View Full Version : Anyone looking for a schlorship?

06-12-2012, 04:46 PM
If you arent black, the MLK Senior Citizens Foundation isnt for you.

White High Schooler Returns Scholarship Intended for Black Students - Yahoo! News (http://news.yahoo.com/white-high-schooler-returns-scholarship-intended-black-students-223410181--abc-news-topstories.html)

Can anyone possibly find a better way to honor MLK than to create a prejudiced and discriminatory scholarship?

06-12-2012, 06:47 PM
If they has one for white people only then you know what will happen

06-12-2012, 07:06 PM
See, that's the problem. If you want total equality, take "race" out the question. Out of statistics, out of standardized tests, out of everything. Stop creating things just for African Americans. White people *shouldn't* create things just for themselves, and neither should anyone else.

06-13-2012, 03:37 AM
If they has one for white people only then you know what will happen

for real

06-13-2012, 04:32 AM

06-13-2012, 09:39 AM
Article quote:

Warren's decision to return the award was "generous," she said. Since the application did not explicitly disqualify non-black students, she said the group would not have asked Warren to give it back, despite some internal debate.

likely story - I'm sure he wasn't pressured even the slightest....... :no:

Funny that since everyone assumed the kid was black everything was Kosher - all things considered equal. Once it was discovered that a white person won... it caused "some internal debate."

06-13-2012, 01:14 PM
There is a foundation that provides scholarships to whites only. They started it because there are no "White only" scholarships, and there are plenty of needy kids who aren't a minority who need money for school just the same. I didn't hear much on it and didn't hear anyone bitch about it being racist when I did read up on it.

I'm in no way racist so take this as you will. I have a lot of friends who are black who divide black people into multiple "groups". Sad part is they feel like a majority of them give support to all the stereotypes that are negative causing us to look down on blacks in general. There are a lot of black people who claim they were held down in todays society because of slavery. While it may not be because of slavery, there is this sense of prejudice among a majority of people, one way or another. Most of it is based on stereotypes though. I remember I was talking to one of my friends about the first time I had to fire somebody and it sucked but I had to do it and was explaining why, and the first question they asked was if they were black.

Everyone bitches about racism and everyone bitches about equality. 99.99% of them are hypocrites. You can't have black history month, black entertainment television, or any other "race" only or "religion" only idea, time of year, tv station, food, or anything else and not promote racism and segregation. Be proud of who you are, not what color you are. Being white black green yellow orange purple blue pink or anything in between doesn't make you a good person or bad person.

One things I thought was cool I heard recently was a group of people (who were black, i say this because it goes with the story) criticized all the people condemning whats his face for shooting the kid in the hoodie, i already forgot the kids name, damn his skittles. It wasn't that the black community was up in arms about justice for that kid, it was that they weren't up in arms for justice about the white guy in maryland who was video taped being beaten and robbed by black guys for no reason. They criticized the black community for wanting justice but not demanding justice against their own when they commit crimes. Their basic point was you can't only bitch about things when it defends someone of your race and then call everyone else racist. Racism isn't only what you do to people of another race but what you won't do for them.

bu villain
06-13-2012, 02:13 PM
When the pendulum is so far to one side for so long, you have to expect that it's going to swing back the other way before it settles to equilibrium.

06-13-2012, 02:21 PM
I got happy when I saw anyone looking for a scholarship and then I read what you said, looked at the color on my skin and :(

06-13-2012, 04:42 PM
When the pendulum is so far to one side for so long, you have to expect that it's going to swing back the other way before it settles to equilibrium.

And this is called rationalizing ladies and gentlemen.

If mobs of white teenagers started running around and beating random blacks would you be saying the same thing? No, you would be calling it racism, which is still incorrect. 99% of the people that I ahve seen use the word racism arent even using the correct word.

Franco Tirador
06-14-2012, 02:28 AM
LOL at $325, hahahahaha

i guess it would be like a black kid winning a kkk sponsored scholarship in North GA, just like they were trying to adopt that highway (im going driving up there by the way, i will be strapped but will do it only in the daytime, you cant see me at night and it's safer in the daytime) but this story cracked me up, that's good read there

06-14-2012, 07:47 AM
The ACLU is going to have fun with that whole KKK thing.

bu villain
06-14-2012, 02:43 PM
And this is called rationalizing ladies and gentlemen.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I am saying it's not surprising. If a race of people are oppressed for hundreds of years, they aren't just gonna collectively get over it when things finally start getting better. You're a smart guy so surely you understand that much about human psycology. Maybe your more into military terms, it's called "blowback".

If mobs of white teenagers started running around and beating random blacks would you be saying the same thing? No, you would be calling it racism, which is still incorrect. 99% of the people that I ahve seen use the word racism arent even using the correct word.

This discussion isn't about racism, it's about the collective psycology of a group who was oppressed for so long.

06-15-2012, 01:49 PM
This discussion isn't about racism, it's about the collective psycology of a group who was oppressed for so long.

This is called racism. Also, the "psycology" (psychology) that you're referring to is also racism. When you start separating people by race, it is racism. If I have a line for black people and a line for white people, that's segregation, and racist. If the minority feels they've been oppressed and deserve something more than another race, that's racist also. You can't fight racism and prejudice by classifying anything based on race/religion/gender/etc. The only things people deserve in this world is what they work for, not what you're born with.

06-15-2012, 02:32 PM
I'm not saying it's right or wrong, I am saying it's not surprising. If a race of people are oppressed for hundreds of years, they aren't just gonna collectively get over it when things finally start getting better. You're a smart guy so surely you understand that much about human psycology. Maybe your more into military terms, it's called "blowback". This discussion isn't about racism, it's about the collective psycology of a group who was oppressed for so long. So how long does it take for a group of people to get over it? You have to remember that groups are made up of individuals, and although pack mentality can take over, if enough individuals stand up and say " What happened to my great grandparents/grandparents was horrible, there's no excuse, but I'm not going to continue living in that mindset when opportunities are available to me if I work hard and earn them." With 2 exceptions EVERYONE I hang out with is black. And none of them think they deserve anything more than anyone else because of their heritage or skin color. But they KNOW they deserve what they've earned. The human psychology argument works in theory, but I don't see how it works in application.

06-15-2012, 04:50 PM
So how long does it take for a group of people to get over it? You have to remember that groups are made up of individuals, and although pack mentality can take over, if enough individuals stand up and say " What happened to my great grandparents/grandparents was horrible, there's no excuse, but I'm not going to continue living in that mindset when opportunities are available to me if I work hard and earn them." With 2 exceptions EVERYONE I hang out with is black. And none of them think they deserve anything more than anyone else because of their heritage or skin color. But they KNOW they deserve what they've earned. The human psychology argument works in theory, but I don't see how it works in application.

my nigga.

fyi im black, and i know this man. Jimmy you have some good ideas sometimes but 80% of the time you are out of your mind.

06-16-2012, 06:45 AM
One day there will be a world without racism. That day will come long after black people are the majority and extract whatever "revenge" they see fit on white people. We will know a world without racism at whatever point in the future when all races are mingled and everyone is brown. Then we can go back to normal and start hating each other for superficial reasons.

06-16-2012, 07:16 AM
There are scholarships for every race. Whites(Irish, French, Bosnian, Etc.) Blacks(Ethiopians, Caribbeans, South African, and so On), Asians(Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Etc.) Hispanics(Portuguese, . This is old news... The fact is that you guys are taking this way to serious and RACE should be behind you either way... We are living in a new age.

06-16-2012, 08:41 AM
HAHAHA Really, an article last year I read said that 62% of student attending college are white and they receive 74% of awarded scholarships. The MLK scholarship was created to help his people so that equality may be possible. This scholarship has to be earned just like any other. I don't hear you complaining about prejudice scholarship pertaining to majors. What about those? Racism is real and never will die. Just as mentioned before about black kids beating whites, Whites kids are still beating blacks (example----> NEWS: WHITE TEENS KILL BLACK MAN IN MISSISSIPPI + CNN VIDEO | CONCRETELOOP.COM (http://concreteloop.com/2011/08/news-white-teens-kill-black-man-in-mississippi-cnn-video)). Lets be honest here since its on the table. Who here when by yourself or with a group speaks negatively about another group of people whether it is Whites, Blacks, Hispanics or Asians (even if it is just when they piss you off). Of course nobody lol. Welcome to the statistic and living in a newer age.

06-16-2012, 10:00 AM

Racism. People just can't leave it alone. That's why it thrives. Later, QD.

06-16-2012, 11:57 AM
The MLK scholarship was created to help his people so that equality may be possible.

Irony at its finest.

This scholarship has to be earned just like any other.
How is the race you are born into earned?

I don't hear you complaining about prejudice scholarship pertaining to majors. What about those?

You really want to compare a scholarship given to engineering major by an engineers professional society to this? This is right up there with your argument that discrimination leads to equality.

Racism is real and never will die. Just as mentioned before about black kids beating whites, Whites kids are still beating blacks (example----> NEWS: WHITE TEENS KILL BLACK MAN IN MISSISSIPPI + CNN VIDEO | CONCRETELOOP.COM (http://concreteloop.com/2011/08/news-white-teens-kill-black-man-in-mississippi-cnn-video)).

You obviously lost all context in what my comment was about.

Lets be honest here since its on the table. Who here when by yourself or with a group speaks negatively about another group of people whether it is Whites, Blacks, Hispanics or Asians (even if it is just when they piss you off). Of course nobody lol. Welcome to the statistic and living in a newer age.

I sent that article to 2 black guys I routinely talk about racial issues with. Both said the same thing, that it was BS and it went against everything MLK ever stood for.

You really want to get a discussion going on race. Bring up the culture of violence and predatory behavior that exists within the black community, specifically the urban black community.

06-16-2012, 11:58 AM

Racism. People just can't leave it alone. That's why it thrives. Later, QD.

I disagree. I think it survives, and thrives, because its such a slippery subject so people leave it alone.

06-16-2012, 12:23 PM
I disagree. I think it survives, and thrives, because its such a slippery subject so people leave it alone.

But people don't leave it alone. That's the problem. If people would just worry about themselves and not worry about the other person (racially speaking), then it would probably be a more peaceful place to reside. Later, QD.

06-17-2012, 01:21 AM
There needs to stop being a double standard when it comes to racism. It's not ok to be racist when youre black because you feel society is somehow in debt to you.

06-17-2012, 01:23 AM
But people don't leave it alone. That's the problem. If people would just worry about themselves and not worry about the other person (racially speaking), then it would probably be a more peaceful place to reside. Later, QD.

You cant leave it alone. we live and walk in it everyday.

06-17-2012, 12:26 PM
How is the race you are born into earned?
You are really one sided, just because you are black doesn't mean you get the scholarship. There are other requirements such as gpa, sat, or act and even an essay. I am not sure of all the requirements, but the fact that the white student was rewarded the scholarship proves that they are looking at more than race. So by meeting their guidelines or requirements the scholarship is earned.

You really want to compare a scholarship given to engineering major by an engineers professional society to this? This is right up there with your argument that discrimination leads to equality.
Yes I do. Please explain what is the difference? Is this not discrimination between majors? Also, I never said discrimination leads to equality, that is how you interpreted it. If someone feels that a majority of a race has better opportunities than another race and wants to assist in helping his race attain more, why do you care. As I said in my first post about the article I read, 74% of scholarships went to white students. Meaning 26% is shared between Hispanic, Black and Asian students. Maybe they didn't earn it, but if they didn't have scholarships for certain groups, that 26% would be much lower. Which in the long run Would lead to more uneducated minorities not being able to attain a professional or executive position. This is a short synopsis of what I mean by (The MLK scholarship was created to help his people so that equality may be possible.). Do you think that would be better than minorities having their own scholarship.

You obviously lost all context in what my comment was about.
I may have and apologize if I did. I will go back and read again because this part wasn't aimed at you I don't think.

I sent that article to 2 black guys I routinely talk about racial issues with. Both said the same thing, that it was BS and it went against everything MLK ever stood for.
Now I agree with this in certain aspects. Concerning the white student winning and being awarded the scholarship, I believe as long as everything checked out his application and all requirements were met he should get to keep it because that was the scholarships fault. If it says directly you must be black and that was a requirement then he should have to return it.

You really want to get a discussion going on race. Bring up the culture of violence and predatory behavior that exists within the black community, specifically the urban black community.
I am not the one to have this discussion with because I don't know anything about what goes on in the urban black community but what I hear and see second hand. Now if you are well versed in this subject matter I am pretty sure there are many people on here who will indulge you in this discussion.

06-17-2012, 07:29 PM
You are really one sided, just because you are black doesn't mean you get the scholarship. There are other requirements such as gpa, sat, or act and even an essay. I am not sure of all the requirements, but the fact that the white student was rewarded the scholarship proves that they are looking at more than race. So by meeting their guidelines or requirements the scholarship is earned.

There are other requirements, but being black is the first and most important requirement.

Did you even read the article? It said there was internal arguments about whether they should give the kid the scholarship. THEY DIDNT KNOW THE KID WAS WHITE UNTIL THEY AWARDED IT TO HIM.

Yes I do. Please explain what is the difference? Is this not discrimination between majors? Also, I never said discrimination leads to equality, that is how you interpreted it. If someone feels that a majority of a race has better opportunities than another race and wants to assist in helping his race attain more, why do you care. As I said in my first post about the article I read, 74% of scholarships went to white students. Meaning 26% is shared between Hispanic, Black and Asian students. Maybe they didn't earn it, but if they didn't have scholarships for certain groups, that 26% would be much lower. Which in the long run Would lead to more uneducated minorities not being able to attain a professional or executive position. This is a short synopsis of what I mean by (The MLK scholarship was created to help his people so that equality may be possible.). Do you think that would be better than minorities having their own scholarship.

You are either looking for a fight or are dumb as a brick. I just dont know which one yet. How is racial discrimination in away way similar to a professional association giving out a grant or scholarship to someone in that major?

Whites get 76% of scholarships. Now show me the stats that tell us what percentage of college students, by race, apply or and qualify for those same scholarships.

Now I agree with this in certain aspects. Concerning the white student winning and being awarded the scholarship, I believe as long as everything checked out his application and all requirements were met he should get to keep it because that was the scholarships fault. If it says directly you must be black and that was a requirement then he should have to return it.

If it said you must be black, that is a discriminatory organization. I would expect to see Sharpton and Jackson all over this one demanding they be shut down.

06-17-2012, 07:30 PM
There needs to stop being a double standard when it comes to racism. It's not ok to be racist when youre black because you feel society is somehow in debt to you.

Please use the word correctly or dont use it at all. One of the biggest problems is people dont even know what the word they are using means.

06-18-2012, 01:33 AM
Please use the word correctly or dont use it at all. One of the biggest problems is people dont even know what the word they are using means.

I'm confused.

A double standard is the application of different sets of principles for similar situations, or to different people in the same situation.[1] A double standard may take the form of an instance in which certain concepts (often, for example, a word, phrase, social norm, or rule) are perceived as acceptable to be applied by one group of people, but are considered unacceptable—taboo—when applied by another group.

Things that are acceptable for black people to say and do are considered racist when said and done by white people. Is this not the correct usage?

06-18-2012, 10:53 AM
I was talking about the word 'racism'.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

06-18-2012, 11:31 AM
I was talking about the word 'racism'.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2

i see.

1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.


06-18-2012, 11:49 AM
HAHAHA Really, an article last year I read said that 62% of student attending college are white and they receive 74% of awarded scholarships. The MLK scholarship was created to help his people so that equality may be possible. This scholarship has to be earned just like any other. I don't hear you complaining about prejudice scholarship pertaining to majors. What about those? Racism is real and never will die. Just as mentioned before about black kids beating whites, Whites kids are still beating blacks (example----> NEWS: WHITE TEENS KILL BLACK MAN IN MISSISSIPPI + CNN VIDEO | CONCRETELOOP.COM (http://concreteloop.com/2011/08/news-white-teens-kill-black-man-in-mississippi-cnn-video)). Lets be honest here since its on the table. Who here when by yourself or with a group speaks negatively about another group of people whether it is Whites, Blacks, Hispanics or Asians (even if it is just when they piss you off). Of course nobody lol. Welcome to the statistic and living in a newer age. Those percentages arn't far from each other, I don't see a huge issue. There are 24% more white kids in college vs other groups combined. There's no reason those numbers couldn't be 50/50. Secondly, that white group receives 48% more scholarships. (I'm doubtful to these 'facts' but let's run with it). How many black/white/hispanic/asian students applied for these scholarships? That's where you can determine if there is an issue. And here's one of the main differences between scholarships based on majors vs races: You can chose what major you go into. When you do this you take into consideration job opportunities, salary, cost/time for education, and even scholarship availability if you're smart. You can't chose what race you're born into. So a black kid wouldn't be eligible for a whites only scholarship, not based on his choices, but his skin color. Equally, a white kid wouldn't be eligible for a black only scholarship for the same reason.

06-18-2012, 01:46 PM
I think the simple point. Stop bitching about racism and then using race as a guideline to qualify for anything.

bu villain
06-18-2012, 03:17 PM
This is called racism. Also, the "psycology" (psychology) that you're referring to is also racism. When you start separating people by race, it is racism. If I have a line for black people and a line for white people, that's segregation, and racist. If the minority feels they've been oppressed and deserve something more than another race, that's racist also. You can't fight racism and prejudice by classifying anything based on race/religion/gender/etc. The only things people deserve in this world is what they work for, not what you're born with.

Again, I NEVER said having race based scholarships is right, I only said it is understandable. When a group is singled out and discriminated against, they will band together and help each other out. This is true whether the group is a race, an ethnicity, or a religion. It just happens to be a race in this case. I am NOT making a moral judgement here, just an observation about human nature.

bu villain
06-18-2012, 03:29 PM
So how long does it take for a group of people to get over it? You have to remember that groups are made up of individuals, and although pack mentality can take over, if enough individuals stand up and say " What happened to my great grandparents/grandparents was horrible, there's no excuse, but I'm not going to continue living in that mindset when opportunities are available to me if I work hard and earn them." With 2 exceptions EVERYONE I hang out with is black. And none of them think they deserve anything more than anyone else because of their heritage or skin color. But they KNOW they deserve what they've earned. The human psychology argument works in theory, but I don't see how it works in application.

There is no simple answer to that. Some people already are over it (as your friends seem to be), others will take longer. Some people cope with it in destructive ways, others in more constructive ways. Telling someone to just get over something rarely seems to help speed up the process.

06-19-2012, 03:06 AM
Again, I NEVER said having race based scholarships is right, I only said it is understandable. When a group is singled out and discriminated against, they will band together and help each other out. This is true whether the group is a race, an ethnicity, or a religion. It just happens to be a race in this case. I am NOT making a moral judgement here, just an observation about human nature.

We need to get more white people in the NBA. It's unfair for teams not to have an equal portion of white players on their team. Every NBA team should be required to have a certain amount of white people.

seems like a silly request doesnt it? more black people are in the NBA because more black people are good at basketball. If more white people were good at basketball, more white people would be in the NBA? right? simple.

It's the same way with scholarships, engineering jobs, political offices or anything else. Quit using race as an excuse. anytime black people dont succeed at something, its blamed on race. Everyone has an equal opportunity to do anything they want.

06-19-2012, 03:34 AM
Those percentages arn't far from each other, I don't see a huge issue. There are 24% more white kids in college vs other groups combined. There's no reason those numbers couldn't be 50/50. Secondly, that white group receives 48% more scholarships. (I'm doubtful to these 'facts' but let's run with it). How many black/white/hispanic/asian students applied for these scholarships? That's where you can determine if there is an issue. And here's one of the main differences between scholarships based on majors vs races: You can chose what major you go into. When you do this you take into consideration job opportunities, salary, cost/time for education, and even scholarship availability if you're smart. You can't chose what race you're born into. So a black kid wouldn't be eligible for a whites only scholarship, not based on his choices, but his skin color. Equally, a white kid wouldn't be eligible for a black only scholarship for the same reason.

good point

Again, I NEVER said having race based scholarships is right, I only said it is understandable. When a group is singled out and discriminated against, they will band together and help each other out. This is true whether the group is a race, an ethnicity, or a religion. It just happens to be a race in this case. I am NOT making a moral judgement here, just an observation about human nature.
I can agree to this from observations I've made in some of my black friend's families. And I never understood why they feel like that because everyone around them treats them the same exact way they treat me and I'm hispanic (dominican), and treats them the same way they treat our white friend. In my eyes, and everyone around me blacks/hispanics/whites, etc... are all the same. So I don't understand why certain races do that.

We need to get more white people in the NBA. It's unfair for teams not to have an equal portion of white players on their team. Every NBA team should be required to have a certain amount of white people.

seems like a silly request doesnt it? more black people are in the NBA because more black people are good at basketball. If more white people were good at basketball, more white people would be in the NBA? right? simple.

It's the same way with scholarships, engineering jobs, political offices or anything else. Quit using race as an excuse. anytime black people dont succeed at something, its blamed on race. Everyone has an equal opportunity to do anything they want.

You are right with some points, but I have to disagree with you in some.

I applied at Verizon a few years back. Went on an interview. As I got there, I see a white friend I knew from before was there getting interviewed also. He was still in highschool. I was in college. I had an open schedule, he was limited to the hours he could work. I am bilingual (with 2 years of experience as a workers comp interpreter), he is not. I had a high GPA, no criminal background, nothing. I am also really good at interviewing, and I felt like it went well.

Turns out, he got the job. There are situations when things like this do occur. But, it is not too common. The same way if let's say you are Jamaican. You own a company and a jamaican applies, and a white guy does. You like both, but you will probably hire the jamaican just because you guys are a minority and you may feel like helping your own kind out... But again, it is not too common.

06-19-2012, 04:18 AM
good point

I can agree to this from observations I've made in some of my black friend's families. And I never understood why they feel like that because everyone around them treats them the same exact way they treat me and I'm hispanic (dominican), and treats them the same way they treat our white friend. In my eyes, and everyone around me blacks/hispanics/whites, etc... are all the same. So I don't understand why certain races do that.

You are right with some points, but I have to disagree with you in some.

I applied at Verizon a few years back. Went on an interview. As I got there, I see a white friend I knew from before was there getting interviewed also. He was still in highschool. I was in college. I had an open schedule, he was limited to the hours he could work. I am bilingual (with 2 years of experience as a workers comp interpreter), he is not. I had a high GPA, no criminal background, nothing. I am also really good at interviewing, and I felt like it went well.

Turns out, he got the job. There are situations when things like this do occur. But, it is not too common. The same way if let's say you are Jamaican. You own a company and a jamaican applies, and a white guy does. You like both, but you will probably hire the jamaican just because you guys are a minority and you may feel like helping your own kind out... But again, it is not too common.

it goes both ways..... and that type of favoritism isnt just a racial issue. An attractive female will almost always get a job over an equally qualified male. A fit person will usually get a job over an equally qualified fat person. There's a lot of different appearance factors that people show bias towards in the job market. It's not just a racial issue.

My only issue with the whole concept is that i dont feel black people have a problem with the "system" per say, but they have a problem with being on the losing end of the system. They dont want to rid the work place of racial bias, but rather to even the odds of racial bias.

I myself am all in favor of having gender and race removed from any application process. But it has to go both ways..... in the same breath we cant have all black schools and then demand for other schools to not recognize race. I feel like we're stuck in a stand off, but rather than agreeing to both lower our guns... one side is saying "let me keep my gun on you for a little while since you had yours on me for so long".... and that just isnt gonna work.

06-19-2012, 12:00 PM
it goes both ways..... and that type of favoritism isnt just a racial issue. An attractive female will almost always get a job over an equally qualified male. A fit person will usually get a job over an equally qualified fat person. There's a lot of different appearance factors that people show bias towards in the job market. It's not just a racial issue.

My only issue with the whole concept is that i dont feel black people have a problem with the "system" per say, but they have a problem with being on the losing end of the system. They dont want to rid the work place of racial bias, but rather to even the odds of racial bias.

I myself am all in favor of having gender and race removed from any application process. But it has to go both ways..... in the same breath we cant have all black schools and then demand for other schools to not recognize race. I feel like we're stuck in a stand off, but rather than agreeing to both lower our guns... one side is saying "let me keep my gun on you for a little while since you had yours on me for so long".... and that just isnt gonna work.

I see what you are saying. Instead of accepting the fact that things are now equal and being in peace, they feel like getting back at the system/whites, (which I agree with you since I notice the same thing) which is what I stated in my previous post. Now we agree.

bu villain
06-19-2012, 03:04 PM
We need to get more white people in the NBA. It's unfair for teams not to have an equal portion of white players on their team. Every NBA team should be required to have a certain amount of white people.

seems like a silly request doesnt it? more black people are in the NBA because more black people are good at basketball. If more white people were good at basketball, more white people would be in the NBA? right? simple.

It's the same way with scholarships, engineering jobs, political offices or anything else. Quit using race as an excuse. anytime black people dont succeed at something, its blamed on race. Everyone has an equal opportunity to do anything they want.

That is a straw man argument. No one here is arguing we need to have the same number of blacks or whites getting scholarships. I'm certainly not. That being said, saying we all have equal opportunities is pure naivite. In this country we all have great potential to succeed but the world is full of biases and unequal opportunity and we will never abolish that completely.

06-21-2012, 06:19 PM
That is a straw man argument. No one here is arguing we need to have the same number of blacks or whites getting scholarships. I'm certainly not. That being said, saying we all have equal opportunities is pure naivite. In this country we all have great potential to succeed but the world is full of biases and unequal opportunity and we will never abolish that completely.

This is true on an individual level, but on the institutional level everyone has the same opportunity. It doesnt matter if you grew up in the projects or the Hamptons. You may not be able to take the same route, but you can get to the same destination. A good example from my life would be the CEO of the company I work for. He couldnt afford college after HS so we spent 4 years in the Marine Corps first. He just retired as the CEO of one of the largest multinational corporations in the world. One that does about 45bil a year in sales.

bu villain
06-22-2012, 02:35 PM
This is true on an individual level, but on the institutional level everyone has the same opportunity. It doesnt matter if you grew up in the projects or the Hamptons. You may not be able to take the same route, but you can get to the same destination. A good example from my life would be the CEO of the company I work for. He couldnt afford college after HS so we spent 4 years in the Marine Corps first. He just retired as the CEO of one of the largest multinational corporations in the world. One that does about 45bil a year in sales.

Yeah I totally agree. I guess it's the term "equal opportunity" that causes confusion. It is theoretically possible that the daughter of a militant Islamic crackhead could grow up to become president of the US but I don't consider such a person to have "equal opportunity" to do so as say, George W. Bush. Even if they had equal levels of intelligence, industriousness, and drive. I not saying we should expect such perfect opportunities between such different origins either, but some barriers are manufactured through personal and institutional bias that should be broken down.

06-22-2012, 03:41 PM
Yeah I totally agree. I guess it's the term "equal opportunity" that causes confusion. It is theoretically possible that the daughter of a militant Islamic crackhead could grow up to become president of the US but I don't consider such a person to have "equal opportunity" to do so as say, George W. Bush. Even if they had equal levels of intelligence, industriousness, and drive. I not saying we should expect such perfect opportunities between such different origins either, but some barriers are manufactured through personal and institutional bias that should be broken down.

While that girl may not be president it doesnt mean she wont be the CEO. Politics isnt like the real world though. In politics, you are defined as much by things you had no control over as you are with your politics. More attractive people tend to move further in politics. The same is true of people with family with political connections or those with an academic background.

In some ways you are trying to urn equality in outcome into equality in opportunity. 2 people that take the exact same path through life can still end up with unequal outcomes. Sometimes its just a matter of being in the right place at the right time.

06-25-2012, 06:37 AM
idk how to say this without some one calling me a racist but here it goes... can you please stop with the african american bullshit we are all just fucking AMERICANS! or did you forget that the africans are the ones that sold you? we actualy made your lifes better which is why when slaves were released a lot chose to stay with the familys they worked for i am in no way justifying slavory im am simply saying nobody owes you shit white black brown yellow or blue everyone had it bad at some point let it go and if you have never so much as made a phone call to africa your no african your american just like me and should be damn proud of it and if anyone thinks what i say about us all being just americans then get the fuck out of my country with your whinning remember your culture but be proud of your fucking country.
sleep deprived rant is over now sorry if i hurt your litte feelings