View Full Version : KILLS FORUM RULES

02-21-2006, 04:33 PM
In light of recent bull**** threads being made, and numerous PMs im getting, here are some GROUND RULES:

1) CALL OUTs are allowed and encouraged. However, keep it civil. While this is the kills forum, and home of **** talking, blatant attacks on character or ethnicity WILL NOT BE ALLOWED. SHOP BASHING IS NOT ALLOWED

2) Any racial comments or degrading comments towards anyone WILL NOT BE TOLERATED.

3) THIS IS NOT THE PLACE TO COMPLAIN OR WHINE. This is the internet. If you dont like what someone has to say, then too bad. Contact a moderator (myself), or an admin if you're not happy with my response or simply move along to a different message board or forum.

4) **** talking is allowed, and I'm the biggest supporter, but there is a point where it needs to stop. If there is a call out thread, and NOTHING happens within a certain period of time (dictated by me and other mods) then I will close and lock that thread. CALL OUT THREADS are not for personal attacks and car vs car warfare. Call someone out, race, and end it. No more 45 pages of he-said, she-said drama. Thats what the whoreslounge is for.

5) I am the moderator of this forum. I appreciate input and comments/feedback. However, I will NOT tolerate attacks on myself, just like I wont tolerate attacks on other people. Making multiple threads continuing threads that I locked will get you BANNED. If you have a problem with me, you can contact Iloveboost, Tiger JC, Julio or Admin

6) No talk of any racing except of some type of straight line racing. First offense 1 week ban, Second 2 week ban, Third Permaban from KF.

Any questions feel free to PM me or email me at [email protected]

01-25-2008, 08:38 PM
Please don't post up locations (Addresses, etc) and peoples private information (Tag, Full Names, etc)

Please Use the Private Message System and/or The Kill's Forum Private Section when you have to discuss about Locations and other sensitive material subjects