View Full Version : Stepping on rusty nails SUCKS BALLS...

02-17-2006, 04:23 PM
Especially when all of your cars are manual and your foot hurts like shit...

That is all.

02-17-2006, 04:25 PM
sweeet, tetanus!


02-17-2006, 09:16 PM
ahhhhh, the good ole tetanus shot !!!! brings back memories......

02-17-2006, 09:34 PM
Nahh... no tetanus shot yet... Supposedly according to my moms records, I had a booster shot back in 98.... 8 years ago, supposedly as long as you've had one within 10 you "should" be ok... So i just took some tussin lol... nahh, just put some hydrogen peroxide on it, and I guess as long as my foot doesn't turn blue and my jaw is still movable, no need for shots for me.

02-17-2006, 09:48 PM
I once got a 2x4 that had a 4inch screw coming out of it, We were out in the woods, and stole a bucket of tar from and old barn. Anyways, I dipped the nail side part in tar so it would pick up as much tar, then lite it on fire. I just used it as a torch then got bored and laid it on the ground. We sat there talking for 20min and it started getting dark. The "torch" was still burning as strong as when I first lite it, and me being the dumbass I was, I thought it would be funny to try to stomp out burning tar. Well on the first stomp, that nail went threw my shoe and all the way through my foot like a hot knife through butter. I then remembered about the nail, It was a weird feeling . It did not hurt, since the nail sizzled in my foot. It felt more like when your leg or arm falls asleep, and you put something cold on it like an icecube. Any ways, I jumped off of it with my shoe covered with burning tar, I flung the shoe off before I caught my self on fire, and to my suprise I there was only a small dab of blood. The nail sizzled in my foot, and kept the wound from bleeding. We went home and I was limping for the next week and could slide a fishing string through my foot lol. I never went to get a tetanus shot though, and Im still here and that was 10years ago. Unless tetanus kills you later down the road, then that would be bad.

02-17-2006, 10:43 PM
^^^Holy shit dude, that stuff is crazy. Gives a new meaning to "sizzling down". As if any of you would know what the old meaning was.lol

02-17-2006, 11:02 PM
I once got a 2x4 that had a 4inch screw coming out of it, We were out in the woods, and stole a bucket of tar from and old barn. Anyways, I dipped the nail side part in tar so it would pick up as much tar, then lite it on fire. I just used it as a torch then got bored and laid it on the ground. We sat there talking for 20min and it started getting dark. The "torch" was still burning as strong as when I first lite it, and me being the dumbass I was, I thought it would be funny to try to stomp out burning tar. Well on the first stomp, that nail went threw my shoe and all the way through my foot like a hot knife through butter. I then remembered about the nail, It was a weird feeling . It did not hurt, since the nail sizzled in my foot. It felt more like when your leg or arm falls asleep, and you put something cold on it like an icecube. Any ways, I jumped off of it with my shoe covered with burning tar, I flung the shoe off before I caught my self on fire, and to my suprise I there was only a small dab of blood. The nail sizzled in my foot, and kept the wound from bleeding. We went home and I was limping for the next week and could slide a fishing string through my foot lol. I never went to get a tetanus shot though, and Im still here and that was 10years ago. Unless tetanus kills you later down the road, then that would be bad.

that's nuts. kunda cool though cause the nail being hot sanitized the the nail and the wound. so you don't have to worry getting infection