View Full Version : These bitches would be in a box.

06-05-2013, 01:30 PM
All three of them, the two fury ones and the big black one.


06-05-2013, 01:37 PM
Looks like ignorant black people

06-05-2013, 01:49 PM
Looks like ignorant black people

Never seen that before.

06-05-2013, 03:37 PM
I blame the camera man for not doing shit

06-05-2013, 03:49 PM
I blame the camera man for not doing shit

I was thinking the same.... if i was the camera man i would have been compelled to intervene, but the reality is that he did the best thing he could have done.... based on his video, that woman will be arrested.

06-05-2013, 03:52 PM
I mean she's a cunt and all but her daughter just got shot (killed?). Leave her alone. People in the media don't necessarily seem to get the concept that not everyone wants to air their dirty laundry on TV and rub salt in fresh wounds.

06-05-2013, 03:59 PM
I mean she's a cunt and all but her daughter just got shot (killed?). Leave her alone. People in the media don't necessarily seem to get the concept that not everyone wants to air their dirty laundry on TV and rub salt in fresh wounds.

Then go inside your house. You not wanting to talk to me, for whatever reason, does not justify assault. If i'm on a date at a restaurant and the waitress starts talking to me about her day and how bad people tip, i cant pull a rock out of my pocket and throw it at her or sick my dogs on her because i didnt want to talk about it.

Nothing that happens in your life allows you to act like an uncivilized animal and assault other people.

06-05-2013, 04:15 PM
Then go inside your house. You not wanting to talk to me, for whatever reason, does not justify assault. If i'm on a date at a restaurant and the waitress starts talking to me about her day and how bad people tip, i cant pull a rock out of my pocket and throw it at her or sick my dogs on her because i didnt want to talk about it.

Nothing that happens in your life allows you to act like an uncivilized animal and assault other people.

Didn't say I agreed with her reaction. My point is that reporters have a way of pestering the shit out of people, and generally seem to lack any sense of decency. "Oh your teenage daughter was raped and murdered? Cry into this microphone so I can broadcast it on national tv and improve my ratings."

You've got to expect that some people are going to react like that and you've got to know when to cut your losses and walk away. As soon as that crazy bitch picked up a rock I would have been out. Not sit there saying "oh you're going to throw rocks at us?".

I don't think anyone has the right to lay a hand on another person (generally speaking). But its a threat that comes with the territory of being a professional douchebag (reporter). Bitch just threw a rock at me... maybe if I stick around she'll answer my questions.

06-05-2013, 04:23 PM
Honestly though if something happened to one of your close family members... say future daughter killed... wife is sobbing... tell me you wouldn't jaw a mother fucker for not leaving you alone in your time of need. Especially after you've asked them to leave a few times already.

I haven't laid a hand on somebody since middle school... I just might in that scenario.

06-05-2013, 05:02 PM
^^^ I agree with what he said.

White women need to learn their place.

06-05-2013, 05:28 PM
News reporters are so annoying.

06-05-2013, 05:42 PM
That reporter is annoying.. i can definitely see why she was so angry with her.

06-06-2013, 06:57 AM
If a reporter was in my yard pestering me, i would very rudely and probably in a threatening way demand that they leave. This reporter was in the street..... you dont own the street........

Also, no matter how mad you are.... it doesnt justify assault. That woman threw a projectile at someone standing in the street, then grabbed a weapon and also unleashed her dogs.

If i am standing in the street and someone throws/shoots a projectile at me and sicks their dogs on me, i am returning a projectile at their dogs..... and if the person in question is still on the offensive at that point, they will also be the recipient of a projectile.

If that lady's daughter was missing, she would be begging to talk to the media and get their help. Freedom of the press is just that... freedom of the press. You can decide to not answer a question, but you cant attack them for asking it. If you dont want to be bothered, stay on private property. The woman attacked a reporter with potentially deadly force for no reason. You can say she's justified in doing it because shes upset or whatever.... well, maybe her daughter suffered the same fate, maybe she asked a question that someone didnt want to hear.

So fuck her, i hope she goes to prison.

06-06-2013, 08:04 AM
I mostly agree wit hSin on this one. Yes the media can, and has been on many times, far too pressing to get a story. But like he said, go inside or simply state "I do not wish to talk about the matter at this time and decline further comments." The lady is clearly batshit crazy and deserves to be punished for such trashy behavior. I would have LOVED to see someone take out the dogs...they'll never live a good life and have already been proven a threat. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if animal control goes and removes them.

Also, news/media persons will exaggerate shit as much as they can. Are there any pictures of the injuries sustained from the incident?

After looking into the story more, there is significant evidence proving she was over-reacting- her daughter was NOT killed. She was released from the hospital with a wound to her lower back. So, no grief excuse to be found here.

"Lawrence was arraigned on two counts of felony assault with a dangerous weapon in Providence District Court on Wednesday afternoon. She was released on $50,000 personal recognizance.

The crew was inquiring about an arrest that was made related to a shooting over the weekend in which the woman's 16-year-old daughter was shot at a kindergarten graduation party held at the home. The daughter had already been released from the hospital with a gunshot wound to her lower back."


This is where knowing the full story/details makes BIG difference. People hear "daughter shot" and assume that it means "killed"....or maybe that is something from being in Atlanta where people are killed on a daily basis from random gun violence...we assume when we hear someone has been shot, that they are dead.