View Full Version : Misc Final Fantasy XII

12-19-2005, 04:57 PM
Anyone seen the preview for this? Dragonquest comes with a demo disk and it just so happens my friend bought Dragonquest. I watched the preview video and hes playing the demo right now. For any FF fans this game looks totally badass I cant wait until it comes out :D

12-19-2005, 05:05 PM
Trust me FF started sucking past number 10, 10,11,10.2, and the new one have sucked and will suck. If you watn a fun FF to play go back to 7 & 9 they out of all of them are ranked as the top 2, 9 being the first last i checked!

12-19-2005, 05:38 PM
Trust me FF started sucking past number 10, 10,11,10.2, and the new one have sucked and will suck. If you watn a fun FF to play go back to 7 & 9 they out of all of them are ranked as the top 2, 9 being the first last i checked!

Eh, I guess its a matter of preference, I loved 7 and thoguht 10 was pretty good too, but im one of those guys who can never beat a game lol. But 12 has a very interesting battle system, unlike any of the other FFs, unless its the same in FFX-2 which I played for 3 min and was sick of.

12-19-2005, 08:13 PM
isn't final fantasy XII going to be on the ps3

12-19-2005, 10:01 PM
i don't care wat any of ya say...... FF VII will be and remain the best of them all....

12-19-2005, 10:37 PM
^^^^ Hands down, but in the polls 9 is leading over 7!

12-20-2005, 09:20 AM
Sorry guys all time top 2FF games us version 2&3 my personal favorite is 2 but 7 was great because it made such a jump from us 3 and 8 10 were good i had no desire to play 9 or x-2 but i loved XI online great story only down fall of the game it was too party dependent and you would sometimes have to wait 3+ hours for a group.

12-20-2005, 10:19 AM
Sorry guys all time top 2FF games us version 2&3 my personal favorite is 2 but 7 was great because it made such a jump from us 3 and 8 10 were good i had no desire to play 9 or x-2 but i loved XI online great story only down fall of the game it was too party dependent and you would sometimes have to wait 3+ hours for a group.

WOW your judgement of games is very very very low. If you liked 11 then thats saying very little, i spent $90 getting that game played it for about 3-4 hours and broke the CD in half, that game was the worst one out there, and almost anyone who plays FF games will tell you that 11 byfar was the worst one.

12-20-2005, 11:47 AM
XII is pretty much suppose to work like XI without having to be online. Of coarse there will be some changes since youll be able to control you entire party, freeze time to switch players, but overall the battle system is suppose to be very very similar.

I played FFXI until lvl 17, loved the graphics hated the idea of NEEDING to party to finish lame small tasks.

Goblin is an easy prey
You miss.
Goblin hits you for 300 HP.
You're dead.

The game sucked now that i think about it.. but it was pretty, which gives it 2 points of 10 since i care more about game play than pretty pictures.

12-20-2005, 12:04 PM
XII is pretty much suppose to work like XI without having to be online. Of coarse there will be some changes since youll be able to control you entire party, freeze time to switch players, but overall the battle system is suppose to be very very similar.

I played FFXI until lvl 17, loved the graphics hated the idea of NEEDING to party to finish lame small tasks.

Goblin is an easy prey
You miss.
Goblin hits you for 300 HP.
You're dead.

The game sucked now that i think about it.. but it was pretty, which gives it 2 points of 10 since i care more about game play than pretty pictures.

LOL so true!

12-20-2005, 03:11 PM
ff5 was the best one ever

12-20-2005, 06:06 PM
Hopefully they went back to the turn based attacks... I couldn't stand the new fighting style in FFX-2... Made the game less enjoyable to me.

12-21-2005, 01:33 AM
Hopefully they went back to the turn based attacks... I couldn't stand the new fighting style in FFX-2... Made the game less enjoyable to me.

It is turn based, but its not random fights and it doesnt enter a battle sequence, from what I saw anyways, I just watched my friend play it for a few minutes lol =/

12-21-2005, 07:30 AM
WOW your judgement of games is very very very low. If you liked 11 then thats saying very little, i spent $90 getting that game played it for about 3-4 hours and broke the CD in half, that game was the worst one out there, and almost anyone who plays FF games will tell you that 11 byfar was the worst one.

wow guess your not a real fan of games with a good story. So just what made the game suck to you? Why was it so bad? spent $90 to play it sounds like you played it on the PS2 the resolution sucked on the PS2 and controal was not any better. Was that your first MMO? Did you buy FFXI looking for the traditional FF style game? Do you like palying games where you have to group up with people? and i did say it had downfalls as it was unsoloable after about lvl 15 and groups could take hours to form. I like the amount of time needed to lvl the detail invirements the crafting system giveing the player a house to customize as they see fit. Events at easter christmass and so on. I enjoy WoW due to its soloability but as with FFXI you get to a point where if you want the betst gear you have to party up. I dont like that you can get lvl 60 in one month if you have the time to play. Doesnt seem like much of a goal when thousands of other people have 4 60's on there account. I find the most fun part of that game is takeing down the bosses in MC ZG and BWL. The other cities you discover as you progress in FFXI were incredable they were set up to make the player feel as if they finally made it somewhere. The one downside to FFXI being the party dependent was the whole reasion i stoped palying EQ2 after i got to lvl 24 i loved the crafting system in EQ2 seemed to have an interesting story but i dont have the time to wait so long for groups as well i like being about to take my charactor out alone and explore and kill mobs.

12-21-2005, 08:27 AM
wow guess your not a real fan of games with a good story. So just what made the game suck to you? Why was it so bad? spent $90 to play it sounds like you played it on the PS2 the resolution sucked on the PS2 and controal was not any better. Was that your first MMO? Did you buy FFXI looking for the traditional FF style game? Do you like palying games where you have to group up with people? and i did say it had downfalls as it was unsoloable after about lvl 15 and groups could take hours to form. I like the amount of time needed to lvl the detail invirements the crafting system giveing the player a house to customize as they see fit. Events at easter christmass and so on. I enjoy WoW due to its soloability but as with FFXI you get to a point where if you want the betst gear you have to party up. I dont like that you can get lvl 60 in one month if you have the time to play. Doesnt seem like much of a goal when thousands of other people have 4 60's on there account. I find the most fun part of that game is takeing down the bosses in MC ZG and BWL. The other cities you discover as you progress in FFXI were incredable they were set up to make the player feel as if they finally made it somewhere. The one downside to FFXI being the party dependent was the whole reasion i stoped palying EQ2 after i got to lvl 24 i loved the crafting system in EQ2 seemed to have an interesting story but i dont have the time to wait so long for groups as well i like being about to take my charactor out alone and explore and kill mobs.

DUDE FF11 sucked hands down, anyone you ask will tell you that game did. I have played every MMO game under the sun. Everything from Everquest, Star Wars, Lineage, FF11, WoW, Matrix, City of Heros, and GuildWars! By far Star Wars took number 1 until they ruined the game, followed by EQ, but the absolute worst was FF11 you fought in one area from lvl 1-15 then another from 16-30, then a new area from 31-45, and so on. The game sucked hands down!

12-21-2005, 08:35 AM
In my case, FFXI was too time consuming for a casual player. I dont doubt that if i worked hard enough I could have reached lvl 60 in FFXI, but having to wait for parties of people who are very very picky about who they party with was a turn off. Especially if you're a RDM.

I gave it up and went to WoW. I def. enjoy soloing too 60. Typically im not the kind of person that enjoys playing with strangers, but when "when in Rome do as the Romans" so i do party when needed and have had way more positive interactions with WoW players than FFXI players.

Back to topic at hand:

i can't wait for FFXII and i'm pretty sure ill be hooked when playing it. i could have swore I heard the battle system is similar to FFXI, but if your friend has the demo im sure he has a better idea of it.

12-21-2005, 08:42 AM
DUDE FF11 sucked hands down, anyone you ask will tell you that game did. I have played every MMO game under the sun. Everything from Everquest, Star Wars, Lineage, FF11, WoW, Matrix, City of Heros, and GuildWars! By far Star Wars took number 1 until they ruined the game, followed by EQ, but the absolute worst was FF11 you fought in one area from lvl 1-15 then another from 16-30, then a new area from 31-45, and so on. The game sucked hands down!

ok and in what mmo do you not fight in one area from xlvl -xlvl and another from xxlvl-xxlvl wow and apparently not everyone you ask will tell you it sucks because i dont think it does as well as 6 of my other firends. wow
oh and im still waiting for a reasion as to why the game sucksed other than "it sucked hands down"

12-21-2005, 08:45 AM
In my case, FFXI was too time consuming for a casual player. I dont doubt that if i worked hard enough I could have reached lvl 60 in FFXI, but having to wait for parties of people who are very very picky about who they party with was a turn off. Especially if you're a RDM.

I agree it was way too time consuming like i said i feel its bigest down fall was lack of soloability

12-21-2005, 09:21 AM
Okay, the game system sucked, Shitty fighting system, having to always look for groups, and you realyl can only be in one area for a certain lvls. Unlike other MMO games where there are tons of places where someone at your lvl can go and fight, this one only had one area for the same lvl of people. The graphics where sub-par, the thought behind the game sucked, you could tell there wasnt much of a thought behind it. Also for $15 a month, there where/are better games out there!

12-21-2005, 09:25 AM
cool i can see your reasion for not likeing the game
how ever i did enjoy it myself could be because of the group of people i palyed with

12-21-2005, 12:11 PM
just got a chance to play the Demo i like it so far gonna take some getting used to the battle system but its very similar to ffxi only the controals seem to be better configured for console play. The charactor and environment also very closely resimable ffxi but look a little bit charper i was playing it on a Flat HD wide screen. while in combat with a mob if locks you to it like ffxi where you can run around it but not so much that you can turn and see whats going on around you. I like the way they set up the pause to set up what each party member will do as well as auto attack after you have them cast a spell. I liked the boss fight agenst the T-Rex. The only thing im hopeing for now is that it is not set up like a tactis game where you have stages with objectives like the demo is. so far over all 4 of 5 due to the stage set up instead of an open environment.

12-21-2005, 03:46 PM
I personally have a 75 ranger 62 samurai 57 ninja and 57 warrior in FFXI with 254 days invested (most of it AFK >.>) and 14mil gil. I dont play anymore because WoW is much much better haha. I wish they had just called FFXI Final Fantasy Online and not given it a number, I personally dont think it should be part of the series but it is a good game outside of that imo. It is WAY too time consuming but once you make friends and get to higher levels the game is fun, just too much drama but good luck not finding that in any other MMO hah

12-22-2005, 07:11 AM
I really liked that you didnt have to creat a different char to play a new class and that you could play with diff class combos i enjoyed my RDM/WHM, RDM/NIN, BLM/WHM

12-22-2005, 01:35 PM
The house feature was a nice touch also. The only thing i wish they would have done with character setup is, when you equip a weapon, have it not take a space up in your bag still.

How does that make sense? I am using my sword and have my armor on but its still taking up room in my bag. That annoyed me.

12-22-2005, 02:37 PM
oh yeah i forgot about that caused you to have zero bag space but if i remember correctly the past FF games worked the same whay only you were given 999 spaces in your inventory

12-22-2005, 06:36 PM
wow guess your not a real fan of games with a good story. So just what made the game suck to you? Why was it so bad? spent $90 to play it sounds like you played it on the PS2 the resolution sucked on the PS2 and controal was not any better. Was that your first MMO? Did you buy FFXI looking for the traditional FF style game? Do you like palying games where you have to group up with people? and i did say it had downfalls as it was unsoloable after about lvl 15 and groups could take hours to form. I like the amount of time needed to lvl the detail invirements the crafting system giveing the player a house to customize as they see fit. Events at easter christmass and so on. I enjoy WoW due to its soloability but as with FFXI you get to a point where if you want the betst gear you have to party up. I dont like that you can get lvl 60 in one month if you have the time to play. Doesnt seem like much of a goal when thousands of other people have 4 60's on there account. I find the most fun part of that game is takeing down the bosses in MC ZG and BWL. The other cities you discover as you progress in FFXI were incredable they were set up to make the player feel as if they finally made it somewhere. The one downside to FFXI being the party dependent was the whole reasion i stoped palying EQ2 after i got to lvl 24 i loved the crafting system in EQ2 seemed to have an interesting story but i dont have the time to wait so long for groups as well i like being about to take my charactor out alone and explore and kill mobs.

Any game you have to pay extra for a new character is worthless. FFX was a solid game, x-2 I didn't play due to shitty reviews. I played City of Heroes, Lineage 2, World of Warcraft, Matrix Online, Guild Wars, and all of those I got bored of after a couple of months. It's all what you like.