View Full Version : if you know what this is, you're living right.

04-22-2013, 01:57 AM


04-22-2013, 05:43 AM

04-22-2013, 08:03 AM
Eh, not for 250 bucks.

04-22-2013, 10:12 AM
Eh, not for 250 bucks.

try it before making that assessment. It will pay for itself.

04-22-2013, 10:55 AM
i dont always endorse a product......

but when i do....

its because its mother fucking amazing.

04-22-2013, 03:23 PM
I don't know what it is.
Does this mean I'm doing it wrong?

04-22-2013, 04:53 PM
I don't know what it is.
Does this mean I'm doing it wrong?

Yes, yes it does. You need to re-evaluate your life path and find out where you went wrong.

04-22-2013, 05:05 PM
is that that online gaming thingamabob?

Manny Naber
04-22-2013, 05:35 PM
I don't know what that is....life path seems ok.

04-22-2013, 05:58 PM
I don't know what that is....life path seems ok.Nate Dog disapproves of your statement.


VQ35 Star
04-22-2013, 08:05 PM

04-22-2013, 09:51 PM
Junkie... You'll probably OD

04-22-2013, 10:04 PM
4/20 was two days ago, your late

04-23-2013, 01:23 AM
4/20 was two days ago, your late

I was on the beach for the "holiday", didnt find time to post.

04-23-2013, 11:00 AM
Yes, yes it does. You need to re-evaluate your life path and find out where you went wrong.

What if I knew what it was, I just have no use for such an item?
am is still doing it wrong?

04-23-2013, 04:42 PM
What if I knew what it was, I just have no use for such an item?
am is still doing it wrong?

Depends, if you consume a smokeable substance, then you have a use for this item.

04-23-2013, 05:35 PM
250 just to burn down is bullshit. I smoke more by 10 am than most people do all day. Give me a chillum full of some train wreck and top it off with some fire ass bubble hash and I'm 6 tiers above where that will put you.

Get on my level son. Your throwing money away....especially when the buds are free :)

04-23-2013, 05:43 PM
250 just to burn down is bullshit. I smoke more by 10 am than most people do all day. Give me a chillum full of some train wreck and top it off with some fire ass bubble hash and I'm 6 tiers above where that will put you.

Get on my level son. Your throwing money away....especially when the buds are free :)

Whatever you're smoking, this device makes it more potent and uses less of it. With the added benefit of not leaving anything behind and being something that police could see sitting on your dash and not give a shit about. I could carry this into a doughnut shop and hit it without cops noticing or giving a shit.

It's like a turbo for your smokeable substance, with the added benefit of looking like an MP3 player.

04-23-2013, 05:50 PM
I can make a pinwheel joint last 20 min and have 5 grown adults passing out. And it still won't be finished. Bubble hash is the ultimate substance for stretching your stash out. Fuck a cop, keep it at the house and enjoy it. I know my rights....

But this isn't a pissing match, vaporizers have always been great but I feel like I'm getting screwed even though you aren't. Follow me? The unit in question here is cool but 250$ cool? Nah, I'm old school. If it ain't working, order stronger shit.

Would love to have a powwow with ya about it tho.... :ninja:

04-23-2013, 08:59 PM
So the vapor doesn't have the typical smell?

04-23-2013, 09:37 PM
So the vapor doesn't have the typical smell?

If i blew it in your face, yes.... but it doesnt linger, it goes away very quickly. The smell/traces left behind, if i had to guess, i would say are reduced by about 75%. With a cig, its burning and letting off smoke even when you're not hitting it, this doesnt emit any smoke unless you're puffing it, the only smoke that comes out, goes into your mouth. If you hold it in long enough, most of the vapor dissipates inside you.

Even excluding the "stealth" factor, it makes it more potent and uses less.

Manny Naber
04-24-2013, 12:11 PM
250 just to burn down is bullshit. I smoke more by 10 am than most people do all day. Give me a chillum full of some train wreck and top it off with some fire ass bubble hash and I'm 6 tiers above where that will put you.

Get on my level son. Your throwing money away....especially when the buds are free :)

You talk like u from Cali lol.

Manny Naber
04-24-2013, 12:12 PM
So the vapor doesn't have the typical smell?

Smells like popcorn

04-24-2013, 12:22 PM
I have a geavity bong that hits harder then this shit and I made it for less then 4 bucks., also spent 110 on a vaporizer money well spent.

Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk 2

04-24-2013, 12:34 PM
I'm Living better then you :p

04-24-2013, 12:37 PM
I'm Living better then you :p

My gf has that one...so awesome!!!

Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk 2

04-24-2013, 01:36 PM
I'm Living better then you :p

Cool, pull up beside a police car and hit that.

04-24-2013, 03:20 PM
I'll pull up and hit the inhaler (;

Sent from my myTouch_4G_Slide using Tapatalk 2

04-24-2013, 06:32 PM
You talk like u from Cali lol.

I got friends in high places. That's all I'm sayin about that.

04-24-2013, 07:50 PM
I'm actually selling a brand new viva la vap for 80 if anyone is interested

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