View Full Version : Random 13ft spud launcher

03-07-2006, 07:44 PM
So this was like christmas eve and we were all bored not wanting to be with our families so we made a big big spud launcher or potatoe gun. Its 13 feet long and pneumatic meaning powered by air pressure. Weve put 150 psi in and shot it at good year. God damn. Anyways. Pics of "little boy" and vidoes of "little boy". The ridiculously huge one is "fat man" the chamber itself is 15 feet long and it is like 20 ft or something. Weve have shot little boy and estimate about a mile with a sealed barrel (potatoe) and with a non sealed (golf ball) weve done about 1/2 mile. (yes we realy found out the distance we found the golf ball it was histerical. The big one weve never actrully shot it because it blew up on us and almost killed 3 ppl and totaled 2 cars.
http://server5.pictiger.com/img/161978/picture-hosting/img-0003.jpghttp://images5.pictiger.com/thumbs/d8/3bb1a4fcd908af37e81b72d3f25b26d8.th.jpg (http://server5.pictiger.com/img/161977/picture-hosting/img-0002.php)
http://images5.pictiger.com/thumbs/04/247c2622cb82d128fad4ebfbb6318a04.th.jpg (http://server5.pictiger.com/img/161981/picture-hosting/img-0014.php)
http://images5.pictiger.com/thumbs/a0/62d72483bda960f9eb7b922eaa5e0da0.th.jpg (http://server5.pictiger.com/img/161979/picture-hosting/img-0013.php)
http://images5.pictiger.com/images/247c2622cb82d128fad4ebfbb6318a04.jpg (http://www.pictiger.com/)

03-07-2006, 08:31 PM
and this is in the video section why?

03-07-2006, 09:16 PM
Because I had video for it and it wont upload. Could the mods move it to something else where it will be seen alot. Im damn proud of it lol.

The Golden Child
03-07-2006, 10:38 PM
no video = /thread

fix the vid and upload it dammit ..

i wanna see you blow shiet up ..