View Full Version : (Me VS Tree) Tree won.

01-19-2006, 05:21 PM
hey guys long time since ive been on IA. ive been missin all tha juicie e-wars and car details and meets................

well unotunatly i got into this bad ass car wreck and broke my right thigh bone tha phemer i guess and i broke my left fore arm and fractured the bone under my eye end spranged both of my anlkes. . i was on my way home from work on a lunch break i fell asleep behind tha wheeel a block away from tha my house. i dont even remember falling asleep. the only tihngs i remember is driving up to tha street i stayed on and then the next thing i knew the doctors were cutting my clothes. the cutting of my clothes is what woke me up and the first thing i said was DAMN WHO THA F324 is cuttin my clothes. then the next thig i felt was a rush of all this pain. and i passed out

then the next time i woke up the ewre transfering my body to a bed in ICU from some board they had me on. they stranfered me tha top half and while putin tha bottom half on the bed some lady as leanin on my broken arm and the had my legs all over tha place. i let out 2 huge screams cause they had my right leg all in the air and then i passed out.

it was pretty wild ride guys............after a few days of trying to remember what happened i thougt had the pictures in my head from a dream but think it actually happened......one i woke up and my head was on the wheel and i looked yp out the passenger side thne blacked out....and then two i heard alot of pple talkin around me trying to get me out i yelled 2wice that my leg was stuck then blacked out again.

hey sorry if i misspelled some words im typin with one hand an one good eye.

but yeah that was my crazy news for tjha last 2 weeks. my new years started out with a bang ! huh?

01-19-2006, 05:22 PM
good thing u didnt hit anyone.

01-19-2006, 05:23 PM
yea i know rite

01-19-2006, 05:24 PM
:( DUDE that's crazy! Sounds like you're lucky to be still with us! Speedy recovery to you!

01-19-2006, 05:24 PM
get better

01-19-2006, 05:25 PM
WOW Sorry to hear!! Hope your all right! You seen pics of your car yet?

That sux Reps for being here

b@d @pple
01-19-2006, 05:27 PM
i want pics of your battle wounds

01-19-2006, 05:27 PM
Glad you are ok, I broke my femur bone when i was 9, i was hit by a car...stupid bitch ran a stop sign with me on a bike.. i had to be in a body cast for 3 months, and had to learn to walk all over again.. .said part is the crutches they gave me were still too tall, the shortest ones they had....hence why i walk on my tip toes,,.... true story

01-19-2006, 05:28 PM
damn! sorry to hear that, glad your alright, hope ya have a speedy recovery!

01-19-2006, 05:30 PM
thnx guys .......yeah im preety lucky alot of doctors said i came put with no upper internal bleeding........naw i aint see tha car yet. i want to thogh cause they way my ankles look.....they got pinned in tha car........in about e a month or so imma go to tha car. i m curiouse to know what it looks like........funny thing is i was going to try to a paint job and gradually work on th car.

b@d @pple
01-19-2006, 05:31 PM
pics of your wounds hoe!

01-19-2006, 05:33 PM
Glad you are ok, I broke my femur bone when i was 9, i was hit by a car...stupid bitch ran a stop sign with me on a bike.. i had to be in a body cast for 3 months, and had to learn to walk all over again.. .said part is the crutches they gave me were still too tall, the shortest ones they had....hence why i walk on my tip toes,,.... true story

dayum sorry to hear that..i got back dancin so my biggest concern are my anlkes and my thigh.......will be so upset if i cant strech my feet right

01-19-2006, 05:36 PM
aiight i tried ti get pics when they wer fresh but my parents kept forgettin tha cam. give me a week to get them on tha net. but imma take tha pics 2morrow. my ankles were the size of grape fruits and my eye was closed shut.........my whole left face was swollen. but rite noe it jus looks like someone punched the hell out of my eye

01-19-2006, 05:37 PM
dayum sorry to hear that..i got back dancin so my biggest concern are my anlkes and my thigh.......will be so upset if i cant strech my feet right

I got in a horseback riding accident when I was 9, and 12 years later I still don't have the proper rotation in my ankle and flexibility in my knee, and it's all because of the physical therapy techniques that were used and the fact that they hurt SO bad that 8 out of 10 times I would tell my mom I did the at home excercises and I didn't. Make SURE you do what they tell you to do. Yes, it will hurt, but it's worth it. I can't competitively ride anymore, or play softball... if I had known at age 9 how much skipping those excercises would affect my life later on, I would have done them like a freaking religion.

01-19-2006, 05:45 PM
yeah im tryin my best dude i never cried so much b4............

01-19-2006, 07:29 PM
WOW glad to hear your ok. best wishes on a speedy recovery :goodjob:

01-19-2006, 07:53 PM
Tasuki FTW!!

good thing noone else hot hurt. why were you so sleepy on your lunch break? was this on new years?

Tree, 1
Tasuki, 0

The Golden Child
01-19-2006, 09:20 PM
wow hope you get back on your feet ..
sometimes if your tired you should pull over instead of just driving ..

01-20-2006, 12:42 AM
damn ma!!! glad your ok. get better soon!!

01-20-2006, 01:42 AM
Daggum. Im sorry to hear about your unfortunate event. I really hope you recover soon. Take care man. Oh yea, enjoy tha medication.

01-21-2006, 08:25 PM
yea i usually make sure im not that dayum tired but because i had a cold at the time i took a vitamie c tablet that mornin so my body had energy but i was really sleepy. yea it was around new years but i worked all week and weekend.....i got a day job and i work at a club at night.

01-21-2006, 09:29 PM
Im glad that youre okay. Let us know if you need anything.

01-21-2006, 09:46 PM
get well soon....

01-21-2006, 11:13 PM
damn man sry ot hear and hope you have a speedy recovery