View Full Version : mecury retrograde..

kelly marie
03-23-2006, 02:08 PM
anyone ever hear of this.. all the ladies in my office go crazy when the planets are in retrograde...

basically it happens about 3-4 times a year and lasts a couple weeks at a time.. havent done much reading on it but if you are aware of it you will notice it when it peaks its ugly head.. we have been in this retrograde since march 5th i believe and it will continue til march 25th...

we notice it with our computer systems.. printers.. and copiers.. not so much in my cars or devices at home.. but if you are interested in astronomy then you should read about it.. :)

***if you arent interested in this type of thing please dont bother flamming.. its an interesting subject and thought i would share!!***


just a tid bit..
Mercury Retrograde
While people speak of Mercury Retrograde periods that screw up computers and television sets, today's astrologers believe the mishaps happen in more personal realms (Uranus is the planet that rules television and computers). Mercury rules communication, but more informal communications, like writing, speaking, short shopping sprees and other erranding endeavors. So, while Mercury is Retrograde, don't give that party, be extra aware of what you say and what you interpret when chatting with or writing to friends, cut back on errands, expect that the check will be in the mail longer than usual. Since the car is usually used for shopping and errands, don't be surprised if the battery wire loosens or the fan belt snaps just when you have rush out for that one ingredient you forgot to buy.

The good things to do when Mercury is Retrograde: meditate, contemplate, edit the book/poem/song/essay you've been writing, clean house, talk to your pet, listen to music, paint, catch up on sleep!

HeLLo iM iZzY
03-23-2006, 02:53 PM
im confused...:confused: ...does all of this happen for real or is this some kind of joke that I seem to not understand..lol

kelly marie
03-23-2006, 02:54 PM
its for real..