View Full Version : the military

01-10-2013, 01:31 AM

01-10-2013, 06:05 AM
Lame... "Some" military folks love free stuff.... Pretty sad :/

01-10-2013, 05:29 PM
yah well we work for it so y not

01-10-2013, 07:30 PM

01-11-2013, 11:04 AM
I think military should get more discounts, that's just my personal opinion. Even if they don't want it, they are well deserved. On a side note I am not in any branch of the military.

01-11-2013, 07:40 PM
Too bad I'm somewhere else now.

01-11-2013, 08:08 PM
I think military should get more discounts, that's just my personal opinion. Even if they don't want it, they are well deserved. On a side note I am not in any branch of the military.

Don't know if I agree or not. What I hate are the people that throw up being in the military as if it's some sort of argument winner. Or demand respect because they served. Or think they should get free shit because they served. Makes it seem like they only served for "respect" and "fame" and not for the love of the country.

01-11-2013, 09:31 PM
Don't know if I agree or not. What I hate are the people that throw up being in the military as if it's some sort of argument winner. Or demand respect because they served. Or think they should get free shit because they served. Makes it seem like they only served for "respect" and "fame" and not for the love of the country.

Thank You.

01-11-2013, 11:36 PM
Don't know if I agree or not. What I hate are the people that throw up being in the military as if it's some sort of argument winner. Or demand respect because they served. Or think they should get free shit because they served. Makes it seem like they only served for "respect" and "fame" and not for the love of the country. Those people definitely annoy the crap out of me. I barely even ask if anywhere does a military discount, I feel awkward doing so.

01-12-2013, 12:43 AM
yah well when u are in the box for 12 months then i bet ule change ur mind.like me ive done 2 tours to cornaole vally afganistan and you come home and you have nothing no house no wife cause she cheated on you and left you no car nothing try that its because of people like me that make it so yall can go to ur meets and mod ur cars and fuck ur wifes if it wasnt for us we would be praising some peace of shit with a fucking towel on his head think about that.and its the lest people could do for us u got these pog ass jay z and all those other celebertys out there one of them does some bs or dies every body knows and cares but when a military man dies people think about it and forget 5 minuts and forgets that all ive got to say

.blank cd
01-12-2013, 12:57 AM
^ this guy has some issues

01-12-2013, 01:23 AM
yah well when u are in the box for 12 months then i bet ule change ur mind.like me ive done 2 tours to cornaole vally afganistan and you come home and you have nothing no house no wife cause she cheated on you and left you no car nothing try that its because of people like me that make it so yall can go to ur meets and mod ur cars and fuck ur wifes if it wasnt for us we would be praising some peace of shit with a fucking towel on his head think about that.and its the lest people could do for us u got these pog ass jay z and all those other celebertys out there one of them does some bs or dies every body knows and cares but when a military man dies people think about it and forget 5 minuts and forgets that all ive got to say

The biggest threat to our freedom isnt in Afganistan.

01-12-2013, 01:26 AM
^ this guy has some issues

And rightfully so...... soldiers dont get paid what theyre worth and rarely get the care they deserve. Gotta cut back on the "horses and bayonets" so that your president can make it rain and take golfing vacations.

01-12-2013, 01:44 AM
And rightfully so...... soldiers dont get paid what theyre worth and rarely get the care they deserve. Gotta cut back on the "horses and bayonets" so that your president can make it rain and take golfing vacations.


01-12-2013, 02:07 AM

pictures and graphs are fun.


Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion on Obama family last year | The Daily Caller (http://dailycaller.com/2012/09/26/taxpayers-spent-1-4-billion-on-obama-family-last-year-perks-questioned-in-new-book/)

01-12-2013, 06:05 AM
i bet ule change ur mind.

You'd lose that bet, dude.

.blank cd
01-12-2013, 09:19 AM
pictures and graphs are fun.Especially when they don't tell you anything. For your economics lesson of the day. I want you to find out precisely why deficits are higher than they were with Bush. If you say anything like Obama is a spendaholic again, you get an F. I want you to tell me why

Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion on Obama family last year | The Daily Caller (http://dailycaller.com/2012/09/26/taxpayers-spent-1-4-billion-on-obama-family-last-year-perks-questioned-in-new-book/)
For extra credit, I want you to find out which president has taken the most vacations in history.

01-12-2013, 09:41 AM
Not that this thread had any hope to begin with, but now it's really gone downhill.

01-12-2013, 10:23 AM
yah well when u are in the box for 12 months then i bet ule change ur mind.like me ive done 2 tours to cornaole vally afganistan and you come home and you have nothing no house no wife cause she cheated on you and left you no car nothing try that its because of people like me that make it so yall can go to ur meets and mod ur cars and fuck ur wifes if it wasnt for us we would be praising some peace of shit with a fucking towel on his head think about that.and its the lest people could do for us u got these pog ass jay z and all those other celebertys out there one of them does some bs or dies every body knows and cares but when a military man dies people think about it and forget 5 minuts and forgets that all ive got to say

You need counseling.

01-12-2013, 11:45 AM
Don't know if I agree or not. What I hate are the people that throw up being in the military as if it's some sort of argument winner. Or demand respect because they served. Or think they should get free shit because they served. Makes it seem like they only served for "respect" and "fame" and not for the love of the country.

I completely agree. Throwing it in somebody's face that they deserve this or deserve that in any case is annoying. Also we are fortunate enough to have a military that is voluntary. Any given person is not forced into it and know what they are putting on the line. With that said I think something is deserved just for the fact that they are putting their life on the line for the country. Most people's career path does not technically but them into direct harm. I guess that is where my thinking comes in that they deserve "extra". Overall it's a circle.

01-12-2013, 12:24 PM
I guess that is where my thinking comes in that they deserve "extra". Overall it's a circle.We as Americans are a generous lot, however... I personally will give "extra" to the folks that do their job with honor and dignity not expecting something in return. Whether it be a soldier or a waitress.

It's the "not deserving" attitude that makes them deserving.

01-12-2013, 12:31 PM
I completely agree. Throwing it in somebody's face that they deserve this or deserve that in any case is annoying. Also we are fortunate enough to have a military that is voluntary. Any given person is not forced into it and know what they are putting on the line. With that said I think something is deserved just for the fact that they are putting their life on the line for the country. Most people's career path does not technically but them into direct harm. I guess that is where my thinking comes in that they deserve "extra". Overall it's a circle.

I think it's fair to put that risk in your assessment of value. The military is a job. If my career choice was lawn service, i would expect to be paid more to cut someone's lawn if it was in the middle of an african jungle with danger present than if it was a fenced in yard in Kentucky. The idea that military is voluntary and that serving your country is the reward for serving your country.... well... that's propaganda. The military is a job. Like many other jobs, there are other factors that can bring your life fulfillment aside from the paycheck. We live in a country where the manager at Mcdonalds makes the same as people who get shot at for a living. To me, that's a problem.

01-12-2013, 02:26 PM
Especially when they don't tell you anything. For your economics lesson of the day. I want you to find out precisely why deficits are higher than they were with Bush. If you say anything like Obama is a spendaholic again, you get an F. I want you to tell me why

For extra credit, I want you to find out which president has taken the most vacations in history.


01-12-2013, 02:51 PM
We live in a country where the manager at Mcdonalds makes the same as people who get shot at for a living. To me, that's a problem.

Yep for sure.

01-12-2013, 02:53 PM
...Sick burn.

While technically correct, like most statistics... It's how you "interpret" the data. If I decide to go play golf in the middle of the work day, I have to take "vacation" time.

01-12-2013, 02:57 PM
BTW: Who doesn't think Obama didn't have this guy killed?

Online activist, programmer Swartz dies in NY - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/online-activist-programmer-swartz-dies-ny-193915205.html)

01-12-2013, 03:50 PM
yah well when u are in the box for 12 months then i bet ule change ur mind.like me ive done 2 tours to cornaole vally afganistan and you come home and you have nothing no house no wife cause she cheated on you and left you no car nothing try that its because of people like me that make it so yall can go to ur meets and mod ur cars and fuck ur wifes if it wasnt for us we would be praising some peace of shit with a fucking towel on his head think about that.and its the lest people could do for us u got these pog ass jay z and all those other celebertys out there one of them does some bs or dies every body knows and cares but when a military man dies people think about it and forget 5 minuts and forgets that all ive got to say

I have done it, back in 2003-04 when there were a LOT less services over there than there are now. Phone calls? 2+ hour wait for a 15 minute call, you were cut off automatically. Internet access? Maybe if you were a captain or above, sometimes not even then. You had the mail as your only reliable communication with the real world.

Get over your self important emo trip and grow up. Just because you signed on the dotted line doesnt make you special or a hero. It makes you a man, or woman, who signed on to do a job. You knew for several years before you joined what you were signing up for, you have no excuses. Complaining about deployments and the hardships you knew were coming just makes you look like a fucking troll.

BTW, while I was in Asscrackistan Robin Williams showed up and did about a 1 hour routine. Funniest thing I ever saw. Vince Vaughn was there and we saw Dodge Ball about 2 weeks before it was released in the States. R Lee Ermey showed up and attended our Birthday Ball in '03. It was featured on an episode of Mail Call.

I am so fucking tired of this constant hero shit for the military. Its one thing on Veterans day or Memorial Day, or during Thanksgiving and Christmas, but its another thing to see and hear people slobber over the military on a daily basis. IMO, its gotten to the point that its almost condescending. People talk about the supply guy that wasnt even issued a rifle like he was awarded the CMOH. I'm fucking sick of it.

01-12-2013, 03:56 PM

Bush being at home on his ranch was considered a vacation. Big difference between Bush spending time in a house he paid for with his own money and Obama, his wife and kids spending literally millions on a night out on the town.

Obama spent 1.4 billion last year on personal spending. That obliterates the spending of any other president ever.

01-12-2013, 04:04 PM
Bush being at home on his ranch was considered a vacation. Big difference between Bush spending time in a house he paid for with his own money and Obama, his wife and kids spending literally millions on a night out on the town.

Obama spent 1.4 billion last year on personal spending. That obliterates the spending of any other president ever.

Will you just shut the fuck up. No one cares.

.blank cd
01-12-2013, 04:22 PM
Will you just shut the fuck up. No one cares.

Sometimes I really think he's trolling.

01-12-2013, 04:52 PM
Will you just shut the fuck up. No one cares.That's the main point/problem.

Sometimes I really think he's trolling.^^^ Ditto.

01-12-2013, 04:57 PM
Will you just shut the fuck up. No one cares.

Yep. That is the problem.

01-12-2013, 04:58 PM
Sometimes I really think he's trolling.

yeah, the rest of the world is so happy with Obama. I'm just trying to cause trouble because i cant stand to see everyone so happy and prosperous.

01-12-2013, 06:46 PM
Not that this thread had any hope to begin with, but now it's really gone downhill.

I stopped reading here. I get free fountain drinks and coffee if I am in uniform at Racetrac. Do I expect to? No. I went in the one on Mansell road the other day to get coffee. The lady at the counter dismissed me since I was in uniform. I handed her a $10 bill and told her thanks. All the free drinks and coffee we get there, I figured giving her that $10 would be a good show of thanks.

OP sounds like one of those douchebags that thinks everything should be handed to him on a silver platter because his wife left him and now he is an alcoholic.

Sent from my Galaxy S3 using Tapatalk.

01-14-2013, 09:22 PM
Don't know if I agree or not. What I hate are the people that throw up being in the military as if it's some sort of argument winner. Or demand respect because they served. Or think they should get free shit because they served. Makes it seem like they only served for "respect" and "fame" and not for the love of the country.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Far to many hand outs for today's military personnel.

01-14-2013, 10:20 PM
thank you for the ones that understand and agree.for the rest of yall ima be strate up ur a fu*king pussy ass pogs

01-14-2013, 10:29 PM
ima be strate up ur a fu*king pussy ass pogs

And you came to this conclusion how?

01-14-2013, 10:36 PM
And you came to this conclusion how?

Since the thread has lost logical inputs dealing with opinions and has resorted to name calling I have a more important question...

In QD's avatar is there a circle in the middle or is it an optical illusion? Maybe I'm just seeing shit on my phone.

Got Milk?
01-14-2013, 11:06 PM

Guys are over there, right now, fighting so that we wouldn't have to. And, our proud Americans support them, how? By sitting behind a fucking computer bashing on them. GO AMERICA!!!!

01-14-2013, 11:42 PM

Guys are over there, right now, fighting so that we wouldn't have to. And, our proud Americans support them, how? By sitting behind a fucking computer bashing on them. GO AMERICA!!!!

Lolol. More assumptions.

01-15-2013, 08:55 AM
thank you for the ones that understand and agree.for the rest of yall ima be strate up ur a fu*king pussy ass pogs

Interestingly enough I am a "POG". I however did not spend my time on a large a FOB and left the wire routinely . I was in Iraq (twice) in 04 and 07. I have 10 brothers that didn't make it back. None if them touted their service for self recognition nor should anyone else. You post your unit name and info on a car forum like its a badge of honor. It's your fucking duty. You're the kind of asshole I see off post with your dog tags hanging out in civilian clothing. I'm sure your Facebook is littered with pictures of you holding your rifle low ready with those Oakley provided sun glasses and a goofy fucking grin on your face like your Gods gift to the country. The fact of the matter is you're not. If you truly served selflessly you wouldn't need to show off anything.

So next time before you make assumptions, take a step back and and think a little. You really sound like a jackass right now. Your attitude leads me to believe you're <E4 in grade and have much to learn.

01-15-2013, 09:07 PM
Your attitude leads me to believe you're <E4 in grade and have much to learn.

You've seen and done worse than me, both have seen and done much worse than this guy. I agree that he hasnt been in long and is still full of that BS they give you in bootcamp.

BTW, after I left AD I joined the guard (biggest mistake of my life), a couple guys in my shop were in the initial push into Iraq. The stories they tell are epic.

01-16-2013, 01:49 PM
OP has problems. My stepdad has been in the Army for 27 years, and he doesnt go around looking for handouts. One question how long have you been in the military?

01-16-2013, 04:58 PM
You've seen and done worse than me, both have seen and done much worse than this guy. I agree that he hasnt been in long and is still full of that BS they give you in bootcamp.

BTW, after I left AD I joined the guard (biggest mistake of my life), a couple guys in my shop were in the initial push into Iraq. The stories they tell are epic.

Do you mind sharing

01-16-2013, 05:15 PM
Do they not teach simple grammar in the military ? Or was it so hard you came back retarded ?

I almost signed for the marines when I was 18...I'm thankful I was arrested just before I did. The idea of fighting for a country that doesn't help me at all isn't something I feel is worth being blown up for. Blame all the hardships on Obama all you want sin fix but every president has their own agenda. regardless of who would have entered the Oval Office we would still be in this shitty economic situation. Only president to lead and have a successful term.....bill Clinton....i bet congress is wishing they would have just let the dude get a sloppy blow job now.

I honestly don't see what was wrong with the op's first post about free beer....he's letting his fellow soldiers where they can all get wasted for free I don't see anything wrong with getting wasted for free. The other shit just seems like he has some mental issues..just my .2 cents. Carry on flamers...

01-16-2013, 06:47 PM
I almost signed for the marines when I was 18...I'm thankful I was arrested just before I did. The idea of fighting for a country that doesn't help me at all isn't something I feel is worth being blown up for. Blame all the hardships on Obama all you want sin fix but every president has their own agenda. regardless of who would have entered the Oval Office we would still be in this shitty economic situation. Only president to lead and have a successful term.....bill Clinton....i bet congress is wishing they would have just let the dude get a sloppy blow job now.

Although it sucks that you feel this way, it is your right to....which is protected by people those people you're thankful for not joining.

01-19-2013, 08:18 AM
I think the worst part, is seeing the guys that haven't/wont' deploy acting like they deserve something equal to boots on the ground. I will, more than likely, never deploy. That's how my MOS is. I feel like crap even talking to my friends that are over there now. Do I deserve a free drink, when I think about what they're doing over there as I'm even typing this? I think not.

01-21-2013, 03:43 AM
wow this is really fucked up

This guy starts a thread saying that soldiers get free beer at a bar then gets flamed for serving in the war.

Very classy.

01-21-2013, 03:59 AM
Although it sucks that you feel this way, it is your right to....which is protected by people those people you're thankful for not joining.

Bro you really like people to know your opinion at any cost huh?

Just stop posting on this and showing everyone how big of a douche you are

01-21-2013, 06:12 AM
This guy starts a thread saying that soldiers get free beer at a bar then gets flamed for serving in the war.

Very classy.

Two things wrong with your "summarization" of the thread. Firstly is that this guy is protecting our right to be able to respond with our own thoughts instead of what government wants us to respond with. And secondly, you're way off base in why the thread went the way it did.

Bro you really like people to know your opinion at any cost huh?

Just stop posting on this and showing everyone how big of a douche you are

Just as anyone else is allowed, I can voice my opinion however I feel. Why does that make you so mad? How did my responses affect your life to the point where you're name-calling? Are you going to go to work distraught and upset because of my posts?

By the way, I'll not return the "favor."

01-21-2013, 07:35 AM
na, dude only said wooo free beer and someone made a smart comment and it all went down hill from there.

There's no point in getting angry over people on the internet. People will talk out their ass when a person isn't around, and the net is no different.
And I'm not calling you a douche to make you feel bad I'm calling you a douche to let you know you're being a douch. If I was going to try to make you feel bad I'd say something like you should just take that shitty outdated civic that you've wasted your money and time on to the scrap yard and cross your toes you get $100 for recycling trash.

but no really stop being such a douche for cool points.

01-21-2013, 07:37 AM
I said douche 3 times in that last post, but yet I feel like that wasn't enough

You douche

01-21-2013, 11:58 AM
Lame... "Some" military folks love free stuff.... Pretty sad :/

what's wrong with taking advantage of something that is free?

01-21-2013, 12:07 PM
And rightfully so...... soldiers dont get paid what theyre worth and rarely get the care they deserve. Gotta cut back on the "horses and bayonets" so that your president can make it rain and take golfing vacations.

you're so misinformed it's crazy. If Romney was elected president those soldiers on deployment would be getting taxed for fighting for their country. -_-
Thus making their pay lower. furthermore who says they don't get the care they deserve or a decent paycheck? you're wrong again. They have better healthcare than most of the people in the united states and if you're in the military a while you're paycheck isn't skimpy. You have no idea what you're talking about.

01-21-2013, 03:59 PM
what's wrong with taking advantage of something that is free?

thats what im saying
How did all this negativity come from someone saying where to get free shit?
When did free become bad

01-21-2013, 04:18 PM
thats what im saying
How did all this negativity come from someone saying where to get free shit?
When did free become bad

yup. there is a big difference between expecting free shit, and taking advantage of free shit.
op was taking advantage of free shit, not expecting it.
if someone is giving you a military discount and you're not taking it then you're retarded.
These people act like they are too good for something free.
god forbid that a $2-3 dollar beer makes a bar go out of business, if anything it will bring more people in.

.blank cd
01-21-2013, 04:56 PM
OP was definitely expecting free shit

01-21-2013, 05:20 PM
na, dude only said wooo free beer and someone made a smart comment and it all went down hill from there.

I like how you didn't actually respond to my reply on how my opinions have ruined your day. I'm guessing you're not understanding what transpired. It was brought on by an unnecessary comment, I agree (but not by me, you see, so why only "attack" ME?), but the true colors of the OP shined out after that. That's when it went down hill.

The only comment about the rest of your post I have is that you couldn't make me feel bad. You're like the others. Only put down my car because of your (unfounded) dislike for me. It's all good, though.

01-21-2013, 05:40 PM
OP was definitely expecting free shit

NO. He was not expecting it. That bar was OFFERING/GIVING it to him.
I'm sure he didn't go to the bar and ask them for a free beer because he is military.....
If that's the case then he's a POS free loader, but if the bar is just giving it to you why not take it?

01-21-2013, 05:43 PM
NO. He was not expecting it. That bar was OFFERING/GIVING it to him.
I'm sure he didn't go to the bar and ask them for a free beer because he is military.....
If that's the case then he's a POS free loader, but if the bar is just giving it to you why not take it?

I believe what blankcd was referring to when the OP was coming off in other posts about expecting free stuff. I know I would never expect free anything, myself. Free things are great perks, but to expect it is........

.blank cd
01-21-2013, 05:45 PM
NO. He was not expecting it. That bar was OFFERING/GIVING it to him.
I'm sure he didn't go to the bar and ask them for a free beer because he is military.....
If that's the case then he's a POS free loader, but if the bar is just giving it to you why not take it?

OP has implied time and time again that members of the military should be entitled to free things just because of their service.

01-21-2013, 06:01 PM
OP has implied time and time again that members of the military should be entitled to free things just because of their service.

In the first post before any of the bashing it wasn't he wasn't implying that he was entitled to it.
I don't see why he got those kind of replies by simply saying if you go here and you're in the military you get free beer.
People managed to take this thread off topic and bash him for taking advantage of free beer.
even after he got negative feedback he still said that if it's free why not. after some more bashing he lashed out and said he was entitled to it.
If i was in the military i would take advantage of free things offered to me and military discounts. although i wouldn't expect it.

01-21-2013, 06:06 PM
If i was in the military i would take advantage of free things offered to me and military discounts. although i wouldn't expect it.

I'm with you on this part. Nothing wrong with offerings of gratuitous services. Just the expectation of them.

By the way, I never actually bashed the guy.

01-21-2013, 06:28 PM
I like how you didn't actually respond to my reply on how my opinions have ruined your day. I'm guessing you're not understanding what transpired. It was brought on by an unnecessary comment, I agree (but not by me, you see, so why only "attack" ME?), but the true colors of the OP shined out after that. That's when it went down hill.

The only comment about the rest of your post I have is that you couldn't make me feel bad. You're like the others. Only put down my car because of your (unfounded) dislike for me. It's all good, though.

i'll make it simple for someone like you.
Your post did not ruin my day it only ruined a minute of my day, and it ruined that minute of my day because all you've been doing throughout this thread is randomly blurting your opinions even though no one cares. I also choose you because you are a douche in every post I read of yours unless you are talking about that shiny terd civic. And people put down your car because it's an invaluable, unwanted, unappealing civic. It's terribly ugly so I'm guessing that's why they put it down (just a guess though). So I hope unlike me a minute of your day isn't ruined because you're a douche and drive an hideous civic, because we all know that would just be the end of the world.

01-21-2013, 08:37 PM
All the new kids call QD a douche. It's a phase, you'll get over it.

Not kissing ass, just an observation. I love seeing it repeat itself time and time again.

01-21-2013, 08:59 PM
"He's a nice guy once you get to know him" aka he's an ass hole, but you'll get use to it.

has to be the most accurate thing I've ever read on FaceBook

01-21-2013, 09:51 PM
I'm with you on this part. Nothing wrong with offerings of gratuitous services. Just the expectation of them.

By the way, I never actually bashed the guy.

I picked apart your posts and i couldn't find anything negative that you said. i agree with you on most parts. i don't really see how you come off as a douche.
I think this thread just needs to die out. it was bad in the beginning and it's not going to get any better.
looking back. nobody really "bashed" him.

Don't know if I agree or not. What I hate are the people that throw up being in the military as if it's some sort of argument winner. Or demand respect because they served. Or think they should get free shit because they served. Makes it seem like they only served for "respect" and "fame" and not for the love of the country.

that post just seemed like it was directed toward the OP in kind of a condescending way, but now that i went through it i see what you mean.

01-22-2013, 07:08 AM
that post just seemed like it was directed toward the OP in kind of a condescending way, but now that i went through it i see what you mean.

It was directed to all who fall under that umbrella. That's why I didn't directly respond to the OP on my opinion.

01-23-2013, 01:47 AM
All the new kids call QD a douche. It's a phase, you'll get over it.

Not kissing ass, just an observation. I love seeing it repeat itself time and time again.

Yep. He's one of the few I've seen on car forums that seems to express legitimate constructive criticism...

that or he's the greatest troll of all time. However I think it's the first.

About the OP however. He makes those that served for better reasons look bad. He's the kinda guy that; wall to wall counseling would pay dividends in corrective training back in the day.

01-23-2013, 09:20 AM
I'm with you on this part. Nothing wrong with offerings of gratuitous services. Just the expectation of them.

By the way, I never actually bashed the guy.

This is what I was trying to get across with my first post. As being an outsider, I see it as deserved.