12-19-2005, 03:33 AM

Okay....So i gave him my fish tank yesterday LIVE FISH.....FRESH FISH...JUST BOUGHT EM YESTERDAY.....so then i brought it home put them in the 35G tank.......it was a albino catfish...and a tiger oscar....and couple gold fish....so then i forgot that i was going to give him "randomguy" my fish tank........so i called him up to come pick it up.....he picked it up....less then a day i guess all of em died......????WTF? :rant:

WTF Itz Leo (4:28:19 AM): gosleep
Dajoka87 (4:28:26 AM): cant
Dajoka87 (4:28:30 AM): i still didnt do paperwork
Dajoka87 (4:28:31 AM): lol for work
WTF Itz Leo (4:28:32 AM): haha damnz
Dajoka87 (4:28:36 AM): im lazy
Dajoka87 (4:28:37 AM): oh yeah
Dajoka87 (4:28:39 AM): oscar died
Dajoka87 (4:28:50 AM): but JDM goldfish = alive
WTF Itz Leo (4:28:59 AM): oscar died?
WTF Itz Leo (4:29:00 AM): wtf
Dajoka87 (4:29:00 AM): im not sure if oscar is dead
WTF Itz Leo (4:29:02 AM): hahahahahhaa
WTF Itz Leo (4:29:04 AM): wtf
Dajoka87 (4:29:08 AM): but do fish sleep on their sides?
Dajoka87 (4:29:11 AM): lol if not then hes dead
Dajoka87 (4:29:12 AM): lol
WTF Itz Leo (4:29:13 AM): ur turtle gunn die to
WTF Itz Leo (4:29:16 AM): hahahahahhahahah
Dajoka87 (4:29:25 AM): my turtle cant swim man... i thought it could
WTF Itz Leo (4:29:26 AM): im puttin thsi on my damn sig
Dajoka87 (4:29:31 AM): i put it in.. and the shit sank to the bottom
Dajoka87 (4:29:36 AM): so i took it out in a hurry
Dajoka87 (4:29:41 AM): it survived
Dajoka87 (4:29:44 AM): my turtle is a pussy
WTF Itz Leo (4:29:52 AM): ahaha
Dajoka87 (4:30:04 AM): its not a water turtle
Dajoka87 (4:30:08 AM): shit sank to the bottom like a rock
Dajoka87 (4:30:11 AM): i was like LOL
WTF Itz Leo (4:30:12 AM): ahhahahhaa
Dajoka87 (4:31:32 AM): his replacement
Dajoka87 (4:31:33 AM): http://cgi.ebay.com/HUGH-LIVE-OSCAR-FISH-NEEDS-NEW-HOME_W0QQitemZ7731989077QQcategoryZ66795QQrdZ1QQcm dZViewItem
Dajoka87 (4:39:35 AM): they didnt all die
WTF Itz Leo (4:39:35 AM): AY
Dajoka87 (4:39:41 AM): catfish lives,
Dajoka87 (4:39:46 AM): oscar died
WTF Itz Leo (4:39:47 AM): IF U WANNA TRADE IT IN
WTF Itz Leo (4:39:52 AM): U STILL HAVE 14 MORE DAYZ
Dajoka87 (4:39:53 AM): yeah lets do that tomorow lol
WTF Itz Leo (4:39:56 AM): LOL
Dajoka87 (4:40:00 AM): how can do that
Dajoka87 (4:40:10 AM): bring in the dead fish in a sandwich bag?
Dajoka87 (4:40:16 AM): put it in ur pocket
Dajoka87 (4:40:18 AM): blahahah
Dajoka87 (4:40:28 AM): just go to customer service, bust that shit out
Dajoka87 (4:40:41 AM): be like yo... u sold me a defective unit (in a indian accent)
Dajoka87 (4:40:42 AM): LOL
WTF Itz Leo (4:40:46 AM): HAHAHAHHAHHA
WTF Itz Leo (4:41:36 AM): u put it in a bag
WTF Itz Leo (4:41:44 AM): and they ened the water in a diff bag to test the water
Dajoka87 (4:43:55 AM): wtf?
Dajoka87 (4:44:01 AM): what do they do
Dajoka87 (4:44:05 AM): why do they test the water
Dajoka87 (4:44:15 AM): fuck that lets put clean ass fresh water in another bag
Dajoka87 (4:44:18 AM): so they dont know
Dajoka87 (4:44:36 AM): next time we go fishing lets return on of the fish we caught LOL and get a refund
Dajoka87 (4:44:38 AM): blahahah
WTF Itz Leo (4:44:45 AM): i know
Dajoka87 (4:44:48 AM): tell them its a oscar fish
WTF Itz Leo (4:44:51 AM): ahhaaha
WTF Itz Leo (4:44:52 AM): ahahahah
WTF Itz Leo (4:44:53 AM): wtf?

12-19-2005, 03:59 AM
blahahahha infidel... man what shall i do with this dead oscar fish.... im bored

YO LEOOO i got the best idea... since its already dead, lets put a stick of firecracker in its mouth... then try to return the corspe... the mofos will be like wtf? lets be like, we were going to light it, but the fish seemed dead before, so we need a new one that way its alive when we do it... blahahahha the Petco Mofo's will be like WTF?!

12-19-2005, 04:02 AM
HAHAH how about i give u the receipt and u go do that lol

12-19-2005, 04:06 AM
HAHAH how about i give u the receipt and u go do that lol

12-19-2005, 04:41 AM
You're crazy Hasan! lol- I LIKE IT!

12-19-2005, 04:59 AM
on the real, i think i just walked in on the catfish and goldfish fucking, seriously shit was wierd as fuck cuz they aint even the same species or wutever. Im gonna have a hybrid ass wierd fish cant wait.

fish are so damn interesting :jerkit: