View Full Version : Shit that pisses you off list. (your top 10)

11-04-2012, 03:33 AM
list the top 10 random ass things that piss you off...............

here's mine... in no specific order of importance.

1.) Couples that sit on the same side of the table at a restaurant.
seriously, every time i see this i want to do a kungfu style cartwheel and simultaneously bitch slap you and cock slap your girlfriend at the same time. Sit across the goddamn table like normal people! It makes you look like youre trying to prevent you girlfriend from escaping.

2.) Young kids that act like gangsters.
I always see 10-15 year old kids walking around smoking cigarettes and talking like theyre hardcore. It makes me want to go beat their dad's ass in front of them for not raising them right and then steal their bicycle.

3.) Waitress' that try to talk their way into a tip.
Best thing you can do to get a tip is shut the fuck up and keep my drink topped off. I didnt bring a date because i wanted to talk to you about how your day being a waitress was. I'm not even that interested in how my date's day was and shes going to fuck me, what in the holy hell makes you think i'm interested in yours?!?!?

4.) Sensitive men who complain about women always choosing to be with bad guys.
you fucking know this and you continue to be a faggot anyways. who are you trying to convince??? me or women. If i go fishing and see some guy reeling in bass after bass after bass with a green trickworm, im gonna bait up a green trickworm too. Dont throw out your pink spinner bait and then bitch and moan about not catching anything. The ground work has been laid out for you. Women have been attracted to the same shit since Eve hit puberty! if you cant follow the playbook, maybe its because you secretly love penis.

5.) Black women in any social setting that involves a line or any type of etiquette.
Shopping mall, buffet, fair ride, theme park........ anything, everything..... black women do not seem to understand the concept. Dont believe me??? go to a chinese buffet anywhere remotely near the hood on a sunday after church. You'll swear every heavyset black woman in the building was Ndamukong Suh's line coach. They barrel around from one place to another like a pack of hippos smashing everything in their path with reckless abandon, completely oblivious to their surroundings.

6.) People who race to get in front of you when a lane is merging.
you're in a goddamn 92 ford explorer!!!!! im on a fucking crotch rocket, do you really fucking think im going to slow you down on your journey to wherever the fuck you're going????? what makes it even more annoying is when someone speeds up so hard to try and get in front of you and then they slow down!! i was doing 60! if you want to do 45, what was the problem with you being in the fucking back you moron!!!!!

7.) Pop singer fanatics and the parents who allow them to exist.
No, its not normal for your son to idolize Justin Bieber. If my son had pictures of Bieber all over his wall and called himself a "Belieber", i would probably send him to military camp. Yeah i get it! the music relates to your life soooooooo much!!! of course it does you simple fuck!!! that's the point! they sing about stupid shit you little morons think is important so you'll buy the songs.

8.) The Kardashians, Snooki or anyone else famous for absolutely nothing.
Why are the Kardashians famous?? real question, can anyone tell me????? why waste all that money paying for your daughter's college fund, just tell her to fuck every member of the football, basketball and baseball teams. Snooki is a millionaire and one of the things she does is go around to schools and lecture females on how to be successful. really? fucking really??? is this what our world is coming to? Pretty sure drunk whores will figure out how to lay on their backs without either of your assistance.

9.) Hipsters who offer you music suggestions.
if that musician was as good as you think they are, i wouldnt have to go to a goddamn green peace rally and record it myself to listen to it. its like its your goal to only listen to shit that i would have to go on a fucking treasure hunt to find. oh its on youtube you say?? well let me check this shit out. Oh look.... a guy who hasnt shaved in 6 months wearing a flannel shirt with a wool hat and a box guitar... didnt see that shit coming!!!

10.) Pot heads who think they can do everything they normally do just as good when theyre high.
I have so many friends like this and no you cant you fucking morons. You're just too fucking stupid to realize how fucking stupid you are. Use drugs to sleep like a normal person. Weed doesnt make you do anything better!!!!!!! it just convinces your dumb ass that you're doing it better. I have pot head friends that have such a warped sense of self awareness that it makes me want to beat them to death with a machete. In their own minds they hear the words coming out of their mouth as if theyre Shakespeare when the reality is that you just said " dude, putting spinach dip on this baked potato is like the best thing ive ever ate in like my entire life, this could feed the starving kids in africa"

11-04-2012, 06:39 AM
Best thread ever.

teh bri
11-04-2012, 06:57 AM
^ this.

11-04-2012, 07:11 AM
im a heavy boned black lady and ur racist

11-04-2012, 07:16 AM
Lol. I will add my 10 this evening

11-04-2012, 09:25 AM
The best post on import Atlanta. I'm not even sure I can match that (especially because I agree with all of it). I'll try later after a few beers.

11-04-2012, 12:33 PM
1 When your'e driving, and the cars in front of you are SIDE BY SIDE in different lanes driving the same speed so you can't pass and are stuck behind 2 slow assholes.

11-04-2012, 01:10 PM
1. I like to see you do that to me or my fiance. I will always sit on the same side with her from the first date till the die i die.

11-04-2012, 01:28 PM
1. That "Buy sell trade idk automotive goodies" page on fb. Full of low-ballers, assholes and...idiots.

11-04-2012, 01:29 PM
1. I like to see you do that to me or my fiance. I will always sit on the same side with her from the first date till the die i die.

LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

11-04-2012, 01:38 PM
1. I like to see you do that to me or my fiance. I will always sit on the same side with her from the first date till the die i die.
Only reason this bothers me is because it seems so unbalanced. Like two people sitting on the same of a seesaw..

11-04-2012, 03:25 PM
1. Gators lol
2. People who don't use their turning signals.

11-04-2012, 03:30 PM
11.) Newspaper street salesmen.
I love how people selling newspapers are scattered all over town like hookers and drug dealers now. I swear i cant stop at a redlight without someone waving a newspaper at me.... i see these people sitting roadside with a pile of newspapers and i wonder how in the fuck anyone thought this was a good idea. Paper news is out dated technology so quit desperately trying to sell it, its fucking annoying. There's this thing called the internet now.... and everyone has it in the palm of their hand. Quit pushing your papers like crack on every street corner.

11-04-2012, 03:59 PM
1. Women who feed on drama
2. People who slam on brakes when they see the police
3. Missing peices to a complete set of tools
4. Hangovers
5. "One-upper" personalities
6. Mexicans that don't buckle their kids in while driving around
7. Expensive cars that the owners never wash or take care of(curbed wheels, missing parts)
8. Rush hour traffic
9. Shithead kids that think they are gangsters
11. People that are materialistic
12. Anything considered "reality TV" (with the exception of COPS)

11-04-2012, 04:08 PM
1. Dirty ass cars
2. People that act like motorcycles aren't on the road.
3. Trifling ass females
4. Someone trying to talk over me.
5. Drugs and alcohol
6. I don't qualify for EBT.
7. People that view everyone around them as infidels.
8. Advertisement (billboards, signs, banners) everywhere.
9. Thieves, thieves, thieves.
10. The inability to get away from a goddamn forum and be productive.

11-05-2012, 06:13 AM
1. New Yorkers.
No offence but I hate you arrogant fucks. You think New York is the best place in the world, if it was there wouldn't be so many of you plaguing every other city in America. Even though your 34 and haven't lived in New York since you were 16, every story you have from New York begins with "Yo fam, back home..."

2. People who follow celebrity relationships.
My wife is guilty of this. Do you really think I give a fuck if Bradgalina adopt another ugly ass baby or if Brokebackswift broke up?

3. Celebrities who think its cool to give their kids "unique" names
Bitch, naming your kid a word is not unique it's retarded. Pilot Inspektor and Apple is a good way to make sure your son and daughter get a square ass kicking before every school meal.

4. People who cruise in the passing lane.
It's not the law but its proper driving etiquette. If you see a car coming up behind you move right. Not saying you have to speed just saying get the fuck out of the way. Your not a state trooper so your job isn't to police the highway and govern everyone else's speed.

5. Gay people who think the whole world is against them because they are homosexual.
Just being honest, I don't give a fuck who you fuck. Your not so significant that I'm going to stop whatever I'm doing to hate you. People don't laugh at you because of your sexual preference, they are laughing at you because your wearing a pink Lacoste polo 2 sizes to small and light stonewashed denim capris with thong sandals.

6. Overly emotional sports fans.
I love sport as much a the next dude but.. DAFUQ YOU CRYIN ABOUT? Your favorite athlete still drives his quarter million dollar car to his multi-million dollar home and screws his supermodel wife in his Olympic size pool wether he wins or losses while you site in front of your 42" LG flat panel you got last tax season crying cause you thought this was the season YOU would win it all.

7. People who use Internet acronyms in ACTUAL real conversation.
I swear to mutha fuckin God, if I over hear another teenager talking on her cell phone to her BFF say "O.M.G you should have been there, I literally L.O.Led in his face...", I'm coming back and knocking them out with a qwerty keyboard and strangling them with a mouse, I don't care how much jail time is involved.

11-05-2012, 08:32 AM
People that perpetuate racial stereotypes

11-05-2012, 03:23 PM
/Political bitching

Back on track; what pisses you off folks?

11-05-2012, 04:00 PM
11.) Newspaper street salesmen.
I love how people selling newspapers are scattered all over town like hookers and drug dealers now. I swear i cant stop at a redlight without someone waving a newspaper at me.... i see these people sitting roadside with a pile of newspapers and i wonder how in the fuck anyone thought this was a good idea. Paper news is out dated technology so quit desperately trying to sell it, its fucking annoying. There's this thing called the internet now.... and everyone has it in the palm of their hand. Quit pushing your papers like crack on every street corner.

there are ppl who are still oldschool enough to read the paper

11-06-2012, 02:22 AM
there are ppl who are still oldschool enough to read the paper

not so much knocking on people who read the paper, just the salesmen being scattered around like street hookers and crack dealers.

11-08-2012, 07:43 AM
1. People who make lists.
2. When People respond with "No Problem" in the service industry. Of course it's not a problem, it's your job!
3. People yell out or start off with "Hey!." You say Hello, Excuse me or how are you.
4. Black People
5. My direct tv box saying it hasn't received info for X amount of hours. It's plugged the fuck up, where's my damn info!?
6. People who talk shit with Zero facts to back their statement.
7. White people
8. Fat people who fly. C'mon...you know you don't belong.
9. People with awful tattoos that you can't make out and they're still hyping it up like it's the baddest.
10. People who scratch DVD rentals. How hard is it to take out of box, put in slot, remove and put back into box? Some people look as if they live on jagged rocks.


l Gizzy l
11-08-2012, 07:59 AM
oh my god this thread is awesome. keep them coming.

Sin and Ant. MOAR

11-08-2012, 08:54 AM
1. The fact that Toyota hasn't had a decent sports car since 1998. When they finally released something cool (ft86) they do it under that queer ass scion name brand in the United States. Rumors are that the Subaru version will get a turbo and the Scion version will not. If that's true...fuck you Toyota.

2. Political discussions on Import Atlanta. I hope that shit dies a slow painful death now that the elections are over.

3. Facebook. I could give a flying fuck about keeping up with bitch ex girlfriends and dickheads that I didn't particularly like in high school. Not only does Facebook rape the fuck out of your privacy but I blame it for killing car forums.

4. Movies and tv shows that are knock offs of shit from the 80s. Have we run out of ideas, or are we just becoming that complacent and lazy as a nation?

5. Altezza tail lights and car manufactures that still put them on from the factory. This shit was gay 10 years ago and immediately ruins the rear of the car for me. Fuck Toyota for putting them on the new Scion FRS and fuck the individual that originally invented those things.

6. Seeing dudes dressed in full leather on their bike with their girl on the back wearing booty shorts. Dudes: Do you just not give a fuck about this chick? Girls: Do you not notice something wrong with this picture? Really.

7. People who get into a hobby and have to immediately buy a full arsenal of top of the line equipment. "I'm going to start running... I definitely need some custom fit toe shoes for when I quit the hobby in 2 weeks".

8. People who over value and lie about the condition of shit they are selling. Cars for example. "Clean never modded"... Translates to "Yeah this thing had a lot of poorly planned modifications that I ran without a tune and beat the fuck out of. But I've uninstalled everything since then so..."

9. Shady mother fuckers who try to turn everything into a money making opportunity (there are some on IA). Get a job.

10. The fact that everyone and their mother has a 2j swap. Like the tv show/movie deal above... Let's do something original for 5 minutes. Crazy concept I know.

11-08-2012, 11:39 AM
LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!

i almost NEVER do it, but occasionally, its its a wide table, i have no problem with her sitting next to me. Its rare though.


11-08-2012, 11:42 AM
i almost NEVER do it, but occasionally, its its a wide table, i have no problem with her sitting next to me. Its rare though.


My gf has to whine and cry for 5 minutes about it being cold before i will allow it, and then i have to negotiate additional uncommon sexual acts as compensation for making me look like a douche in public.

11-11-2012, 02:56 AM
Gay defenders
I dont give a shit about gay people, i really dont.... lick whoever you want to lick, put whatever you want to put in your ass, i honestly do not give a fuck. But i am beyond sick and fucking tired of how important everyone thinks the gay issue is. Gay rights should not be a forefront of anyone's list of priorities. I'm watching an interview with Iran's president and 70% of it has been about Iran's gay rights......... fucking really?????? sometimes i wish gay people would go back into the closet.... what we need is a new law..... "we wont ask, please for the love of god quit fucking telling us"

Women that try to physically break up a fight between men
if you want to stop me from eating from the pot in the kitchen... you go right ahead.... even go as far as to knock the damn spoon out of my hand. Thats your sanctuary, you can control that environment, but at no point in the history of humanity has a female stepping between males who are fighting worked out in a positive manner. The only thing you can do is make things worse. Nothing will ever... ever ...ever ...... ever..... be good about you trying to break up a fight. Dont be stupid, stick to pancakes.

11-11-2012, 07:12 AM
When I'm flying down a road and someone is in a rush to pull out in front of me and do the speed limit when there's clearly no one behind me -_______-

11-11-2012, 07:14 AM
OH and people that play music LOUD AS FUCK in places no one wants to hear that shit (Gas stations, neighborhoods, parks).

11-11-2012, 09:26 AM
1. Liberals in college who think they know everything
2. atheists, who are atheists just because they think it makes them look smarter
3. black people
4. some White people
5. Asians
6. mexicans
7. native americans
8. men
9. women
10. anything that breaths

11-11-2012, 12:14 PM
1. Liberals in college who think they know everything
2. atheists, who are atheists just because they think it makes them look smarter
3. black people
4. some White people
5. Asians
6. mexicans
7. native americans
8. men
9. women
10. anything that breaths

We dont think being an atheist makes us look smarter, it just often times seems to be a side effect of atheism. It's like a tree house initiation. If you're smart enough to figure out the riddle, then you're welcome inside the theoretical atheist tree house. Contrary to what you might think, atheist dont sit around thinking about how smart we are, we often just sit around thinking how much more enjoyable life is when you realize you dont have to apologize or feel guilty for every move you make. Shame isnt a pleasant feeling, it baffles me how many people welcome it on themselves.

11-11-2012, 06:35 PM
We dont think being an atheist makes us look smarter, it just often times seems to be a side effect of atheism. It's like a tree house initiation. If you're smart enough to figure out the riddle, then you're welcome inside the theoretical atheist tree house. Contrary to what you might think, atheist dont sit around thinking about how smart we are, we often just sit around thinking how much more enjoyable life is when you realize you dont have to apologize or feel guilty for every move you make. Shame isnt a pleasant feeling, it baffles me how many people welcome it on themselves.
I didn't say every atheist is like that but there are a lot like that. for instance I had a conversation about religion with a couple of atheists and they kept trying to make fun of the bible and its stories. but when confronted to explain the big bang theory and how it was discovered they just had a "derp" kind of moment. I am not an atheist nor a a devoted christian but consider myself agnostic. as science hasn't provided all the answers but has explained a lot too though

11-11-2012, 06:41 PM
I didn't say every atheist is like that but there are a lot like that. for instance I had a conversation about religion with a couple of atheists and they kept trying to make fun of the bible and its stories. but when confronted to explain the big bang theory and how it was discovered they just had a "derp" kind of moment. I am not an atheist nor a a devoted christian but consider myself agnostic. as science hasn't provided all the answers but has explained a lot too though

i feel you on that, i hate atheist who go out of their way to confront christians. I talk to christians all day. If im hanging out with some people and they start talking about god, i dont feel the need to "rain on their parade" or let them know i dont agree with it. One of my best "work friends" is really religious, hes always crediting god for things that happen in his life. Good for him.

11-12-2012, 07:25 AM
1. Liberals in college who think they know everything
2. atheists, who are atheists just because they think it makes them look smarter
3. black people
4. some White people
5. Asians
6. mexicans
7. native americans
8. men
9. women
10. anything that breaths

Your list doesn't seem that creative. How does being an atheist make people seem like they're smarter? I will say Facts >fiction
