View Full Version : Superhero Ability

02-16-2006, 06:55 PM
This is from the thread above it, but its has a lot of funny guizes on the side of it.

Mine is : Bitch slap your enemies into a state of remission


02-16-2006, 06:59 PM
You are psychodrama_81.
(Your alter-ego is Aviance)

Your super-hero ability:

Communicate with squirrels in order to train them to fight like ninjas on your behalf

Hell Yeah! Watch out for the nut-chuckin sqirrels!!! :lmfao:

02-16-2006, 07:00 PM
You are psychodrama_81.
(Your alter-ego is Aviance)

Your super-hero ability:

Communicate with squirrels in order to train them to fight like ninjas on your behalf

Hell Yeah! Watch out for the nut-chuckin sqirrels!!! :lmfao:

:lmao: :lmao: THATS SOME FUNNY SHIT!!!!!

Bring them i will just just bitch slap the shit out of them!!!!!! :lmfao:

02-16-2006, 07:20 PM
You are DurkaMan.
(Your alter-ego is Hasan)

Your super-hero ability:

Shining your magic ring into the sky causing your intergalactic gang to come and back you up


02-16-2006, 07:54 PM
You are ahmonrah.
(Your alter-ego is rashad)

Your super-hero ability:

thus causing the earth to shake

02-16-2006, 08:02 PM
If this isn't strange, considering my other line of work:

You are quickdodge.
(Your alter-ego is Mike)

Your super-hero ability:

Resurrect the corpse of any B celebrity to join your undead army

Later, QD.

02-16-2006, 08:46 PM
You are Daddy Fat Sack.
(Your alter-ego is Brett)

Your super-hero ability:

Fight anything at 23 times the speed of a normal human

02-16-2006, 08:52 PM
You are Cubanic Love God. (my friends' nickname for me)
(Your alter-ego is Michael)

Your super-hero ability:

Use your x-ray eyes to undress your sexy enemies

02-16-2006, 08:59 PM
You are Darkness.
(Your alter-ego is Brandon)

Your super-hero ability:

Conjure up an army of the dead

Legions of the underworld: ATTACK!