View Full Version : My Rant on IL (mods probably deleted it but i want everyoen to know)

02-03-2006, 11:27 AM
Importlounge mods are getting a bit retarded. I made a post today FS post selling my 7 movies i put FS in the topic as the rules say, i even put up pictures of the movies. My post was delete by some moron now this is what i dont understand why in the hell are you guys running around with quick click fingers deleting and editing everyones post? instead of being professional and pm people and giving them warning about there post. Now had it been someone like vteckidd (Mike i mean no disrespect by using your name) it would of been handle differently. Thats alright im not gonan trip about it imma go to importatlanta since you will deleted my post without reason and sell my item. I been a member of this site for i think atleast 2 years or more and i have never raised any hell or gave anyone a problem. Telling me i gotta deal with this bs? and its a dam internet i get more problems from the mods on this site then i get from my supervisor at work you want a professional mannered site but you got buttholes managing the site click click delete delete edit edit toy gods.

P.S. Make sure you delete this like you did my post so no one will see what i wrote in response to your actions\

same post is on IL lets see if they delete it mad props to IA

02-03-2006, 11:28 AM
Let me add what made me so mad is in my orginal movie sale post the mod edit my post and put "i couldnt read rules" and that piss me off.

02-03-2006, 11:29 AM

A.P. Photography
02-03-2006, 11:31 AM
Not sure but I looked at your FS post on IA and it looks fine to me so not sure what they were talking about not reading the rules. Only time we delete a post in the FS section is if you don't read the rules. Mainly not posting block codes or needed information.

02-03-2006, 11:36 AM
Exactly what i posted in this garage sale section is a copy and paste i even included pictures he had no reason thats why he deleted my response and he also delete this topic on IL.

02-03-2006, 11:36 AM
i dont like IL either IA is my preference... yet they call us "ricers" OKKKK that makes sense half the ppl on IL found out of it from IA... hrm? I go on there occaisionally when i want to hear people talk about their superior vtecs or sell shit.
I'm stopping to even sell shit to IL people now... like most shit i put on craigslist and IA...
Reminds me of a similar scandal in the "Starion" world... perfect analogy. IA = lax, free, fun for all... there is a starion forum www.starquestclub.com where you see almost the EXACT same posts as the one above but in every forum... Very Nazi-ish, stuck up members, like certain other sites... sure there are cool members but the ones in power really ruin it.
Well i created my site www.g54b.com got some people bitter bout SQC and its a pretty fun place right...
so IA : IL : : G54B : SQC
theres an analogy for ya.. it dont really make sense because IA has been around longer and has a larger member base... but hey...

I dont like IL. One thing that really ticked me off is a co-worker of ours is a big IL proponent. This mofo doesn't know SHIT about cars... never turned a single bolt... only knows what is posted or what he hears... lives on IL.... etc... He had to nerve to call me and another coworker (nzprojekt) ricers for being on IA.. .WTF is that shit... thats the type of mentality theyre promoting there. I wasn't really offended i was just like damn... half of the mofos there are bandwagon posters... check for yourself look at pretty much every thread...
IL = a good idea... ruined. [/calm-rant]
i know some IL dickriders are gonna post but who cares... i dont... IA OWNS THEM. every way. shape. form.

02-03-2006, 11:38 AM
I dont like importlounge because motherfuckers on there like to run their mouths......they seem to have some hate towards xlr8shen so fuck them bitches

02-03-2006, 11:39 AM
Importlounge mods are getting a bit retarded. I made a post today FS post selling my 7 movies i put FS in the topic as the rules say, i even put up pictures of the movies. My post was delete by some moron now this is what i dont understand why in the hell are you guys running around with quick click fingers deleting and editing everyones post? instead of being professional and pm people and giving them warning about there post. Now had it been someone like vteckidd (Mike i mean no disrespect by using your name) it would of been handle differently. Thats alright im not gonan trip about it imma go to importatlanta since you will deleted my post without reason and sell my item. I been a member of this site for i think atleast 2 years or more and i have never raised any hell or gave anyone a problem. Telling me i gotta deal with this bs? and its a dam internet i get more problems from the mods on this site then i get from my supervisor at work you want a professional mannered site but you got buttholes managing the site click click delete delete edit edit toy gods.

P.S. Make sure you delete this like you did my post so no one will see what i wrote in response to your actions\

same post is on IL lets see if they delete it mad props to IA
I am with you man. I posted some tires for sale (which mind you it is setup exactly the same as the post on here for the tires) and not once but twice, those bastards deleted it. I have done anything wrong on the site ever and have done busniess with alot of the members. i just quit posting there all together. hell theres only 10 members on at a time anyway so who really cares right?

02-03-2006, 11:42 AM
lol anyone seen my sig on IL ... its old skool IA logo LOLZ

watch im going to call the next IL post:

sum1's gonna be like "you kids need to quit your bitching they are doing it to create a more efficient less BS forum ...." :jerkit:... right, selectively right? more proof of the superiority complex of IL

02-03-2006, 11:49 AM
mods.... delete this topic!!!!!

02-03-2006, 12:03 PM
haha IL sucks

02-03-2006, 12:08 PM
lol they know its gonna cause a e-war between forums who cares lol... fire up the whole IA vs. IL bs... lol IA will win.

02-03-2006, 12:14 PM

02-03-2006, 12:15 PM
Importlounge mods are getting a bit retarded. I made a post today FS post selling my 7 movies i put FS in the topic as the rules say, i even put up pictures of the movies. My post was delete by some moron now this is what i dont understand why in the hell are you guys running around with quick click fingers deleting and editing everyones post? instead of being professional and pm people and giving them warning about there post. Now had it been someone like vteckidd (Mike i mean no disrespect by using your name) it would of been handle differently. Thats alright im not gonan trip about it imma go to importatlanta since you will deleted my post without reason and sell my item. I been a member of this site for i think atleast 2 years or more and i have never raised any hell or gave anyone a problem. Telling me i gotta deal with this bs? and its a dam internet i get more problems from the mods on this site then i get from my supervisor at work you want a professional mannered site but you got buttholes managing the site click click delete delete edit edit toy gods.

P.S. Make sure you delete this like you did my post so no one will see what i wrote in response to your actions\

same post is on IL lets see if they delete it mad props to IA

Import Lounge Sucks..:rly:

02-03-2006, 12:35 PM
why would you even post them over there, our forsale section gets more traffic then their site :lmao:

02-03-2006, 12:37 PM

02-03-2006, 12:39 PM
why would you even post them over there, our forsale section gets more traffic then their site :lmao:



Paul answer my PMs man! or are you only bilingual on Wednesdays?

02-03-2006, 12:41 PM
^ SORRY I DON'T SPEAK MEXICAN :idb: (try your shit sir i already worked on it)

02-03-2006, 12:41 PM
you think IL is bady? shit try posting "anything" on T.I. everything has been posted b4, thus repost and deleted!

02-03-2006, 12:42 PM
^ SORRY I DON'T SPEAK MEXICAN :idb: (try your shit sir i already worked on it)

HAHA yea it works..


02-03-2006, 12:45 PM
I personally have a very bad taste for IL. Way back from the days when it was SI/VTEC Atlanta. I have never met a group of people who thought they were ABOVE anyone else more then they do. They feel if you arent all go, or if you are show, you are worthless and they just talk mad shit about anyone and everything that doesnt fit "What They Feel" is a car in this scene. Arrogance is what I think of when I hear thier name.

02-03-2006, 12:48 PM


So I commietted blasphemy that nite, bout beat his ass in Fudd's parking lot.. dirtbag

02-03-2006, 12:53 PM
all they do is bash everyone else that doesnt fit thier IDEAL car..... Its people like them who make this scene look bad. They seem to forget it takes all cars and people to make this fun, but they feel if they dont agree with it, then its wrong to do.

02-03-2006, 12:56 PM
yeah IL is going down hill cause its run by a bunch of "frat boys" that are on a power trip

02-03-2006, 04:24 PM
why would you even post them over there, our forsale section gets more traffic then their site :lmao:
:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

02-03-2006, 04:46 PM


So I commietted blasphemy that nite, bout beat his ass in Fudd's parking lot.. dirtbag

I don't know shit about that night... but Chunky's a good guy... you don't need to call him a dirtbag.

IL has definitely changed over time...

If I was you, I would have PM'd Ryan321123 or whatever his screen name is or SmokinJOe and asked them for help.

Sometimes it's as simple as putting the letters "FS" in front of an item. Quirky, I know, but that's their thing. They have rules in the FS section just like we do.

We don't have to make this a "IL sucks" thread, but if that's what you guys want to do, whatever.

But I have about as much sympathy for you if you DID NOT try to PM one of the mods as I do when people talk shit about the FS mods over here.

We filter through a lot of bullshit and it takes time and effort.

SO if you ever have a problem over here in the same manner, look and see who mods that particular section, then PM them.

Good luck, sorry it happened.

02-03-2006, 04:52 PM
I don't know shit about that night... but Chunky's a good guy... you don't need to call him a dirtbag.

IL has definitely changed over time...

here's about where I stopped reading.. and yea you're right.

He's a dumbass for speakin up and sayin he could whoop me, I mean I still had drive out tags and he's over here challenging me to a race. c'mon dog.. he gave me a compliment though about my 3rd gear being "long as fuck, doggg!!" :jerkit:

EAD Chunky

02-03-2006, 05:09 PM
Importatlanta > Import lounge....

do people ever even post there anymore? i browse the forum just to see what kinda of shit thats coming out of there mouth, about my crew, or importatlanta....bunch of pussies over there.....

02-03-2006, 05:34 PM
IL is Slowly vanishing....

02-03-2006, 05:36 PM

This is how many people are on there right now..

Board Statistics
32 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes
8 guests, 20 members 4 anonymous members
gerald98fordescort, GSRfoedoe, Jacob, Fobreprezentin, Beau Gotti, turbotractor97, BenDen, ex2gsr, BBanks357, TuRbO_NiTeMaRe, RussTypeS, B18C5 - EH2, krucial7integra, Bigdaddycivic, Dudeman, Burnzout1990, mikes02ls1, punkr6, TOFUfighter, jakegreen004

The for sale section on IA

49 (37 members & 12 guests)

02-03-2006, 05:39 PM

This is how many people are on there right now..

Board Statistics
32 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes
8 guests, 20 members 4 anonymous members
gerald98fordescort, GSRfoedoe, Jacob, Fobreprezentin, Beau Gotti, turbotractor97, BenDen, ex2gsr, BBanks357, TuRbO_NiTeMaRe, RussTypeS, B18C5 - EH2, krucial7integra, Bigdaddycivic, Dudeman, Burnzout1990, mikes02ls1, punkr6, TOFUfighter, jakegreen004

The for sale section on IA

49 (37 members & 12 guests)


that is sad...

02-03-2006, 05:40 PM
whoops some poeple juzst got busted being traitors...LOL. JP

02-03-2006, 05:47 PM
We have more actual members just in FOR SALE than they do overall on the whole site. Damn. Later, QD.

02-03-2006, 05:47 PM
We almost have more members viewing this thread than they do on their whole site. Later, QD.

02-03-2006, 05:49 PM
We almost have more members viewing this thread than they do on their whole site. Later, QD.


Tracy what you talkin bout traitors, HOOCHIE

dont you have something else to be doing? (vaccuming, dusting, dishes, etc)

02-03-2006, 10:02 PM
^ SORRY I DON'T SPEAK MEXICAN :idb: (try your shit sir i already worked on it)
Its called Spanglish....huh...yeah....

02-03-2006, 10:12 PM

This is how many people are on there right now..

Board Statistics
32 user(s) active in the past 15 minutes
8 guests, 20 members 4 anonymous members
gerald98fordescort, GSRfoedoe, Jacob, Fobreprezentin, Beau Gotti, turbotractor97, BenDen, ex2gsr, BBanks357, TuRbO_NiTeMaRe, RussTypeS, B18C5 - EH2, krucial7integra, Bigdaddycivic, Dudeman, Burnzout1990, mikes02ls1, punkr6, TOFUfighter, jakegreen004

The for sale section on IA

49 (37 members & 12 guests)

:lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao: :lmfao:

Arrogance doesnt get them far I see

02-03-2006, 10:12 PM
about what rut said, they deleted some of my shit so i pm'd a moderater (no name calling) and asked him why that happend, he said to read the rules and your answer will be there, so i write back i did and followed them, his response was close to this "tough luck im not the only mod here" so private message's to them dont do shit either stick with ia ...if you have a problem thats not to big you get a pm telling you to fix it ...thanks qd by the way for not deleting my post on my car but instead pming me on what to do to fix it before it got deleted thats what you want on a car enthusiast site....

02-03-2006, 11:14 PM
dont you have something else to be doing? (vaccuming, dusting, dishes, etc)


02-03-2006, 11:22 PM
about what rut said, they deleted some of my shit so i pm'd a moderater (no name calling) and asked him why that happend, he said to read the rules and your answer will be there, so i write back i did and followed them, his response was close to this "tough luck im not the only mod here" so private message's to them dont do shit either stick with ia ...if you have a problem thats not to big you get a pm telling you to fix it ...thanks qd by the way for not deleting my post on my car but instead pming me on what to do to fix it before it got deleted thats what you want on a car enthusiast site....

Yeah... I think you pm'd me first but I'm not a mod over there, so I couldn't help.

Mods, on any board really, are kinda touch and go.... I know we all try to be as fair as we can, but we all have our good days and our bad.

Thinkfast if you really didn't read any further than what you said you did, that's super lame. But I think you did... we all have a persona to keep up.

I maintain my stature by not trying to be a tough guy online or talking shit to somone after a street race... but hey, different strokes different folks. And I'm not saying you or he was talking shit, I just don't do stuff like that...

I will say this... I don't think its fair to call everyone on that site "the p word" or something like that, just as it isn't cool when someone over there might call all of us "ricers."

In the end, who cares? Obviously a lot more time and effort is spent running the business that is IA. You should instead use your negative energy to thanks people like Julio and Pablo, Paul and Brett and many others for keeping up this site and making it better every year.

When you want to be the best at something, in the end, pointing out other's shortcoming's wont do you anygood... but working at what you do best and making it better will.

02-03-2006, 11:31 PM
I will say this... I don't think its fair to call everyone on that site "the p word" or something like that, just as it isn't cool when someone over there might call all of us "ricers."

In the end, who cares? Obviously a lot more time and effort is spent running the business that is IA. You should instead use your negative energy to thanks people like Julio and Pablo, Paul and Brett and many others for keeping up this site and making it better every year.

When you want to be the best at something, in the end, pointing out other's shortcoming's wont do you anygood... but working at what you do best and making it better will.

AMEN. couldnt say it better