View Full Version : Fawking Ga roads suck!!!!

Marta Mike
01-15-2006, 11:27 PM
So i go around into the next lane to pass a lady and as soon as i get over i see these two fucking big ass plates in the road from construction. Unfortunately i didnt swerve fast enough, and i soon as i hit the plate i see smoke coming from my hood. Minutes later my car is getting hot. Hotter.......hotter.......and hotter. Im almost home and my temp light is flashing and the gauge is all the way on hot. My car is running like shit and i finally make it to the crib. Well that freaking plate hit caused my steering rod to hit the coolant hose attached to my head which ripped it, and caused the leak. Hopefully i didnt kill my head gasket :rant: :rant: :2up: :2up:

The Yousef
01-15-2006, 11:28 PM
damn Mike...sorry to hear about that

01-15-2006, 11:30 PM
well that sucks, i hate when those plates are put all over roads .....

01-15-2006, 11:41 PM
yea they've been doing alot of those recently

though sometimes they're fun to avoid when theres no traffic

01-15-2006, 11:54 PM
damn bro that does suck. hope the ride gets better

01-15-2006, 11:57 PM
dude. that sucks. im sorry.

Marta Mike
01-16-2006, 06:23 PM
thanks guys, my motor might be gone, so now i might be looking for another block and a big valve head.

Ms Dollar
01-16-2006, 07:46 PM
don't be such a baby...haha :D