View Full Version : had the wierdest dream.....

03-23-2006, 12:53 PM
i wake up this morning like WTF ??!! had this dream that this dude and i were trying to figure out the name of a certain group that was popular in like the early 90's and in the dream me and dude couldnt figure that shit out but we know the names of a couple songs. so anyway, i wake up this monring and on the way to work i'm thinking WTH did i have that stupid ass dream for?? and the name of the group hit me right in the face.....(now dont laugh)

http://images.amazon.com/images/P/B000005CEZ.01.LZZZZZZZ.jpg http://www.mercadolivre.com.br/jm/img?s=MLB&f=32420866_4506.jpg&v=P
and i'm like...WTF??!! 30-somethings know this one.

03-23-2006, 12:55 PM
if you were in junior/high school, or college in or around 90-92 you know about this group.

03-23-2006, 02:09 PM
You had a dream about PM Dawn. LOL hahahaha

03-23-2006, 02:11 PM
yeah that shit was insane. i'm sitting there in the dream wondering why the fuck am i haveing a conversation with some dude on the street about fuckin PM DAWN. i was just as perplexed in the dream as i was when i woke up!! and in the dream, dude approached me asking if i knew the name of the group that sang this song, but he only knew the chorus..."something like set adrift on memories bliss of you" and i'm like "yeah, i remember that song but dont know the name of the group. and he was really trying to get me to remember. it was like a 10min convo or something. and the whole time i'm like.."WTF is he asking me for?"

03-23-2006, 02:40 PM
I know PM Dawn!

A.P. Photography
03-23-2006, 02:45 PM
PM Dawn had a couple of good songs back in the day.

"Looking Through Patient Eyes"

"The channel, a professional liar.
How I long to contradict those vibes.
Joni help me, I think I'm falling.
It's not the love and I quest the why.
I don't know, If I'm right, I'm right.
But if I'm wrong then show me I'm wrong.
The fear of pity is always awake.
But infinite sympathy is completely gone.
It's the windows, the doors, the passageways to the truth.
Oh my god, it echoes the mind.
In total recall as wild as the deuce.
And so deceiving is the clouded heart.
So superficial is the open wound.
I caress the infinite light.
That even at night overshadows the moon that sings to you. "