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03-23-2006, 04:19 PM
Hispanics planning boycott on Friday

The Times


The way Miguel Rodriguez sees it, the Gainesville-Hall County area may not fully appreciate the economic impact of its local Hispanic community.

Rodriguez, a serviceman for Que Buena FM in Gainesville, said Wednesday the radio station has been broadcasting details of a boycott that encourages Spanish-speaking residents to not spend money Friday in Hall County.

"This is to show how much money the Hispanic community spends every weekend," he said. "We want the community to see how much they would miss if we leave."

The radio station is calling for a boycott in protest of Senate Bill 529, to which a state House committee made a last-minute change on Wednesday, adding a 5 percent surcharge on wire transfers from illegal immigrants.

Sponsored by state Sen. Chip Rogers, the bill: denies state services to adults living in the state illegally; sanctions companies that knowingly employ undocumented workers; and imposes stiff penalties on human trafficking.

It's the latest skirmish in a battle over a Republican push to crack down on illegal immigration.

The debate over denying state services to illegal immigrants has been one of the hot-button issues at the Capitol and droves of activists from both sides have rallied at the Capitol.

"Anything that goes against people is wrong," Rodriguez said. "You say everyone is equal, but with this bill you are saying we are not equal."

Local attorney David Kennedy will be at the radio station about noon Friday to address the issue.

Dave Anderson, owner of Mexico Lindo newspaper, said protests and boycotts stemming from the issue of immigration have been going on, to a degree, nationwide.

"A lot of families are in the process of becoming legal, but they want to spend money on the borders, not on processing," he said.

Rodriguez also said he had heard that teachers were telling Hispanic children not to go to school Friday and he wanted to know why.

Dennis Fordham, superintendent of the Hall County School System, alerted principals Wednesday to rumors swirling of a possible boycott of schools Friday, said Gordon Higgins, spokesman for the system.

He told principals that the rumors involve students staying home from school because U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Services agents plan to swoop down on area schools.

The system has no information from the INS, Gov. Sonny Perdue's office or the Georgia Department of Education concerning any immigration enforcement at the schools, and school will go on as usual, Fordham said in the message.

Gainesville City Schools' superintendent, Steven Ballowe, said he sent a letter home to parents Wednesday saying that a flier is circulating that requests Hispanics to boycott work and businesses out of protest to state immigration legislation.

The flier doesn't mention schools and "every bit of proposed immigration reform has kept schools exempt," Ballowe said.

He said he further told parents they should know that, concerning any potential INS raids, "schools are a safe haven for their children and children need more days in school, not fewer."

Also, absences are "unexcused unless we have a doctor's note," Ballowe said.

"If parents have an issue with legislation, they should handle it in ways that don't involve their child's education," he said. "Education is the key to the child's future success."

Hall County schools' policy on absences says that students are excused for illness, a family member's illness or death, a court order mandating it, religious holiday and "conditions rendering attendance impossible or hazardous to student health or safety."

A flier encouraging Hispanics to, among other things, stay home from work Friday, has been circulating around area poultry plants.

The Times obtained an English translation of the flier, which says the proposed bill would "affect us tremendously."

Titled "Did You Know?" it reads: "With this law, the politicians have the right to deport for being illegal and treat us like criminals. Your children don't have the right to any medical services, nor schools.

"Don't be hired by a business illegally due to the fine which your boss will have to pay for hiring you."

The flier encourages workers to "get together," stay home from work and school and not buy anything.

It also offers details of a protest, set for 10 a.m. Friday.

Participants are encouraged to wear a white shirt, bring inoffensive posters and signs and meet in front of the fountain at Underground Atlanta, from where they will walk to the Capitol.

The effects of such a boycott, if it comes to pass, may not be known until Friday.

Staff writer Harris Blackwood and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

Contact: [email protected], (770) 718-3401

Originally published Thursday, March 23, 2006

03-23-2006, 05:21 PM
ignorance of the masses prevails

03-23-2006, 05:23 PM
hmm....any opinions ??

03-23-2006, 05:29 PM
its crazy how they go about things.....I mean...the hispanic community in Gainesville-hall county does spend alot of money....I just think they should try and become citizens to he;p them out...with health benefits, etc.

I think it is a good Idea to penalize employers who employee illiegals immigrants....I dont think they should suffer and not get health benefits, I think to make it fair that they should have to pay more then citizens...

We can learn and grow as one rather then serperates...I am hoping that things turn out well for everyone.

I mean the law is the law...you have to live within it...or fight it the right way...And if they do a protest rather than something stupid, then it should turn out for the better...

i think the illiegal immigrants, who do no good for the ecomony/community i.e. selling drugs, or robbing, should be caught, and punished and sent back to mexico...i am not racist...But I do believe that if you want to live in any country, you should adapt to the culture, we shouldnt have to cater to outsiders (so to speak)...

I dont feel i should have to learn spanish in the USA, because we were founded on the english language....just my 2cents

03-23-2006, 05:51 PM
i support the bill. and i have nothing against hispanics, but i think the way they are acting is childish

03-23-2006, 06:00 PM
im sorry i dont feel bad for people that are living here illegally... its called taxes live with it they dont pay income tax so 5% tax on money you send back i think it is a good deal its not like you get it taken out if you dont send it.

03-23-2006, 06:06 PM
i support the bill. and i have nothing against hispanics, but i think the way they are acting is childish
i have nothing at all against hispanics but i have a big problem with illegal imigration ! you know what we miss more than their money how about they pay taxes ! wow i would'nt mine that !

03-23-2006, 09:19 PM

03-23-2006, 09:44 PM


03-23-2006, 09:56 PM
im not racist but it pisses me off when we get taxes taken out and they get straight up cash with no taxes... i think that there still getting a better end of the deal, cuse we get more taken out in taxes then they probibly would. but i think that if you come here legaly then you have nothin to worry about but if you do come illeagle then you should just leave or stop bitchin

03-23-2006, 11:07 PM
just so you guys know there is a lot of hispanics that do pay taxes and don't claim it at the end of the year, where do you guys think all of those millions of dollars go, of course to the goverment and just for your information IRS don't care if you are ilegal or not they can provide you with a number (ITIN) so you can do your taxes and one more think maybe we do take jobs but are jobs that a lot of you won't do, and the only think they going to get with this is increase the crime porcentage due to no jobs cuz people still gonna to have to eat and feed their families and just so guys know a lot of people won't leave this country no matter what cuz they have kids that have been born in here, among another reasons

03-24-2006, 12:09 AM
see you guys downtown :D

03-24-2006, 05:48 AM
just so you guys know there is a lot of hispanics that do pay taxes and don't claim it at the end of the year, where do you guys think all of those millions of dollars go, of course to the goverment and just for your information IRS don't care if you are ilegal or not they can provide you with a number (ITIN) so you can do your taxes and one more think maybe we do take jobs but are jobs that a lot of you won't do, and the only think they going to get with this is increase the crime porcentage due to no jobs cuz people still gonna to have to eat and feed their families and just so guys know a lot of people won't leave this country no matter what cuz they have kids that have been born in here, among another reasons

ok On that note....this is not to sound racist..

Why do so many hispanics come here rather than trying to make there own country better? I mean our ancestors, had to suffer through alot, if people keep abandoning their country its just gonna go to shit!?!?!?!

The onlly thing that annoys me is, some places you have to learn spanish, its America, why should we bow down to illigeals?

And you are correct the hispanics do take alot of jobs, that americans wont take. But it still doesnt give them the right to try and stay here, if they are illiegal You want to be here live with in American Law...Become a citizen. WHile you are in the process INS cant touch you at all.....

03-24-2006, 07:21 AM
I LOVE IT. They have SOLVED Atlanta's traffic problem in 1 day.

I got to work in half the time it normally takes this morning :super:

I encourage all Latinos to boycott by staying home everyday.

03-24-2006, 07:33 AM
Civic95 FTW

03-24-2006, 07:48 AM
what if this is setup, so the INS can make stings

03-24-2006, 07:51 AM


yeah, i wish that would pass too. the best idea i've heard in a while

03-24-2006, 08:42 AM
i support the bill. and i have nothing against hispanics, but i think the way they are acting is childish

indeed. I'm in the Commercial construction supply industry and yesterday I kept aking the mexican guy in the warehouse if he was coming to work today he was saying yes yes. well, today he didn't show up and yesterday was his last day here.

03-24-2006, 08:47 AM
indeed. I'm in the Commercial construction supply industry and yesterday I kept aking the mexican guy in the warehouse if he was coming to work today he was saying yes yes. well, today he didn't show up and yesterday was his last day here.

Yep. :)

03-24-2006, 08:48 AM
Personally, I agree with this bill. I'm sorry, but something has to be done. You have to find a way to regulate the illegal money that passes hands. Yes, it IS illegal money. It is money earned by an illegal, which is a crime, and it needs to be dealt with.

03-24-2006, 08:49 AM
Personally, I agree with this bill. I'm sorry, but something has to be done. You have to find a way to regulate the illegal money that passes hands. Yes, it IS illegal money. It is money earned by an illegal, which is a crime, and it needs to be dealt with.

I concur

03-24-2006, 09:00 AM
I think that something should be done about all the "illegal immigrants" but I think it could have been handled in a better way.

03-24-2006, 09:10 AM
I think that something should be done about all the "illegal immigrants" but I think it could have been handled in a better way.

I agree %100 with you. It could have been handled WAY better. Wisconsin is looking to make illegal immigration a felon. I mean WTF. I understand something has to be done but not that way. The hispanic community has a HUGE impact in the whole country. These is presently more hispanics than black people in america!

I LOVE IT. They have SOLVED Atlanta's traffic problem in 1 day.

I got to work in half the time it normally takes this morning :super:

I encourage all Latinos to boycott by staying home everyday.

As far as you, I think you are as ignorant as my little sister.

03-24-2006, 09:13 AM
hmm... i feel that most mexicans ive meet represent america better

than most citizens do. ive never had a problem with an alien or immigrant

taking my job. (my experience) :2cents:

i strongly disagree with this bill.

03-24-2006, 09:15 AM
hmm... i feel that most mexicans ive meet represent america better

than most citizens do. ive never had a problem with an alien or immigrant

taking my job. (my experience) :2cents:

i strongly disagree with this bill.
^^^As he said. They are hardworking and take jobs that many Americans would not take.
I think something needs to be done, but not this way.

03-24-2006, 09:21 AM
Ok....I will not disagree that hispanics, are hard working.

I just think if you come over here you should adapt to the country, not the other way around.

And I have had plenty of bad experiences with immigrants. Bonding them out of jail for Drugs - selling and buying, drinking and driving. and many other laws. I see the ones like that as idiots, and should go back to mexico! Or stay in jail.

As for the ones who actually do good for the country, welcome...stay but become a citizen and avoid BS like this

03-24-2006, 09:55 AM
As far as you, I think you are as ignorant as my little sister.

Hows that ignorant? Thousands less people on the road, and traffic is better. Seems LOGICAL to me.

03-24-2006, 10:18 AM
hmm... i feel that most mexicans ive meet represent america better

than most citizens do. ive never had a problem with an alien or immigrant

taking my job. (my experience) :2cents:

i strongly disagree with this bill.

THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HARD WORKING MEXICANS DIRECTLY!!! this has to do with illegal immagrents of all types. yes i love the fact that mexicans take the uranal scrubbing job so i don't have to..... but only if they are an american citizen.

viva revolution!!!!!!!!! HAHA I LAUGH AT YOU!!!

03-24-2006, 10:25 AM
Ok....I will not disagree that hispanics, are hard working.

I just think if you come over here you should adapt to the country, not the other way around.


As for the ones who actually do good for the country, welcome...stay but become a citizen and avoid BS like this :goodjob: I didn't take Spanish in high school just out of spite of them telling me "You should take Spanish because of all the hispanics coming to America." Pfft, f*ck that. They're coming here so let them learn English. I'll take sign language, thanks.

03-24-2006, 10:26 AM
:goodjob: I didn't take Spanish in high school just out of spite of them telling me "You should take Spanish because of all the hispanics coming to America." Pfft, f*ck that. They're coming here so let them learn English. I'll take sign language, thanks.

I know sign language :)

03-24-2006, 10:29 AM
Btw, every illegal in this country is a felon. Nobody really thinks about that aspect...

the fuck you talkin about homey?

please explain? I haven't seen any laws passed :dunno:

03-24-2006, 10:32 AM
:goodjob: I didn't take Spanish in high school just out of spite of them telling me "You should take Spanish because of all the hispanics coming to America." Pfft, f*ck that. They're coming here so let them learn English. I'll take sign language, thanks.

i will agree with this... This is America, learn some english

i cant stand it at my job when customers start speaking to me in spanish

i look confussed.... they get mad.

THIS ISN'T MEXICO MOTHERFUCKER...I learnt the english so can you :2up:

i still stand with the point on this bill being to extreme.

03-24-2006, 10:37 AM
i will agree with this... This is America, learn some english

i cant stand it at my job when customers start speaking to me in spanish

i look confussed.... they get mad.

THIS ISN'T MEXICO MOTHERFUCKER...I learnt the english so can you :2up:

i still stand with the point on this bill being to extreme.

Whats funny is you DO put up with it, thats why you are still there... your job has that bilingual person just for this matter though, and when he gets promoted over you I dont want to see a whining post on here, HAHAHA :lmfao:

Immigrants are coming to this country everyday, it isn't just going to stop. Record numbers man... Latinos are no longer a minority. We have our own communities for this same reason (Latino/Korean/Indian etc..) You been down Buford Hwy recently?? hell, try parts of Lawrenceville!

03-24-2006, 10:39 AM
Whats funny is you DO put up with it, thats why you are still there... your job has that bilingual person just for this matter though, and when he gets promoted over you I dont want to see a whining post on here, HAHAHA :lmfao:

Immigrants are coming to this country everyday, it isn't just going to stop. Record numbers man... Latinos are no longer a minority. We have our own communities for this same reason (Latino/Korean/Indian etc..) You been down Buford Hwy recently?? hell, try parts of Lawrenceville!

nah, he'll get promoted and the bilingual guy will stay at the counter or whatever.

03-24-2006, 10:39 AM
Whats funny is you DO put up with it, thats why you are still there... your job has that bilingual person just for this matter though, and when he gets promoted over you I dont want to see a whining post on here, HAHAHA :lmfao:

Immigrants are coming to this country everyday, it isn't just going to stop. Record numbers man... Latinos are no longer a minority. We have our own communities for this same reason (Latino/Korean/Indian etc..) You been down Buford Hwy recently?? hell, try parts of Lawrenceville!

hey thinkfast.... im not white :2cents:

03-24-2006, 10:40 AM
nah, he'll get promoted and the bilingual guy will stay at the counter or whatever.


03-24-2006, 10:40 AM
Whats funny is you DO put up with it, thats why you are still there... your job has that bilingual person just for this matter though, and when he gets promoted over you I dont want to see a whining post on here, HAHAHA :lmfao:

Immigrants are coming to this country everyday, it isn't just going to stop. Record numbers man... Latinos are no longer a minority. We have our own communities for this same reason (Latino/Korean/Indian etc..) You been down Buford Hwy recently?? hell, try parts of Lawrenceville!

true that. Latinos play a big part in americas economy as well.

You gotta fight for your rights homeslice

03-24-2006, 10:40 AM
hey thinkfast.... im not white :2cents:

please point out me saying you were? :2cents::2cents:

03-24-2006, 10:43 AM
most of my friends are hispanic so i can see it through there eyes..

but even they admit,

most hispanics arnt here to stay, they get the cash and go back.

03-24-2006, 10:45 AM
please point out me saying you were? :2cents::2cents:

well ok you didnt but......

i am bilingual,

most white people arnt... guess i took it as to much of a hint.

Chris Mazda
03-24-2006, 05:45 PM
i read what the bill is all it does is tax wire transfers and deny benefits to NON TAX PAYING people in Georgia. I am not seeing why if i pay taxes and someone else does they get the same benefits. That is literally getting something for nothing for any illegal citizen. And lastly it penalizes companies who try to hire illegal workers so that the company can save money. Companies who try and cheat like that deserve to be caught and lose more money then if they did the right thing and hired a person with full benefits like they should. I dont see what the problem with the bill is. If your illegally inside the state making money and transfering it back to wherever your home is then there should be regulations put on it.

03-24-2006, 06:06 PM
end women's sufferage.

03-25-2006, 01:31 AM
WEll the manager where I work in ptc told all the Latinos that if they didnt show up, he would fire them. They all showed up, but the Latinos arte making a good point about this.

03-25-2006, 01:44 AM
Only non tax paying illegals should be punished, and that should go towards any immigrant

03-25-2006, 02:17 AM
This bill, if enacted, won't make a bit of difference. It's just political posturing. I'm sure it will be rewritten MANY times before it reaches the Governor. The original intent will be blurred by that point. I hope everyone realizes that most industrialized nations were built by the enslavement of immigrants.

Someone mentioned that real "Americans" really do want to work. Unfortunately, I'll have to disagree. I'm sure the SSA, insurance companies that pay out millions on fraudulent workmens comp claims, and the local unemployment office would probably agree with me. BTW, I rarely encounter homeless Asians or Latinos downtown hitting me up for money. I guess they would rather make $2.50 a hour than suffer the humiliation of eating a decomposing burger or sharing their cardboard box with a sewer rat. :bigok:

03-25-2006, 05:27 AM
Eh, who gives a fuck? Ban the illegals already. That is some bullshit that they expect all of us to bare the weight of taking care of people who just want to milk our government for our hard earned benefits.. I may be a good samaritan but they're trying to get services from our own country before we even get them. I applaud this bill and I am going to start calling the INS more often.. :goodjob: ;)

03-25-2006, 06:06 AM
they are asking for equality - thats all. They are here, working, buying homes, cars, etc.. the fuck you talkin about getting services? Banning illegals? This isnt a internet forum we are talkin about homey. Illegals leaving this country, that will never happen. The US depends too much on them for the work force and economy in general. These "illegals" spend billions of dollars, trust me its not in the best interest of the US for that to happen :D

Do you think you can spot an illegal just by looking at them, or are you going to start going up to people asking if they are legal???

thats just a dumbass comment...

The Golden Child
03-25-2006, 09:33 AM
they are asking for equality - thats all. They are here, working, buying homes, cars, etc.. the fuck you talkin about getting services? Banning illegals? This isnt a internet forum we are talkin about homey. Illegals leaving this country, that will never happen. The US depends too much on them for the work force and economy in general. These "illegals" spend billions of dollars, trust me its not in the best interest of the US for that to happen :D

Do you think you can spot an illegal just by looking at them, or are you going to start going up to people asking if they are legal???

thats just a dumbass comment...

i agree millions of non-us-citizens will keep coming in to this country ..

03-27-2006, 04:09 PM
but become a citizen and avoid BS like this

If only it was that easy.

If you actually knew how difficult it is to become a citizen, and the time (2+years at least) and money ($3000+ at least) it takes, it won't be a surprise that many chose to be illegal.

03-27-2006, 05:00 PM
this dude is kickin my ass in yahoo pool......

03-27-2006, 07:18 PM
If only it was that easy.

If you actually knew how difficult it is to become a citizen, and the time (2+years at least) and money ($3000+ at least) it takes, it won't be a surprise that many chose to be illegal.
ya well they choose wrong ! and we are the ones who pay for it, we pay for there medical and there childerns schooling, they pay no taxes, its total bullshit, its time for the make a border that cant be crossed ! lets all join the minute man !

03-27-2006, 07:28 PM
they are asking for equality - thats all. They are here, working, buying homes, cars, etc.. the fuck you talkin about getting services? Banning illegals? This isnt a internet forum we are talkin about homey. Illegals leaving this country, that will never happen. The US depends too much on them for the work force and economy in general. These "illegals" spend billions of dollars, trust me its not in the best interest of the US for that to happen :D

Do you think you can spot an illegal just by looking at them, or are you going to start going up to people asking if they are legal???

thats just a dumbass comment...

Exactly what i was thinking. :lmfao:

This movement is much like the civil rights movement, just different circumstances and the hispanics have a whole lot less ground to stand on. They arent really discriminated against in the whole this fountain for you, that one for them scheme; its jus pure racism they are going by. Well all i can say is, unless your legal here, you have NO GROUNDS TO STAND ON.

Ninety Four
03-27-2006, 07:40 PM
America as a country would collapse if weren't for people on the bottom of the economic pyramid who provide cheap (or free) labor. When this country was founded Blacks provided that labor and now many Hispanics do that job. Those who are calling for illegal aliens to be sent back to their home countries probably don't recognize this fact.

Anyway, I think it's a closedminded view to say that America shouldn't adapt to its changing culture. If that was the case, women wouldn't vote in this country and we would still have an outright racist, segregated society. Change is going to happen and that change is the increasing prevalence of cultures other than European in this country. You can either change with the times or be left behind.

03-27-2006, 07:49 PM
I honestly don't see what the problem is here. If you are an illegal immigrant to this country that is something you brought on yourself. You cannot complain about us wanting to at least tax you so that we can make back some of the money we spend on putting your children though school. Im sure if I moved into your home and started eating your food and using your utilities without your permission and without compensating you, you wouldn't be to happy about it.

Illegal immigration should be a felony, it is a huge threat to national security and needs to be stopped. The same routes that illegal immigrants, even those that do not mean harm to our country, use can be used by terrorists or other groups that do want to harm the U.S.

Also I do know that hispanics take many of the jobs that Americans will not take but I also believe this is partly because Americans will not take those jobs for the same amount of pay as the hispanic workers.

03-27-2006, 07:54 PM
Basically we have the business owners to blame here. Bitches, pay higher wages and pay the unemployment and all will be well. I mean, whats an extra $50k to you when your already making profit of $500k???

03-27-2006, 08:22 PM
I honestly don't see what the problem is here. If you are an illegal immigrant to this country that is something you brought on yourself. You cannot complain about us wanting to at least tax you so that we can make back some of the money we spend on putting your children though school. Im sure if I moved into your home and started eating your food and using your utilities without your permission and without compensating you, you wouldn't be to happy about it.

Illegal immigration should be a felony, it is a huge threat to national security and needs to be stopped. The same routes that illegal immigrants, even those that do not mean harm to our country, use can be used by terrorists or other groups that do want to harm the U.S.

Also I do know that hispanics take many of the jobs that Americans will not take but I also believe this is partly because Americans will not take those jobs for the same amount of pay as the hispanic workers.

yea but its sorta unfair to target only the hispanics - what aobut illegal asians or indians and that?

There was actualyl a documentary on this - something about how if thte US deported all of the etimated illegal working population of hispanics, the US would have to employ everyone from 9th grade up to keep the economy running

03-27-2006, 08:39 PM
yea but its sorta unfair to target only the hispanics - what aobut illegal asians or indians and that?

There was actualyl a documentary on this - something about how if thte US deported all of the etimated illegal working population of hispanics, the US would have to employ everyone from 9th grade up to keep the economy running

Yep. Not only hispanics. My people too, believe it or not, lol. However hispanics are the main group with the most power. But in my opinion, ALL THE ILLEGALS NEED TO BE TREATED THE SAME.

Crack down on them, tighten the border with militia's, crack down on illegal's already here, and hit the businesses with heavy fines.

03-27-2006, 08:50 PM
Basically we have the business owners to blame here. Bitches, pay higher wages and pay the unemployment and all will be well. I mean, whats an extra $50k to you when your already making profit of $500k???
This is very true. The sad fact is that Americans have done this to themselves, both in politics and in the private sector. Greedy contractors hire illegals so that they can make more profit. This is exactly what some of the recent legislation is attempting to address, and its about time.
I work in IT with a lot of different ethnicities. Probably 1/3 of my associates are Indian or Asian, and many of them are either naturalized or permanent residents. Why is it that they can come over, go through the process, and become viable, taxpaying members of the economy, while we have millions of others who can not? The process is the same for everyone, though :confused:
And for those of you who believe that the economy of the country is so dependant on illegals, you are buying into liberal propoganda. Yes, certain products, like produce, may cost more, and construction costs may be a little bit higher, but the reality is that it really wouldnt hurt most people. Its just like gasoline...everyone bitches, but in reality, when is the last time you needed to drive somewhere, but didnt, because gas cost too much? The economy will even itself out. Paying an extra buck for a bag of oranges will pale in comparison to what will happen in a couple generations when the government is having to support a huge population of laborers who are now needing social services but their previous generations never paid into them. The US has been such a strong world power over the past 150 years because we had a good balance of skilled and unskilled labor, which is what immigration laws are designed to protect. The "pyramid" has to be balanced.

Ninety Four
03-27-2006, 09:05 PM
Illegal immigration should be a felony, it is a huge threat to national security and needs to be stopped. The same routes that illegal immigrants, even those that do not mean harm to our country, use can be used by terrorists or other groups that do want to harm the U.S.

I highly doubt America will do much to slow hispanic immigration, because legislators know this would upset aspects of country's economy. Trust me, people of Middle Eastern descent are getting profiled heavily and they have a hard time getting into the US nowadays, even students, so the situation of them vs. Hispanic immigration is completely different.

Also, keep in mind that while there is a good number of illegals in the US, there is also a large number of Hispanics who are legal residents or full citizens and many of them vote Republican. So stick that in your "liberal propaganda" pipe and smoke it. lol