View Full Version : question for mods...

02-09-2006, 05:20 AM
evertime i sign on i look at my last visited time and a lot of the time its a time i was still asleep or not even at home .... i changed my password and still somebody else is getting on my name ... what can i do about it?

02-09-2006, 07:05 AM
The only way someone can get your new passwords is if they have access to your email, because you can just click FORGOT PASSWORD and it will be emailed to your email address. so you may want to change your email address that your account is listed to.

02-10-2006, 11:41 AM
The only way someone can get your new passwords is if they have access to your email, because you can just click FORGOT PASSWORD and it will be emailed to your email address. so you may want to change your email address that your account is listed to.

well when i did change my password on IA i changed all of them to different things. what if someone has a mods password ... like if someone has julios password?

02-10-2006, 01:42 PM
If the person has a mods passowrd they could do the same thing, we all use passwords.