View Full Version : Stupid people should'nt have fuccin kids...

04-09-2005, 08:18 AM
I'm on my home this morning, on I-20 E, when I came up on an Intrigue with a female and 2 kids in the car. The female driving had both kids in the backseat. The oldest was about 8-9 years old while the other was around 2-4. Well the youngest was in the oldest's lap while the female was driving down the Interstate. Stupid fuccin bitch. She doesn't deserve to keep her children if she can't respect their safety. Having children of your own puts things in different perspectives. Having a 2 1/2 year old right now helps keep things like that in your mind. If you don't respect yourself, at least respect your kids. Not enough of that already. Later, QD.

04-09-2005, 08:51 AM
I have people come into my car lot all the time with young children standing up and shit in the back seat/front seat. I always tell them that their best bet would be to go buy a couple of car seats instead of worrying about a down payment on another car. Come back and see me for a car once you have taken care of the well being of your children.

The Yousef
04-09-2005, 09:22 AM
i guess it's Darwin's theory at work....

04-09-2005, 12:00 PM
not good at all man.

04-09-2005, 12:04 PM
Hopefully the cop told her real good. Later, QD.

04-09-2005, 12:11 PM
how do you pronounce fuccin? Like Fussin'?

04-09-2005, 12:41 PM
As how it is sposed to be. I try not to put a "k" after a "C". Later, QD.

04-09-2005, 12:46 PM
hah! just ufking with yah bro.

04-09-2005, 12:46 PM
ya... that shit is not right but how did you notice that while trying to drive yourself... did your eyes do a lil wondering?

04-10-2005, 03:53 PM
I see shit like that all the time, once I saw a coupel driving down 85 and the woman had a little baby in her arms there wasn't even an infant seat in the back, people like that should go to jail for child indagerment.

04-10-2005, 04:43 PM
people like that should go to jail for child indagerment.

I tried to make that happen. I called 911 and waited until the cop showed up to confront her. Dumb bitch. Later, QD.

04-10-2005, 05:27 PM
I see it all the time, actually everytime i'm on Buford Hwy anywhere near chambodia up to norcross...they think they can hold their child in their arms during a crash when they aren't even wearing seatbelts themselves? Not only is the child going to suffer an impact but is going to be squished by the large non-stationary object behind it.

04-10-2005, 05:39 PM
I see that shit all the time.... pisses me off to no end... all these people sitting in the front seat holding kids in their laps (really small infants) kids standing up in the back seat... they should all go to jail.

04-10-2005, 05:56 PM
I have seen times on Holcomb Bridge where people let thier kids crawl on the rear deck inside the car while driving....... :eek:

04-11-2005, 08:56 AM
idiots at work.....

04-11-2005, 10:10 AM
I have people come into my car lot all the time with young children standing up and shit in the back seat/front seat. I always tell them that their best bet would be to go buy a couple of car seats instead of worrying about a down payment on another car. Come back and see me for a car once you have taken care of the well being of your children.

My thoughts exactly.