View Full Version : One cool thing about the boot

01-16-2006, 09:57 AM
one really cool thing about this area is how they rebuilt it after the war.

Turino was very heavily bombed due to the FIAT plant that is located here. The old building that they were in has been redone to be a hotel and office space.

the bottom levels is a mall fairly good size.
the second and third story is are both hotels (the nicest in turino)
the third floor is offices for the olympic broadcasting center
the roof is the best part
when you walk in the front door there is one of those parking deck spirals the goes all the way to the top (5 floors) you can walk up it and go to the roof which was the original FIAT test track it is huge about 2 foot ball fields wide and almost half a mile long this thing is bad ass it is closed now(only opened for tv ads and shit like that) but you want to talk about a bad ass place for a car show or even a drift comp. there are still black marks in some spots and chunks missing out of the gaurd walls. which are 2ft thick concrete so they are not very forgiving.

I will get pics when I can