View Full Version : lol sponsored car on IA...

03-11-2006, 03:49 PM

Piece of shit corolla with rust all over it and when it starts getting good, here it comes.....

not trying to sound smart but actually my car is sponsored by Sport Compact pro http://www.sportcompactpro.com

My god look at the car.

Good luck selling your 1000 dollar sponsored car, shouldnt be hard! lol

I got neutral repped in that one too.

The Golden Child
03-11-2006, 03:50 PM
link doesnt work .. =(

ct9a gsr
03-11-2006, 03:56 PM
I hear more and more ppl claiming they're fully sponsored by that site... what's the deal with that? Anyone got info on that specific site or is it another one of those carsponsorships.com scams?

HeLLo iM iZzY
03-11-2006, 04:02 PM
POS car

03-11-2006, 05:20 PM
is it another one of those carsponsorships.com scams?

after a look at the car that has to be the case.

03-11-2006, 05:20 PM
I met the guy at a meet, he is cool as hell. Damn not everybody can afford to get that badass car like some of us and he might also be new to the import scene. He is just trying to sell his car, but ppl like u can't keep thier fucking mouth shut for a moment. Stop fucking criticizing ppl, just because they dont have the nicestcar. To me you are a true example of a ricer. I hope you have a good comeback, and not the same shit everybody says here. Like my car is faster than yours, so you want to race to settle this.

03-11-2006, 05:24 PM
I met the guy at a meet, he is cool as hell. Damn not everybody can afford to get that badass car like some of us and also might not have a lot of knowledge about the import world. He is just trying to sell his car, but ppl like u can't keep thier fucking mouth shut for a moment. To me you are a true ricer

:goodjob: , seriously guys whats the big deal? always giving everyone a hard time... bunch of h8ters on the web, if the kid was a tool then i can see bashing him/ride but seems harmless so let the guy be.

03-11-2006, 05:28 PM
My boy Chris is tryin' just like the rest of us.

Hate, hate, hate, hate, hate. Everyone is quick to bash but no is all that quick for a kind word or even to help the brother out.

I like to think that majority of us are adults here...but then again I'm proven wrong by a select few.

Chris...do ya' thing.

03-11-2006, 05:38 PM
You call it hating, I call it honesty.

I could give a shit less if you think I'm being mean or whatever but it doesn't make sense.

You dont just get sponsored. You have to DO something for a company to give you shit. What does he DO for any company?

03-11-2006, 05:39 PM
:goodjob: , seriously guys whats the big deal? always giving everyone a hard time... bunch of h8ters on the web, if the kid was a tool then i can see bashing him/ride but seems harmless so let the guy be.

lol yeah. Whatever I'm "sponsored".

03-11-2006, 05:40 PM
i mean damn guys...i know the guy that owns this car. He's a cool cat and tried with this car. Atleast cut him a little slack. Throw a stock exhaust on that thing and you have a fantastic 30mph Daily driver. Hell chris if i had an extra 900 i'd buy it from you....Wanna trade for a d50 with two lenses?

03-11-2006, 05:41 PM
i mean damn guys...i know the guy that owns this car. He's a cool cat and tried with this car. Atleast cut him a little slack.



03-11-2006, 05:42 PM
are you 4years old god leave him alone you remind me of my little sister

03-11-2006, 05:43 PM
are you 4years old god leave him alone you remind me of my little sister

Nope I'm not.

Anybody want to answer my question?

03-11-2006, 05:44 PM

i gave you a picture of the beast, bitch!!! haha.

03-11-2006, 05:45 PM
i gave you a picture of the beast, bitch!!! haha.

True. I get hooked up on a few pictures free. I'm grateful. Thanks.

Seriously though. Is it one of those pay money and we send you a calendar or stickers or something?

03-11-2006, 05:48 PM
True. I get hooked up on a few pictures free. I'm grateful. Thanks.

Seriously though. Is it one of those pay money and we send you a calendar or stickers or something?
yeah it is...its exactly like carsponsorship.com pay $85 dollars and get semi-discounted stuff or if you have a rarer car free graphic kits from decalkits.com....so i mean its kind of a catch 22....you get discounts but you pay to get them.

03-11-2006, 05:50 PM
lol yeah. Whatever I'm "sponsored".

no one wants to sponsor your rag :lmfao:, actually don't you have IA stickers? see we sponsor you :goodjob:

IA is giving sponsorships to all on the web.. rock our decals and we give you FREE BANDWITH TO KILL :bigok:

03-11-2006, 05:51 PM
OMFG...this little kid started a thread about lil ole me...dayum i am impressed..tell you what dickhead...who gives a shit what you think....i am a scout for SCP so i go to shows and gain new members, hell i just got the dayum sponsorship a few months ago and haven't had the time nor money to invest in my car...i have a life outside my car and REAL bills to take care of...so to anyone else that wants to hate..as P$C would say "DO ya THANG!!!"...i gives a shit.....to everyone else...preciate that guys

03-11-2006, 05:52 PM
OMFG...this little kid started a thread about lil ole me...dayum i am impressed..tell you what dickhead...who gives a shit what you think....i am a scout for SCP so i go to shows and gain new members, hell i just got the dayum sponsorship a few months ago and haven't had the time nor money to invest in my car...i have a life outside my car and REAL bills to take care of...so to anyone else that wants to hate..as P$C would say "DO ya THANG!!!"...i gives a shit.....to everyone else...preciate that guys

+20 for brushing it off like a champ... if you want i'll let you look at my 8 pages of ownage on vortex for my paintjob :goodjob: , this is weak sauce compared to that.

03-11-2006, 05:54 PM
OMFG...this little kid started a thread about lil ole me...dayum i am impressed..tell you what dickhead...who gives a shit what you think....i am a scout for SCP so i go to shows and gain new members, hell i just got the dayum sponsorship a few months ago and haven't had the time nor money to invest in my car...i have a life outside my car and REAL bills to take care of...so to anyone else that wants to hate..as P$C would say "DO ya THANG!!!"...i gives a shit.....to everyone else...preciate that guys
Chris its okay man....the guy is just trying to get something rolling on a slow post for IA methinks. It just so happens you were the scape goat for that. Personally dude i think you should just not take this to heart. You build what you like because YOU like it...not someone else. No need to name call or get angry. People have different taste and for what you had to work with i commend you for building what you could. That is all.

Darling Nikki
03-11-2006, 05:56 PM
Fuck man....someone is always motherfucking hating on this shit. Keep it real Chris I don't know you but from what everyone else is saying you sound cool. Hope to meet ya one day.

03-11-2006, 05:57 PM

03-11-2006, 05:57 PM
i mean damn guys...i know the guy that owns this car. He's a cool cat and tried with this car. Atleast cut him a little slack. Throw a stock exhaust on that thing and you have a fantastic 30mph Daily driver. Hell chris if i had an extra 900 i'd buy it from you....Wanna trade for a d50 with two lenses?

nah brady your a beast with that camera...and i know there is no way in hell you would give it up LOL

03-11-2006, 06:00 PM
postwhore.. someone always looking to catch attention... you wanna talk about sponsorships, you wear brand name clothes/shoes? drive a car that is made by a certain manufacturer? in terms of that YOUR A WALKING BILLBOARD. And like my buddy Chris says, people have outside lives aside from cars like GOING TO SCHOOL, working full time, PAYING REAL BILLS and money is set aside for maintenence on a car and gas, aesthetics may be an issue, but if its a CAR to get you from point A to point B. LEAVE IT BE. Not everyone has the monetary means to do what they want to do with their car, but you know what? when we graduate and make money, then we'll see who's laughing. All this ethuggin/ehating is fucking pointless and not needed. People like you give the forum a bad rep and all you do is BRING DOWN MORAL. We're all fellow enthusiasts, LEAVE IT AT THAT.

03-11-2006, 06:01 PM
so this "SCP" sounds like multi-level marketing crap to me. pay money to be "sponsored", then recruit more people to pay them to also be "sponsored".

03-11-2006, 06:02 PM
postwhore.. someone always looking to catch attention... you wanna talk about sponsorships, you wear brand name clothes/shoes? drive a car that is made by a certain manufacturer? in terms of that YOUR A WALKING BILLBOARD.
nice, im not a walking bilboard, no emblems on my car, and i dont wear name brand clothes

03-11-2006, 06:02 PM
and DIPSET all day baby..

03-11-2006, 06:03 PM
Fuck man....someone is always motherfucking hating on this shit. Keep it real Chris I don't know you but from what everyone else is saying you sound cool. Hope to meet ya one day.

thanks...come to stockbridge on weekend and you can...ANT, JB ya'll coming tonight...dougs teg is in the tranny shop so he has to ride with me

03-11-2006, 06:04 PM
nice, im not a walking bilboard, no emblems on my car, and i dont wear name brand clothes

come on now, don't be an ass, somewhere in your closet you have something brand name.. i'm just making a point.. everyone, is some way shape or form has something that is "propaganda" for companies to showcase their stuff

03-11-2006, 06:05 PM
come on now, don't be an ass, somewhere in your closet you have something brand name.. i'm just making a point.. everyone, is some way shape or form has something that is "propaganda" for companies to showcase their stuff
i know your making a point, wasnt meaning to be an ass, just a random statement
lemme check my closet

the only thing brand name are Lee's jeans, but you cant see the name when i wear them

03-11-2006, 06:08 PM
thanks...come to stockbridge on weekend and you can...ANT, JB ya'll coming tonight...dougs teg is in the tranny shop so he has to ride with me
bitch i will not be in stockbridge but thanks for asking...

03-11-2006, 06:09 PM
omg god let me explain this co-op sonsorship to the slow ones on here...it is not a full sponsorship first off, in exchange for the money paid i have access to parts at wholesale price (20% - 60% off) it's a year contract and all i have to do is go to shows and take pics and spread the word about scp (which is now TeamScp, the company was bought out by a group of investors)...now as far as my car...like i said i have real bills to pay, and do not have mommy or daddy to help with my "adiction" as some would call it. so with that said i am done with this subject, anything else after this is nothin


03-11-2006, 06:09 PM
come on now, don't be an ass, somewhere in your closet you have something brand name.. i'm just making a point.. everyone, is some way shape or form has something that is "propaganda" for companies to showcase their stuff
i've got my sparco hat on....hellz yeah bitches...and a sparco tag bracket...hells yeah. i love johnny walker.

03-11-2006, 06:09 PM
bitch i will not be in stockbridge but thanks for asking...brady i know you won't be in stockbridge...you are going out for your birthday right??

03-11-2006, 06:10 PM
yes sir...next weekend though...all stockbridge all the time..

03-11-2006, 06:14 PM
yes sir...next weekend though...all stockbridge all the time..

cool man be easy tonight....don't get too fucked up

03-11-2006, 06:16 PM
so what? this has turned into another happy bday thread for BRADY?

03-11-2006, 06:17 PM
so what? this has turned into another happy bday thread for BRADY?
damn straight...i'm the juggernuat BITCH! haha you know he is actually in the 3rd xmen movie coming out in may!!!

ct9a gsr
03-11-2006, 06:18 PM
omg god let me explain this co-op sonsorship to the slow ones on here...it is not a full sponsorship first off, in exchange for the money paid i have access to parts at wholesale price (20% - 60% off) it's a year contract and all i have to do is go to shows and take pics and spread the word about scp (which is now TeamScp, the company was bought out by a group of investors)...now as far as my car...like i said i have real bills to pay, and do not have mommy or daddy to help with my "adiction" as some would call it. so with that said i am done with this subject, anything else after this is nothin


You know the formal label for this type of business is called "multi-layer marketing"... which I believe was mentioned in the previous page. The older name was "pyramid scheme". Essentially, a company deviates a great idea to convince people of their business being legit and paying as well... which they essentially look for people with high social engineering skills... or people who are easily convinced of things. They then go out and do the rest of the work for them and branch off... start off with 10, each branch 10 more into 110, the 100 branch 10 more, etc... and they all pay $85 and get convinced that this is something awesome and legit because their peers said so. If you multipy the money by how many clients the original host or business owner(s) has now under his pyramid, you'll see how hard he's banking.

I don't think Jay was really trying to make fun of your car... but getting across the point that you're a lemming ignorant to what a real sponsorship is and pyramid schemes.

BTW, I'm not "hate'n" on you... just spreading knowledge from my marketing degree. Hope things work out for ya.

03-11-2006, 06:19 PM
damn straight...i'm the juggernuat BITCH! haha you know he is actually in the 3rd xmen movie coming out in may!!!


03-11-2006, 06:21 PM
i appreciate that bit of info man...and it's nice to see someone with a college degree shead some light on this thread....scheme or not i have ordered some parts and i did get a good deal on them, i don't think i will renew my contract with them on the grounds that i just don't have the time nor funds to invest in my car like i want (paying for school, other bills and helping parents with paying off the house) again preciate that

03-11-2006, 06:22 PM
You know the formal label for this type of business is called "multi-layer marketing"... which I believe was mentioned in the previous page. The older name was "pyramid scheme". Essentially, a company deviates a great idea to convince people of their business being legit and paying as well... which they essentially look for people with high social engineering skills... or people who are easily convinced of things. They then go out and do the rest of the work for them and branch off... start off with 10, each branch 10 more into 110, the 100 branch 10 more, etc... and they all pay $85 and get convinced that this is something awesome and legit because their peers said so. If you multipy the money by how many clients the original host or business owner(s) has now under his pyramid, you'll see how hard he's banking.

I don't think Jay was really trying to make fun of your car... but getting across the point that you're a lemming ignorant to what a real sponsorship is and pyramid schemes.

BTW, I'm not "hate'n" on you... just spreading knowledge from my marketing degree. Hope things work out for ya.

I mean, all of its business, I don't major in it. But there are plenty of schemes out there were businesses will have people go out there and spread the word, making the "sponsored" do all the leg work and the company can sit back and reap the benefits. I mean, on paper its a great idea, but sucks for the "sponsored"

03-11-2006, 06:22 PM

03-11-2006, 06:25 PM
i appreciate that bit of info man...and it's nice to see someone with a college degree shead some light on this thread....
ct9a gsr (charles) has a college degree? :confused:

03-11-2006, 06:26 PM
i just assumed he did from the

"BTW, I'm not "hate'n" on you... just spreading knowledge from my marketing degree." comment he made i maybe wrong

ct9a gsr
03-11-2006, 06:27 PM
ct9a gsr (charles) has a college degree? :confused:

lol, don't hate... just because I giggle and stare at hot girls working at restraunts doesn't mean I'm not smart. =]

03-11-2006, 06:27 PM
lol, don't hate... just because I giggle and stare at hot girls working at restraunts doesn't mean I'm not smart. =]

buahahaha.. he's a well traveled man

03-11-2006, 06:30 PM
lol, don't hate... just because I giggle and stare at hot girls working at restraunts doesn't mean I'm not smart. =]
i thought u were still at ksu?
i didnt mean you werent smart, but yea you were so busted that nite lol

03-11-2006, 07:00 PM
You know the formal label for this type of business is called "multi-layer marketing"... which I believe was mentioned in the previous page. The older name was "pyramid scheme". Essentially, a company deviates a great idea to convince people of their business being legit and paying as well... which they essentially look for people with high social engineering skills... or people who are easily convinced of things. They then go out and do the rest of the work for them and branch off... start off with 10, each branch 10 more into 110, the 100 branch 10 more, etc... and they all pay $85 and get convinced that this is something awesome and legit because their peers said so. If you multipy the money by how many clients the original host or business owner(s) has now under his pyramid, you'll see how hard he's banking.

I don't think Jay was really trying to make fun of your car... but getting across the point that you're a lemming ignorant to what a real sponsorship is and pyramid schemes.

BTW, I'm not "hate'n" on you... just spreading knowledge from my marketing degree. Hope things work out for ya.

charles hit it right on the money there...

its just like amway and quixstar.

03-12-2006, 12:49 AM

03-12-2006, 12:57 AM
i dont know why yall hating. I think its very tastefully done. Well executed craftsmanship. +1 to you and power to the 4AFE's!

03-12-2006, 09:40 AM

mario i told you man this shit was outrageous....but on a brighter note....

Im the juggernaut bitch!!!!!!!!

03-12-2006, 09:43 AM
i thought u were still at ksu?
i didnt mean you werent smart, but yea you were so busted that nite lol


03-12-2006, 10:01 AM
no one wants to sponsor your rag :lmfao:, actually don't you have IA stickers? see we sponsor you :goodjob:

IA is giving sponsorships to all on the web.. rock our decals and we give you FREE BANDWITH TO KILL :bigok:

I don't have IA stickers. I need one for my bike rack though!

03-12-2006, 10:05 AM
I like to think that majority of us are adults here...

That's bad thinking right there, cuzz. Later, QD.

03-12-2006, 10:08 AM
so this "SCP" sounds like multi-level marketing crap to me. pay money to be "sponsored", then recruit more people to pay them to also be "sponsored".

Yeah and what Charles is saying.

If you're a "drifter" and Falken/Toyo likes you the give you tires AND decals all over your car to advertise for their product and with your talent or nice car it makes people want to buy the product.

With THIS scheme, you are advertising for more people to send in 70 bucks to them so they can make more money and sell you stuff at wholesal cost, when if you look hard enough, usually you can do that anyway.

Just gullible to me.

03-12-2006, 10:08 AM
People like you give the forum a bad rep and all you do is BRING DOWN MORAL.

Actually this forum doesn't have a bad rep. With it being the 2nd largest in the SE, that wouldn't really be feasible to say. Later, QD.

03-12-2006, 10:18 AM
Actually this forum doesn't have a bad rep. With it being the 2nd largest in the SE, that wouldn't really be feasible to say. Later, QD.

Ahem, I generate usage. If everybody agreed on everything this forum would be dead.

03-12-2006, 10:21 AM
That doesn't mean this forum has a bad rep, though. That's my point. Later, QD.

03-12-2006, 11:21 AM
That doesn't mean this forum has a bad rep, though. That's my point. Later, QD.
lol not for the most part... but it does have some small pockets of bad reppers... ie IL

03-12-2006, 02:29 PM
I stopped reading this thread after page two. This is a waste of my time reading.

Jay is right, I don't give a fucking shit what the rest of you fags think. The guy who owns this Crapolla could be a nice guy. That doesn't change the fact that that car is a rotted pile and it is not fucking "sponsored." Sponsored means FREE STUFF. What on that fucking car was FREE besides the rot? NOTHING. Get over it, you internet fairies, go change your tampons, and come back with a better attitude. :rolleyes:

03-12-2006, 02:50 PM
lol...wow your funny...my car is a "pile" wow i gues i will go cry in my corner later cause you are trying to flame...great you get a cookie too

03-12-2006, 03:22 PM
I stopped reading this thread after page two. This is a waste of my time reading.

Jay is right, I don't give a fucking shit what the rest of you fags think. The guy who owns this Crapolla could be a nice guy. That doesn't change the fact that that car is a rotted pile and it is not fucking "sponsored." Sponsored means FREE STUFF. What on that fucking car was FREE besides the rot? NOTHING. Get over it, you internet fairies, go change your tampons, and come back with a better attitude. :rolleyes:

Post of the Year nominee.

03-12-2006, 06:39 PM
lol...wow your funny...my car is a "pile" wow i gues i will go cry in my corner later cause you are trying to flame...great you get a cookie too

If you wanna call the truth "flaming you" then fine. The bottom line is that I see "northern" cars that are 03+ INFINITI'S that the bottom is rusted to shit and starting to rot from the salt and shit up there. What makes you think your old ass shit survived it and only has the rot on the fenderwells? If you do think that you should come back to the world of fucking logic and reasoning.

And I don't want a mother fucking cookie. How about you give me a beer instead.

03-12-2006, 06:49 PM
hey beer is always good...hell i need about 5 of them...i never said my car didn't survive, it's not like i came on here and said my car is the shit and i deserve this much for it. everyone is intitled to their own opinon but i never forced my car on anyone nor my ideals about my "sponsorship". i'm pretty much done with the subject so if anyone else wants to say any words about me car go a ahead...i (just as everyone else) have better thangs to do.

Keep it pimpin

03-12-2006, 06:54 PM
Is the sponsorship transferrable after you sell the car or do you have to buy another one?

03-12-2006, 07:03 PM
if i sell it, it stays in my name and i would have to call and tell them that i have another car and to take that one off

03-12-2006, 09:37 PM
if i sell it, it stays in my name and i would have to call and tell them that i have another car and to take that one off

So what you're saying is, is that it has nothing to do with the car?

03-12-2006, 09:53 PM
So what you're saying is, is that it has nothing to do with the car?


If thats the case... I have a Tmobile sponsorship... they give me minutes and shit... in return for money.

03-12-2006, 10:45 PM

Piece of shit corolla with rust all over it and when it starts getting good, here it comes.....

My god look at the car.

Good luck selling your 1000 dollar sponsored car, shouldnt be hard! lol

I got neutral repped in that one too.

i may not like you..but i have to agree.. as you say hope he dies in a fire.. btw SCP is the shittiest sponsor ever.. and they dont actually ever get you anyhting.. you just give them money.. (guy i knew..)

03-12-2006, 10:48 PM


If thats the case... I have a Tmobile sponsorship... they give me minutes and shit... in return for money.

for real?? shit me too.. i they give me text messages too..

03-12-2006, 11:18 PM
i hate you random... lol no but really.. that was funny..(my rep)

03-13-2006, 12:56 AM
So what you're saying is, is that it has nothing to do with the car?

he is right it is a scam :goodjob: . Its a waste of money

03-13-2006, 09:53 AM

03-13-2006, 10:30 AM
Haven't read all the pages, but anyone that has been in retail business, or even knows anyone that has, knows how much things are marked up. The "pyramid scheme" sponsorship is absolute 100% BULLSHIT. Yes you "save" money, pay them $85.00 and you get a discount...20-60% off i think was mentioned. That discount is most likely off MSRP, so it's technically not the discount amount they claim because companies rarely sell for full MSRP. Then you add in the fact that everything in retail is marked up 100-200+%. They are still making at least 50% profit on every item they sell...that means they are still grossing $150,000 for every $100,000 they sell...that's not a sponsorship, it's a selling scheme making the victim, i mean customer, a walking infomercial of bullshit.

03-16-2006, 11:05 AM
Haven't read all the pages, but anyone that has been in retail business, or even knows anyone that has, knows how much things are marked up. The "pyramid scheme" sponsorship is absolute 100% BULLSHIT. Yes you "save" money, pay them $85.00 and you get a discount...20-60% off i think was mentioned. That discount is most likely off MSRP, so it's technically not the discount amount they claim because companies rarely sell for full MSRP. Then you add in the fact that everything in retail is marked up 100-200+%. They are still making at least 50% profit on every item they sell...that means they are still grossing $150,000 for every $100,000 they sell...that's not a sponsorship, it's a selling scheme making the victim, i mean customer, a walking infomercial of bullshit.

which is why SCP is gay and full of rice.. they just fuck over the little man.. get some real sponsors like me and random.. we got t-mobile.. lol no but really this car is some gay shit for real..