View Full Version : the story behind the fall of whitesmoke (the old club)...

04-15-2005, 12:02 PM
haha, ok, so with some of the recent events and such i've heard a few people bring up the old club whitesmoke. i just thought i'd clarify exactly why the club broke up. i found this old picture and this pretty much sums it all up:

this isn't aimed at anyone in particular, but rather everyone who is in a club, don't ever let it get to this point...

my windsheild was broken and i was too cheap to buy a new sticker, no more whitesmoke...haha. but you gotta give me a break, this was 4 years ago and we had some quite nice cars in "the club"

04-15-2005, 01:21 PM
You were a member of WS? Lolol. I used to lolol at you? Heheh. Later, QD.

04-15-2005, 01:37 PM
You were a member of WS? Lolol. I used to lolol at you? Heheh. Later, QD.
yes, laugh at us 16 year olds busting our asses so we could actually say we used our own money, there wasn't many of us but we had decent rides...ed's lexus suv on 22"s, dropped, with tvs; jaynes integra kitted, not dropped :( but on 17"s with an 18" sub in the back; Kaz's prelude fully molded body kit but he didn't have a liscence (suspended), some other nice CLEAN (but not stock) focus and civic hatchesand and a couple others...not bad for 4 or 5 years ago.
but we were just a little group of 16 year olds tired or all the other kids our age ruining their cars with sticker power, air plane wings and the whole 'altezza' phase...so laugh all you want, if i had been on the band wagon with every other 16 year old i would have laughed myself (no i didn't say you were 16 then qd ;))...but yeah, we had like 5 meetings then jayne and i hooked up and it all pretty much went to the shits...it wasn't structured well from the start. the idea, desire, and cars were all there but we could just never get them together at the same time.

at least we had cool stickers, double vinyl was "cutting edge" for the scene at that time (not saying it hadn't been around before then though)

04-15-2005, 01:43 PM
Well. One more for old times sake..

Lolol. J/k. Later, QD.

04-15-2005, 02:06 PM
Well. One more for old times sake..

Lolol. J/k. Later, QD.

might as well get mine out too.
Lolol. J/k. Later, CH.

04-15-2005, 02:08 PM
I didn't get it at first. Lolol. Touche, dude. Touche. Later, QD.

04-15-2005, 02:15 PM
its allllllllllllll gravy ;)
who ya gonna call, qd!

nah but in all seriousness what you do is pretty cool, what i did was pretty dumb.

04-15-2005, 02:17 PM
We all learn. And thanks for the compliments. Later, QD.

04-15-2005, 04:00 PM
i remember u all met up out tehre by periometer mall i think. Whatever happen to the guy with the prelude i forgot his SN, and POSaab...?

04-15-2005, 07:19 PM
the guy with the prelude was Kaz, he was "the president" he's still around and from a few PM's i've just gotten it sounds like he's still got his prelude, i have no idea what POS saab is doing but i assume he gave up his goal of trying to break his windows with his subs...lol

04-16-2005, 12:21 AM
wow...i remember all of that stuff...where is Kaz i havent heard from him in years