View Full Version : anyone diabetic?

04-12-2005, 09:28 AM
I just got back from the doctor once again, 2 times in 2 days sucks! and if they dont quit poking me...

anyways what i am asking is what are things that cause it? they did all the tests and i will find out... just curious because i had no clue you could get it half way through life, thought it was something you were born with...

04-12-2005, 09:36 AM
yes, that would be me.. I found out in September of 2003 .. sucks completely!

Ms Dollar
04-12-2005, 09:43 AM
it runs in families but usually skips generations and depending on the kind you have you may not find out until later and sometimes with the wrong eating and drinking habits...**cough cough** martinis(haha you jp leisa) then youcan just develop it...so i eat shitty and all 4 grandparents have it so basically if i don't eat right i'm screwed...

04-12-2005, 09:44 AM
my boy PEDAL (ia username) is and has been for quite some time, he has one of those packs on him... shoot him a pm he can tell ya all about it

04-12-2005, 10:00 AM
thanks paul... i guess i am one to start in my family generations :( hopefully they will tell me it isnt fully diabetic causes for what happened yesterday to me... gotta think positive...

04-12-2005, 10:05 AM
yeah i am, found out in 2000, the skinny is it runs in families like above said eating wrong cant really cause it but it can contribute to you getting it earlyer than you may have before. there are 3 types Gestational (sp) pregnant women get it when pregnant. type 2 (adult onset) normaly your body continues to produce insulin your body only processes some of what your body produces, controled iwth pills or diet and excersize. type 1 (juvinile) your body stops producing insulin and you must take shots or get the PUMP which is hwat PAUL called my pack. basicaly it works like a pancras but you have to program it and tell it what to do, much better than shots.

what kind of thigs do you have going on:



04-12-2005, 10:10 AM
It it usually hereditary, and it can be brought on early by obesity (obviously not your problem), but a bad diet can cause it as well.

04-12-2005, 10:11 AM
Krissy it depands what type of diabetic are u?
Type 1 U need insulin injection most of the time
type 2 u don't need insulin but you have to watch ur diet.

Get your a sugar check meter eveyday and try to keep ur sugar.Working out also help if u are a type 2 diabetic.

As pedal stated..the above are right.Just make sure you don't pee excessively and get thirsty all the time.That's a real sign of type 2 diabetic.PM me if u need more info.

04-12-2005, 10:12 AM
My grandparents have, it my grandpops lived till 87 with it my grandma is now 88.
had it for quite some time
My brother's ex had it since she was 9 she's now 30 something.

My aunt just got it at 50.

let's see what else...well it thinks it's a manageable condition if you ar eresponsible...

04-12-2005, 10:50 AM
i am responsible, all those sypmtoms i had yesterday... but i woke up with strong tingling in hands and feet, when standing up i was about to pass out, everyone was saying it was blood pressure problems... and then it would go away when i would lay down, and eventaully slept all day yesterday and today so far... i cant wake up worth shit, but they said my sugars are decent, not great but not dangerous, so i have no clue what is going on... kinda freaky but all i am eatting is a list of foods he said i could and gatorades! this sucks! and yes lamar obesity is my problem ;)

04-12-2005, 10:56 AM
I'm hypoglycemic and it's terrible.... I don't have enough sugar in my blood and when I go for more than 4 hours without snacking or eating.. I get faint, pale, dizzy, nautious, shaky, etc.. It's bad stuff...

Diabetes runs rampid in my family, my grandfather had it before he died and my uncle's got it... My uncle Tim, (Dr Briscoe) is a specialist on diabetes.. My mom worked in diabetes education for over 4 years.. if you need some more advice or more information.. Mom or Uncle Tim can help... just let me know..

04-12-2005, 10:57 AM
well if diabetic these sypmtoms would have shown up months ago, most likely,m and got worse and worse. one i fot got is blury vishion but anyway you might go to medrx.com and look around it is a great site for trouble shooting and whatnot about feeling bad. i hope you get to feeling better, and if is diabetes let me know i can prolly help you with eating sceduals untill they can get you a pump.. again ig it is diabetes

yeah and if it is diabetes go to a specialist your normal doc cant help you the way they can so if they truely think it mihgt be go ahead and go to a specialist

just curious what have your blood sugars been, anything over 120 is not good.

04-12-2005, 10:59 AM
^not necessarily.. symptoms show on and off for different types of diabetics... it can hit strong and die off and then gradually come back... that's how most people find out...

04-12-2005, 11:01 AM
tiff those are what is wrong... but i woke up like that... never had it in my life... couldnt respond to shit nor move fingers or toes on command... it was very scary but it was dizzy, i had a yellow tint to my skin, and pressure in my eyes which made me close them and then i would fall asleep for hours and wake up the same way...

04-12-2005, 11:02 AM
pedal... i dont know numbers at all... but he just faxed my stuff over it says Sugar:93... if thats good or bad i dunno

04-12-2005, 11:02 AM
well it depends on how much of your insulin your body is accepting or rejecting... if she is diabetic she is prolly in the honeymoon phaze, which is where she is still producing some insulin and her body is suing that up it is justnot enough....and they symptoms tend to hang around not come and go....not trying to be an ass or anything but i have been thru this myself and several of my family member who have found out in recent years

04-12-2005, 11:03 AM
How long was it before when you ate? Like how many hours had it been?

04-12-2005, 11:03 AM
all of the crap I have ran on my dads side of the family... I am diabetic, I have high blood pressure, my sister is the same however she is an uncontrollable diabetic ( we are talking nbrs in the 400's) I am type 2 I take medication daily and I exercise... so it is all working well with me. I only drink on occasion , not very often at all.

04-12-2005, 11:04 AM
well it depends on how much of your insulin your body is accepting or rejecting... if she is diabetic she is prolly in the honeymoon phaze, which is where she is still producing some insulin and her body is suing that up it is justnot enough....and they symptoms tend to hang around not come and go....not trying to be an ass or anything but i have been thru this myself and several of my family member who have found out in recent years

i didn't think you were trying to be an ass... I still don't.. I just know that different people have different reactions to everything, especially diabetes.. It could be soooo many different things.

04-12-2005, 11:04 AM
diabetes mellitus is a condition that has both hereditary and environmental factors (i.e. biologic and non-biologic components). in short, the body is not able to handle glucose (sugar) in a normal fashion. insulin, which is the hormone that regulates glucose metabolism, is either non-existent in "diabetics" or the body is resistant to it's effects, and thus requires more.

Krissy it depands what type of diabetic are u?
Type 1 U need insulin injection most of the time
type 2 u don't need insulin but you have to watch ur diet.

kinda sorta true... traditionally, type 1 diabetes was known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (iddm) and type 2 diabetes was known as non insulin dependent diabetes (niddm). type 1 was considered hereditary, and thus also called juvenile onset diabetes mellitus. type 2 was considered later onset- i.e. people middle aged (40s and 50s), and thus termed adult onset diabetes. as pedal mentioned, the 3rd type is gestational diabets.

but through research and practical experience:

1. we've found that type 2 diabetes/niddm is on the rise, and that it's occuring in younger and younger people. i.e. teenagers are now developing type 2 diabetes

2. type 2 diabets/niddm isn't exactly non insulin dependent. through biochemical and phsyiologic research, we've found that it's more "insulin resistant"- in other words, the body of a person with type 2/niddm requires more insulin to put the same amount of sugar into organs than a person without type 2/niddm. there will be a point at which this group of people will require insulin. we didn't know this before, because those developing type 2/niddm were in their 40s and 50s, and thus by the time they were requiring insulin, they were near the end of life (20-30 years later). as i mentioned above, teenagers are developing type 2 diabetes, and thus in 20 to 30 years, they are in their late 30s, early 40s. add to that, foods today have a much higher sugar content... which, after all, is the major problem in diabetes. inundating the body over and over again with a high sugar content when the body is already resistant to the effects of insulin... and apparently the body will get to the point of not being able to produce enough insulin to handle the sugar content.

3. many women that develop gestational diabetes go on to develop adult onset diabetes.

pedal, and other diabetics on here, if you haven't already, make sure you get a yearly eye exam, as diabetics are very likely to develop eye problems (glaucoma).

04-12-2005, 11:05 AM
yeha a 93 is good regardless, it is real good if you just ate or drank something, and if you are drinking gatoraid a 93 is good...i would check into some other things.....my blood sugar was a over 300 when i went to the doc and i had not even had water to drink in over 12 hours

04-12-2005, 11:06 AM
pedal... i dont know numbers at all... but he just faxed my stuff over it says Sugar:93... if thats good or bad i dunno

fasting or non fasting glucose... either way, it's under 100, which generally is good, but doesn't in and of itself rule out diabetes.

04-12-2005, 11:07 AM
diabetes mellitus is a condition that has both hereditary and environmental factors (i.e. biologic and non-biologic components). in short, the body is not able to handle glucose (sugar) in a normal fashion. insulin, which is the hormone that regulates glucose metabolism, is either non-existent in "diabetics" or the body is resistant to it's effects, and thus requires more.

kinda sorta true... traditionally, type 1 diabetes was known as insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (iddm) and type 2 diabetes was known as non insulin dependent diabetes (niddm). type 1 was considered hereditary, and thus also called juvenile onset diabetes mellitus. type 2 was considered later onset- i.e. people middle aged (40s and 50s), and thus termed adult onset diabetes. as pedal mentioned, the 3rd type is gestational diabets.

but through research and practical experience:

1. we've found that type 2 diabetes/niddm is on the rise, and that it's occuring in younger and younger people. i.e. teenagers are now developing type 2 diabetes

2. type 2 diabets/niddm isn't exactly non insulin dependent. through biochemical and phsyiologic research, we've found that it's more "insulin resistant"- in other words, the body of a person with type 2/niddm requires more insulin to put the same amount of sugar into organs than a person without type 2/niddm. there will be a point at which this group of people will require insulin. we didn't know this before, because those developing type 2/niddm were in their 40s and 50s, and thus by the time they were requiring insulin, they were near the end of life (20-30 years later). as i mentioned above, teenagers are developing type 2 diabetes, and thus in 20 to 30 years, they are in their late 30s, early 40s. add to that, foods today have a much higher sugar content... which, after all, is the major problem in diabetes. inundating the body over and over again with a high sugar content when the body is already resistant to the effects of insulin... and apparently the body will get to the point of not being able to produce enough insulin to handle the sugar content.

3. many women that develop gestational diabetes go on to develop adult onset diabetes.

pedal, and other diabetics on here, if you haven't already, make sure you get a yearly eye exam, as diabetics are very likely to develop eye problems (glaucoma).

good info.. nad yeah i just went and picked up new glasses today :)

^^^^TRUE, but whith what she said she wsa drinking my guess is that it is not diabetes...i gess whta i am trying to say is that if she were diabetic she would have had more than 1 day of feeling bad, it would have been getting worse over time....the thing is you dont just wake up one day and are diabetic, you body slowly stops producing insulin or using itsi own insulin

04-12-2005, 11:07 AM
not one person in my family has had diabetes nor any symptoms... only thing close is my mom has extremely high blood pressure problems, but mine was low not high... its all confusing... even if i dont have it but have the sypmtoms should i still eat and do things like a diabetic to be safe? because i am still dizzy, lightweight, and yellow color at some points in the day

04-12-2005, 11:10 AM
No, keep your regular schedule.. chances are, if you change your plan, your body will react in the opposite way planned... keep eating how you normally do until advised otherwise...

04-12-2005, 11:10 AM
my blood sugar was at 123 on my last A1C... and I was very impressed...

04-12-2005, 11:11 AM
k cool as long as 93 is okay i guess but that was taken today... not yesterday... they were doing all sorts of tests and crap but from when i woke up to the last eatting period was i would say 7 hours... ate dinner and then went to bed... and woek up like that...

04-12-2005, 11:12 AM
i keep mine at 70 if at all possiable

04-12-2005, 11:12 AM
thank you all for all this info... still kinda iffy on what i have but to me some sypmtoms fit diabetes other symptoms fit other things...

04-12-2005, 11:14 AM
k cool as long as 93 is okay i guess but that was taken today... not yesterday... they were doing all sorts of tests and crap but from when i woke up to the last eatting period was i would say 7 hours... ate dinner and then went to bed... and woek up like that...

but had you had anythig to drink between waking up and them checking b/c that can have an effect too, and no dont change the way you eat......but keep in mind it is better for your body if you eat things lower in sugar anyway....this goes for everyone

04-12-2005, 11:14 AM

Symptoms of hypoglycemia include

* hunger
* nervousness and shakiness
* perspiration
* dizziness or light-headedness
* sleepiness
* confusion
* difficulty speaking
* feeling anxious or weak

Hypoglycemia can also happen while you are sleeping. You might

* cry out or have nightmares
* find that your pajamas or sheets are damp from perspiration
* feel tired, irritable, or confused when you wake u

04-12-2005, 11:14 AM
let me tell you how I found out I was diabetic... I had no symptons whatsoever,,, I went to the doctor because I thought I had strep, they took blood, checked my blood pressure and 6 hrs later advised me that I was diabetic... I had no clue...

04-12-2005, 11:15 AM
on my last blood sugar count i did... it was 56... not good at all

04-12-2005, 11:17 AM
on my last blood sugar count i did... it was 56... not good at all

if your blood sugar is 56, and you feel fine, it's not a problem at all. it's when your blood sugar is low and your symptomatic that it's a problem. generally speaking of course...

04-12-2005, 11:20 AM
that hypoglycemia is to the dead point of all my symptoms... argh!

04-12-2005, 11:22 AM
I bet that's what it prolly is then... have you been stressed?! I'm starting to feel not so great right now because I haven't ate in almost 4 hours...

Ms Dollar
04-12-2005, 11:40 AM
i think i'm part hypoglycemic too bc i have to eat a lot...i get lightheaded and just kinds flighy i guess i can't concentrate if i don't eat something every couple of hours but i also eat a lot and my metabolism is through the roof i can eat more than most people i know...

04-12-2005, 11:48 AM
i'm hypoglycemia and it usually doesn't bother me as long as I watch it. I mean I can't go a day without eating (unless I'm sick) or I will pass out. Usually I just keep crackers or a coke on hand in case I start feeling shaky.

it sucks though, my mom has diabetes - but she got hers from on overdose of insulin actually. she has gestational diabetes when pregnant with us and they gave her too much insulin or something and so now she has it. but she doesn't have to take any pills or shots, just has to watch what she eats.

04-12-2005, 12:21 PM
Except the yellow skin, nobody else picked up on that? Usually that involves something with the liver. Are they testing you for hepatitis, Krissy?

Darling Nikki
04-12-2005, 04:24 PM
Thats what I told Krissy last night that she needs to get tested for her sugar. And like Val said the yellow in the skin you do need to get check for hepatitis. Someone at my work had the same thing.

04-13-2005, 12:51 AM
what kind of thigs do you have going on:


Yes I do, actually. That's fucked up.

04-13-2005, 02:14 AM
Diabetes is no problem. Very treatable and almost cure-able. Just have to learn how to add a better diet to you life and stay active, the worst thing would be havig to take shots (if your that "type") The REAL fucked up thing is my dad got it 2 days after my grandma died, who also had it. Weird eh?( NOTE: She didnt die due to the disease but of mal-nutriation from a elderly home)