View Full Version : WTF? My mom got ran off the road!!!!

01-31-2006, 07:54 PM
I'm fucking pissed as hell! It happened on Sugarloaf parkway just before the intersection of Peachtree Industrial.

If any of you are familiar of the area, you know how their is one lane that goes to the right and two for the left. Well, these jackass's in a Jeep sped up in front of my mom and cut it real hard and fast, slamming into the driver side fender knocking her into the curb and then spinning out and they also did about a 180 turn. Well, my mom gets out and there are two 20 something kids and they saw my mom as being "asian" so start talking to her like she doesnt understand english and then she says they start laughing at her and tell her she needs to move her car or the cops will take her to jail and they started speaking really loud like she was deaf....but my mom barked back that she understands them just fine and wants their insurance papers now! well, both of the asshats said they would get it, and jumped in their jeep and hauled ass off! My mom just stood there stunned but she already had their tag number and called 911 within the next few mins. It took Gwinnett's finest 45mins to finally get to her and get a police report.

I am so goddamn pissed! I will kill these two assclowns who thought it was funny that they ran someone off the road and then thought because she was asian that they could take off! Oh, to make matters worse....the whole reason my mom was on the road...she went to pick up my aunt who just had surgery because of cancer that was found in her intestine....so she was just sitting in the car shocked as can be...

I swear to god himself, that I will beat the ever living piss out of these two idiots. I already plan on driving back to goto court with my mom to see these idiots. What they dont know is, my family has money and has PLENTY of attorneys at our diposal. I've already told my mother to press charges to the fullest intent, and also file a lawsuit....I want these two guys to hurt so bad that they wont want to drive again....I also hope they have a daddy who shows up with a shitty ass lawyer and tries some stupid shit....

how can you run someone off the road and just leave them?!

01-31-2006, 07:58 PM
yea thats fucked up man, i hope you get it all worked out, and i hope you beat their asses. Thats really messed up how they acted just because she was asian, there are some ignorant people in this country.

01-31-2006, 08:02 PM
damn due that sucks...i'll help you.

01-31-2006, 08:03 PM
You know how to do that, Peter. Sorry to read about this situation. Later, QD.

01-31-2006, 08:05 PM
prolly two kids from my school

there are alot of jeeps at my school

was it a grandcherokee blue or black, i swear there are like 6 of those, prolly 7

01-31-2006, 08:05 PM
i vote u post tag number. im down

01-31-2006, 08:09 PM
i vote u post tag number. im down

Down for what? Down to post on IA how you'd beat their ass if you saw them? Right. Later, QD.

01-31-2006, 08:10 PM
yeah post the tag number, btw, is your mom okay?

those kids in the jeeps are punks at myschool, they jumped infront me and my friend over a median a few times in the parking lot

i mean we've hopped the curb but that was str8 onto the road, lol

01-31-2006, 08:10 PM
Down for what? Down to post on IA how you'd beat their ass if you saw them? Right. Later, QD.
sheesh qd, he was juss trying to get his e-thuggin on...you should recognize.

01-31-2006, 08:11 PM
It was a grand cherokee, actually....

my mom wont give me the tag number, because she knows how me and my father get....but I've already talked with my father and he's gonna try and coax it out of her...I wanna find these ass clowns. We dont even know if they've been caught yet, because my mom called the Police Dept today, and they said that they are handling it. Two things that I'm afraid of....

1.)vehicle was stolen, so it wont matter if we got tag #

2.)jackass kids hide under parents skirt...

and fastboy, thanks for asking...she was fine...she was shooken up at first, but I think shock and anger took over.

01-31-2006, 08:13 PM
I am sorry about that honey!

Please let us watch while you beat their asses

01-31-2006, 08:16 PM
a girl i know totalled her car this morning

and she was fine, lol

she was at school too, the very same day, 7 hours later

some jackass she said i thinkg it was a jeep, lol, damn jeep drivers, ran a red while she was sitting in the left turn lane and hit her??

my friend totalled his car on Saturday night because he was a jackasss driver and he deserved, it, that was good, but he got injuired a lil, everyone else was fine

best of luck finding the assholes

01-31-2006, 08:22 PM
WOW that sucks!! i can see your anger. i would be just as pissed. good luck on finding these little bitches

01-31-2006, 08:25 PM
WOW that sucks!! i can see your anger. i would be just as pissed. good luck on finding these little bitches

If I cant get ahold of them now, I'll patiently wait out the court date to see at least one of the asshats shows up, and I hope his little friend sells him out so both will show...but I'll take either.

01-31-2006, 08:29 PM
Down for what? Down to post on IA how you'd beat their ass if you saw them? Right. Later, QD.
down to say how i would look out, but would probably forget. the number.

Repost Squintz
01-31-2006, 09:06 PM
damn i hate losers like that. fucking piss me off.

01-31-2006, 09:49 PM
Damn thats some bullshit man. If your mother has there tag number and her car is damaged she should report a hit and run...maybe she can get some money to fix the car from insurance... You said the car was stolen.the jeep..if that was the case...then you already know these busters were some straight ass punk ass kids that deserved there ass beaten severly for stealing a car....if you find them take a crobar too there face...

01-31-2006, 09:51 PM
Damn thats some bullshit man. If your mother has there tag number and her car is damaged she should report a hit and run...maybe she can get some money to fix the car from insurance... You said the car was stolen.the jeep..if that was the case...then you already know these busters were some straight ass punk ass kids that deserved there ass beaten severly for stealing a car....if you find them take a crobar too there face...

no, we dont know if that Jeep was stolen, that was I am hoping againest.

the car is damaged, the front fender, hood and front bumper.

at this point, I think the only charges can be hit and run, and leaving the scene of a accident.

01-31-2006, 09:53 PM
thats fucked up

01-31-2006, 09:55 PM
no, we dont know if that Jeep was stolen, that was I am hoping againest.

the car is damaged, the front fender, hood and front bumper.

at this point, I think the only charges can be hit and run, and leaving the scene of a accident.

If you really wanted to dig in their pockets...you can file a lawsuit for a hit and run...Thats if the tag numbers clear and you find these punks...how stupid can they really be knowing that there tag was completly visable and they took off? that takes some fucking guts or stupidty, most likely stupidty.....i swear man people these days.......

Xrated O.G.
02-01-2006, 08:47 AM
Damn it Bro. Your mom hated white people enough as it was before this. Glad to hear she's ok. I think it would be best if you stayed away from Phuong's assault rifle collection till this thing blows over.

02-01-2006, 08:55 AM
...how stupid can they really be knowing that there tag was completly visable and they took off?...remember she's asian, if she can't understand english (in their view) then how would they know she could read it :2cents: They're just dumbass', typical 16-17 years old with parents that didn't teach them any responsibilities.

02-01-2006, 09:04 AM
damn Peter..fuck them bitches up..hollar..

02-01-2006, 09:11 AM
cops ever catch them?

02-01-2006, 09:28 AM
I'm fucking pissed as hell! It happened on Sugarloaf parkway just before the intersection of Peachtree Industrial.

If any of you are familiar of the area, you know how their is one lane that goes to the right and two for the left. Well, these jackass's in a Jeep sped up in front of my mom and cut it real hard and fast, slamming into the driver side fender knocking her into the curb and then spinning out and they also did about a 180 turn. Well, my mom gets out and there are two 20 something kids and they saw my mom as being "asian" so start talking to her like she doesnt understand english and then she says they start laughing at her and tell her she needs to move her car or the cops will take her to jail and they started speaking really loud like she was deaf....but my mom barked back that she understands them just fine and wants their insurance papers now! well, both of the asshats said they would get it, and jumped in their jeep and hauled ass off! My mom just stood there stunned but she already had their tag number and called 911 within the next few mins. It took Gwinnett's finest 45mins to finally get to her and get a police report.

I am so goddamn pissed! I will kill these two assclowns who thought it was funny that they ran someone off the road and then thought because she was asian that they could take off! Oh, to make matters worse....the whole reason my mom was on the road...she went to pick up my aunt who just had surgery because of cancer that was found in her intestine....so she was just sitting in the car shocked as can be...

I swear to god himself, that I will beat the ever living piss out of these two idiots. I already plan on driving back to goto court with my mom to see these idiots. What they dont know is, my family has money and has PLENTY of attorneys at our diposal. I've already told my mother to press charges to the fullest intent, and also file a lawsuit....I want these two guys to hurt so bad that they wont want to drive again....I also hope they have a daddy who shows up with a shitty ass lawyer and tries some stupid shit....

how can you run someone off the road and just leave them?!

post the tag number.. then we can find them.. i got conections :goodjob: .. i think.. but yeah then we'll have everyone on IA jump the bastards..

02-01-2006, 09:30 AM
no, we dont know if that Jeep was stolen, that was I am hoping againest.

the car is damaged, the front fender, hood and front bumper.

at this point, I think the only charges can be hit and run, and leaving the scene of a accident.
AND running someone of the road.. failure to maintain lane.. and you might could get them for speeding.. but yeah a hit and run could hurt enough..

02-01-2006, 09:34 AM
ya man that some bs. post there tag like halfwit said. find them @$$wholes.

The Golden Child
02-01-2006, 10:03 AM
sorry to hear about that hope you find them bastards ..
hope your mom gets better ..

02-01-2006, 10:08 AM
Damn it Bro. Your mom hated white people enough as it was before this. Glad to hear she's ok. I think it would be best if you stayed away from Phuong's assault rifle collection till this thing blows over.

thanks man, yeah....dad is pretty damn pissed off...and we both want blood. My mom thinks we are crazy, but we both want to just wrangle some necks. We got some new assault rifles to the collection now too! But seriously, I dont want to shoot them, I really just want to tie them up, and take them out to a field and put them in a junk car, and just start ramming it with a truck to see how they like it.

02-01-2006, 10:17 AM
Last time my mom ran of the road, was back in HS, when she was telling me I need to go to work, and I did not want to. She started to bitch, so I got pissed off, and told her to stop the car and let me out, she ignorred that, so I told her again, and she still did not take it seriously. Were going about 50 in a 45, when I yanked up the ebrake, and the car swearved from one side to the other then back again then a 180, facing oncoming traffic. Opened the door and got out as she was screaming something in Serbian, which basicaly translates to. "Insane devil son". Then I walked for about 1hr till I got to my friends house.

02-01-2006, 10:36 AM
no, we dont know if that Jeep was stolen, that was I am hoping againest.

the car is damaged, the front fender, hood and front bumper.

at this point, I think the only charges can be hit and run, and leaving the scene of a accident.

you can get them on Reckless driving, too fast for conditions, speeding, damage to prop in the 2nd...improper lane change..
Depending on the cost of the damage you can get them for Felony Hit and Run, and leaving the scene of an accident....I think there is a law on causing an accident as well!

02-01-2006, 10:39 AM
Disrespecting someones mother is not cool. I'd be pissed too man.

02-01-2006, 10:51 AM
you can get them on Reckless driving, too fast for conditions, speeding, damage to prop in the 2nd...improper lane change..
Depending on the cost of the damage you can get them for Felony Hit and Run, and leaving the scene of an accident....I think there is a law on causing an accident as well!

Reckless driving? - eh, hard to prove.
Too fast for conditions? - since they didn't rear-end her or slide over, that doesn't really apply
Speeding? - No cop to witness it, so hard as hell to prove.
Damage to prop in the 2nd? - Once again, covered under hit-n-run.
Improper lane change? - You might get this...

Keep in mind what happened on my accident: The guy ran a redlight, hit me at close to 60mph (they guess as he didn't apply brakes), killed me (death, coma, 1 month in the hospital), totalled both vehicles, etc, but they could only charge him with "failure to obey traffic signal" as nothing else could really be proven.

02-01-2006, 10:53 AM
I would also like to say this:

I am sorry for what happened to his mom. That does suck and I hope that the police catch them.

For everyone else that says they will beat their asses, I can't help but laugh (as I can see that QD is already laughing). It's bullshit. When confronted with actually doing it, I fail to see that anyone would actually go up, start a fight with not one, but two guys...who they don't even know the size of, what they carry on them, etc.

Everyone is an E-thug these days.

02-01-2006, 10:55 AM
Reckless driving? - eh, hard to prove.
Too fast for conditions? - since they didn't rear-end her or slide over, that doesn't really apply
Speeding? - No cop to witness it, so hard as hell to prove.
Damage to prop in the 2nd? - Once again, covered under hit-n-run.
Improper lane change? - You might get this...exactly...and as a civilian you can't get them on anything, that's up the officer that initially made the report...it's not like a battery or assault where you can say anything and they will be charged with it.

02-01-2006, 01:36 PM
exactly...and as a civilian you can't get them on anything, that's up the officer that initially made the report...it's not like a battery or assault where you can say anything and they will be charged with it.

I know, right? Everyone is so "big and bad" behind a computer monitor. It would suck for them to approach one (or both) of the guys and get their asses beat or better yet, killed. I can promise you that if I had some strange person run up on me trying to fight, I wouldn't hesitate to put him to the ground as soon as possible (whether he gets there because I knock him down or whether he is on the ground because I am holding him at gunpoint and calling the cops doesn't matter to me). I wouldn't even think twice. Keeping myself safe is more important to me at that point. On top of that, they will go to jail for assault and perhaps get a criminal record that will fuck them for a long time.

People just don't think at times...

02-01-2006, 01:49 PM
I know, right? Everyone is so "big and bad" behind a computer monitor. It would suck for them to approach one (or both) of the guys and get their asses beat or better yet, killed. I can promise you that if I had some strange person run up on me trying to fight, I wouldn't hesitate to put him to the ground as soon as possible (whether he gets there because I knock him down or whether he is on the ground because I am holding him at gunpoint and calling the cops doesn't matter to me). I wouldn't even think twice. Keeping myself safe is more important to me at that point. On top of that, they will go to jail for assault and perhaps get a criminal record that will fuck them for a long time.

People just don't think at times...

Alright Varsity Meet, Ill randomly come up to you and take a swing homie :rly:

( J/K ) :lmfao: :lmfao: