View Full Version : Telemarketer rant

12-17-2005, 09:25 AM
Why do they call all the damn time when you move into a new house? We get atleast 1 call a day from them welcoming us to the area and trying to sell some shit. I got home from work yesterday and Charter called(mistake on their part and was corrected) so not a big deal. AJC calls first thing in the morning today and is all good morning Mr. kanolton(yeahfirst mistake cant pronounce my last name.. it is Knowlton) and I am still half asleep he then asks how I am doing..this is where i get to have my fun. I get all nice and say "well I would be fucking great if you didint call this time of morning". Dude is dumbfounded and just hangs up. Cant wait for the next one.

12-17-2005, 09:28 AM
well 1. congrats on the new house
2. I hate telemarketers too
3. Im sure he was blown away
4. :goodjob:

12-17-2005, 09:32 AM
the ones at work are more fun. My boss told me to tell them we just burried his ass out back and that he wont be around for quite a while. I use that and scream in the phone slam it on my desk. I have let massive burps into their ears. I have lots of fun there.

12-17-2005, 12:45 PM
because they have a job too and trying to make money. telemarketing is a hard job and people think you stoop really low to do it...its just another form of marketing for companies. but it pays really good money..i did my share of telemarketing and heard some crazy stuff. i did it when i was in high school selling credit cards, i was making twice as much money as most of my friends who were working making 6.00 an hour while i was making over $10 an hour plus comission.

12-17-2005, 04:49 PM
because they have a job too and trying to make money. telemarketing is a hard job and people think you stoop really low to do it...its just another form of marketing for companies. but it pays really good money..i did my share of telemarketing and heard some crazy stuff. i did it when i was in high school selling credit cards, i was making twice as much money as most of my friends who were working making 6.00 an hour while i was making over $10 an hour plus comission.

I dont pay for my phone so people can call and make a shitty attempt at selling something. If I want to buy something I will go out and buy it. If I want a credit card I will go get it. I do not need some fuck stick calling my house waking me up to sell something. Same shit goes for the fucking idiots in the mall pushing cell phones and other useless shit they scam people with.

12-17-2005, 06:08 PM
dude its called sales...

you have to be pushy or else you wont sell shit.

12-17-2005, 08:59 PM
dude its called sales...

you have to be pushy or else you wont sell shit.

Not in my book, you push you dont get shit. If the product is worth a fuck it sells itself. I have told pushy car salesmen to take a hike and I walk in find the dude that is just chillen and he gets the sale. Same goes for anything I buy, I dont like pushy people and find it disrespectful. I sell teh hell out of service work everydayand dont have to be pushy at all so no you dont have to be pushy to sell shit and if ya do ya aint a good salesman.

12-17-2005, 10:41 PM
it is disrespectful, but they do it because it works on the average person who doesn't know up from down. if you get 20% of the people you call to make a purchase, the company is making money. its a numbers game and it will continue to be played until marketing statistics show that it isn't working anymore.

12-18-2005, 11:52 AM
AJC used to call me once a week when I got my house. One day I told them to quit f-ing call, only an idiot would buy the paper when you can read all the news on the internet for free. They haven't called since.

12-23-2005, 03:03 PM
it is disrespectful, but they do it because it works on the average person who doesn't know up from down. if you get 20% of the people you call to make a purchase, the company is making money. its a numbers game and it will continue to be played until marketing statistics show that it isn't working anymore.


take MBNA for example, up until last year their primary marketing was only telemarketing, direct mailing, and marketing at affinity events such as sports games. they became the largest independent credit card issuer at one point.