muders, drugs , rape and so on) against anyone??

03-24-2006, 11:32 AM
I think that was what he was trying to say.. There is gonna be crime anywhere but i think what he ment was , we are paying for more than our countrys share..Not saying we should have to pay for any of it. I think they should make a big island a jail and send all the ones who have life for murder or rape there to fend for them selfs.. Big island .. walls all around .. Rabid dogs and guns out side...Problem solved..And i wouldnt care WHAT color they were!!

03-24-2006, 11:34 AM
Echo, what is that link that you Googled prove, besides the diversity in the languages here??

03-24-2006, 11:36 AM
if your white and have posted in this thread you should be shipped back to europe where you came from than be-headed and burned at the steak while hispanics piss on your scorching bodies to put out the flames after your demise!

*edit* only for the ignorant

Well thats ignorance at its best! lol..Mabye you should join the clan..You sound like them.. j/k

03-24-2006, 11:38 AM
Out of everything i wrote this is all you could pull out of it? ... ok... In no way was i saying latinos were the ONLY one that steal cars.. I think you missed the point on that one.

LIRL keep ya panties onmaaan im jus fuckin witcha

03-24-2006, 11:39 AM
Ok ...i just dont want anyone to take it the wrong way..

03-24-2006, 11:42 AM
Ok ...i just dont want anyone to take it the wrong way..
dont get it twisted.......i know where ya coming from but jusing tha example may not have been a great one. but like i said i understand cause it was tha point that shit wont get done if they dont have legal papers on pple.

03-24-2006, 11:43 AM
So you are saying its correct to pay taxes for all the other (americans) people in jail. whom have commited crimes (going from muders, drugs , rape and so on) against anyone??

Well atleast they have paid taxes in their life sometime

Let me ask you this then. If you worked hard, bought your dream house, and then 2 weeks later strangers start moving in. They don't pay rent, they just move in. Then they start getting free utilities by using your water, elec, gas, etc. They are working, and making money, but they choose to send it their relatives instead of pay you for the utilities. How would you feel?

03-24-2006, 11:44 AM
Well thats ignorance at its best! lol..Mabye you should join the clan..You sound like them.. j/k

thinkfast hes tryin to be funny.............WHITE POWER!!! LOL ( isnt that what you guys say? )

03-24-2006, 11:44 AM
who the hell is living like that? where?

cause I wanna move there :D

03-24-2006, 11:45 AM
thinkfast hes tryin to be funny.............WHITE POWER!!! LOL ( isnt that what you guys say? )

naw, you got me twisted... you need to holla at Rikan219/619 (Lil Rob)

03-24-2006, 11:46 AM
naw, you got me twisted... you need to holla at Rikan219/619 (Lil Rob)

oooh .....okay

03-24-2006, 11:47 AM
Well atleast they have paid taxes in their life sometime

Let me ask you this then. If you worked hard, bought your dream house, and then 2 weeks later strangers start moving in. They don't pay rent, they just move in. Then they start getting free utilities by using your water, elec, gas, etc. They are working, and making money, but they choose to send it their relatives instead of pay you for the utilities. How would you feel?
If you mean you renting your own house to people and they do this to you and you end up paying all that, you are a dumbass, There is nothing FREE in this or any country and you should evict them as their landlord.

B16a2 Civic
03-24-2006, 11:50 AM
so many racise people on here
as for " english" being the orginal language in " america" um no, wasnt there native americans here before Europe took claim.
i support letting people work to make a living, weather they are latin, black, white, mixed, purple, yellow

03-24-2006, 11:53 AM
so many racise people on here
as for " english" being the orginal language in " america" um no, wasnt there native americans here before Europe took claim.
i support letting people work to make a living, weather they are latin, black, white, mixed, purple, yellow

03-24-2006, 11:57 AM
Please, let me know where it stated English is the official language of these United States?

You'll be hard pressed to find it, know why? ENGLIGH IS NOT THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGE!! Immigrants or illegals as they are now called, have their own language/customs/beliefs. Who are you to tell people they have to change everything they know to live here? Says who? Ask your great ancestors why they picked up their shit and left on the mayflower!! If they adapted to the way of life over here we’d all be living in teepees :D

And to be honest no you wouldn’t need to know Spanish to live and survive in Mexico City. There are sections of town that are majority white/English speaking, I’m assuming business owners or wealthy older Americans… of course some do know Spanish, and they have adapted to the country, but to get around in general, especially in the second most populated city in the world, no you don’t NEED to know Spanish.

I said it was founded on the english language.....I didnt say it was written anywhere...Why should Americans be forced to learn spanish?

03-24-2006, 11:59 AM
I said it was founded on the english language.....I didnt say it was written anywhere...Why should Americans be forced to learn spanish?
who is forcing you to speak spanish? no one is forced to anything .

03-24-2006, 11:59 AM
Why should Latinos be forced to learn english?

we can go back and forth homey, noone needs to "adapt" to a way of life to survive and be successful, show me where thats written!!

03-24-2006, 12:00 PM
My whole point of posting in here, and in the other thread...

If you are going to live, live within the law...become a citizen, help the community....learn the language...ENGLISH/ or SPANISH...whatever it be..

I have no problem with immigrants coming here to make a better life, just do it the right way!

B16a2 Civic
03-24-2006, 12:00 PM
I said it was founded on the english language.....I didnt say it was written anywhere...Why should Americans be forced to learn spanish?

but this thread isnt about american's having to learn spanish, its about letting people work, even if they are immigrants, im sure they came to america for oppurtunities.

edit: well with your above post about living within teh law, alot of americans dont, neither do african americans, nor hatians, nor asians.
the point i think everyone was making is that they are just trying to better themselves, just like im sure everyone else did when they first came

03-24-2006, 12:00 PM
thinkfast hes tryin to be funny.............WHITE POWER!!! LOL ( isnt that what you guys say? )

yes i was making a funny...

03-24-2006, 12:00 PM
but this thread isnt about american's having to learn spanish, its about letting people work, even if they are immigrants, im sure they came to america for oppurtunities.

No but its part of it...I mean if you are going to argue one thing, might as well put everything in there as well!

03-24-2006, 12:02 PM
If you mean you renting your own house to people and they do this to you and you end up paying all that, you are a dumbass, There is nothing FREE in this or any country and you should evict them as their landlord.

Ha ha, what do you think the government is doing?

And yes too much is free here.

I have no problem with anyone that comes here, works hard, and pays their share of taxes. But to come here, and live off the taxes that I've paid pisses me off. If you use a highway, your kid goes to school, the government pays for your baby to be born, etc. You using our tax money. You should be an equal contributor.

03-24-2006, 12:04 PM
all i have to say is

everyone get your facts strait. all latinos are trying to fight for is equality not supremacy. the bill says that illigal imigrants can't attend public schools, to extend the legal process, to combine ins with police etc. thats why 300,000 people are marching right now in chicago, 500,000 people in la, 20,000 im wasconsin and atlanta is especting over 100,000 later on today and alot more all over the us.

oh and to say hispanics don't pay taxes. bullshit most of the people do pay taxes there is only a select few who don't

and as far as i know not all americans pay taxes. i have friends who work in construction and such type places and don't pay taxes. soo thats that

and not all americans have insurance and just to let you know there are more regestered accidents caused by white drunk drivers than any other race so thats all i have to say about that

stop trying to make it look like the only ones commiting crimes are latinos, i m not going to lie and say latinos don't commit crimes but shit whites, black, asians they all do too.

B16a2 Civic
03-24-2006, 12:04 PM
Ha ha, what do you think the government is doing?

And yes too much is free here.

I have no problem with anyone that comes here, works hard, and pays their share of taxes. But to come here, and live off the taxes that I've paid pisses me off. If you use a highway, your kid goes to school, the government pays for your baby to be born, etc. You using our tax money. You should be an equal contributor.

agree totally.

03-24-2006, 12:05 PM
Ha ha, what do you think the government is doing?

And yes too much is free here.

I have no problem with anyone that comes here, works hard, and pays their share of taxes. But to come here, and live off the taxes that I've paid pisses me off. If you use a highway, your kid goes to school, the government pays for your baby to be born, etc. You using our tax money. You should be an equal contributor.
now with that i agree.

03-24-2006, 12:06 PM
who is forcing you to speak spanish? no one is forced to anything .

When they require you to take it in school, to be able to go into the work force, then that is forcing....

And Ricky...If I were to move to Germany, I would learn German, I wouldnt foce people to cater to my needs....

03-24-2006, 12:08 PM
all i have to say is

everyone get your facts strait. all latinos are trying to fight for is equality not supremacy. the bill says that illigal imigrants can't attend public schools, to extend the legal process, to combine ins with police etc. thats why 300,000 people are marching right now in chicago, 500,000 people in la, 20,000 im wasconsin and atlanta is especting over 100,000 later on today and alot more all over the us.

oh and to say hispanics don't pay taxes. bullshit most of the people do pay taxes there is only a select few who don't

and as far as i know not all americans pay taxes. i have friends who work in construction and such type places and don't pay taxes. soo thats that

and not all americans have insurance and just to let you know there are more regestered accidents caused by white drunk drivers than any other race so thats all i have to say about that

stop trying to make it look like the only ones commiting crimes are latinos, i m not going to lie and say latinos don't commit crimes but shit whites, black, asians they all do too.

03-24-2006, 12:08 PM
all i have to say is

everyone get your facts strait. all latinos are trying to fight for is equality not supremacy. the bill says that illigal imigrants can't attend public schools, to extend the legal process, to combine ins with police etc. thats why 300,000 people are marching right now in chicago, 500,000 people in la, 20,000 im wasconsin and atlanta is especting over 100,000 later on today and alot more all over the us.

oh and to say hispanics don't pay taxes. bullshit most of the people do pay taxes there is only a select few who don't

and as far as i know not all americans pay taxes. i have friends who work in construction and such type places and don't pay taxes. soo thats that

and not all americans have insurance and just to let you know there are more regestered accidents caused by white drunk drivers than any other race so thats all i have to say about that

stop trying to make it look like the only ones commiting crimes are latinos, i m not going to lie and say latinos don't commit crimes but shit whites, black, asians they all do too.

i agree...with you...its not only latinos commiting crimes...actually to support what you are saying the average person who shops lifts, is an middle age white women...so that shows all races commit crimes

B16a2 Civic
03-24-2006, 12:08 PM
its Racial wars up in here, look what you started Rican LIRL

03-24-2006, 12:09 PM
I am trying to learn Japanese. Not working, though. I do have a lot of respect for those that learn English, though. It is the hardest language to learn and we are so fortunate to have been raised around it. So quit bitching and say something in spanish for the lessons of the day.

TACO - there is my spanish word

03-24-2006, 12:10 PM
but this thread isnt about american's having to learn spanish, its about letting people work, even if they are immigrants, im sure they came to america for oppurtunities.

you are correct...and as far as me arguing about this. I am trying to get more insight on this entire subject....

Alot of people dont obey the laws...but if you want to live here, please become a citizen....its easier in the long run

03-24-2006, 12:10 PM
slider you tryin to make light of this subject? thats how fools get chin checked at Shell gas stations man

cool out

03-24-2006, 12:11 PM
oh and to say hispanics don't pay taxes. bullshit most of the people do pay taxes there is only a select few who don't

Yes a lot do pay taxes. There is a percentage that doesn't. There are a lot of Americans that don't pay taxes either (they are free loaders too, and should be sent somewhere)

03-24-2006, 12:11 PM
its Racial wars up in here, look what you started Rican LIRL

no racial wars....I dont believe I am racist...I just dont believe in catering to others...as this country does....I believe people should adapt....and grow...not force people to do shit...

03-24-2006, 12:12 PM
i am a hispanic as well, and so many imgrants, NOT JUST HISPANCIS THERE ALL OVER, do alot of work for us everyday. They dont care to get dirty and work hard for that money. if it wasnt for them then we wouldnt have as much stuff as we do now. such as houses. resturants, etc..

B16a2 Civic
03-24-2006, 12:12 PM
no racial wars....I dont believe I am racist...I just dont believe in catering to others...as this country does....I believe people should adapt....and grow...not force people to do shit...

oh naah, not saying your racise
its just that soon it will be " well latino's arent the only one" then it will snowball from there

03-24-2006, 12:13 PM
slider you tryin to make light of this subject? thats how fools get chin checked at Shell gas stations man

cool out

Hells naw man, I'm just trying to throw some words of wisdom out there. English is very hard for anyone to learn. Hell, most of the legal Americans I know can barely use their language properly. I have no prob with the illegals, and they just need to watch their back with the gov on the lookout, nah mean?

03-24-2006, 12:13 PM
LIRL LOOK Whut I started!!

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03-24-2006, 12:14 PM
you are correct...and as far as me arguing about this. I am trying to get more insight on this entire subject....

Alot of people dont obey the laws...but if you want to live here, please become a citizen....its easier in the long run

the fuk you think this discussion is about?? People are out there trying to live right and do the right thing, and these bills are making it harder to become a citezen, making you a felon if you stay here, etc...

I had a friend of my sisters, her mother went to apply for a Visa/asylum status, they told her off the bat yesterday at court, asylum is denied, and she has 5 days to leave the country... if she wants to stay in the US past that, its $20,000!!! Her daughter is in her 3rd year at Ga Tech too, sucks for them...

03-24-2006, 12:15 PM
Sounds like a laundry detergent commercial!

03-24-2006, 12:16 PM
I think the hispanic community has done good....I agree they dont care to get down and dirty...the white man has gone soft...and some blacks as well

My beliefs are just different then others..

Ricky I am not trying to attack you....you know we love ya...

But the governement needs to do something that benefits everyone in this matter.. Rather it letting immigrants stay or not...They need to do something in everyone's best interest! Regardless, of paying taxes or not...This shit needs to get straighten out! And quick!

03-24-2006, 12:17 PM
the fuk you think this discussion is about?? People are out there trying to live right and do the right thing, and these bills are making it harder to become a citezen, making you a felon if you stay here, etc...

I had a friend of my sisters, her mother went to apply for a Visa/asylum status, they told her off the bat yesterday at court, asylum is denied, and she has 5 days to leave the country... if she wants to stay in the US past that, its $20,000!!! Her daughter is in her 3rd year at Ga Tech too, sucks for them...

Ok how long have they been here?

03-24-2006, 12:17 PM
why does that matter?

03-24-2006, 12:18 PM
why does that matter?

Just curious...

03-24-2006, 12:18 PM
Ok how long have they been here?

Wait a min. You are from Dahlonega. What could the hispanics possibly do to you up there?

03-24-2006, 12:19 PM
Wait a min. You are from Dahlonega. What could the hispanics possibly do to you up there?

I work in Gainesville...I have been attacked by all races

B16a2 Civic
03-24-2006, 12:19 PM
this discussion would be cool in person....at a long table.
and i have a feeling, some of us will have firearms in our laps or on teh table tappin it

03-24-2006, 12:19 PM
don't mind me, I'm outta here before the shit hits the fan!

03-24-2006, 12:20 PM
I work in Gainesville...I have been attacked by all racists....
ok, nevermind then, sorry

03-24-2006, 12:23 PM
and for the record not all hispanics/latinos inmigrants are Mexican, there is also people from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica , Panama , Venezuela, Colombia. and so on, also Irish people and others that are unknown to me are inmigrants ,

This country is made up of inmigrants , Unless youre an Native American From before Columbus Came here, Then you are American ....

03-24-2006, 12:24 PM
and for the record not all hispanics/latinos inmigrants are Mexican, there is also people from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica , Panama , Venezuela, Colombia. and so on, also Irish people and others that are unknown to me are inmigrants ,

This country is made up of inmigrants , Unless youre an Native American From before Columbus Came here, Then you are American ....

Cherokee pride baby! representing

03-24-2006, 12:24 PM
and for the record not all hispanics/latinos inmigrants are Mexican, there is also people from Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica , Panama , Venezuela, Colombia. and so on, also Irish people and others that are unknown to me are inmigrants ,

This country is made up of inmigrants , Unless youre an Native American From before Columbus Came here, Then you are American ....

if that were the actual standings..then I would only be 1/16 american!

03-24-2006, 12:28 PM
well then you are.

03-24-2006, 12:31 PM
this discussion would be cool in person....at a long table.
and i have a feeling, some of us will have firearms in our laps or on teh table tappin it

LIRL, B has the vision man...

B16a2 Civic
03-24-2006, 12:35 PM
LIRL, B has the vision man...

whose up for a meet tonight!~!!

03-24-2006, 12:46 PM
Cherokee pride baby! representing

Hell yeah! although you wouldn't kno it by looking at me.
I'm no immigrant(no offense) 100% American.

03-24-2006, 12:46 PM
Frontera Meet tonight!

03-24-2006, 12:49 PM
how bout we all have a meet in my backyard.. hispanics vs. everyone else! see hoo the last men standing are

03-24-2006, 12:50 PM
Cherokee pride baby! representing

My hubbys father is full blood cherokee!

B16a2 Civic
03-24-2006, 12:50 PM
how bout we all have a meet in my backyard.. hispanics vs. everyone else! see hoo the last men standing are

LIRL, but i dont wanna fight ya'll....i'll bring my hispanic friends to be on that side.
why not minorities vs majority

03-24-2006, 12:58 PM
Echo, what is that link that you Googled prove, besides the diversity in the languages here??

English was chosen by popluar vote to be the standard language of the United States of America. 1 common language to be used nation wide. Not spanish, chinese or german. after all more people speak english than(not nessarly as a primary language) any other language in the world.
I guess what I'm trying to say is eventhough some areas of mexico people can speak english it doesn't matter. try going to France or Spain and not at least try to speak the language and no one will even talk to you or serve you in a restaurant.

03-24-2006, 01:01 PM
how bout we all have a meet in my backyard.. hispanics vs. everyone else! see hoo the last men standing are

:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: . Race Warz. Santa Anna had a similar idea :lmfao:

03-24-2006, 01:05 PM
Im not for or against...I just get tired of people comming over here and not paying taxes ...ect... Now to the ones who are here and have kids and jobs and pay their taxes , and got over here the RIGHT way i have NOTHING bad to say. There are a lot of reasons this is being done . As long as it targets ones that border jumped over here i will be all for it! I have a LOT of friends who are latino and they all pay taxes and have a green card...Its not that hard to get over here....Ill go away now..
agree do it legaly if not then fuck off ! i have many hipanic and latino freinds but they are legal i know kids who are illegal and there scared of me, lol

03-24-2006, 01:06 PM
the fuk you think this discussion is about?? People are out there trying to live right and do the right thing, and these bills are making it harder to become a citezen, making you a felon if you stay here, etc...

I had a friend of my sisters, her mother went to apply for a Visa/asylum status, they told her off the bat yesterday at court, asylum is denied, and she has 5 days to leave the country... if she wants to stay in the US past that, its $20,000!!! Her daughter is in her 3rd year at Ga Tech too, sucks for them...

instead of getting mad at her why don't you get pissed at the 10 million+ people here breaking the law by being here illegally. those are the 1's ruining it for the good people out there.

The Golden Child
03-24-2006, 01:14 PM
everyone can argue here in this thread about what they think ..
no matter what the race is the good ones that try to live are looked down on ..

03-24-2006, 01:22 PM
everyone can argue here in this thread about what they think ..
no matter what the race is the good ones that try to live are looked down on ..


03-24-2006, 03:20 PM
instead of getting mad at her why don't you get pissed at the 10 million+ people here breaking the law by being here illegally. those are the 1's ruining it for the good people out there.

hey stupid, who's mad at her?? I was simply clarifying for her

03-24-2006, 03:47 PM
I didn't read all of this thread, but our gov't should go through the crowd and ship them all back... if they are illegal they are entitled to NOTHING.

GO HOME!!! :goodjob:

if just didn't show up to work so i could go rally downtown my boss would fire my ass, and he should. i happen to stop by a shop and they had two guys pull this shit and they told them not to come back (and they were here legally).

people are fucking stupid.

03-24-2006, 03:49 PM
hey stupid, who's mad at her?? I was simply clarifying for her

well, excuse me. it sounded like you were sry.

03-24-2006, 04:00 PM
thats ok.. dont let it happen again, and it would probably be good, for all of us

03-24-2006, 04:08 PM
If they adapted to the way of life over here we’d all be living in teepees :D


Having a black, japanese, and a white child, everyone here knows I'm certainly not prejudiced or racist. And Ricky. That was an awesome comment. I've never thought of that one, before. Makes a lot of sense. Reps to you if I can. Later, QD.

03-24-2006, 04:15 PM
who is forcing you to speak spanish? no one is forced to anything .

In a way, the school systems do. In order to get a college prep HS diploma, you have to have 2 years of a foreign language. Not necessarily Spanish, but you get what I mean. Later, QD.

03-24-2006, 04:30 PM
In a way, the school systems do. In order to get a college prep HS diploma, you have to have 2 years of a foreign language. Not necessarily Spanish, but you get what I mean. Later, QD.
yep my school only has french and spanish, i hate the french goverment and most of the people hate america and i dont want to learn spanish just because i dont want to learn spanish when i'm in america and english is are one and only national language

03-24-2006, 04:34 PM
legal immigrants are a different story

03-24-2006, 04:53 PM
Its not about race, its about getting on board with the rest of us, and paying your fucking dues.

03-24-2006, 05:09 PM
whose fault is that homey? go start YOUR own company then, and work them 80 hours a week... then you can talk about what you can't get. There are plenty of Latinos out there that take every last opportunity of being in this country, and using it to their advantage. I see nothing wrong with that, the IRS can tax man, whether or not you are here legally. Go take a loan out and start your own construction/painting/carpentry business, as many people I know have.. then you too can have the nice house and big body cars :D

Its not that...I make good money!!...its the fact that some of those that do still live off welfare and the gov't...I'm not racist by any means...There are plenty of every race out there that does this...I have no prob. with them being here as long as there workin makin a honest living!

03-24-2006, 05:10 PM
I didn't read all of this thread, but our gov't should go through the crowd and ship them all back... if they are illegal they are entitled to NOTHING.

GO HOME!!! :goodjob:

if just didn't show up to work so i could go rally downtown my boss would fire my ass, and he should. i happen to stop by a shop and they had two guys pull this shit and they told them not to come back (and they were here legally).

people are fucking stupid.


03-24-2006, 05:18 PM
all bullshit aside. the same people that built their companies off the back of people here illegally(or as slaves) are now uncomfortable at the fact that these same people(black/european/asian/hispanic indian etc.) have worked their asses off, gone on and are now living in the same area that the company owners live in. and have established their own thriving businesses.

there are bad seeds in every single group, that has always been the case. some people come legally, some are naturalized citizens(i.e, an immigrant bears a child with a US citizen, making the child a natural citizen by birth). some people come illegally and with no intention of being legal citizens because :
a) they dont want to pay taxes. all the money they make they can keep.
b) healthcare isnt denied in the event of emergency and they dont have to pay it, cause they can't be traced.
c) if crime comes into play. they can pull up and go elsewhere after a quick stay in their home country, if they even have to leave.
(there are actually more concrete reasons, but what was mentioned above are consequenses/perks of illegal status)
now with respect to the hispanic brothas and sistas that i know/have seen come up. i gave them mad props. cause how is it that you can show up in another country, not speak a lick of that official language, work for pennies, and at the end of 5 years. have more to show for it than most mufukkas that were born here?

the latino community(and most other non-american born communuties) work as one unit. they work truly as one unit. some people crack jokes about latino people packing more people in a car than the safe amount, and a large amount of people living under one roof. what most people dont see is that cooperative economics is being used to benefit the whole group sharing that one car, or living in that one bedroom apartment or house.
think about it. if one lone person buys a house for 150k, unless they get married, have a bomb ass job that wont go under or are rich, they alone shoulder the responsibility of that one house. you flip that, get 6 people paying on the mortgage and they all come up. the owner pays less, or pays it off faster. and everyone gets a place to sleep, in addition to a start off point on getting their own home. how many american born people can look past their own self to welcome their family members into their home for the benefit of themselves and their family ?? not many.
hell i cant even get black men together for a meeting about cooperative economics without hearing "i gots to get mine dawg" or "i aint trying to do nothing like that" or some other i'm an individual type shit.
some people hate it. but i gave latino community props on how in the 12years i've been herein atlanta. they went from, for the most part, being people with little power, to owning entire sections of neighborhoods, towns complete with businesses, med centers etc. you got TELEMUNDO and UNIVISION piping in on tv. your own news paper, outreach centers, political members and things like that all over town. and you, or the most part work as a team.

i'm done for now. the bill may be passed. but if it is. no one should get too upset. just do what you have to to get legal.

The Golden Child
03-24-2006, 05:29 PM
economy will be nothing without us non-citizens ..

03-24-2006, 05:31 PM
My mom who is a teacher said none of the latino kids came into school today cause of the protest, I had no idea. Can someone give me cliff notes of this thread?

03-24-2006, 05:39 PM
I didn't read all of this thread, but our gov't should go through the crowd and ship them all back... if they are illegal they are entitled to NOTHING.

GO HOME!!! :goodjob:

if just didn't show up to work so i could go rally downtown my boss would fire my ass, and he should. i happen to stop by a shop and they had two guys pull this shit and they told them not to come back (and they were here legally).

people are fucking stupid.

interesting how Ricky didnt say shit to you about this.....oh yeah....he knows his place on here. hahaha

03-24-2006, 06:03 PM
I didn't read all of this thread, but our gov't should go through the crowd and ship them all back... if they are illegal they are entitled to NOTHING.

GO HOME!!! :goodjob:

if just didn't show up to work so i could go rally downtown my boss would fire my ass, and he should. i happen to stop by a shop and they had two guys pull this shit and they told them not to come back (and they were here legally).

people are fucking stupid.

easier said then done.

If all the Lazy LEGAL AMERICAN people will get of there lazy asses and go to work or go to work and make 6 bucks an hour instead of staying in there homes collecting help from our goverment this would more then likely not be an issue.

AMERICANS are lazy.. period. Do you think ILLEGAL peeps dont know they are getting payed ALMOST nothing for a JOB? Yeah, they know that. They send there money to there country where that CHEAP money will help more..

HISPANICS are the hardest working motherfuckers I ever worked with.. Ive been in retail for 10 years So I say what I see.

Do I agree With the Strike? Nope, I think is stupid.. But, Hopefully this is a wake up call for some of the idiots we have in this country.

I Will always agree they should be here LEGALLY .. But, Some of us dont have room to talk when We have had a GREAT life compare to some of these peoples.

Most of you running your cocksucker on here dont know what hard life is.. REAL HARD LIFE IS....

My father didn't have his 1st pair of shoes until he was 9 years fucking old.... how many of you assholes can say that ? Thats fucking sad.. And now My parents are doing really well...

Until you go and walk a mile in there shoes YOU HAVE NO FUCKING RIGHT TO TALK... yea yea yea.. SAY THIS IS AMERICA I HAVE THE RIGHT TO MY OWN OPINION... hahah to bad no one really cares.... :lmfao:

BTW on a funny NOTE.. while all of us LEGAL mofo's are paying taxes and all this shit and we are all hoping that some day we go to the FAIR TAX ACT.. ILLEGAL IMIGRANTS already been on this PLAN FOR YEARS... hahahahh sucks when we are getting screwed :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

03-24-2006, 06:19 PM
IT IS MAKING PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE... the GA law states that contracters can not employ illegals and business owners as well or they will face fines. illegals are not entitled to social programs WELFARE, PUBLIC SCHOOLS, FOOD STAMPS, PEACH KIDS, etc...

for anyone who is here legaly more power to ya. i don't go to other countries and expect them to pay me $$$, why should they do it here. we shouldn't reward people who shouldn't be here. IMO :goodjob:



03-24-2006, 06:27 PM
IT IS MAKING PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE... the GA law states that contracters can not employ illegals and business owners as well or they will face fines. illegals are not entitled to social programs WELFARE, PUBLIC SCHOOLS, FOOD STAMPS, PEACH KIDS, etc...

for anyone who is here legaly more power to ya. i don't go to other countries and expect them to pay me $$$, why should they do it here. we shouldn't reward people who shouldn't be here. IMO :goodjob:



Most Illegal people I know Do not have access to that unless they have Illegal documents ... So I didnt know why are some of you are saying HAVE RIGHTS TO when they dont :confused:

This Country should be looked at 1st before blaming the HUNGRY. I mean, The border, leaks with paper works.. Social Security card sales...

I mean, aslong as these things exist, This will always be happening.

They are so many Ignorant people in this country that is not even funny.

Work Imigrants to death for cheap
Eat there food
Make fun of them
Fuck there Woman
And the list goes on and on.

I would love to do a TV show CALLED ... BE AN IMIGRANT FOR A MONTH or some shit like that.

Send you to some of those poor countries for a month and see how long any of you can survive and How hard you will try to make it to DREAM LAND..

I will be laughing my ass off.

The Golden Child
03-24-2006, 06:33 PM
if they really wanted to get rid of all the non-citizens ..
im sure they could and would in a blink of an eye ..
but why are they not doing anything about this situation ..
shit would only make you realize and want to know before you open your mouths ..
but the reason why us non-citizens are hard workers is cause we live through alot of shit ..
from racial slurs and picked on and such and such but still we have our pride ..
our pride is what we non-citizens run on ..
cause the us-money will help out with our family back home ..
im korean and i have it pretty bad also myself ..
shit i work close to 60 hrs get paid like shit ..
but i still manage to eat and pay rent and bills ..
im a not a us-citizen and neither are my parents ..
but my little brother is and he was born in elmhurst-ny ..
but anyway how about you take a look on our side and see what we deal with ..
im sure most of you can agree and know ..
seeing that your parents work really hard and come home tired ..
just to make enough to put food on the table ..
im sure what i said will prolly be viewed in other ways so keep it coming ..

HeLLo iM iZzY
03-24-2006, 06:33 PM
Send you to some of those poor countries for a month and see how long any of you can survive and How hard you will try to make it to DREAM LAND..

I will be laughing my ass off.

id like to see that aswell.

03-24-2006, 06:34 PM

The Golden Child
03-24-2006, 06:35 PM

about what ??

The Golden Child
03-24-2006, 06:37 PM
So you are for people comming over who are NOT supposed to be here? So how about when your car gets stolen and all they do is deport him cause the cant charge him. Then next week he is back..? I have NOTHING against latinos but damn there has to be a line somewhere!!

so this is referring to hispanics ??
seems like it to me ..

The Golden Child
03-24-2006, 06:38 PM
and its reasons like that they need to stay in Mexico!

because he said an illegal immigrant totalled his car ..
the 1st race you picked was a hispanic ??

The Golden Child
03-24-2006, 06:40 PM
I disagree. There are better ways of handling this shit.

like what ??

03-24-2006, 06:43 PM
if your white and have posted in this thread you should be shipped back to europe where you came from than be-headed and burned at the steak while hispanics piss on your scorching bodies to put out the flames after your demise!

*edit* only for the ignorant


Evryone in this country is an Immigrant cept the Native Americans.

03-24-2006, 06:51 PM

Evryone in this country is an Immigrant cept the Native Americans.

and those are far and few between nowadays.

03-24-2006, 09:05 PM
Arent there other illegal immigrants in this country other than latinos. I really dont care if they work or not. their jobs can open up to other people. there is always people wanting to work. the only big issue that i have a problem with is if you are over here illegally, you dont have a right to vote, therefore you dont have a right to bitch bout how our country (America) is ran.

03-24-2006, 09:54 PM
if you are over here illegally, you dont have a right to vote, therefore you dont have a right to bitch bout how our country (America) is ran.


The Golden Child
03-24-2006, 10:01 PM

hopping in the band wagon arent you .. :goodjob:

The Golden Child
03-24-2006, 10:02 PM
Arent there other illegal immigrants in this country other than latinos. I really dont care if they work or not. their jobs can open up to other people. there is always people wanting to work. the only big issue that i have a problem with is if you are over here illegally, you dont have a right to vote, therefore you dont have a right to bitch bout how our country (America) is ran.

aint no one bitching here to me ..
just stating our opinion just like you are ..

03-24-2006, 10:17 PM
hopping in the band wagon arent you .. :goodjob:

No, I've had this argument many of times in the civil forums here on IA.

Thanks for assuming though.

03-24-2006, 10:51 PM
yep my school only has french and spanish, i hate the french goverment and most of the people hate america and i dont want to learn spanish just because i dont want to learn spanish when i'm in america and english is are one and only national language

took German for that and Chinese for the GIRLZZZ

03-24-2006, 11:22 PM
Hello goinfasterthanu. If you knew a little about law before you spoke. You would know that they have to serve the sentenced that is handed to them then they are deported. Not trying to show you up just stating a fact. No I'm not Latin just a proud tax payer. That's all. Study your history of America.

03-24-2006, 11:24 PM
aint no one bitching here to me ..
just stating our opinion just like you are ..

Lol, i wasnt refering to the IA community as bitching, but illegals.

The Golden Child
03-24-2006, 11:52 PM
Lol, i wasnt refering to the IA community as bitching, but illegals.

most of the people on IA are prolly non-citizens ..

03-27-2006, 09:45 AM
most of the people on IA are prolly non-citizens ..

WTF is that supposed to mean homey? are your true colors showin man, or do you just feel like you are backed up in a corner? whats the deal

03-27-2006, 09:54 AM
I dont have a problem with anyone being here as long as you gonna work and make your own way.

The Golden Child
03-27-2006, 10:12 AM
WTF is that supposed to mean homey? are your true colors showin man, or do you just feel like you are backed up in a corner? whats the deal

nope my pride aint never fall ..
dont feel backed up in my corner ..
im proud of being who i am ..
just lettin son know what the deal is ..

03-27-2006, 10:17 AM
so this is an immigrant gathering place huh :lmfao: you need to think about what you say before posting jackass statements, haha...

oh and dont think I'm offended, I am a proud US citizen homey, GO USA :D :D

03-27-2006, 10:20 AM
There is one that I know of on here that isnt!

The Golden Child
03-27-2006, 10:26 AM
so this is an immigrant gathering place huh :lmfao: you need to think about what you say before posting jackass statements, haha...

oh and dont think I'm offended, I am a proud US citizen homey, GO USA :D :D

i wasnt trying to be rude or anything ..
just laying down that this country is always gunna have non-us-citizens ..

The Golden Child
03-27-2006, 10:27 AM
There is one that I know of on here that isnt!

isnt proud of who they are and where they came from ??

03-27-2006, 10:28 AM
Nope thats an illegal and really gets on my nerves. I have no problem with any of them just him.

03-27-2006, 10:29 AM
i wasnt trying to be rude or anything ..
just laying down that this country is always gunna have non-us-citizens ..

ok well now you are talking about the country as a whole, and thats obvious. the more and more you go up your own family tree, its going to get obvious that you arent from here either.. good point bro.

you previously stated most of THIS SITE is non-citizens. I take it that was a typo?

The Golden Child
03-27-2006, 10:35 AM
Nope thats an illegal and really gets on my nerves. I have no problem with any of them just him.

icic ..

The Golden Child
03-27-2006, 10:38 AM
ok well now you are talking about the country as a whole, and thats obvious. the more and more you go up your own family tree, its going to get obvious that you arent from here either.. good point bro.

you previously stated most of THIS SITE is non-citizens. I take it that was a typo?

if your referring to post #145 then yes it was a typo ..

03-27-2006, 10:41 AM
Better watch out for those typos. They will get you in trouble lol

The Golden Child
03-27-2006, 10:41 AM
rabunchic : maybe he likes you thats why he annoys you ??

03-27-2006, 10:42 AM
FUCK THAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He annoys me cause he is a smartass. Who thinks he is God's gift.

The Golden Child
03-27-2006, 10:42 AM
Better watch out for those typos. They will get you in trouble lol

yea i know i was so caught up and angry ..
just makes my mind go blank when people are ignorant ..

The Golden Child
03-27-2006, 10:43 AM
FUCK THAT SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He annoys me cause he is a smartass. Who thinks he is God's gift.

were all gods gift ..
brush em shoulders off ..
prolly would be a nasty site to see you guys face 2 face ..

03-27-2006, 10:44 AM
Then you would not like the same guy Im talkin about cause he is one of the most ignorant people I have ever met

The Golden Child
03-27-2006, 10:45 AM
Then you would not like the same guy Im talkin about cause he is one of the most ignorant people I have ever met

i think i know who it might be but im not sure but can i know ??

03-27-2006, 10:46 AM
You have AIM?

The Golden Child
03-27-2006, 10:54 AM
yup sn is below .. im on at home but im at work ..

03-27-2006, 10:56 AM
PM sent

The Golden Child
03-27-2006, 11:26 AM
gotcha ..

03-27-2006, 08:32 PM
this whole thread is stupid, im 20 years old, both of my parents came here about 25 years ago illegally, and are now lagel but, im born here and so are my lil brother and sister, but i hate how people that are born here and dont know what hard labor is think, like i own a construction company, and i help my employees at work, you people dont know what hard earned money is, that why this APRIL 10 ON THE NATIONAL HISPANIC WORK STOPAGE, everybody gets the day off, im going to the march, no matter what, even if i lose money, which i am, even if im born here i know what my parents went through and i dont want anybody else to go through that, they are not animals, they are humans looking for a better life for their children

The Golden Child
03-27-2006, 08:46 PM
this whole thread is stupid, im 20 years old, both of my parents came here about 25 years ago illegally, and are now lagel but, im born here and so are my lil brother and sister, but i hate how people that are born here and dont know what hard labor is think, like i own a construction company, and i help my employees at work, you people dont know what hard earned money is, that why this APRIL 10 ON THE NATIONAL HISPANIC WORK STOPAGE, everybody gets the day off, im going to the march, no matter what, even if i lose money, which i am, even if im born here i know what my parents went through and i dont want anybody else to go through that, they are not animals, they are humans looking for a better life for their children

kinda late now dont you think ??
but feel free to express your feeling ..

03-28-2006, 01:03 AM
Im not for or against...I just get tired of people comming over here and not paying taxes ...ect... Now to the ones who are here and have kids and jobs and pay their taxes , and got over here the RIGHT way i have NOTHING bad to say. There are a lot of reasons this is being done . As long as it targets ones that border jumped over here i will be all for it! I have a LOT of friends who are latino and they all pay taxes and have a green card...Its not that hard to get over here....Ill go away now..

die. be born again in mexico. and try to come here the "right" way and then talk shit.

taxes?.. wtf.. lots of those "illegals" are paying taxes thru someone elses name.

dude.. honestly, if you dont know the story dont tell it.

03-28-2006, 01:18 AM
My father didn't have his 1st pair of shoes until he was 9 years fucking old.... how many of you assholes can say that ? Thats fucking sad.. And now My parents are doing really well...

I can. My father immigrated from the poorest country in the world. Where having shoes is the least of their concerns, staying alive is.

He started as a dish washer when he came to the States and now he owns a million+ dollar company with 35+ restaurants throughout the east coast.

And he learned English and came over to this country legally.

How's that? :D

03-28-2006, 01:34 AM
I can. My father immigrated from the poorest country in the world. Where having shoes is the least of their concerns, staying alive is.

He started as a dish washer when he came to the States and now he owns a million+ dollar company with 35+ restaurants throughout the east coast.

And he learned English and came over to this country legally.

How's that? :D

whats your point val?.. being legal makes shit ALOT easier. in fact. if your father didnt make something of himself, that'd be a shame

03-28-2006, 01:36 AM
whats your point val?.. being legal makes shit ALOT easier. in fact. if your father didnt make something of himself, that'd be a shame

read the quote in my post, fool! julio asked how many assholes could say that. :tongue:

03-28-2006, 01:37 AM
well at least val is eligiable to be our commander in chief!

03-28-2006, 01:39 AM
My father didn't have his 1st pair of shoes until he was 9 years fucking old.... how many of you assholes can say that ? Thats fucking sad.. And now My parents are doing really well...I can. My father immigrated from the poorest country in the world. Where having shoes is the least of their concerns, staying alive is.

He started as a dish washer when he came to the States and now he owns a million+ dollar company with 35+ restaurants throughout the east coast.

And he learned English and came over to this country legally.

How's that? :D


03-28-2006, 01:41 AM
well at least val is eligiable to be our commander in chief!

This is true. Born and raised here.

Vote for me.

03-28-2006, 09:09 AM

The Golden Child
03-28-2006, 09:58 AM
BEANS & RICE - das all imma say ..