View Full Version : Outdoors Ironman training

05-08-2014, 01:31 PM
Hi everyone, I am training for an Ironman in Chattanooga TN in September. While doing that I am raising $5000 for the Crohns and Colitis Foundation of America. I have two friends that have Crohns and it is awful watching them go through the day with the disease. It affects over one million people here in America. I was hoping that some of you guys would be able to donate or if you work for a company that would be interested in donating, point me in their direction. I have tried going door to door and asking but people want to call the cops because I am soliciting so this is my last idea. Please take a moment and help fund the research and me make my goal. One dollar or One hundred, everything helps and it is all tax deductible. Thank you and God Bless!

Visit my page to donate Active.com Donations (http://www.active.com/donations/fundraise_public.cfm?force_a2=yes&ckey=IMchattanoogaCCFA14&key=IRONMANBGibson)