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02-15-2006, 01:41 AM
697 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen.

02-15-2006, 01:41 AM
fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty twent-one twenty-two.

02-15-2006, 01:42 AM

02-15-2006, 02:06 AM
Ahhh fuck it, I have 30 min:)

02-15-2006, 10:05 AM

Dirty Octopus™
02-15-2006, 10:19 AM
butt goes good with cheese :goodjob:
hell anything goes good with cheese

02-15-2006, 12:23 PM

02-15-2006, 02:41 PM
Bumping to the page....

02-15-2006, 03:59 PM

02-15-2006, 04:14 PM
more pages dammit.

02-15-2006, 04:17 PM
another before school

02-15-2006, 09:49 PM
guess taking this one to 1000 pretty much on my own. lol.

02-15-2006, 10:25 PM

02-15-2006, 10:26 PM

02-15-2006, 10:28 PM
deff slowed down

02-15-2006, 10:29 PM
deff slowed down

word up..

you ready for friday?!!

02-15-2006, 10:31 PM
u know it!!

02-15-2006, 10:52 PM
whaaaaaaaaaat it issssssssssssssss

02-15-2006, 10:53 PM
its late...

02-15-2006, 11:16 PM
fuck shit damn ass bitch bastard

02-15-2006, 11:19 PM
time for bed...

02-15-2006, 11:19 PM
pg 619!!!

02-15-2006, 11:22 PM

02-15-2006, 11:26 PM
Que PASA!!!!!!!!!!!

02-15-2006, 11:30 PM
damn this thing is still going

02-15-2006, 11:32 PM
You know it.............

02-15-2006, 11:34 PM
i got a damn headache

02-15-2006, 11:36 PM
http://www.decalkit.com/php/decalmaker.php3?msg=BUMP IT>>+&rot=0&size=35&pad=20&font=fonts/ttf/creepy__.ttf

02-15-2006, 11:37 PM

02-15-2006, 11:39 PM
so anyway.

02-15-2006, 11:40 PM
post it.

02-15-2006, 11:40 PM
so how is life?

02-15-2006, 11:41 PM
life is life. its very confusing and it hurts. but ive got no choice but to roll with it all. its all for a reason, even if i dont like it. roll with the punches and just live it day by day.

02-15-2006, 11:42 PM
so how is life?

sucks like always

02-15-2006, 11:42 PM
very true

02-15-2006, 11:42 PM
life is life. its very confusing and it hurts. but ive got no choice but to roll with it all. its all for a reason, even if i dont like it. roll with the punches and just live it day by day.

actuallly you do have a choice.

02-15-2006, 11:42 PM
i meant to reply to 5thgen i dont think life sucks.

02-15-2006, 11:44 PM
sucks like always

see. you need to be a little more positive.

02-15-2006, 11:44 PM
Life is Good!,

02-15-2006, 11:45 PM
see. you need to be a little more positive.

how can ya be positive whenever nothin goes right?

02-15-2006, 11:45 PM
actuallly you do have a choice.

yeah..you're right i do.. i could pussy out and kill myself.. wow.. great choice there.

sometimes things dont go the way you want. deal with it. its just how it goes. take it in stride, man up, and take it on.

just have a little faith.

02-15-2006, 11:46 PM
how can ya be positive whenever nothin goes right?

its all for a reason. even the little things. you'll see it. you just have to open your eyes to realize that certain things are happening for a reason. may not make sense at the time. but its true.

02-15-2006, 11:46 PM
yeah..you're right i do.. i could pussy out and kill myself.. wow.. great choice there.

sometimes things dont go the way you want. deal with it. its just how it goes. take it in stride, man up, and take it on.

just have a little faith.

Actually I think if you kill yourself then your not a pussy cause that would take some balls. That is one thing I would never do no what how bad things got.

02-15-2006, 11:47 PM
yeah..you're right i do.. i could pussy out and kill myself.. wow.. great choice there.

sometimes things dont go the way you want. deal with it. its just how it goes. take it in stride, man up, and take it on.

just have a little faith.
i agree with you on this :goodjob:

02-15-2006, 11:47 PM
Actually I think if you kill yourself then your not a pussy cause that would take some balls. That is one thing I would never do no what how bad things got.

well true. ill agree with that it'd take some guts to do kill yourself. but.. still you're wimping out on the big picture.

02-15-2006, 11:48 PM
Some place it during the reign of Diocletian (284-305) due to the administrative reforms he introduced, dividing the empire into a pars Orientis and a pars Occidentis. Others place it during the reign of Theodosius I (379-395) and Christendom's victory over paganism, or, following his death in 395, with the division of the empire into Western and Eastern halves. Others place it yet further in 476, when the last western emperor, Romulus Augustus, was forced to abdicate, thus leaving to the emperor in the Greek East sole imperial authority. In any case, the changeover was gradual and by 330, when Constantine I inaugurated his new capital, the process of Hellenization and Christianization was well underway.

The term "Byzantine Empire"

The name Byzantine Empire is derived from the original Greek name for Constantinople; Byzantium. The name is a modern term and would have been alien to its contemporaries. The term Byzantine Empire was invented in 1557, about a century after the fall of Constantinople by German historian Hieronymus Wolf, who introduced a system of Byzantine historiography in his work Corpus Historiae Byzantinae in order to distinguish ancient Roman from medieval Greek history without drawing attention to their ancient predecessors.
Caracalla's decree in 212, the Constitutio Antoniniana, extended citizenship outside of Italy to all free adult males in the entire Roman Empire, effectively raising provincial populations to equal status with the city of Rome itself. The importance of this decree is historical rather than political. It set the basis for integration where the economic and judicial mechanisms of the state could be applied around the entire Mediterranean as was once done from Latium into all of Italy. Of course, integration did not take place uniformly. Societies already integrated with Rome such as Greece were favored by this decree, compared with those far away, too poor or just too alien such as Britain, Palestine or Egypt.

The division of the Empire began with the Tetrarchy (quadrumvirate) in the late 3rd century with Emperor Diocletian, as an institution intended to more efficiently control the vast Roman Empire. He split the Empire in half, with two emperors (Augusti) ruling from Italy and Greece, each having as co-emperor of younger colleague of their own (Caesares).

After Diocletian's voluntary abandon, the Tetrarchic system began soon to crumble: anyway, the division continued in some form into the 4th century, until 324 when Constantine the Great killed his last rival and became the sole Emperor of the Empire. Constantine decided to found a new capital for himself and chose Byzantium for that purpose.

The rebuilding process was completed in 330. Constantine renamed the city Nova Roma but in popular use it was called Constantinople (in Greek - Constantinopolis, meaning Constantine's City). This new capital became the centre of his administration. Constantine deprived the single preatorian prefect of his civil functions, introducing regional prefects with civil authority.

During 4th centuries four great "regional prefectures" were created also.

Constantine was also probably the first Christian emperor. The religion which had been persecuted under Diocletian became a "permitted religion", and steadily increased his power as years passed, apart from a short-lived return to Pagan predominance with emperor Julian.

Although the empire was not yet "Byzantine" under Constantine, Christianity would become one of the defining characteristics of the Byzantine Empire, as opposed to the pagan Roman Empire.

Constantine also introduced a new stable gold coin, the solidus, which was to become the standard coin for centuries, not only in Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine monetary history was probably the most important aspect of the success of the empire. Constantine the Great introduced several monetary reforms with one of them being the creation of the gold Solidus at 72 to the Roman pound.

This standard lasted throughout the history with only periodic debasement in economically stressed parts of the empire or during periods of extremely weak leadership. If anything can be learned from the Eastern Roman Empire is that monetary stability and strength lead to strength within a civilization.

Another defining moment in the history of the Roman/Byzantine Empire was the Battle of Adrianople in 378 in which the Emperor Valens himself was killed by the Visigoths, and the best of the remaining Roman legions were annihilated forever.

This defeat has been proposed by some authorities as one possible date for dividing the ancient and medieval worlds. The Roman empire was divided further by Valens' successor Theodosius I (also called "the great"), who had ruled both parts since 392: following the dynastic principle well established by Constantine, in 395 he gave the two halves to his two sons Arcadius and Honorius; Arcadius became ruler in the East, with his capital in Constantinople, and Honorius became ruler in the west, with his capital in Ravenna. Theodosius was the last Roman emperor whose authority covered the entire traditional extent of the Roman Empire. At this point it is common to refer to the empire as "Eastern Roman" rather than "Byzantine."

Early history

The Eastern Empire was largely spared the difficulties of the west in the 3rd and 4th centuries (see Crisis of the Third Century), in part because urban culture was better established there and the initial invasions were attracted to the wealth of Rome.

Throughout the 5th century various invasions conquered the western half of the empire, but at best could only demand tribute from the eastern half. Theodosius II enchanced the walls of Constantinople, leaving the city impenetrable to attacks: it was to be preserved from foreign conquest until 1204. To spare his part of Empire the invasion of the Huns of Attila, Theodosius gave them subsidies of gold: in this way he favoured those merchants living in Constantinople who traded with the barbarians. His successor Marcian refused to continue to pay the great sum, but Attila had already diverted his attention to the Western Empire and died in 453.

His Empire collapsed and Constantinople was free from his menace forever, starting a profitable relationship with the remaining Huns, who often fought as mercenaries in Byzantine armies of the following centuries.

In this age the true chief in Constantinople was the Alan general Aspar. Leo I managed to free himself from the influence of the barbarian chief favouring the rise of the Isauri, a crude semi-barbarian tribe living in Roman territory, in southern Anatolia.

Aspar and his son Ardabur were murdered in a riot in 471, and thenceforth Constantinople was to be free from foreign influence for centuries.

Leo was also the first emperor to receive the crown not from a general or an officer, as in the Roman tradition, but from the hands of the patriarch of Constantinople. This habit became mandatory as time passed, and in the Middle Ages the religious characteristic of the coronation had totally substituted the old form.

First Isaurian emperor was Tarasicodissa, who was married by Leo to his daughter Ariadne (466) and ruled as Zeno I after the death of Leo I's son, Leo II (autumn of 474).

Zeno was the emperor when the empire in the west finally collapsed in 476, as the barbarian general Odoacer deposed emperor Romulus Augustus without replacing him with another puppet.

In 468 an attempt by Leo I to conquer again Africa from the Vandals had failed mercelessly, showing how feeble were the military capabilities of the Eastern Empire. At that time the Western Roman Empire was already restricted to the sole Italy: Britain had fallen to Angles and Saxons, Spain to Visigoths, Africa to Vandals and Gaul to Franks.

To recover Italy Zeno could only negotiate with the Ostrogoths of Theodoric, who had been settled in Moesia: he sent the barbarian king in Italy as magister militum per Italiam ("chief of staff for Italy").

Since the fall of Odoacer in 493 Theodoric, who had lived in Constantinople in his youth, ruled over Italy of his own, though saving a merely formal obedience to Zeno. He revealed himself as the most powerful Germanic king of that age, but his successors were greatly inferior to him and their kingdom of Italy started to decline in the 530s.

In 475 Zeno was deposed by a plot who elevated one Basiliscus (the general defeated in 468) to the throne, but twenty months after Zeno was again emperor. But he had to face the menace coming from his Isaurian former official Illo and the other Isaurian Leontius, who was also elected rival emperor. The Isaurian prominence ended when an aged civil officer of Roman origin, Anastasius I, became emperor in 491 and definitively defeated them in 498, after a long war.

Anastasius revealed himself to be an energic reformer and able administrator. He perfected Constantine I's coin system by definitively setting the weight of the copper follis, the coin used in most everyday transactions. He also reformed the taxation system: at his death the State Treasury contained the enormous sum of 320,000 pounds of gold.

The Age of Justinian I

The reign of Justinian I, which began in 527, saw a period of extensive Imperial conquests of former Roman territories (indicated in green on the map below). The 6th century also saw the beginning of a long series of conflicts with the Byzantine Empire's traditional early enemies, such as the Persians, Slavs and Bulgars.

Theological crises, such as the question of Monophysitism, also dominated the empire.Justinian I had already probably exerted effective control under the reign of his predecessor, Justin I (518-527).

This latter was a former officer in the Imperial Army who had been chief of the Guards to Anastasius I, and had been proclaimed emperor (when almost 70) after Anastasius's death. Justinian was the son of a peasant from Illyricum, but also a nephew of Justin's, and later made his adoptive son.

Justinian would become one of the most refined spirits of his century, inspired by the dream of the re-creation of Roman rule over all the Mediterranean world. He reformed the administration and the law, and, with the help of brilliant generals such as Belisarius and Narses, temporarily regained some of the lost Roman provinces in the west, conquering much of Italy, North Africa, and a small area in southern Spain.

In 532 Justinian secured for the Empire peace on the Eastern frontier by signing an "eternal peace" treaty with the Sassanid Persian king Khosrau I; however this required in exchange the payment of a huge annual tribute in gold.

Justinian's conquests in the West began in 533, when Belisarius was sent to reclaim the former province of Africa with a small army of some 18,000 men, mainly mercenaries. Whereas an earlier 468 expedition had been a dismaying failure, this new venture was to prove a success, the kingdom of the Vandals at Carthage lacking the strength of former times under King Gaiseric.

The Vandals surrendered after a couple of battles, and Belisarius returned to a Roman triumph in Constantinople with the last Vandal king, Gelimer, as his prisoner. However the reconquest of North Africa would take a few more years to stabilize and it was not until 548 that the main local independent tribes were subdued.

In 535 Justinian launched his most ambitious campaign, the reconquest of Italy, at that time still ruled by the Ostrogoths. He dispatched an army to march overland from Dalmatia while the main contingent, transported on ships and again under the command of Belisarius, disembarked in Sicily and conquered the island without much difficulty.

The marches on the Italian mainland were initially victorious and the major cities, including Naples, Rome and the capital Ravenna, fell one after the other.

The Goths seemingly defeated, Belisarius was recalled to Constantinople in 541 by Justinian, bringing with him the Ostrogoth king Witiges as a prisoner in chains.

However, the Ostrogoths and their supporters were soon reunited under the energic command of Totila.

The ensuing Gothic Wars were an exhausting series of sieges, battles and retreats which consumed almost all the Byzantine and Italian fiscal resources, impoverishing much of the countryside.

Belisarius was recalled by Justianian, who had lost trust in his preferred commander. At a certain point the Byzantines seemed on the verge of losing all the positions they had gained.

After having neglected to provide sufficient financial and logistical support to the desperate troops under Belisarius's former command, in the summer of 552 Justinian gathered a massive army of 35,000 men, mostly Asian and Germanic mercenaries, to be applied to the supreme effort.

The astute and diplomatic eunuch Narses was chosen for the command.

Totila was crushed and killed at Busta Gallorum; Totila's successor, Teias, was likewise defeated at the Battle of Mons Lactarius (central Italy, October 552).

Despite of continuing resistance from a few Goth garrisons, and two subsequent invasions by the Franks and Alamanni, the war for the reconquest of the Italian peninsula was at an end.Justinian's program of conquest was further extended in 554 when a Byzantine army managed to sieze a small part of Spain from the Visigoths. All the main Mediterranean islands were also now under the Byzantine control.

Aside from these conquests, Justinian updated the ancient Roman legal code in the new Corpus Juris Civilis (although it is notable that these laws were still written in Latin, a language which was becoming archaic and poorly understood even by those who wrote the new code).

Hagia Sophia

By far the most significant building of the Byzantine Empire is the great church of Hagia Sophia (Church of the Holy Wisdom) in Constantinople (532-37), which retained a longitudinal axis but was dominated by its enormous central dome. Seventh-century Syriac texts suggest that this design was meant to show the church as an image of the world with the dome of heaven suspended above, from which the Holy Spirit descended during the liturgical ceremony.

The precise features of Hagia Sophia's complex design were not repeated in later buildings; from this time, however, most Byzantine churches were centrally planned structures organized around a large dome; they retained the cosmic symbolism and demonstrated with increasing clarity the close dependence of the design and decoration of the church on the liturgy performed in it.

Under Justinian's reign, the Church of Hagia Sofia ("Holy Wisdom") was constructed in the 530s. This church would become the centre of Byzantine religious life and the centre of the Eastern Orthodox form of Christianity. The sixth century was also a time of flourishing culture (although Justinian closed the university at Athens), producing the epic poet Nonnus, the lyric poet Paul the Silentiary, the historian Procopius and the natural philosopher John Philoponos, among other notable talents.

The conquests in West meant the other parts of the Empire were left almost unguarded, although Justinian was a great builder of fortifications throughout all his reign and the Byzantine territories. Khosrau I of Persia had as early as 540 broken the pact previously signed with Justinian, destroying Antiochia and Armenia: the only way the emperor could devise to forestall him was to increase the sum paid out every year.

The Balkans were subjected to repeated incursions, where Slavs had first crossed the imperial frontiers during the reign of Justin I, taking advantage of the sparsely-deployed Byzantine troops to press on as far as the Gulf of Corinth. The Kutrigur Bulgars had also attacked in 540.

The Slavs then invaded Thrace in 545 and in 548 assaulted Dyrrachium, an important port on the Adriatic Sea.

In 550 the Sclaveni pushed on as far to reach within 65 kilometers of Constantinople itself.

In 559 the Empire found itself unable to repel a great invasion of Kutrigurs and Sclaveni: divided in three columns, the invaders reached the Thermopylae, the Gallipoli Peninsula and the suburbs of Constantinople. The Slavs come back worried more by the intact power of the Danube Roman fleet and of the Utigurs, paid by the Romans themselves, than the resistance of an ill-prepared Imperial army.

This time the Empire was safe, but in the following years the Roman suzerainty in the Balkans was to be almost totally overwhelmed.Soon after the death of Justinian in 565, the Germanic Lombards, a former imperial foederati tribe, invaded and conquered much of Italy.

The Visigoths conquered Cordoba, the main Byzantine city in Spain, first in 572 and then definitively in 584: the last Byzantine strongholds in Spain were swept away twenty years later.

The Turks, one of the deadliest enemies of future Byzantium, had appeared in Crimea, and in 577 a horde of some 100,000 Slavs had invaded Thrace and Illyricum. Sirmium, the most important Roman city on the Danube, was lost in 582, but the Empire managed to mantain control of the river for several more years, though it increasingly lost control of the inner provinces.

Justinian's successor, Justin II, refused to pay the tribute to the Persians. This resulted in a long and harsh war which lasted until the reign of his successors Tiberius II and Maurice, and focused on the control over Armenia.

Fortunately for the Byzantines, a civil war broke out in the Persian Kingdom: Maurice was able take advantage of his friendship with the new king Khosrau II (whose disputed accession to the Persian throne had been assisted by Maurice) in order to sign a favourable peace treaty in 591, which gave the Empire control over much of Persian Armenia.

Maurice reorganized the remaining possessions in the West into two Exarchates, those of Ravenna and Carthage, attempting to increase their capability in self-defence and delegating them much of the civil authority.

The Avars and later the Bulgars overwhelmed much of the Balkans, and in the early 7th century the Persians invaded and conquered Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Armenia. The Persians were defeated and the territories were recovered by the emperor Heraclius in 627, but the unexpected appearance of the newly-converted and united Muslim Arabs took by surprise an empire exhausted by the titanic effort against Persia, and the southern provinces were all overrun.

02-15-2006, 11:49 PM
wow..yeah not reading that.

02-15-2006, 11:49 PM
well true. ill agree with that it'd take some guts to do kill yourself. but.. still you're wimping out on the big picture.

true. I know one kid who tried to kill himself by hangin himself from his fan and when he jumped off the bed his fan fell and hit him in the head. I got a kick outta that whenever I heard about it.

02-15-2006, 11:49 PM
i agree with you on this :goodjob:

wooohoo. party on!

02-15-2006, 11:50 PM
what in the fuckin hell, randomguy?

02-15-2006, 11:50 PM
true. I know one kid who tried to kill himself by hangin himself from his fan and when he jumped off the bed his fan fell and hit him in the head. I got a kick outta that whenever I heard about it.

lol wow. thats sad and hilarious at the same time.

02-15-2006, 11:50 PM
wow..yeah not reading that.
I fukin agree again , :goodjob:

02-15-2006, 11:50 PM
he's random. what do you expect? lol.

02-15-2006, 11:51 PM
my toes are numb again.

02-15-2006, 11:52 PM
Some place it during the reign of Diocletian (284-305) due to the administrative reforms he introduced, dividing the empire into a pars Orientis and a pars Occidentis. Others place it during the reign of Theodosius I (379-395) and Christendom's victory over paganism, or, following his death in 395, with the division of the empire into Western and Eastern halves. Others place it yet further in 476, when the last western emperor, Romulus Augustus, was forced to abdicate, thus leaving to the emperor in the Greek East sole imperial authority. In any case, the changeover was gradual and by 330, when Constantine I inaugurated his new capital, the process of Hellenization and Christianization was well underway.

The term "Byzantine Empire"

The name Byzantine Empire is derived from the original Greek name for Constantinople; Byzantium. The name is a modern term and would have been alien to its contemporaries. The term Byzantine Empire was invented in 1557, about a century after the fall of Constantinople by German historian Hieronymus Wolf, who introduced a system of Byzantine historiography in his work Corpus Historiae Byzantinae in order to distinguish ancient Roman from medieval Greek history without drawing attention to their ancient predecessors.
Caracalla's decree in 212, the Constitutio Antoniniana, extended citizenship outside of Italy to all free adult males in the entire Roman Empire, effectively raising provincial populations to equal status with the city of Rome itself. The importance of this decree is historical rather than political. It set the basis for integration where the economic and judicial mechanisms of the state could be applied around the entire Mediterranean as was once done from Latium into all of Italy. Of course, integration did not take place uniformly. Societies already integrated with Rome such as Greece were favored by this decree, compared with those far away, too poor or just too alien such as Britain, Palestine or Egypt.

The division of the Empire began with the Tetrarchy (quadrumvirate) in the late 3rd century with Emperor Diocletian, as an institution intended to more efficiently control the vast Roman Empire. He split the Empire in half, with two emperors (Augusti) ruling from Italy and Greece, each having as co-emperor of younger colleague of their own (Caesares).

After Diocletian's voluntary abandon, the Tetrarchic system began soon to crumble: anyway, the division continued in some form into the 4th century, until 324 when Constantine the Great killed his last rival and became the sole Emperor of the Empire. Constantine decided to found a new capital for himself and chose Byzantium for that purpose.

The rebuilding process was completed in 330. Constantine renamed the city Nova Roma but in popular use it was called Constantinople (in Greek - Constantinopolis, meaning Constantine's City). This new capital became the centre of his administration. Constantine deprived the single preatorian prefect of his civil functions, introducing regional prefects with civil authority.

During 4th centuries four great "regional prefectures" were created also.

Constantine was also probably the first Christian emperor. The religion which had been persecuted under Diocletian became a "permitted religion", and steadily increased his power as years passed, apart from a short-lived return to Pagan predominance with emperor Julian.

Although the empire was not yet "Byzantine" under Constantine, Christianity would become one of the defining characteristics of the Byzantine Empire, as opposed to the pagan Roman Empire.

Constantine also introduced a new stable gold coin, the solidus, which was to become the standard coin for centuries, not only in Byzantine Empire. The Byzantine monetary history was probably the most important aspect of the success of the empire. Constantine the Great introduced several monetary reforms with one of them being the creation of the gold Solidus at 72 to the Roman pound.

This standard lasted throughout the history with only periodic debasement in economically stressed parts of the empire or during periods of extremely weak leadership. If anything can be learned from the Eastern Roman Empire is that monetary stability and strength lead to strength within a civilization.

Another defining moment in the history of the Roman/Byzantine Empire was the Battle of Adrianople in 378 in which the Emperor Valens himself was killed by the Visigoths, and the best of the remaining Roman legions were annihilated forever.

This defeat has been proposed by some authorities as one possible date for dividing the ancient and medieval worlds. The Roman empire was divided further by Valens' successor Theodosius I (also called "the great"), who had ruled both parts since 392: following the dynastic principle well established by Constantine, in 395 he gave the two halves to his two sons Arcadius and Honorius; Arcadius became ruler in the East, with his capital in Constantinople, and Honorius became ruler in the west, with his capital in Ravenna. Theodosius was the last Roman emperor whose authority covered the entire traditional extent of the Roman Empire. At this point it is common to refer to the empire as "Eastern Roman" rather than "Byzantine."

Early history

The Eastern Empire was largely spared the difficulties of the west in the 3rd and 4th centuries (see Crisis of the Third Century), in part because urban culture was better established there and the initial invasions were attracted to the wealth of Rome.

Throughout the 5th century various invasions conquered the western half of the empire, but at best could only demand tribute from the eastern half. Theodosius II enchanced the walls of Constantinople, leaving the city impenetrable to attacks: it was to be preserved from foreign conquest until 1204. To spare his part of Empire the invasion of the Huns of Attila, Theodosius gave them subsidies of gold: in this way he favoured those merchants living in Constantinople who traded with the barbarians. His successor Marcian refused to continue to pay the great sum, but Attila had already diverted his attention to the Western Empire and died in 453.

His Empire collapsed and Constantinople was free from his menace forever, starting a profitable relationship with the remaining Huns, who often fought as mercenaries in Byzantine armies of the following centuries.

In this age the true chief in Constantinople was the Alan general Aspar. Leo I managed to free himself from the influence of the barbarian chief favouring the rise of the Isauri, a crude semi-barbarian tribe living in Roman territory, in southern Anatolia.

Aspar and his son Ardabur were murdered in a riot in 471, and thenceforth Constantinople was to be free from foreign influence for centuries.

Leo was also the first emperor to receive the crown not from a general or an officer, as in the Roman tradition, but from the hands of the patriarch of Constantinople. This habit became mandatory as time passed, and in the Middle Ages the religious characteristic of the coronation had totally substituted the old form.

First Isaurian emperor was Tarasicodissa, who was married by Leo to his daughter Ariadne (466) and ruled as Zeno I after the death of Leo I's son, Leo II (autumn of 474).

Zeno was the emperor when the empire in the west finally collapsed in 476, as the barbarian general Odoacer deposed emperor Romulus Augustus without replacing him with another puppet.

In 468 an attempt by Leo I to conquer again Africa from the Vandals had failed mercelessly, showing how feeble were the military capabilities of the Eastern Empire. At that time the Western Roman Empire was already restricted to the sole Italy: Britain had fallen to Angles and Saxons, Spain to Visigoths, Africa to Vandals and Gaul to Franks.

To recover Italy Zeno could only negotiate with the Ostrogoths of Theodoric, who had been settled in Moesia: he sent the barbarian king in Italy as magister militum per Italiam ("chief of staff for Italy").

Since the fall of Odoacer in 493 Theodoric, who had lived in Constantinople in his youth, ruled over Italy of his own, though saving a merely formal obedience to Zeno. He revealed himself as the most powerful Germanic king of that age, but his successors were greatly inferior to him and their kingdom of Italy started to decline in the 530s.

In 475 Zeno was deposed by a plot who elevated one Basiliscus (the general defeated in 468) to the throne, but twenty months after Zeno was again emperor. But he had to face the menace coming from his Isaurian former official Illo and the other Isaurian Leontius, who was also elected rival emperor. The Isaurian prominence ended when an aged civil officer of Roman origin, Anastasius I, became emperor in 491 and definitively defeated them in 498, after a long war.

Anastasius revealed himself to be an energic reformer and able administrator. He perfected Constantine I's coin system by definitively setting the weight of the copper follis, the coin used in most everyday transactions. He also reformed the taxation system: at his death the State Treasury contained the enormous sum of 320,000 pounds of gold.

The Age of Justinian I

The reign of Justinian I, which began in 527, saw a period of extensive Imperial conquests of former Roman territories (indicated in green on the map below). The 6th century also saw the beginning of a long series of conflicts with the Byzantine Empire's traditional early enemies, such as the Persians, Slavs and Bulgars.

Theological crises, such as the question of Monophysitism, also dominated the empire.Justinian I had already probably exerted effective control under the reign of his predecessor, Justin I (518-527).

This latter was a former officer in the Imperial Army who had been chief of the Guards to Anastasius I, and had been proclaimed emperor (when almost 70) after Anastasius's death. Justinian was the son of a peasant from Illyricum, but also a nephew of Justin's, and later made his adoptive son.

Justinian would become one of the most refined spirits of his century, inspired by the dream of the re-creation of Roman rule over all the Mediterranean world. He reformed the administration and the law, and, with the help of brilliant generals such as Belisarius and Narses, temporarily regained some of the lost Roman provinces in the west, conquering much of Italy, North Africa, and a small area in southern Spain.

In 532 Justinian secured for the Empire peace on the Eastern frontier by signing an "eternal peace" treaty with the Sassanid Persian king Khosrau I; however this required in exchange the payment of a huge annual tribute in gold.

Justinian's conquests in the West began in 533, when Belisarius was sent to reclaim the former province of Africa with a small army of some 18,000 men, mainly mercenaries. Whereas an earlier 468 expedition had been a dismaying failure, this new venture was to prove a success, the kingdom of the Vandals at Carthage lacking the strength of former times under King Gaiseric.

The Vandals surrendered after a couple of battles, and Belisarius returned to a Roman triumph in Constantinople with the last Vandal king, Gelimer, as his prisoner. However the reconquest of North Africa would take a few more years to stabilize and it was not until 548 that the main local independent tribes were subdued.

In 535 Justinian launched his most ambitious campaign, the reconquest of Italy, at that time still ruled by the Ostrogoths. He dispatched an army to march overland from Dalmatia while the main contingent, transported on ships and again under the command of Belisarius, disembarked in Sicily and conquered the island without much difficulty.

The marches on the Italian mainland were initially victorious and the major cities, including Naples, Rome and the capital Ravenna, fell one after the other.

The Goths seemingly defeated, Belisarius was recalled to Constantinople in 541 by Justinian, bringing with him the Ostrogoth king Witiges as a prisoner in chains.

However, the Ostrogoths and their supporters were soon reunited under the energic command of Totila.

The ensuing Gothic Wars were an exhausting series of sieges, battles and retreats which consumed almost all the Byzantine and Italian fiscal resources, impoverishing much of the countryside.

Belisarius was recalled by Justianian, who had lost trust in his preferred commander. At a certain point the Byzantines seemed on the verge of losing all the positions they had gained.

After having neglected to provide sufficient financial and logistical support to the desperate troops under Belisarius's former command, in the summer of 552 Justinian gathered a massive army of 35,000 men, mostly Asian and Germanic mercenaries, to be applied to the supreme effort.

The astute and diplomatic eunuch Narses was chosen for the command.

Totila was crushed and killed at Busta Gallorum; Totila's successor, Teias, was likewise defeated at the Battle of Mons Lactarius (central Italy, October 552).

Despite of continuing resistance from a few Goth garrisons, and two subsequent invasions by the Franks and Alamanni, the war for the reconquest of the Italian peninsula was at an end.Justinian's program of conquest was further extended in 554 when a Byzantine army managed to sieze a small part of Spain from the Visigoths. All the main Mediterranean islands were also now under the Byzantine control.

Aside from these conquests, Justinian updated the ancient Roman legal code in the new Corpus Juris Civilis (although it is notable that these laws were still written in Latin, a language which was becoming archaic and poorly understood even by those who wrote the new code).

Hagia Sophia

By far the most significant building of the Byzantine Empire is the great church of Hagia Sophia (Church of the Holy Wisdom) in Constantinople (532-37), which retained a longitudinal axis but was dominated by its enormous central dome. Seventh-century Syriac texts suggest that this design was meant to show the church as an image of the world with the dome of heaven suspended above, from which the Holy Spirit descended during the liturgical ceremony.

The precise features of Hagia Sophia's complex design were not repeated in later buildings; from this time, however, most Byzantine churches were centrally planned structures organized around a large dome; they retained the cosmic symbolism and demonstrated with increasing clarity the close dependence of the design and decoration of the church on the liturgy performed in it.

Under Justinian's reign, the Church of Hagia Sofia ("Holy Wisdom") was constructed in the 530s. This church would become the centre of Byzantine religious life and the centre of the Eastern Orthodox form of Christianity. The sixth century was also a time of flourishing culture (although Justinian closed the university at Athens), producing the epic poet Nonnus, the lyric poet Paul the Silentiary, the historian Procopius and the natural philosopher John Philoponos, among other notable talents.

The conquests in West meant the other parts of the Empire were left almost unguarded, although Justinian was a great builder of fortifications throughout all his reign and the Byzantine territories. Khosrau I of Persia had as early as 540 broken the pact previously signed with Justinian, destroying Antiochia and Armenia: the only way the emperor could devise to forestall him was to increase the sum paid out every year.

The Balkans were subjected to repeated incursions, where Slavs had first crossed the imperial frontiers during the reign of Justin I, taking advantage of the sparsely-deployed Byzantine troops to press on as far as the Gulf of Corinth. The Kutrigur Bulgars had also attacked in 540.

The Slavs then invaded Thrace in 545 and in 548 assaulted Dyrrachium, an important port on the Adriatic Sea.

In 550 the Sclaveni pushed on as far to reach within 65 kilometers of Constantinople itself.

In 559 the Empire found itself unable to repel a great invasion of Kutrigurs and Sclaveni: divided in three columns, the invaders reached the Thermopylae, the Gallipoli Peninsula and the suburbs of Constantinople. The Slavs come back worried more by the intact power of the Danube Roman fleet and of the Utigurs, paid by the Romans themselves, than the resistance of an ill-prepared Imperial army.

This time the Empire was safe, but in the following years the Roman suzerainty in the Balkans was to be almost totally overwhelmed.Soon after the death of Justinian in 565, the Germanic Lombards, a former imperial foederati tribe, invaded and conquered much of Italy.

The Visigoths conquered Cordoba, the main Byzantine city in Spain, first in 572 and then definitively in 584: the last Byzantine strongholds in Spain were swept away twenty years later.

The Turks, one of the deadliest enemies of future Byzantium, had appeared in Crimea, and in 577 a horde of some 100,000 Slavs had invaded Thrace and Illyricum. Sirmium, the most important Roman city on the Danube, was lost in 582, but the Empire managed to mantain control of the river for several more years, though it increasingly lost control of the inner provinces.

Justinian's successor, Justin II, refused to pay the tribute to the Persians. This resulted in a long and harsh war which lasted until the reign of his successors Tiberius II and Maurice, and focused on the control over Armenia.

Fortunately for the Byzantines, a civil war broke out in the Persian Kingdom: Maurice was able take advantage of his friendship with the new king Khosrau II (whose disputed accession to the Persian throne had been assisted by Maurice) in order to sign a favourable peace treaty in 591, which gave the Empire control over much of Persian Armenia.

Maurice reorganized the remaining possessions in the West into two Exarchates, those of Ravenna and Carthage, attempting to increase their capability in self-defence and delegating them much of the civil authority.

The Avars and later the Bulgars overwhelmed much of the Balkans, and in the early 7th century the Persians invaded and conquered Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Armenia. The Persians were defeated and the territories were recovered by the emperor Heraclius in 627, but the unexpected appearance of the newly-converted and united Muslim Arabs took by surprise an empire exhausted by the titanic effort against Persia, and the southern provinces were all overrun.

02-15-2006, 11:52 PM

02-15-2006, 11:52 PM
he's random. what do you expect? lol.
true but sometimes its annoying , lol

02-15-2006, 11:52 PM
I was just fuckin around when I said life sucks, Right now it is ok. Nothin bad has happened in a while but nothin good has happened either.

02-15-2006, 11:53 PM
I was just fuckin around when I said life sucks, Right now it is ok. Nothin bad has happened in a while but nothin good has happened either.

word..im with ya on that..life is mediocre right now..

02-15-2006, 11:53 PM
true but sometimes its annoying , lol

by sometimes you mean always?

02-15-2006, 11:54 PM
i should clean my room.

02-15-2006, 11:54 PM
I was just fuckin around when I said life sucks, Right now it is ok. Nothin bad has happened in a while but nothin good has happened either.
well then just keep breathing and think positive and go ahed with life things will come good or bad , no matter what live life to the fullest..

02-15-2006, 11:54 PM
i should also drop my car...

02-15-2006, 11:55 PM
i wish this friday was pay day...

02-15-2006, 11:55 PM
i should clean my room.

your floor is really just one big shelf

02-15-2006, 11:56 PM
your floor is really just one big shelf

hrrrm, never thought of it that way.. lol.

02-15-2006, 11:56 PM
LOL the floor is a big shelf,,,,,,,,,,

02-15-2006, 11:56 PM
cant stop till i hit 4700

02-15-2006, 11:56 PM
i wish this friday was pay day...


02-15-2006, 11:57 PM
who wants to give me money so i can drop my car?!?!

02-15-2006, 11:57 PM
Ok now life sucks I can't fuckin find my damn cheez its

02-15-2006, 11:57 PM
So what kind of drop on the celica?? coils or springs??

02-15-2006, 11:57 PM

i hate you..

02-15-2006, 11:58 PM
So what kind of drop on the celica?? coils or springs??

just springs... coils are another $200. idealy i want to bag it.. but thats out of the picture right now..

its a 1.5" drop.. its all they have for my car.. oh well. im also gettin new struts too. seeing the originals are still on the car. lol and they are 15 years old. haha.

02-15-2006, 11:58 PM
i hate you..


OH fuck yea I found my cheez its

02-15-2006, 11:59 PM
Ok now life sucks I can't fuckin find my damn cheez its

mmm cheese its..i loves those. and cheetos!

02-16-2006, 12:01 AM
just springs... coils are another $200. idealy i want to bag it.. but thats out of the picture right now..

its a 1.5" drop.. its all they have for my car.. oh well. im also gettin new struts too. seeing the originals are still on the car. lol and they are 15 years old. haha.

I am baggin my dakota

02-16-2006, 12:02 AM
just springs... coils are another $200. idealy i want to bag it.. but thats out of the picture right now..

its a 1.5" drop.. its all they have for my car.. oh well. im also gettin new struts too. seeing the originals are still on the car. lol and they are 15 years old. haha.
str8 me 2 i want to bag the civic, but not yet.......Does anyone even bag cars here in GA , ?? only place i Know is godfather customs but mostly trukcs

02-16-2006, 12:02 AM
I am baggin my dakota

it'll be bagged one day..

probalby when its not a daily.

02-16-2006, 12:03 AM
str8 me 2 i want to bag the civic, but not yet.......Does anyone even bag cars here in GA , ?? only place i Know is godfather customs but mostly trukcs

i was just gonna do mine.... somehow. lol.

02-16-2006, 12:03 AM
I am puttin 7k into my dakota before I get it painted.

02-16-2006, 12:05 AM
I am puttin 7k into my dakota before I get it painted.

thats alwayas fun.

02-16-2006, 12:05 AM
good, well i need a couple of 10s, for some bump in my trunk and a headunit,,,,any one got some ??

02-16-2006, 12:05 AM
damn still going......
wats up ppl

02-16-2006, 12:05 AM
sup Champ.........

02-16-2006, 12:05 AM
ive got 2000 post yay :bigdance:

02-16-2006, 12:06 AM
good, well i need a couple of 10s, for some bump in my trunk and a headunit,,,,any one got some ??

i wanna upgrade my 12s. i wish i had the money to...cause then id sell you mine.. but it wouldnt be enough to upgrade and ive got money going other places right now for the car.... *sigh*

02-16-2006, 12:06 AM

02-16-2006, 12:07 AM

02-16-2006, 12:08 AM
wats goin on with some names EX-Svic

02-16-2006, 12:08 AM
four more.

02-16-2006, 12:09 AM
what color should I get my truck painted?

02-16-2006, 12:09 AM
wats goin on with some names EX-Svic
not much im trying to get something with a good name , got any names??,,,

02-16-2006, 12:10 AM
what color should I get my truck painted?

a nice deep pussy pink.

02-16-2006, 12:10 AM
Joe and Devin , what are some good names for a car club , A GOOD name, ....

02-16-2006, 12:10 AM
Joe and Devin , what are some good names for a car club , A GOOD name, ....

the vagina snatchers!

02-16-2006, 12:11 AM
a nice deep pussy pink.

nah I'll pass on pink

02-16-2006, 12:11 AM
nah I'll pass on pink

cmmoonn man..

i almost did it. lol. i'll be honest... i saw a few pinks that were very tempting... lol

02-16-2006, 12:12 AM

02-16-2006, 12:13 AM
cmmoonn man..

i almost did it. lol. i'll be honest... i saw a few pinks that were very tempting... lol

Yeah I have saw some pink trucks that look nice. But I want somethin that stands out and is really bright.

02-16-2006, 12:14 AM
Yeah I have saw some pink trucks that look nice. But I want somethin that stands out and is really bright.

... are you trying to say a pink truck wouldnt stand out and isnt bright?

lol are you on crack!


02-16-2006, 12:15 AM
johnny cash is a pimp. or was..whatever.

02-16-2006, 12:15 AM
http://www.decalkit.com/php/decalmaker.php3?msg=Atl_Imports +&rot=0&size=35&pad=20&font=fonts/ttf/tt1001m_.ttf

02-16-2006, 12:15 AM

02-16-2006, 12:15 AM
I will get made fun of to much. I got made fun of for havin a baby blue with purple pearl car. I know I would catch immortal hell if I went with pink.

02-16-2006, 12:16 AM
I will get made fun of to much. I got made fun of for havin a baby blue with purple pearl car. I know I would catch immortal hell if I went with pink.

they are just haters.

02-16-2006, 12:18 AM


02-16-2006, 12:19 AM


oh snap..he's back..

g/f keeping your hostage?

02-16-2006, 12:21 AM
speakin of bein held hostage I was held hostage the other night

02-16-2006, 12:22 AM
speakin of bein held hostage I was held hostage the other night

mom again? lol.

02-16-2006, 12:24 AM
lol ,im out peeps,,,,,,,,,have be at the airport at 6am .DAmn this sucks o well

02-16-2006, 12:25 AM
Yes, I should not of told her I want an R6. She smacked me, then started throwing shit at me:(

02-16-2006, 12:25 AM
lol ,im out peeps,,,,,,,,,have be at the airport at 6am .DAmn this sucks o well
now thats no fun.

02-16-2006, 12:26 AM
mom again? lol.

Not this time.But really I took my friend to a party and the person mom came home and wouldn't let anyone leave until the mornin. She said she would call the cops if anyone left.

02-16-2006, 12:27 AM
Not this time.But really I took my friend to a party and the person mom came home and wouldn't let anyone leave until the mornin. She said she would call the cops if anyone left.

wow crazy...

02-16-2006, 12:30 AM
yeah very crazy.

I am gettin https://cervinis.com/product.aspx?car=1&id=1121#9004 for my truck. I am goin to get the 12 piece but what yall think the ram air hood or ss hood

02-16-2006, 12:30 AM
ok bored now.. need to find a movie.

02-16-2006, 12:31 AM
im diggin the ram air.

02-16-2006, 12:33 AM
what you think of the wing?

02-16-2006, 12:34 AM
its not bad. it actually works. either way i guess. unless you wanted to go with the full cover... toreno cover? whatever i forget what they call it.

02-16-2006, 12:36 AM
you can get a certain kind of tonneau(sp?) cover that will work with the wing. It is the kind I am gettin.

02-16-2006, 12:37 AM
you can get a certain kind of tonneau(sp?) cover that will work with the wing. It is the kind I am gettin.

cool. if you did the cover... hrrm. i think id leave the wing off. i dunno tho..haha. it does look good with it.

02-16-2006, 12:39 AM
yea I ain't decided if I am goin to put it on or not.

I am gettin some good deals though cause my cousin is puttin my bags on for free and my supervisor at work said that if I buy the primer and the bondo and help sand my truck and bondo the dents he will primer it for free.

02-16-2006, 12:41 AM
My car is broken

02-16-2006, 12:42 AM
yea I ain't decided if I am goin to put it on or not.

I am gettin some good deals though cause my cousin is puttin my bags on for free and my supervisor at work said that if I buy the primer and the bondo and help sand my truck and bondo the dents he will primer it for free.

sounds like a good deal to me man.

02-16-2006, 12:42 AM
that sucks.

Right now I am in the process of de-ricin my truck. About 2 years ago I painted the interior and now I am gettin it all off.

02-16-2006, 12:43 AM
I need a better clutch. One that will handle more torque.

02-16-2006, 12:43 AM
Where ya been Snizzle?

02-16-2006, 12:44 AM
Pimpin hoes and slammin cadillac does.

02-16-2006, 12:45 AM
Spec, ACT, Competion Clutch, Centerforce, and Clutchmasters make "high performance" clutches for my car.

02-16-2006, 12:46 AM
I want 850 ponies at my beckon call.

02-16-2006, 12:47 AM
what kinda car you have?

02-16-2006, 12:47 AM
that sucks.

Right now I am in the process of de-ricin my truck. About 2 years ago I painted the interior and now I am gettin it all off.

yeaaaahh i did the same.. not lots of it..but a few places... wish i hadnt.. i finally got it off. lol.. nothin like a little bit of acetone. lol

02-16-2006, 12:47 AM
Anyone want to donate?

02-16-2006, 12:48 AM
Where ya been Snizzle?

I have been busy with school. Shit I have a 9page paper due tomorrow at 6pm and I have only written half a page :headslap:

02-16-2006, 12:48 AM
what kinda car you have?


02-16-2006, 12:49 AM
I have been busy with school. Shit I have a 9page paper due tomorrow at 6pm and I have only written half a page :headslap:

Good luck dude, keep on humpin. What school do you go to?

02-16-2006, 12:49 AM
yeaaaahh i did the same.. not lots of it..but a few places... wish i hadnt.. i finally got it off. lol.. nothin like a little bit of acetone. lol

Yea I didn't paint much either but damn this shit is hard to get off.

02-16-2006, 12:50 AM


02-16-2006, 12:50 AM

02-16-2006, 12:51 AM
Yea I didn't paint much either but damn this shit is hard to get off.

sure is

anyway..bed for me..

party on.

02-16-2006, 12:51 AM

I have that song as a ringtone for when my cousin calls cause he loves that song

02-16-2006, 12:52 AM
Is "Trion" Georgia a real place?

02-16-2006, 12:52 AM
sure is

anyway..bed for me..

party on.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO You can't leave us

02-16-2006, 12:53 AM
Is "Trion" Georgia a real place?

Yup. It is very small. Only 69 people was in my grade. Unlike most places we have pre k through 12th grade at one location and prolly had 1500 students in all. Less than 400 in the high school.

02-16-2006, 12:53 AM
North, south, east west?

02-16-2006, 12:55 AM
Northwest Ga. Like 30 minutes north of Rome. 15 minutes east of the AL line. and 30-45 minutes south of Chattanooga

02-16-2006, 12:57 AM
I am coming to visit Trion Georgia, How far is it from Atlanta? Is there an abundance of cute country girls there?

02-16-2006, 12:57 AM
Oh, I see. Women?

02-16-2006, 12:58 AM

I have a clutchguy "clutchTechnics" that can make you any clutch you want. Its $200, and is a oneday turnaround. You can chose stage 1-4 single disk, twin and tripple plate. Its $200 for any single. He was one of the main guys that started centerforce, but split, and started his own buisness solo. The last clutch I bought from him was a stage 4 for $200. and it held up untill 470rwhp, then it started to slip. But that is very impresive, for a single disk clutch. And he also resurfaces the flywheel for no charge.

02-16-2006, 12:59 AM
You can get here from ATL in about an hour. Gotta get off on exit 306 on I-75. And yes there are many fine females.

02-16-2006, 01:02 AM

I have a clutchguy "clutchTechnics" that can make you any clutch you want. Its $200, and is a oneday turnaround. You can chose stage 1-4 single disk, twin and tripple plate. Its $200 for any single. He was one of the main guys that started centerforce, but split, and started his own buisness solo. The last clutch I bought from him was a stage 4 for $200. and it held up untill 470rwhp, then it started to slip. But that is very impresive, for a single disk clutch. And he also resurfaces the flywheel for no charge.

Why don't you PM me your number or something so I can get some specifics about the setups. If you don't mind of course. I have an Exedy Stage III Hypercarbon single plate and it slips when you seriously bang gears and create heat.

02-16-2006, 01:03 AM
It almost sounds too good to be true. He participated in the R&D for centerforce clutches? Kewl.

02-16-2006, 01:05 AM
We have found the aliens' weaknesses, and their space craft is currently crashing into the ocean.

02-16-2006, 01:07 AM

02-16-2006, 01:08 AM
I took a picture of the clutch before I put it in, so this is what the stage 4 looked like. I dont think anyother single disc clutch available is listed to handle over 450rwhp. But this one did. I am very satisfied with the clutch guy and will never go with anyone else. Ill pm you my #


02-16-2006, 01:08 AM
Im actually watching Independence Day.

02-16-2006, 01:09 AM
holy fuckin shit ping pong is on espn2

02-16-2006, 01:11 AM
Those guys on ping pong smack the crap out of those balls,..................wish my girlfriend was a ping pong player.

02-16-2006, 01:12 AM
I took a picture of the clutch before I put it in, so this is what the stage 4 looked like. I dont think anyother single disc clutch available is listed to handle over 450rwhp. But this one did. I am very satisfied with the clutch guy and will never go with anyone else. Ill pm you my #

thanks man, I appreciate it.

02-16-2006, 01:12 AM
Those guys on ping pong smack the crap out of those balls,..................wish my girlfriend was a ping pong player.

If she hit them as hard as they hit the ball that would fuggin hurt.

02-16-2006, 01:13 AM
no problem, anytime

02-16-2006, 01:13 AM
That guys name on Ping Pong is "Wang Liqin", If he only knew about us shallow people.

02-16-2006, 01:15 AM
im bore..

02-16-2006, 01:16 AM
what you drive luis?

02-16-2006, 01:16 AM
We are bored too man, don't sweat it. Just type random bullshit and it will pass the time a little bit.

02-16-2006, 01:18 AM
Alright guys, its been real, yall have a good night.

02-16-2006, 01:20 AM
night night keep your butthole tight

02-16-2006, 01:21 AM
SeeYa Seymour

02-16-2006, 01:23 AM
then there was 2

02-16-2006, 01:24 AM
two jews

02-16-2006, 01:24 AM
i have a civic 92 hatch..

02-16-2006, 01:27 AM
i have a civic 92 hatch..

what you have done to it?

02-16-2006, 01:30 AM
i got a 99 integra ls on it but is not finish yet. need to be paint.

02-16-2006, 01:35 AM
You hide your wires?

02-16-2006, 01:36 AM

02-16-2006, 01:41 AM
looks good

02-16-2006, 01:42 AM

02-16-2006, 01:43 AM
I had an integra with ls/vtec swap with b16 pistons, si vavles, dc header, apexi exhaust, aem cold air intake, type r wing, type r lip, baby blue with purple pearl paintjob, r1 racing wheels

02-16-2006, 01:45 AM

02-16-2006, 03:17 AM

02-16-2006, 03:18 AM
I double your :rly: with a :rly: :rly:

02-16-2006, 03:19 AM
Whats up man, we've been slackin

02-16-2006, 08:43 AM
Whats up man, we've been slackin

yeha yall have been slackin... hard to keep it goin. lol.

02-16-2006, 09:06 AM
damn slackers

02-16-2006, 09:32 AM
what the hell is going on?

02-16-2006, 04:32 PM

02-16-2006, 04:33 PM
its a beautiful day outside.....and to think it was snowing 5 days ago....

02-16-2006, 04:59 PM
yeah it is...nice as hell outside

02-16-2006, 06:09 PM
its sooo nice out!

02-16-2006, 06:13 PM
It was actually WARM outside...:wtf:

02-16-2006, 06:14 PM
man it was hot around 1

02-16-2006, 06:14 PM
yeah! and i worked on my car!

now i have heat cause i replaced my stuck open thermastat!

02-16-2006, 06:22 PM
I had just got off work, I was too tired to enjoy the outdoors....

02-16-2006, 09:03 PM
Cock and balls?

02-16-2006, 09:49 PM

02-16-2006, 10:45 PM
waazzzzzzzzzuppp.........sup fellow whores

HeLLo iM iZzY
02-16-2006, 11:14 PM
bumpity bump bump.

02-16-2006, 11:19 PM
'sgoin on.

02-18-2006, 03:28 PM

02-19-2006, 02:39 AM
waaaasssss happpeninin

Crazy Asian
02-19-2006, 02:40 AM
We still up to it again. Did we have 2 week break already from posting way too much?

02-19-2006, 02:48 AM
Sure, I am skiping my Calc2 test on monday. I would rather relax and get a 0, then study and get a F. So post away you silly Asian !

02-19-2006, 02:54 AM
whats our goal? 1000?

02-19-2006, 03:00 AM
Oh snap, post MOTHERFUCKERS !

02-19-2006, 03:00 AM
WOOT! BACK AT IT AGAIN ! ! ! ! ! !

02-19-2006, 03:01 AM
CA n NF, post like yall have never posted before ! ! !

02-19-2006, 03:01 AM

02-19-2006, 03:02 AM
I will quote the Asian by sayin " SKSBDOAODFMN ! ! !"

02-19-2006, 03:03 AM
WOOT ! ! ! ! ! TOADS ! WOOT ! ! ! ! !

02-19-2006, 03:03 AM

02-19-2006, 03:04 AM

02-19-2006, 03:05 AM
WOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!

02-19-2006, 03:06 AM
Come on you silly Crackers !

02-19-2006, 03:06 AM
Where yall is!

02-19-2006, 03:08 AM
kinda tired.... :lmfao:

02-19-2006, 03:23 AM
Same here, I have drank too much

Crazy Asian
02-19-2006, 03:30 AM
Stop jackin off

02-19-2006, 03:31 AM
Ok , Im done

Crazy Asian
02-19-2006, 03:32 AM
And then jack off s

Crazy Asian
02-19-2006, 03:35 AM

02-19-2006, 03:35 AM
Shouldnt you be eating noodles or typing up fortune cookie slips this time of night?

Crazy Asian
02-19-2006, 03:37 AM

Crazy Asian
02-19-2006, 03:38 AM
Im looking at hentai and new tires for my rims...mmm hentai...MR SAKI NOOO I DONT WANT TO SUCKY SUCKY For YOU...AIEEEEEEE

Crazy Asian
02-19-2006, 03:39 AM

02-19-2006, 03:43 AM
Im looking for a new car.

Crazy Asian
02-19-2006, 03:45 AM

02-19-2006, 03:46 AM

02-19-2006, 03:46 AM

Crazy Asian
02-19-2006, 03:53 AM

Crazy Asian
02-19-2006, 03:54 AM

02-19-2006, 03:55 AM
3q54t4tqrfgasadfn23r7uh293u7hr2i3jhbnkjqhewbdiof24 3q54t4tqrfgasadfn23r7uh293u7hr2i3jhbnkjqhewbdiof24 fq4unfiuq4niuw4fnbiu4wbfiuybw4ifyhbwiuyh4bif7ubijh bseirfuh9478fhkjhwfbiawyh4tiuwenbfklahjwbitawg4ot7 hawijfnbasikufh8oi7w4yhtruiwahbfikhawbfiahw4978trh awujfbnalkwughf8ia7wh4truahsbikfguyhaw987tywaiou4h tkiawuyhgfi7awy4o9t8ahw4itufhasigfhaw9o478ytauiowh tilauwhgit7awy4auihwifuyhgawi47uhgfao9i4whtilauwhf ilauhgw49tihawilu4htlguhreilgfauwh4tliauwhnelukfah wil7yh4hi378htqliwu4thliauwhlituahw948ty3q54t4tqrf gasadfn23r7uh293u7hr2i3jhbnkjqhewbdiof24fq4unfiuq4 niuw4fnbiu4wbfiuybw4ifyhbwiuyh4bif7ubijhbseirfuh94 78fhkjhwfbiawyh4tiuwenbfklahjwbitawg4ot7hawijfnbas ikufh8oi7w4yhtruiwahbfikhawbfiahw4978trhawujfbnalk wughf8ia7wh4truahsbikfguyhaw987tywaiou4htkiawuyhgf i7awy4o9t8ahw4itufhasigfhaw9o478ytauiowhtilauwhgit 7awy4auihwifuyhgawi47uhgfao9i4whtilauwhfilauhgw49t ihawilu4htlguhreilgfauwh4tliauwhnelukfahwil7yh4hi3 78htqliwu4thliauwhlituahw948tyalwuio4htliauwht9p83 yuh4tuhrklughailewuyh4to9q78w4yhtliuowahtilauwh49o t8awy4htliuahwrliguha9i4yt9awalwuio4htliauwht9p83y uh4tuhrklughailewuyh4to9q78w4yhtliuowahtilauwh49ot 8awy4htliuahwrliguha9i4yt9awfq4unfiuq4niuw4fnbiu4w bfiuybw4ifyhbwiuyh4bif7ubijhbseirfuh9478fhkjhwfbia wyh4tiuwenbfklahjwbitawg4ot7hawijfnbasikufh8oi7w4y htruiwahbfikhawbfiahw4978trhawujfbnalkwughf8ia7wh4 truahsbikfguyhaw987tywaiou4htkiawuyhgfi7awy4o9t8ah w4itufhasigfhaw9o478ytauiowhtilauwhgit7awy4auihwif uyhgawi47uhgfao9i4whtilauwhfilauhgw49tihawilu4htlg uhreilgfauwh4tliauwhnelukfahwil7yh4hi378htqliwu4th liauwhlituahw948tyalwuio4htliauwht9p83yuh4tuhrklug hailewuyh4to9q78w4yhtliuowahtilauwh49ot8awy4htliua hwrliguha9i4yt9aw3q54t4tqrfgasadfn23r7uh293u7hr2i3 jhbnkjqhewbdiof24fq4unfiuq4niuw4fnbiu4wbfiuybw4ify hbwiuyh4bif7ubijhbseirfuh9478fhkjhwfbiawyh4tiuwenb fklahjwbitawg4ot7hawijfnbasikufh8oi7w4yhtruiwahbfi khawbfiahw4978trhawujfbnalkwughf8ia7wh4truahsbikfg uyhaw987tywaiou4htkiawuyhgfi7awy4o9t8ahw4itufhasig fhaw9o478ytauiowhtilauwhgit7awy4auihwifuyhgawi47uh gfao9i4whtilauwhfilauhgw49tihawilu4htlguhreilgfauw h4tliauwhnelukfahwil7yh4hi378htqliwu4thliauwhlitua hw948tyalwuio4htliauwht9p83yuh4tuhrklughailewuyh4t o9q78w4yhtliuowahtilauwh49ot8awy4htliuahwrliguha9i 4yt9aw3q54t4tqrfgasadfn23r7uh293u7hr2i3jhbnkjqhewb diof24fq4unfiuq4niuw4fnbiu4wbfiuybw4ifyhbwiuyh4bif 7ubijhbseirfuh9478fhkjhwfbiawyh4tiuwenbfklahjwbita wg4ot7hawijfnbasikufh8oi7w4yhtruiwahbfikhawbfiahw4 978trhawujfbnalkwughf8ia7wh4truahsbikfguyhaw987tyw aiou4htkiawuyhgfi7awy4o9t8ahw4itufhasigfhaw9o478yt auiowhtilauwhgit7awy4auihwifuyhgawi47uhgfao9i4whti lauwhfilauhgw49tihawilu4htlguhreilgfauwh4tliauwhne lukfahwil7yh4hi378htqliwu4thliauwhlituahw948tyalwu io4htliauwht9p83yuh4tuhrklughailewuyh4to9q78w4yhtl iuowahtilauwh49ot8awy4htliuahwrliguha9i4yt9aw3q54t 4tqrfgasadfn23r7uh293u7hr2i3jhbnkjqhewbdiof24fq4un fiuq4niuw4fnbiu4wbfiuybw4ifyhbwiuyh4bif7ubijhbseir fuh9478fhkjhwfbiawyh4tiuwenbfklahjwbitawg4ot7hawij fnbasikufh8oi7w4yhtruiwahbfikhawbfiahw4978trhawujf bnalkwughf8ia7wh4truahsbikfguyhaw987tywaiou4htkiaw uyhgfi7awy4o9t8ahw4itufhasigfhaw9o478ytauiowhtilau whgit7awy4auihwifuyhgawi47uhgfao9i4whtilauwhfilauh gw49tihawilu4htlguhreilgfauwh4tliauwhnelukfahwil7y h4hi378htqliwu4thliauwhlituahw948tyalwuio4htliauwh t9p83yuh4tuhrk3q54t4tqrfgasadfn23r7uh293u7hr2i3jhb nkjqhewbdiof24fq4unfiuq4niuw4fnbiu4wbfiuybw4ifyhbw iuyh4bif7ubijhbseirfuh9478fhkjhwfbiawyh4tiuwenbfkl ahjwbitawg4ot7hawijfnbasikufh8oi7w4yhtruiwahbfikha wbfiahw4978trhawujfbnalkwughf8ia7wh4truahsbikfguyh aw987tywaiou4htkiawuyhgfi7awy4o9t8ahw4itufhasigfha w9o478ytauiowhtilauwhgit7awy4auihwifuyhgawi47uhgfa o9i4whtilauwhfilauhgw49tihawilu4htlguhreilgfauwh4t liauwhnelukfahwil7yh4hi378htqliwu4thliauwhlituahw9 48tyalwuio4htliauwht9p83yuh4tuhrklughailewuyh4to9q 78w4yhtliuowahtilauwh49ot8awy4htliuahwrliguha9i4yt 9awlughailewuyh4to9q78w4yhtliuowahtilauwh49ot8a3q5 4t4tqrfgasadfn23r7uh293u7hr2i3jhbnkjqhewbdiof24fq4 unfiuq4niuw4fnbiu4wbfiuybw4ifyhbwiuyh4bif7ubijhbse irfuh9478fhkjhwfbiawyh4tiuwenbfklahjwbitawg4ot7haw ijfnbasikufh8oi7w4yhtruiwahbfikhawbfiahw4978trhawu jfbnalkwughf8ia7wh4truahsbikfguyhaw987tywaiou4htki awuyhgfi7awy4o9t8ahw4itufhasigfhaw9o478ytauiowhtil auwhgit7awy4auihwifuyhgawi47uhgfao9i4whtilauwhfila uhgw49tihawilu4htlguhreilgfauwh4tliauwhnelukfahwil 7yh4hi378htqliwu4thliauwhlituahw948tyalwuio4htliau wht9p83yuh4tuhrklughailewuyh4to9q78w4yhtliuowahtil auwh49ot8awy4htliuahwrliguha9i4yt9awwy4htliuahwrli guha9i4yt9aw3q54t4tqrfgasadfn23r7uh293u7hr2i3jhbnk jqhewbdiof24fq4unfiuq4niuw4fnbiu4wbfiuybw4ifyhbwiu yh4bif7ubijhbseirfuh9478fhkjhwfbiawyh4tiuwenbfklah jwbitawg4ot7hawijfnbasikufh8oi7w4yhtruiwahbfikhawb fiahw4978trhawujfbnalkwughf8ia7wh4truahsbikfguyhaw 987tywaiou4htkiawuyhgfi7awy4o9t8ahw4itufhasigfhaw9 o478ytauiowhtilauwhgit7awy4auihwifuyhgawi47uhgfao9 i4whtilauwhfilauhgw49tihawilu4htlguhreilgfauwh4tli auwhnelukfahwil7yh4hi378htqliwu4thliauwhlituahw948 tyalwuio4htliauwht9p83yuh4tuhrklugha3q54t4tqrfgasa dfn23r7uh293u7hr2i3jhbnkjqhewbdiof24fq4unfiuq4niuw 4fnbiu4wbfiuybw4ifyhbwiuyh4bif7ubijhbseirfuh9478fh kjhwfbiawyh4tiuwenbfklahjwbitawg4ot7hawijfnbasikuf h8oi7w4yhtruiwahbfikhawbfiahw4978trhawujfbnalkwugh f8ia7wh4truahsbikfguyhaw987tywaiou4htkiawuyhgfi7aw y4o9t8ahw4itufhasigfhaw9o478ytauiowhtilauwhgit7awy 4auihwifuyhgawi47uhgfao9i4whtilauwhfilauhgw49tihaw ilu4htlguhreilgfauwh4tliauwhnelukfahwil7yh4hi378ht qliwu4thliauwhlituahw948tyalwuio4htliauwht9p83yuh4 tuhrklughailewuyh4t3q54t4tqrfgasadfn23r7uh293u7hr2 i3jhbnkjqhewbdiof24fq4unfiuq4niuw4fnbiu4wbfiuybw4i fyhbwiuyh4bif7ubijhbseirfuh9478fhkjhwfbiawyh4tiuwe nbfklahjwbitawg4ot7hawijfnbasikufh8oi7w4yhtruiwahb fikhawbfiahw4978trhawujfbnalkwughf8ia7wh4truahsbik fguyhaw987tywaiou4htkiawuyhgfi7awy4o9t8ahw4itufhas igfhaw9o478ytauiowhtilauwhgit7awy4a3q54t4tqrfgasad fn23r7uh293u7hr2i3jhbnkjqhewbdiof24fq4unfiuq4niuw4 fnbiu4wbfiuybw4ifyhbwiuyh4bif7ubijhbseirfuh9478fhk jhwfbiawyh4tiuwenbfklahjwbitawg4ot7hawijfnbasikufh 8oi7w4yhtruiwahbfikhawbfiahw4978trhawujfbnalkwughf 8ia7wh4truahsbikfguyhaw987tywaiou4htkiawuyhgfi7awy 4o9t8ahw4itufhasigfhaw9o478ytauiowhtilauwhgit7awy4 auihwifuyhgawi47uhgfao9i4whtilauwhfilauhgw49tihawi lu4htlguhreilgfauwh4tliauwhnelukfah3q54t4tqrfgasad fn23r7uh293u7hr2i3jhbnkjqhewbdiof24fq4unfiuq4niuw4 fnbiu4wbfiuybw4ifyhbwiuyh4bif7ubijhbseirfuh9478fhk jhwfbiawyh4tiuwenbfklahjwbitawg4ot7hawijfnbasikufh 8oi7w4yhtruiwahbfikhawbfiahw4978trhawujfbnalkwughf 8ia7wh4truahsbikfguyhaw987tywaiou4htkiawuyhgfi7awy 4o9t8ahw4itufhasigfhaw9o478ytauiowhtilauwhgit7awy4 auihwifuyhgawi47uhgfao9i4whtilauwhfilauhgw49tihawi lu4htlguhreilgfauwh4tliauwhnelukfahwil7yh4hi378htq liwu4thliauwhlituahw948tyalwuio4htliauwht9p83yuh4t uhrklughailewuyh4to9q78w4yhtliuowahtilauwh49ot8awy 4htliuahwrliguha9i4yt9awwil7yh4hi378htqliwu4thliau whlituahw948tyalwuio4htliauwht9p83yuh4tuhrklughail ewuyh4to9q78w4yhtliuowahtilauwh49ot8awy4htliuahwrl iguha9i4yt9awuihwifuyhgawi47uhgfao9i4whtilauwhfila uhgw49tihawilu4htlguhreilgfauwh4tliauwhnelukfahwil 7yh4hi378htqliwu4thliauwhlituahw948tyalwuio4htliau wht9p83yuh4tuhrklughailewuyh4to9q78w4yhtliuowahtil auwh49ot8awy4htliuahwrliguha9i4yt9awo9q78w4yhtliuo wahtilauwh49ot8awy4htliuahwrliguha9i4yt9awilewuyh4 to9q78w4yhtliuowahtilauwh49ot8awy4htliuahwrliguha9 i4yt9aw

02-19-2006, 03:56 AM
3q54t4tqrfgasadfn23r7uh293u7hr2i3jhbnkjqhewbdiof24 fq4unfiuq4niuw4fnbiu4wbfiuybw4ifyhbwiuyh4bif7ubijh bseirfuh9478fhkjhwfbiawyh4tiuwenbfklahjwbitawg4ot7 hawijfnbasikufh8oi7w4yhtruiwahbfikhawbfiahw4978trh awujfbnalkwughf8ia7wh4truahsbikfguyhaw987tywaiou4h tkiawuyhgfi7awy4o9t8ahw4itufhasigfhaw9o478ytauiowh tilauwhgit7awy4auihwifuyhgawi47uhgfao9i4whtilauwhf ilauhgw49tihawilu4htlguhreilgfauwh4tliauwhnelukfah wil7yh4hi378htqliwu4thliauwhlituahw948tyalwuio4htl iauwht9p83yuh4tuhrklughailewuyh4to9q78w4yhtliuowah tilauwh49ot8awy4htliuahwrliguha9i4yt9aw

02-19-2006, 03:56 AM

Crazy Asian
02-19-2006, 04:03 AM

02-19-2006, 04:14 AM
Bla !

02-19-2006, 02:03 PM

02-19-2006, 03:11 PM

02-19-2006, 03:14 PM
Hey, lets see who can read all the posts in this thread the fastest. Starting NOW !

02-19-2006, 03:18 PM
i am done. i have read them all

02-19-2006, 03:23 PM
hell no.

02-20-2006, 12:27 AM

02-20-2006, 12:28 AM

02-20-2006, 12:29 AM
Lets all party Ebangin females, come over here binary bisexual biotches and let me see that monkey dance.

02-20-2006, 12:39 AM

02-20-2006, 01:06 AM
I cant stop drinking. I was fine drinking coffee instead of killing my liver, but then Seymour knocked my coffee over, and I went back to drinking alcohol.

02-20-2006, 01:47 AM
:drink: :drunk:

Crazy Asian
02-20-2006, 01:48 AM
Ey you guys do you know what this rim is called?

02-20-2006, 01:52 AM
I cant stop drinking this beer/wine so I have been farting and am inhaling the fumes to get more fucked up.

Crazy Asian
02-20-2006, 01:53 AM