View Full Version : Okay...so who is sick?

The Yousef
01-11-2006, 07:55 AM
okay who is sick?

...i know i feel like total crap:mad: :( :eek: :rant:

01-11-2006, 07:59 AM
Have scratchy throat with a hoarse cough. Hurts like hell and I did have a stuffy nose but now it is runny...fucking hate colds.

01-11-2006, 08:15 AM
i feel for ya's...not sick here tho...

kelly marie
01-11-2006, 08:29 AM
me me me!!! im sick!!

01-11-2006, 08:37 AM
Im just getting over mine.

Go out and buy these...

1000mg of Vitamin C (Daily)
A multivitamin with Zinc

01-11-2006, 08:38 AM
me me me!!! im sick!!
Sit! You don't win anything.

kelly marie
01-11-2006, 08:39 AM
lol shut it pherrrrby!!!

01-11-2006, 08:40 AM
lol shut it pherrrrby!!!
Yes ma'am

01-11-2006, 09:02 AM
im sick...

B16a2 Civic
01-11-2006, 09:14 AM
the question is who is sick....asnd teh options are yes and no LIRL
you are sick Yousef

The Yousef
01-11-2006, 09:16 AM
the question is who is sick....asnd teh options are yes and no LIRL
you are sick Yousef

oh shut up...i'm buzzing off of DayQuil right now...so my mental processes are not at their peak at the current moment... :lmfao:

kelly marie
01-11-2006, 09:17 AM
mmmmm dayquil.. im bout to pop two myself!!! lol

B16a2 Civic
01-11-2006, 09:19 AM
LIRL, s'all good Yousef.

01-11-2006, 09:19 AM
:rly: I got da HIV

kelly marie
01-11-2006, 09:21 AM
i think yousef has gonnacypaherpalitius.. complex 14.5888 and it contains both curry and bologna!!!

The Yousef
01-11-2006, 09:29 AM
i think yousef has gonnacypaherpalitius.. complex 14.5888 and it contains both curry and bologna!!!

...yeah i got it from you :2up:

...it burns when i go wee-wee :(

kelly marie
01-11-2006, 09:29 AM
ewwwwwwwwww yousef that is nassi!!

The Yousef
01-11-2006, 09:34 AM
ewwwwwwwwww yousef that is nassi!!

...tell me about it

....i'm calling the CDC on y0 ass!

kelly marie
01-11-2006, 09:36 AM
hmm well then i will call imagration!!!

01-11-2006, 09:45 AM

01-11-2006, 10:47 AM
I was sick over the Cristmas break & got better to get sick again for new years. Now I feel like I am getting sick again. We have been passing it around in our house bad. I'm taking like 3000+mg of vitamin C daily now and antibiotics. heh I'm determined to beat it this time around. I dont have time to be sick.....

01-11-2006, 10:52 AM
I am teh sick, sucks cause I'm going snowboarding in two days

01-11-2006, 11:11 AM
Suckers! I'm gifted about 4 years ago, I just stopped getting sick, And If I do its only for like an hour or two!

01-11-2006, 11:38 AM
starting to catch a slight cold i beleive

01-11-2006, 04:26 PM
FLU SHOT OWNZZZZZZZZZZZ j000000000000000!!!

01-11-2006, 07:10 PM
im feeling like shit. but its because i drank my ass off last night.

01-11-2006, 10:59 PM
i've had it for almost two weeks, i got sick of dealing with it, so now i'm druggy

i wake up, take a thermaflu, go to work - break time, take tylenol cold and flu, go home, shower, take a dayquil, go to school, come home, another thermaflu, before i go to bed, take a nyquil....

this shit sucks