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06-30-2012, 03:55 AM
People that know me know I am a down to earth person and very easy going and great to get along with. This goes for work as well as personal. I have my own problems but so does the next person. Now, everyone has their own personal lives and with that comes thing that just shouldn't come to light with anyone but the parties directly involved; more specifically things of a sexual nature. If someone shares something with you in private, it should stay that way and not be told to anyone. Same thing goes if someone sends you pictures of themselves. At which point, should you find yourself sharing/bragging/showing off said pictures to your buddies it then becomes their business as well. People mistake my kindness and friendliness for weakness most of the time. I am a firm believer in people needing to know things if it involves them. I have ruined relationships, jobs, and two marriages because I have passed information that they needed to be made aware of. Call it what you like but that is the kind of person I am. Case in point:

Co-worker shares some pictures with me that are of his "side pussy" of which I happen to be friends with said lady. Same co-worker openly brags to other co-workers about "banging" this chic and "fucking" that chic. All of this information is private and typically should not be shared with anyone.....especially since he is "happily married" and occasionally brings his wife up here to work to visit. So, his infidelities are widely known throughout the company but his wife is obviously kept in the dark. How can he get mad at me for sharing "need to know" information to forementioned lady when he is married with a new baby girl?

I can't stand cheaters. Never understood the concept of it either and I have never cheated on anyone I have ever been with nor have I ever been in the position of "banging" two girls at the same time during my single years. I have been with the same girl for almost 10 years and we currently have a four year old son and one due in September. Mind you though; I do look at other women all day and have been known to flirt but at the end of the day I know what I come home to every night when I am not at work. This is just something that came to mind when he asked me what I told her and then stormed off when I told him slamming the door behind him.

"If you ask a question you don't want an answer to....expect an answer you don't want to get."


06-30-2012, 05:07 AM
I'm not feeling you on this one. It's not your place to play relationship sheriff. Who decided the information was "need to know"? If he has a baby girl on the way, what is more important to that baby girl's upbringing? her family staying together, or what her dad does with his penis? It's best for you to just mind your business with things like this.

I myself would be pretty pissed off about someone meddling in my business, whether i was in the wrong or not.

06-30-2012, 05:25 AM
Personal business is your own and not to be shared with others if you don't want it getting out.

06-30-2012, 06:53 AM
Dunno, i completely disagree with you. As messed up as it is, it required no input on your end as it completely had nothing to do with you. Furthermore, even seemingly 'messed up' scenarios have more to the story than you may be aware of.

Let everyone build their own palace or dig their own grave, I think. None of the blame or guilt is on your shoulders by not getting involved in the passive stance.

06-30-2012, 07:14 AM
Please excuse me I am extremely hung over. So Dude you work with showed you naked pics of one of your friends he is currently stuffing his wiener into on a semi regular basis not knowing you were friends with her and you told her he was showing people nude pics of her that she sent him???

06-30-2012, 07:17 AM
Or did you tell the wife he is cheating on her?

06-30-2012, 07:34 AM
Same question. Context is a little confusing.

06-30-2012, 07:37 AM
Being someone on the receiving end of news of infidelity, I'll have to side with you, Bacon. My first wife was unfaithful to me and my best friends found out and came straight to me with it. That was the end of it. I would hate to think that someone is carrying on with their life not knowing that something of that nature was going on behind his/her back. That's disgusting and unsafe. If that was a true family, then the dude would not be messing around with another. A family involves husband and wife and children. Not a husband, wife, children and other females. If this dude was intent on having his family remain intact, he would do one of two things: not tell anyone of his indiscretions or not do it in the first place. If his child is in the forefront of his mind, one, he wouldn't be messing with his family and two, if this causes a family break up, then he will still be in that child's life regardless.

Bottom line is is that he needed to be "ratted out." If he didn't want to be caught, he should've kept to himself. Later, QD.

06-30-2012, 07:43 AM
Being someone on the receiving end of news of infidelity, I'll have to side with you, Bacon. My first wife was unfaithful to me and my best friends found out and came straight to me with it. That was the end of it. I would hate to think that someone is carrying on with their life not knowing that something of that nature was going on behind his/her back. That's disgusting and unsafe. If that was a true family, then the dude would not be messing around with another. A family involves husband and wife and children. Not a husband, wife, children and other females. If this dude was intent on having his family remain intact, he would do one of two things: not tell anyone of his indiscretions or not do it in the first place. If his child is in the forefront of his mind, one, he wouldn't be messing with his family and two, if this causes a family break up, then he will still be in that child's life regardless.

Bottom line is is that he needed to be "ratted out." If he didn't want to be caught, he should've kept to himself. Later, QD.

Friends and acquaintances have a different set of rules. If me and you were long time friends and your girl cheated on you, i would tell you. If me and a girl were long time friends and some random guy cheated on her, i would tell her.

If one of my co-workers told my wife i was cheating on her. I would probably beat him half to death. If one of my wife's legitimate friends found out i was cheating and told her, i wouldnt be mad at them. If one of my friends told on me, they would catch a beating also.

06-30-2012, 07:45 AM
Personal business is your own and not to be shared with others if you don't want it getting out.

That kind of talk doesn't fly where i'm from. I don't think i know a single person who wouldn't beat the shit out of you under the circumstance you described.

06-30-2012, 07:48 AM
If you are friends with the wife, I wouldn't see it as an issue that you told her. If you aren't... Or are just acquaintances... then it's a little bit shady.

None the less, the dude is obviously a scumbag and would have gotten caught on his own eventually. What amazes me most about this guy, is not only cheating on his wife, but then showing off pictures of the girls he's cheating with. If you ever wanted a "mistress" to flip out and confess to your wife, showing her pictures around town is definitely a good way to get it done.

I have also always been someone that is faithful to the chicks I'm with. Hell, I had a one night stand once and felt like shit about it for weeks afterwards (long story). But it just takes a certain type of d-bag to thrive on infidelity. Fuck that dude. Whether or not it "was your place", he is an asshole and his wife deserves to know one way or another.

06-30-2012, 07:49 AM
That kind of talk doesn't fly where i'm from. I don't think i know a single person who wouldn't beat the shit out of you under the circumstance you described.

Because nothing makes going through a divorce easier than dealing with assault and battery charges at the same time?

06-30-2012, 07:58 AM
Because nothing makes going through a divorce easier than dealing with assault and battery charges at the same time?

This is just one of those things where my anger would overwhelm me. Doesn't matter who is right or wrong.

06-30-2012, 08:00 AM
If you are friends with the wife, I wouldn't see it as an issue that you told her. If you aren't... Or are just acquaintances... then it's a little bit shady.

None the less, the dude is obviously a scumbag and would have gotten caught on his own eventually. What amazes me most about this guy, is not only cheating on his wife, but then showing off pictures of the girls he's cheating with. If you ever wanted a "mistress" to flip out and confess to your wife, showing her pictures around town is definitely a good way to get it done.

I have also always been someone that is faithful to the chicks I'm with. Hell, I had a one night stand once and felt like shit about it for weeks afterwards (long story). But it just takes a certain type of d-bag to thrive on infidelity. Fuck that dude. Whether or not it "was your place", he is an asshole and his wife deserves to know one way or another.


Never understood being with someone, to go fuck around with other people. I've been cheated on and it's a horrible feeling I'm not willing to put someone through.

06-30-2012, 08:04 AM
Friends and acquaintances have a different set of rules.

I strongly disagree. Cheating does not have guidelines or separate rules. Cheating is wrong no matter what. Don't want to be caught? Tell one. Co-worker, acquaintance or best friend? If the dude (or female) cheats, the other finds out. It's the right thing to do.

If one of my friends told on me, they would catch a beating also.

Because you got caught or because he shouldn't have said anything.

That kind of talk doesn't fly where i'm from. I don't think i know a single person who wouldn't beat the shit out of you under the circumstance you described.

Where you're from? Where is that? I can slightly understand the opinions of people that have never been married being different from a married person's opinions. Wait until you get married and see if your point of views change. Bet they will. But I hope that when (if) you do get married, you never have t worry about that happening to find out. Later, QD.

06-30-2012, 08:09 AM
I strongly disagree. Cheating does not have guidelines or separate rules. Cheating is wrong no matter what. Don't want to be caught? Tell one. Co-worker, acquaintance or best friend? If the dude (or female) cheats, the other finds out. It's the right thing to do.

Because you got caught or because he shouldn't have said anything.

Where you're from? Where is that? Later, QD.

None of my friends would say anything to my GF about anything i did. Your friends were there before your gf and will be there after your gf.... their loyalty should be with your friendship. It would be a more serious offense if my friend did it vs some random person or co-worker.

I honestly do not know a single guy who would rat me out to anyone i was dating..... nor do i know a single guy who wouldn't come after me if i did that. I'm actually in shock at the diversity of responses in this thread....... i guess the unspoken code is too unspoken.

06-30-2012, 08:12 AM
Where you're from? Where is that?

Asskickingtonville: Mayor Chuck Norris. Better Homes and Gardens voted in most likely city to get the shit beat out of you for no good fucking reason. They have a lovely cherry blossom festival in the spring but don't stare too long or you will be on the ass end of an ass kicking.

06-30-2012, 08:14 AM
None of my friends would say anything to my GF about anything i did. Your friends were there before your gf and will be there after your gf.... their loyalty should be with your friendship. It would be a more serious offense if my friend did it vs some random person or co-worker.

I honestly do not know a single guy who would rat me out to anyone i was dating..... nor do i know a single guy who wouldn't come after me if i did that. I'm actually in shock at the diversity of responses in this thread....... i guess the unspoken code is too unspoken.

So what if the cheatin friend's girl called you up asking about a specific situation he has bragged about to you?

Do you confirm, deny, or stay neutral?

06-30-2012, 08:15 AM
Asskickingtonville: Mayor Chuck Norris. Better Homes and Gardens voted in most likely city to get the shit beat out of you for no good fucking reason. They have a lovely cherry blossom festival in the spring but don't stare too long or you with be on the ass end of an ass kicking.

There's very few things worth fighting over. This is one of them.

06-30-2012, 08:16 AM
There's very few things worth fighting over. This is one of them.

The cherry blossoms?

06-30-2012, 08:18 AM
Anyway my view is if you are not good friends with the wife and you told her then you are in the wrong. If you told the chick your scumbag coworker is flogging about the pics then you are in the right....but it should be followed by "Don't send naked pics of yourself if you don't want all his friends seeing them you stupid bitch" Then grab her titties because she probably has no self respect and she will enjoy it.

06-30-2012, 08:19 AM
So what if the cheatin friend's girl called you up asking about a specific situation he has bragged about to you?

Do you confirm, deny, or stay neutral?

If my friend's gf called me about something my friend did.... i would deny any knowledge of anything. Even if he was caught red handed, i wouldn't be the person to come out with it.

06-30-2012, 08:21 AM
The cherry blossoms?


06-30-2012, 08:33 AM
I'm actually in shock at the diversity of responses in this thread.......

In a way, I am too. But remember, most of the responses in here are from single people giving opinions on a subject involving marriage. Being in a relationship is being in a relationship, but there is a lot more involvement with a marriage. There's quite a difference.

I am also old school in where I care about other people and their feelings. I don't mean that as an insult to you or anyone else, but I see the younger generation not as caring as the older one. Later, QD.

06-30-2012, 08:40 AM

06-30-2012, 08:43 AM
In a way, I am too. But remember, most of the responses in here are from single people giving opinions on a subject involving marriage. Being in a relationship is being in a relationship, but there is a lot more involvement with a marriage. There's quite a difference.

I am also old school in where I care about other people and their feelings. I don't mean that as an insult to you or anyone else, but I see the younger generation not as caring as the older one. Later, QD.

You can be devoted to someone and make a mistake. Let's say you've been married 10-15 years and you're 100% in love with your wife and want to be with her forever, but in a moment of weakness you cheat with someone else. You immediately realize it was a mistake and know that you will never do it again. It had nothing to do with your emotional attachment to your wife, it was strictly physical.

I think that it is your's and only your decision on if, when or how you decide to tell your wife. It's not mine and it certainly isnt your coworkers.

06-30-2012, 08:48 AM
also, it's up to the individual how important monogamy is to their relationship. Not everyone thinks of sex as this soul binding bond between two people who were meant to spend their lives together.

06-30-2012, 08:49 AM
You can be devoted to someone and make a mistake. Let's say you've been married 10-15 years and you're 100% in love with your wife and want to be with her forever, but in a moment of weakness you cheat with someone else. You immediately realize it was a mistake and know that you will never do it again. It had nothing to do with your emotional attachment to your wife, it was strictly physical.

I think that it is your's and only your decision on if, when or how you decide to tell your wife. It's not mine and it certainly isnt your coworkers.

Just a mistake doesn't involve sex with someone else.

06-30-2012, 08:55 AM
Just a mistake doesn't involve sex with someone else.

lol it takes a lot of effort to "accidentally" put your penis in someone else.

06-30-2012, 09:02 AM
Just a mistake doesn't involve sex with someone else.

I'm not sure what you mean...... sex can certainly happen on an impulse decision, its not always a premeditated act of "unfaithfulness".

06-30-2012, 09:03 AM
lol it takes a lot of effort to "accidentally" put your penis in someone else.

I feel like i'm on punked or something.... like you people are intentionally messing with me. There's no way my stance on this is THIS different from everyone else. I dont feel this out of touch in church.

anyways, out of sandpaper and painting shit, gotta make a run. Comment more on this later.

06-30-2012, 09:17 AM
Just a mistake doesn't involve sex with someone else.

Agreed. Who here hasn't accidentally inserted the most private and sensitive part of their body inside another persons most private and sensitive parts?

So the coworker may not have been satisfied with his wife in some or many ways. Maybe he has expressed his dissatisfaction to his wife and asked her to change to save the relationship. Maybe she is a stubborn bitch that can't handle doing anything outside her comfort zone. Maybe what he is asking is way fucking out of whack. Maybe he wants to have sex more than once a month or maybe he wants her to dress like Alice Cooper and lick his asshole after eating Taco Bell. Or anywhere in between. Maybe he is just a scumbag that fucks anything that wanders into his field of vision and his wife is doing everything he asks and worships the ground he walks on. Maybe the wife is fucking a guy or ten behind his back. Maybe people should mind their fucking business if it doesn't directly involve someone they care about and they don't have all the facts.

06-30-2012, 09:32 AM
A point missed is bacon said he shares pics and stories of the girls hes fucking on the side not jist the chick he works with but on a regular basis is sharing his sexcapade stories and shit with his other coworkers as well.. In this case it was not just an "ACCIDENT" hes an hibitual cheater that deserved to be busted out and made a fool out of... And apparently bacon stayed nuetral til it was a coworker chick friend he was braggin about bonin now and showin pics of. Personally i say stay out of it if u know whats goin on that dude fell victim to being a weak man with a penis that has a mind of its on. But at the point he continuously puts his bad habits on your shoulders and eventually ends up being a chick your even remotely friends with, she has the right to know if nothing else that hes showing her nude pics to everyone... I was cheated on for years by my ex and my best friend knew about it he didnt open his mouth til i found out first hand. I beat his ass for not telling me and letting me waste 4 yrs on a triffling ass hoe. I dont care if friend or just a co worker or even a dude i say hi to at the bar on a friday night. If they know my ole'lady os a hoe ans know me enough to strike up a conversation every otuer day i would hope theyd tell me they saw my gf bonin some dude behind walmart lol.. True story

06-30-2012, 10:49 AM
I would have to agree with Sinfix 100%. Nothing worse than a gossiper. In my book it is all it is. I would expect that more from a female.

IMO, it is not his job to tell anyone, or either party involved. The other guy trusted him showing him the pics. If he didn't like it he should have simply not looked at them and moved on. I would be angrier than the guy who just drove off. I probably wouldn't get physical, but I know for a fact me and others would lose respect for the guy who told the girl which in this case is Bacon. Under ANY circumstances should he tell either the girl or the wife.

I also agree about the rule with friends. If I had a close long time friend that was getting cheated on I would definitely tell him. Hell, I've have 2 acquaintances I hang out with sometimes that I've known for a couple of years ask me if their girls have cheated on them. I am 100% sure they do since I see them at the club I promote continuously coming in and out with guys. I simply told them that I didn't know.
It is not my job to put them on blast. Now, if they were close friends, I would definitely tell them.

If I was Bacon I would stop doing that even if I feel it is the right the to do. Whether you are wrong or right, one day you might tell on the wrong person, and many variables can go wrong at that point.

06-30-2012, 11:17 AM
All in all, this could have been avoided if you keep quiet, EVENTUALLY the truth will show

06-30-2012, 11:21 AM
You can be devoted to someone and make a mistake. Let's say you've been married 10-15 years and you're 100% in love with your wife and want to be with her forever, but in a moment of weakness you cheat with someone else. You immediately realize it was a mistake and know that you will never do it again. It had nothing to do with your emotional attachment to your wife, it was strictly physical.

Still wrong and still cheating. In a marriage, there is no such thing as "mistake sex." When you have sex with someone outside of the marriage, you put yourself in that position. When you're trustworthy and 100% loyal, you don't make that kind of mistake. Period.

also, it's up to the individual how important monogamy is to their relationship. Not everyone thinks of sex as this soul binding bond between two people who were meant to spend their lives together.

You're right and if they don't mind that lifestyle, then they won't mind being told and they'll let you know that that's the type of relationship they have.

I'm not sure what you mean...... sex can certainly happen on an impulse decision, its not always a premeditated act of "unfaithfulness".

You're right here, as well. BUT, you put yourself in that position and you have a weak mind, then you make a mistake that you shouldn't have. It's all about putting yourself in that position.

I feel like i'm on punked or something.... like you people are intentionally messing with me. There's no way my stance on this is THIS different from everyone else. I dont feel this out of touch in church.

You have your thoughts on this. Everyone thinks differently on topics. And again, please don't take this as insult to you or your intelligence as I'm certainly not out to do that, but it's hard for me to see your reasoning because your not married and, if I remember correctly, never have been. You're not much into long relationships so your views will be different.

Just to add, I don't mind the conversation with you, regardless, dude.

True story

Not quite. You're completely wrong from the get go so your post is moot, lolol.

The other guy trusted him showing him the pics.....

but I know for a fact me and others would lose respect for the guy who told the girl ...

Your post is kind of moot, too. How can you use the words "trust" and "respect" in a positive way towards a cheater? My guess is you're not married, either. Later, QD.

06-30-2012, 12:19 PM
If my wife were cheating on me, I would want to know, plain and simple. I don't care how, who, what, that I found out from, I would just want too know. That's fucked up and you don't do that to your spouse PERIOD end of discussion.

06-30-2012, 12:52 PM
Still wrong and still cheating. In a marriage, there is no such thing as "mistake sex." When you have sex with someone outside of the marriage, you put yourself in that position. When you're trustworthy and 100% loyal, you don't make that kind of mistake. Period.

You're right and if they don't mind that lifestyle, then they won't mind being told and they'll let you know that that's the type of relationship they have.

You're right here, as well. BUT, you put yourself in that position and you have a weak mind, then you make a mistake that you shouldn't have. It's all about putting yourself in that position.

You have your thoughts on this. Everyone thinks differently on topics. And again, please don't take this as insult to you or your intelligence as I'm certainly not out to do that, but it's hard for me to see your reasoning because your not married and, if I remember correctly, never have been. You're not much into long relationships so your views will be different.

Just to add, I don't mind the conversation with you, regardless, dude.

Not quite. You're completely wrong from the get go so your post is moot, lolol.

Your post is kind of moot, too. How can you use the words "trust" and "respect" in a positive way towards a cheater? My guess is you're not married, either. Later, QD.

I feel like i've been married before, I had a live in GF for 5ish years

06-30-2012, 12:58 PM
I'm not sure what you mean...... sex can certainly happen on an impulse decision, its not always a premeditated act of "unfaithfulness".

I've never accidentally had sex.

I've regretted it, but it wasn't on accident. I'm always down to have sex, but unless it's with my woman there's no issue keeping it in my pants... I'm just not down with fucking someone over, especially someone that means something to me and/or someone I've made a commitment to.

If all parties know, and no one is being done wrong... do what you do.

06-30-2012, 12:59 PM
Where I come from, sharing private things like pics of this nature is out of line, inappropriate, and out right disrespectful to not only you but all individuals involved.

Where I come from, you have a right to know if things are being said about you and/or your pictures are spread around.

Where I come from, women are not toys to share between your buddies.

Excuse me for being raised a responsible man.

06-30-2012, 01:03 PM
The wife has absolutely no clue about any of this but given the chance to have her in front of me, she would know in a heartbeat.

The entire conversation extends only between me, the lady friend of mine in question, and my coworkers.

I feel like i've been married before, I had a live in GF for 5ish years


06-30-2012, 01:15 PM
Where I come from, sharing private things like pics of this nature is out of line, inappropriate, and out right disrespectful to not only you but all individuals involved.

Where I come from, you have a right to know if things are being said about you and/or your pictures are spread around.

Where I come from, women are not toys to share between your buddies.

Excuse me for being raised a responsible man.

Different strokes for different folks i guess.....

I've seen tons of pictures.... even videos of my friend's girlfriends/exgirlfriends. Its really not that big of a deal. I've usually had some level of friendship with most of my friend's GFs and it never changed anything. Just means that theyre 1 of 19249012589012859128590849018590185901829058139045 90134850931485918598149051 women ive seen naked.

some women want to be toys............

06-30-2012, 01:16 PM
The wife has absolutely no clue about any of this but given the chance to have her in front of me, she would know in a heartbeat.

The entire conversation extends only between me, the lady friend of mine in question, and my coworkers.


8 years with 5 of them living together... most people dont stay married that long.

06-30-2012, 01:27 PM
Your post is kind of moot, too. How can you use the words "trust" and "respect" in a positive way towards a cheater? My guess is you're not married, either. Later, QD.

I'm not married. I would want a friend to tell me. I'm sure 90% of true friends would let you know if your wife was cheating on you. I would like for a stranger to let me know simply because they would be helping me out by letting me know. But, at the same time, I would never trust them, and instantly I would see them as a gossiper, because he got into something he should never have.

06-30-2012, 01:50 PM
8 years with 5 of them living together... most people dont stay married that long.

These days, you're right. My wife and I are beating the odds with our 13th year anniversary just passing by.

But, at the same time, I would never trust them, and instantly I would see them as a gossiper, because he got into something he should never have.

But if that stranger put that bug in your ear with some sort of evidence, you'd be glad he/she said something. I know I would be. I would definitely look into what he/she said. If everything turned out true, then props to the stranger. If there was no supporting evidence, even with a bit of snooping, then he's just trying to get something started and you'd be right to not trust him/her. Later, QD.

06-30-2012, 02:59 PM
These days, you're right. My wife and I are beating the odds with our 13th year anniversary just passing by.

But if that stranger put that bug in your ear with some sort of evidence, you'd be glad he/she said something. I know I would be. I would definitely look into what he/she said. If everything turned out true, then props to the stranger. If there was no supporting evidence, even with a bit of snooping, then he's just trying to get something started and you'd be right to not trust him/her. Later, QD.

True! Agree!

06-30-2012, 03:48 PM
Being someone on the receiving end of news of infidelity, I'll have to side with you, Bacon. My first wife was unfaithful to me and my best friends found out and came straight to me with it. That was the end of it. I would hate to think that someone is carrying on with their life not knowing that something of that nature was going on behind his/her back. That's disgusting and unsafe. If that was a true family, then the dude would not be messing around with another. A family involves husband and wife and children. Not a husband, wife, children and other females. If this dude was intent on having his family remain intact, he would do one of two things: not tell anyone of his indiscretions or not do it in the first place. If his child is in the forefront of his mind, one, he wouldn't be messing with his family and two, if this causes a family break up, then he will still be in that child's life regardless.

Bottom line is is that he needed to be "ratted out." If he didn't want to be caught, he should've kept to himself. Later, QD.


06-30-2012, 03:51 PM
Where I come from, sharing private things like pics of this nature is out of line, inappropriate, and out right disrespectful to not only you but all individuals involved.If it is shared in a public forum, I agree that action should be taken. Dude wants to be caught, he just doesn't have the guts to tell his wife himself.

Where I come from, you have a right to know if things are being said about you and/or your pictures are spread around.Uhhhhh... Where is this magical town? 'Cause I've never been there...

Where I come from, women are not toys to share between your buddies.This greatly depends on the girl...

Excuse me for being raised a responsible man.As was I, but I ain't about to let a bitch do what a bitch does because I "feel" bad for her... Bitches are nothing more, nothing less. A real woman on the other hand...

Mad respect.

teh bri
06-30-2012, 04:00 PM
If you are friends with the wife, I wouldn't see it as an issue that you told her. If you aren't... Or are just acquaintances... then it's a little bit shady.

None the less, the dude is obviously a scumbag and would have gotten caught on his own eventually. What amazes me most about this guy, is not only cheating on his wife, but then showing off pictures of the girls he's cheating with. If you ever wanted a "mistress" to flip out and confess to your wife, showing her pictures around town is definitely a good way to get it done.

I have also always been someone that is faithful to the chicks I'm with. Hell, I had a one night stand once and felt like shit about it for weeks afterwards (long story). But it just takes a certain type of d-bag to thrive on infidelity. Fuck that dude. Whether or not it "was your place", he is an asshole and his wife deserves to know one way or another.
Cheating isn't something to brag about to begin with. So the fact that he was bragging about screwing another girl and showing off pictures makes him look really foolish.

If my friend's gf called me about something my friend did.... i would deny any knowledge of anything. Even if he was caught red handed, i wouldn't be the person to come out with it.
Because that makes complete sense.

You can be devoted to someone and make a mistake. Let's say you've been married 10-15 years and you're 100% in love with your wife and want to be with her forever, but in a moment of weakness you cheat with someone else. You immediately realize it was a mistake and know that you will never do it again. It had nothing to do with your emotional attachment to your wife, it was strictly physical.

QUOTED FOR THE YEAR. You CAN be devoted to someone and make a MISTAKE. There IS such thing as mistakes. Been there, done that. Immediately realizing what you did was wrong, and then never letting it happen again. Being a flirt is different than sleeping around with other people when you've been in a relationship with someone for a long period of time. Especially when the person you are dating is a flirt as well.

I personally think that Robert did the right thing and let the girl know that she has/had been cheated on several times. He should have kept his dick in his pants. If he's unhappy with the marriage, then get the hell out of it. No need to stay with someone you're unhappy with just because he can. It's stupid and selfish.

My question is, does the woman actually know he is married and is going along with it? If so, she needs a good falcon punch.


06-30-2012, 04:36 PM
Amen bacon

06-30-2012, 04:54 PM
She does know he is married but is he at fault or is she? All I told her was to let him know he needs to keep the pics to himself and keep spreading it. It will catch up to his wife in due time.

06-30-2012, 05:28 PM
The wife has absolutely no clue about any of this but given the chance to have her in front of me, she would know in a heartbeat.

The entire conversation extends only between me, the lady friend of mine in question, and my coworkers.

While what I said stands, it seems the entire information wasn't given clearly. I thought you, Bacon, told the dude's wife (of which I would be 100% behind you on).

You CAN be devoted to someone and make a MISTAKE. There IS such thing as mistakes. Been there, done that. Immediately realizing what you did was wrong, and then never letting it happen again.

I'm not sure what you mean by making "mistakes," but if it is anything non-platonic, then you could call it what you want, but it still translates to idiocy. You don't mistakenly kiss someone or have sex with someone. That's just complete and udder disrespect to your wife, your children (if you have any) and to a marriage. Doing that and blaming it on your feelings or caught up in the moment or just a mistake is nothing more than a cop out and it was only a mistake because you were caught.

She does know he is married but is he at fault or is she?

Both of them are at fault. It takes two to tango and if she knew he was in a relationship and he wanted to become a cheater, then she had every opportunity to say no. Later, QD.

06-30-2012, 05:41 PM
I haven't told the wife but given the chance.....

Doesn't really matter who was told. The act is the issue.

06-30-2012, 10:01 PM
I feel like it wouldn't be my place to say anything to the wife. The co-worker would be different if she's a true friend and not a complete slut that sleeps around the company or circle of friends. Some women enjoy the attention they receive weather it be positive or negative and those are the ones I consider damaged goods. I dnt support cheating and have never done so, I do have friends that have done it and I didn't say anything cuz it was not my place. I would tell them dnt bring the girls around me cuz if they ever got suspicious and ask I wouldn't lie to them, but I wouldn't go out of my way to tell them either.
I look at it this way, if u are stupid enough to cheat u are stupid enough to get caught. If I were to ever give into temptation and cheat u better believe I'm not telling bacon lmao j/k!!!!

06-30-2012, 10:20 PM
What you do alone... You will more then likely pay it for it alone...

06-30-2012, 10:28 PM
If you are friends with the wife you are in the right. If the wife asked you if something was up, even vaguely, you are right. To bring it up to someone you barely know is shady.

I would want someone to tell me my wife is cheating, I dont care who it is.

06-30-2012, 10:38 PM
I would want someone to tell me my wife is cheating, I dont care who it is.

See?!?!!? True words from a married man. This is what I mean. The people that are married have a lot different incite into these types of issues than people who aren't or never have been. Later, QD.

07-01-2012, 12:18 AM
I would not want a stranger to tell me my wife was cheating. If someone approached me that i wasnt usually on "intimate" speaking terms with and said "hey, i have something i need to tell you about your wife", id probably cut them off right there and tell them it was none of their business and to walk away. I wouldnt question my wife about the accusation of a stranger anyways. If you trust your wife, you trust your wife. If you dont, you dont. With that said, i wouldnt give anything said the time of day unless it was a friend delivering the information. A stranger, i wouldnt even give the chance to speak.

I've been falsely accused of cheating before or had something small turned into a cheating story by someone. Sometimes people are just out to cause problems. Some people think talking to or sitting with another girl is cheating as report it that way. It's up to you and your gf to decide what is acceptable. Your wife/gf may not give a shit that you dance with a girl at a party or talk to another girl, eat lunch with them or anything nonsexual, yet someone else may view that as cheating and want to tell on you. Well, since nobody but me and the person im in a relationship with know our own boundaries, whoever else is watching should mind their own business. You cant go wrong with minding your business....... lots of ways to go potentially wrong when you go around like a relationship crime fighter trying to expose all the evil villains of the world who are using their penis' with reckless abandon.

07-01-2012, 05:12 PM
Personally imo, I would say mind your own business. If it doesn't affect you personally than you have no place to chime in. I say that coming out of a two year relationship that was ruined by little shit like that (not on my behalf). Just getting out of that relationship I DO NOT want that commitment again for a while. The girl I'm with now has a boyfriend and os well aware of what she and I do. He lives several hours away and that's somethings they're open to. Who is to say that said cheater that was originally posted about is actually cheating. It could just be another partner that he has strictly for that purpose and his wife knows about it. That lifestyle is quire common, however, it's looked down upon by many. That could be why he makes it seem more casual to people since a lot wouldn't understand. Whatever it may be it's his life and let him do it.

07-01-2012, 06:27 PM
Personally imo, I would say mind your own business. If it doesn't affect you personally than you have no place to chime in. I say that coming out of a two year relationship that was ruined by little shit like that (not on my behalf). Just getting out of that relationship I DO NOT want that commitment again for a while. The girl I'm with now has a boyfriend and os well aware of what she and I do. He lives several hours away and that's somethings they're open to. Who is to say that said cheater that was originally posted about is actually cheating. It could just be another partner that he has strictly for that purpose and his wife knows about it. That lifestyle is quire common, however, it's looked down upon by many. That could be why he makes it seem more casual to people since a lot wouldn't understand. Whatever it may be it's his life and let him do it.

In that case...

"hey, your wife is cheating"

"oh, I know... mind your business?"

See how horrible that would be if it was known, rather then someone unknowingly getting fucked over?


07-01-2012, 08:06 PM
If it doesn't affect you personally than you have no place to chime in.

Sure you do. Would you want to go through a relationship where the other was cheating and you had a chance to know about it but didn't because the one that knew just "minded their business?" Not me.

I say that coming out of a two year relationship that was ruined by little shit like that (not on my behalf).

Again, I say, try that with a marriage. Where the stakes are a lot higher. Boyfriend/girlfriend relationships are not like marriages. There is a lot more involved. Add children in the mix and there is an even higher plane. I also find it kind of weird to believe that you'd rather carry on a relationship with a girl that's cheating on you than to have some "little shit" save you a lot of wasted time. I'd damn near be wanting to go out with that dude just to thank him.

The girl I'm with now has a boyfriend and os well aware of what she and I do. He lives several hours away and that's somethings they're open to. Who is to say that said cheater that was originally posted about is actually cheating. It could just be another partner that he has strictly for that purpose and his wife knows about it. That lifestyle is quire common, however, it's looked down upon by many.

You're right, but better safe than sorry. If I'm telling someone his/her other is cheating, I'd rather be told that theirs is an open relationship than to not say anything at all and it be a traditional one.

Again, and I can't stress on this, marriage is a whole different ballgame. Believe me, I know. Later, QD.

07-01-2012, 08:21 PM
QD, I understand where you're coming from with the part of being married. That is a number one symbol of commitment to most. There are a lot of other people that don't value it as well as others, that's when I can congratulate you with having your marriage last 13 years. That's very impressive these days. I think too many people get married at too early of an age. I've learned both people have to be completely committed fir things to work. If I were in the case in which Bacon posted about, I would personally like to know but, I would feel I would find our in time. I just believe strongly in staying out of other peoples' drama, life is simply easier that way.

07-01-2012, 08:32 PM
I just believe strongly in staying out of other peoples' drama, life is simply easier that way.

I agree with staying out of lives for drama-free's sake. And I wouldn't just go spread gossip if I didn't have any trustworthy info. Or if I didn't know either party, but I knew either of the two in the relationship and I had viable info, I'd be squealing like a pig!

And thanks on the congrats. Later, QD.

07-01-2012, 10:16 PM
It wouldn't have hurt to stay out of the current drama. However, it was brought up to me out of the blue and completely without me asking. It becomes my business at that point. I personally would want to know if highly personal and private things about me were spread about as well as being cheated on.

07-01-2012, 10:31 PM
It wouldn't have hurt to stay out of the current drama. However, it was brought up to me out of the blue and completely without me asking. It becomes my business at that point. I personally would want to know if highly personal and private things about me were spread about as well as being cheated on.

As most people have this same perspective. I just hate being known as the "snitch". It automatically puts you in a situation that causes hard feelings toward you from another. I especially wouldn't want that from a fellow co-worker. I don't know your exact situation though, you could have been the bearer of great words to someone for all I know.

teh bri
07-02-2012, 07:58 PM
It all boils down to this... the man is a complete idiot for going around bragging that he's banging someone other than his wife. Cheating isn't something a person should brag about. He's probably also chicken shit to tell his wife because she'll probably castrate his ass. Just speaking in my opinion. I've been cheated on and the man still has yet to man up to it. Causes fighting and arguments. And disrespects the person getting hurt in the end. Makes that person find it Very hard to trust someone again. Or better yet, forgive and trust the person who cheated.

07-02-2012, 10:11 PM
If you can't be honest to the ONE person on this planet that you CLAIM you love and respect the most, then what light does that shed on your to your circle. Personally, I try to keep my nose out of it to a point. But, dont expect me to automatically keep my mouth shut and be a liar, to cover ones infidelity. Not saying something over and over again is the same as lying. Honesty can be brutal sometimes, but always respected in the end.