View Full Version : Rant

05-17-2012, 12:05 AM
I'm sick and tired of hearing people complain about getting tickets or arrested etc. for thing that they know are illegal. Speeding, HIDs with no projectors, slamming a car on the ground, having tires that show wires.... These are all things that most of us as car enthusiasts have/do. But wake up people these are all things that are on the books as illegal. If you wanna do these things knowing full well that they are illegal then go ahead, that's fine, I'm not gonna say anything to you about it. But don't turn around and bitch when you get a ticket or arrested for it. We all know the risks, take responsibility for your own actions.

05-17-2012, 01:21 AM

05-17-2012, 01:47 AM

just make sure you dont ever call them if shit goes down since you cant appreciate the service they provide...

05-17-2012, 07:30 AM
AHHHHHHMEN my Brotha!!!

05-17-2012, 07:40 AM
just make sure you dont ever call them if shit goes down since you cant appreciate the service they provide...

i can count on 3 fingers how many times they've been of assistance and on multiple people's hands how man time's they've been a nuisance...BUT!!!!!!! the speeding and HIDs...yea you cause taht shit on yourself, i always fess up when i'm guilty, but if i'm not!!!! that's a different story

05-17-2012, 08:02 AM
i can count on 3 fingers how many times they've been of assistance and on multiple people's hands how man time's they've been a nuisance...BUT!!!!!!! the speeding and HIDs...yea you cause taht shit on yourself, i always fess up when i'm guilty, but if i'm not!!!! that's a different story
True story

05-17-2012, 10:58 AM
i just realllly dont get ppl who talk shit about the police...

05-17-2012, 11:08 AM
i just realllly dont get ppl who talk shit about the police...

Because they are obviously out to get modified Hondas because they are just jealous of how awesome my performance machine is and how blue/purple/pink/green my HIDs are.

05-17-2012, 11:15 AM
Because they are obviously out to get modified Hondas because they are just jealous of how awesome my performance machine is and how blue/purple/pink/green my HIDs are.

dont forget the 11.3 decibel, high pitch noise from the exhaust when im always in full throttle!!!

05-17-2012, 11:33 AM
it's not just hondas, i'm sorry, i received the less issues when i had my integra, i was constantly harrassed locally by county police when i owned my maxima. the times i got stopped for no seatbelt, i accepted that, i've gotten pulled on a bogus speeding charge before as well....that was the #1 reason why i decided to get out of it

05-17-2012, 07:49 PM
man ive had no problems with having a modified car on the rd...
i actually thought that getting pulled over for ride height, bright lights and loud muffler was an urban legend...

05-17-2012, 07:54 PM
man ive had no problems with having a modified car on the rd...
i actually thought that getting pulled over for ride height, bright lights and loud muffler was an urban legend...

It happens, rarely. Most of the time tickets for those sorts of things stem from being pulled over for speeding or something of that nature. The cop will be like "By the way....How low is this thing?"

05-17-2012, 07:54 PM
i have been profiled bc at the time i had a bright orange car so they assumed that i was some punk ass kid. but i was speeding, so it was my fault... but i was going flow of traffic.

05-17-2012, 08:09 PM
i just realllly dont get ppl who talk shit about the police...

I never understood it, either. Profiling because of your car? Lolol. Later, QD.

05-17-2012, 08:25 PM
I never understood it, either. Profiling because of your car? Lolol. Later, QD.

Neither do I, it's really not that hard to follow the laws, whether you agree with them or not. If you choose to do things that you know are illegal, why bitch about it? Man up and accept the consequences. I've been ticketed for tint before, I didn't get an attitude with the officer or go online and post some long winded rant about "fuck the popo", I paid the ticket and went on. I knew the consequences when I got the tint, and accepted them when I got caught for it, pretty simple concept.

05-17-2012, 09:36 PM
I never get an attitude when pulled over, all that does it make things worst on yourself. I usually try to crack a joke with the officer and be as cool as possible. Has gotten me out of a ticket once.

05-18-2012, 07:07 AM
I have a lowered car but i dont drive like an asshat.. and guess what? I dont get pulled over. Even in road blocks i usually get compliments or they cut up with me. It really has to do with your attitude a lot too.

05-18-2012, 07:33 AM
I Agree with not saying fuck cops. I got pulled over once going 75 in a 55 and i got away with no probs, no ticket, no citation. I was just cool about it and the cop told me what i was risking and try to keep my speed down. the man even complimented my car, and it has fucked up paint lol

Got Milk?
05-18-2012, 03:28 PM
i just realllly dont get ppl who talk shit about the police...

You don't get it because you probably never had bad experiences with them. Just like people who believe that racism and discrimination don't exist... lol

05-21-2012, 10:34 PM
man ive had no problems with having a modified car on the rd...
i actually thought that getting pulled over for ride height, bright lights and loud muffler was an urban legend...

Getting pulled over for a non-modified car that doesnt look like "your" car, or having officers laugh at you for driving an older car when u couldn't afford to fix certain things. Or being pulled over 3 times in a single trip while being suspected of being "drunk" although the test passed with the Highway Patrolman, the Sherriff so the city Cop felt the need to also test you. Seeing as I never modify my cars (or at least to date). Or being pulled over for going 59 in a 55 and having your car searched because of "rumors" in the city.

That's why I can talk trash about an officer, lookin for money, not looking to enforce the law.

05-21-2012, 10:40 PM
I never understood it, either. Profiling because of your car? Lolol. Later, QD.

Oh, yea, it happens. Often, at least where I was raised. You arent my facebook friend (if u even know what that is, lol) I was profiled in my NEW car.

05-21-2012, 11:04 PM
Oh, yea, it happens. Often, at least where I was raised. You arent my facebook friend (if u even know what that is, lol) I was profiled in my NEW car.

I don't buy it. I'm not saying it probably never happens, but I'm sure it's waaaaay more often than not that the driver of what "profiled" car was pulled over did something to be pulled over. Everyone seems to blame their indiscretions on them being profiled.

And I have no idea what you're trying to say in the second part. Later, QD.

05-21-2012, 11:40 PM
I don't buy it. I'm not saying it probably never happens, but I'm sure it's waaaaay more often than not that the driver of what "profiled" car was pulled over did something to be pulled over. Everyone seems to blame their indiscretions on them being profiled.

And I have no idea what you're trying to say in the second part. Later, QD.

Well as my post on FB stated. I was driving home from a friends house in Portsmouth, OH (where u see my car pictured). Up route 23 during the time change. It was 3am, a Ohio Highway Patriolman ended up behind me at a light. He drove behind me for 1.4miles, speed limit is 35, I was going 35 as I knew he was behind me. Over the bridge through 3 more lights... then turns his flashers on and pulls me over in a Pizza Hut parking lot. I have the white Accord u see in my sig.

He comes up and before he even speaks I say "you have absolutely no reason to pull me over, you're either hoping I'm drunk, carrying drugs, or 'could be drinking, so I'll give you a min for you to think of a reason you pulled me over'". He stutters saying "ah.. ah.." so I interrupt and say "yea, just because Scioto county was on A&E and National Geographic for meth and pills, you feel that u can just stop 'me' (as I was upset) all the time". Then I finished and said "I'm sick of being profiled here, it happens everytime I'm in town..."

So he doesnt even look in my car, takes my license and registration to his car, 2mins later comes back and explains he pulled me over because of my vanity plate, the lightly tinted plate cover. (not because I'm missing my front plate, which would of been a reasonable excuse to stop me IMO). He finishes with a "is this your car?? I say "what does the registration say?" He hands my things back and I leave. 3mins total time for the stop, just to check, when nothing was wrong.

05-22-2012, 06:31 AM
Well as my post on FB stated. I was driving home from a friends house in Portsmouth, OH (where u see my car pictured). Up route 23 during the time change. It was 3am, a Ohio Highway Patriolman ended up behind me at a light. He drove behind me for 1.4miles, speed limit is 35, I was going 35 as I knew he was behind me. Over the bridge through 3 more lights... then turns his flashers on and pulls me over in a Pizza Hut parking lot. I have the white Accord u see in my sig.

He comes up and before he even speaks I say "you have absolutely no reason to pull me over, you're either hoping I'm drunk, carrying drugs, or 'could be drinking, so I'll give you a min for you to think of a reason you pulled me over'". He stutters saying "ah.. ah.." so I interrupt and say "yea, just because Scioto county was on A&E and National Geographic for meth and pills, you feel that u can just stop 'me' (as I was upset) all the time". Then I finished and said "I'm sick of being profiled here, it happens everytime I'm in town..."

So he doesnt even look in my car, takes my license and registration to his car, 2mins later comes back and explains he pulled me over because of my vanity plate, the lightly tinted plate cover. (not because I'm missing my front plate, which would of been a reasonable excuse to stop me IMO). He finishes with a "is this your car?? I say "what does the registration say?" He hands my things back and I leave. 3mins total time for the stop, just to check, when nothing was wrong.

So you started off a traffic stop by being a dick? I would have made your night a PITA. lol

Driving at 3AM police typically will follow you or stop you for a quick look. Not many people are out at that time and many that are are up to no good. I'm glad they do it, every now and then they do find someone that is up to no good. That's HAS NOTHING to do with your car though, it's a damn Accord, not a Ferrari. lol

I've been pulled over many times late at night, never gotten a ticket, never been harassed, always a friendly conversation.

As for those of you saying cops profile, yes, maybe they do if you're driving like an idiot or driving a fast and the furious machine with your seat reclined, arm halfway out the window, and hat on tilted up. You look like monkeys.

05-22-2012, 08:29 AM
You look like monkeys.Why you gotta go straight to racism?

05-22-2012, 11:50 AM
just make sure you dont ever call them if shit goes down since you cant appreciate the service they provide...

Theyre really not much use for anything you have to call them for. Unless they catch something in the act, theyre mostly worthless. Traffic violations are their main source of revenue.

I called the police when a 15 person brawl broke out next door. When the police arrived, they walked over and questioned the people and they said everything was fine. The police came back and told me the neighbors said everything was fine and there was nothing they could do about it. The road, driveway, my vehicle, my front door where one of them came asking for help had blood all over it. I dont mean a drop or 2... i mean blood running down the side of my car and smeared on my door. The cops pretty much said "everything is fine now" and left. Didnt so much as make them clean up or anything.

I have never CALLED the police and got help from them. If they drive by and see a bank being robbed, yeah they will stop it. If you call them to your house. 99.99999999999% of the time, theyre worthless as fuck.

05-22-2012, 12:11 PM
I guess it just sucks to be you. LOL ^

05-22-2012, 12:11 PM
[QUOTE=simontibbett;39409434]So you started off a traffic stop by being a dick? [QUOTE]

Exactly. Why did you have to be a dick to the cop? Maybe he was just checking if the car was stolen. Maybe next time someone jacked your nice ride at 3AM while you're hugging your pillow the cop wouldn't pull them over and it would be on a boat to South America by the time you wake up and report it....

05-22-2012, 12:57 PM
I guess it just sucks to be you. LOL ^

Sucks to be anyone who needs the police. I've never had the police be useful in any domestic situation. Even when the evidence was boldly presented. I've called the police multiple times in regards to people abusing children and nothing ever happened. My aunt used to babysit for a girl in her neighborhood and after seeing multiple evidences of abuse, she called the police and social services. The police came out, investigated, and found bags of cocaine hidden under the mattress of the baby crib. 2-3 weeks later, everything went back to normal, child was returned. I've called the police because of my nephews calling me saying their mom's boyfriends were hitting them, police come out and see bruises, lash marks ect on the child, find both the parents drunk and/or stoned and the only police action taken was them threatening to arrest me for threatening the boyfriend.

Criminals seem to benefit from the police equally as much as law abiding citizens.

05-22-2012, 04:17 PM
Well I've completely opposite dealings with the police. So...

05-22-2012, 07:14 PM
I have to agree with Sinfix on this one. I have never had the police be useful to me. I've been a business owner, home owner, etc. Not one time can I say that I have actually have had them improve a situation. I have had them harass me illegally several times, and have been able to get a couple of officers fired for their actions when they went over the line. I'm no saint, but there is no reason that myself or any other law-abiding citizen should be treated poorly, yet watch officers ignore evidence when it does not financially benefit the government.

05-22-2012, 10:30 PM
Well as my post on FB stated. I was driving home from a friends house in Portsmouth, OH (where u see my car pictured). Up route 23 during the time change. It was 3am, a Ohio Highway Patriolman ended up behind me at a light. He drove behind me for 1.4miles, speed limit is 35, I was going 35 as I knew he was behind me. Over the bridge through 3 more lights... then turns his flashers on and pulls me over in a Pizza Hut parking lot. I have the white Accord u see in my sig.

He comes up and before he even speaks I say "you have absolutely no reason to pull me over, you're either hoping I'm drunk, carrying drugs, or 'could be drinking, so I'll give you a min for you to think of a reason you pulled me over'". He stutters saying "ah.. ah.." so I interrupt and say "yea, just because Scioto county was on A&E and National Geographic for meth and pills, you feel that u can just stop 'me' (as I was upset) all the time". Then I finished and said "I'm sick of being profiled here, it happens everytime I'm in town..."

So he doesnt even look in my car, takes my license and registration to his car, 2mins later comes back and explains he pulled me over because of my vanity plate, the lightly tinted plate cover. (not because I'm missing my front plate, which would of been a reasonable excuse to stop me IMO). He finishes with a "is this your car?? I say "what does the registration say?" He hands my things back and I leave. 3mins total time for the stop, just to check, when nothing was wrong.

So you're driving through a county known for meth and whatever other drugs at 3am and you wonder why you might be pulled over? And how is this related to you being pulled over because your car was profiled? Seems to me you were pulled over in a known drug area during the wee hours of the morning. I don't see profiling at all. Later, QD.

05-22-2012, 11:38 PM
I got arrested by a dirty cop in douglasville a couple years back. I had my old 240sx towed on a dolly to the emmission shop at the end of my road which is in a privately owend gas station and i happen to be good friends with the owner of the gas station and emmission shop. I went thru the hassle of loading it so i wouldnt get in trouble as my tags were expired even though its less than a mile from home. I unload park the car and park the truck and dolly beside it. As i waited for the guy to get the dyno up and running i went in the store and was talking to tye owner for 10 min when he noticed a cop going thru my car.i walked out nice and didnt walk up behind him i approched him from the front and asked what the deal was he asked for license and insurance. I gave it to him... I went to jail. Ue said i had a warrent in gwinnett... Never even called in my license just lookd at it and blam in handcuffed... So 6hours later i walked out of the jail as gwinnett had no warrent... Walked 9 miles to my car at the station still to see the cop arrest someone else... Court day comes around and what ya know the report says he pulled me over but there was no tape.... Charges dropped but lost the bail money and cop was sternly talked too... That same day 9 cases were thrown out because of the cop and hes still on the force.... Everytime i drive thru that town now if he recognizes me i get stopped 29min later as they can only hold u for 30 min i get released yet i do written comolaints and nothing.... Some cops just really are durty

05-22-2012, 11:43 PM
I may add as well... He and his commanding officer frauded the police report and the cop was a transfer from fulton county because of the same reason... Fraud!!! Like most state city or county cars now days the camera turns on when the lights are flashed therefore he woulda recorded pulling me over but all 9 traffic stops leading to arrests that day the camera didnt record somehow.... Go figure

05-22-2012, 11:47 PM
So you started off a traffic stop by being a dick? As for those of you saying cops profile, yes, maybe they do if you're driving like an idiot or driving a fast and the furious machine with your seat reclined, arm halfway out the window, and hat on tilted up. You look like monkeys.

[QUOTE=simontibbett;39409434]So you started off a traffic stop by being a dick? [QUOTE]

Exactly. Why did you have to be a dick to the cop? Maybe he was just checking if the car was stolen. Maybe next time someone jacked your nice ride at 3AM while you're hugging your pillow the cop wouldn't pull them over and it would be on a boat to South America by the time you wake up and report it....

Yes I started off being a dick. He has no reason to stop me. You actually live in a big city (or metro) where people actually are out and about at 3am. The time changed, it was actually 2am till 2:01am when it jumped an hour. Secondly, I received no ticket, because he had NO REASON TO STOP ME. Nothing whatsoever, I was not speeding, not tailgating, no loud exhaust, nothing. So I helped him shorten his unnecessary stop.

If he was not profiling me, wouldn't he have continued his duties as an officer would normally do? Like actually call into dispatch for info on the driver? Or, as he claimed, that my vanity plate "obscured vision of my license plate" wrote me a ticket to fix it, at the very least? He did none of that.

05-22-2012, 11:49 PM
So you're driving through a county known for meth and whatever other drugs at 3am and you wonder why you might be pulled over? And how is this related to you being pulled over because your car was profiled? Seems to me you were pulled over in a known drug area during the wee hours of the morning. I don't see profiling at all. Later, QD.

No, I have family I visit every 2 weeks and have friends like everyone else does who are adults without curfews. I was raised there and have been stopped unncessarily far to much. I mention my car because the area is depressed, if someone is driving something "out of character" it warrants a stop. Not because the car is hot, but because the driver doesnt fit the car. I can't put his tense in words because this is text but the sentence "is this your car" is not the same as professionally asking is this your car. As if he just assumed it wasn't mine.

Oh and if I may add, this place wasnt "known" for meth till after the National Geo and A&E broadcasts. Since Floridians like to call Portsmouth home and sell 90 day supplies of Oxycodine and such for $200 and a signature.

05-23-2012, 06:21 AM
No, I have family I visit every 2 weeks and have friends like everyone else does who are adults without curfews. I was raised there and have been stopped unncessarily far to much. I mention my car because the area is depressed, if someone is driving something "out of character" it warrants a stop. Not because the car is hot, but because the driver doesnt fit the car. I can't put his tense in words because this is text but the sentence "is this your car" is not the same as professionally asking is this your car. As if he just assumed it wasn't mine.

Oh and if I may add, this place wasnt "known" for meth till after the National Geo and A&E broadcasts. Since Floridians like to call Portsmouth home and sell 90 day supplies of Oxycodine and such for $200 and a signature.

First off, Portsmouth is hardly a big city. And whether or not it was "known" by the public (through TV) as a hotbed of meth activity, it was known to local DEA (and other police) of it's illegalities. Also, curfew or not, driving around at any time of of the wee hours (especially in a "drug town") is surely to draw some attention. It may not be warranted, but it could happen. Personally, I would be happy if I was a law-abiding citizen living in such a town and knew that the police were out there looking for folks involved. Lastly, I don't understand the act of being an asshole to cops. Why intentionally make matters worse? If you know you're good, just go through the motions and be on your way. Later, QD.

05-23-2012, 03:43 PM
[QUOTE=ISAtlanta300;39409561][QUOTE=simontibbett;39409434]So you started off a traffic stop by being a dick?

Yes I started off being a dick. He has no reason to stop me. You actually live in a big city (or metro) where people actually are out and about at 3am. The time changed, it was actually 2am till 2:01am when it jumped an hour. Secondly, I received no ticket, because he had NO REASON TO STOP ME. Nothing whatsoever, I was not speeding, not tailgating, no loud exhaust, nothing. So I helped him shorten his unnecessary stop.

If he was not profiling me, wouldn't he have continued his duties as an officer would normally do? Like actually call into dispatch for info on the driver? Or, as he claimed, that my vanity plate "obscured vision of my license plate" wrote me a ticket to fix it, at the very least? He did none of that.


Cops pull people over late at night, they can make up a BS reason, you should be happy they're doing more than just shooting radar, if you didn't get a ticket or "randomly get arrested" then no point in even caring.

05-23-2012, 04:58 PM

i love when people say that and then when something bad happens expect the police to fix everything & make it all better.


05-23-2012, 10:24 PM
Well as my post on FB stated. I was driving home from a friends house in Portsmouth, OH (where u see my car pictured). Up route 23 during the time change. It was 3am, a Ohio Highway Patriolman ended up behind me at a light. He drove behind me for 1.4miles, speed limit is 35, I was going 35 as I knew he was behind me. Over the bridge through 3 more lights... then turns his flashers on and pulls me over in a Pizza Hut parking lot. I have the white Accord u see in my sig.

He comes up and before he even speaks I say "you have absolutely no reason to pull me over, you're either hoping I'm drunk, carrying drugs, or 'could be drinking, so I'll give you a min for you to think of a reason you pulled me over'". He stutters saying "ah.. ah.." so I interrupt and say "yea, just because Scioto county was on A&E and National Geographic for meth and pills, you feel that u can just stop 'me' (as I was upset) all the time". Then I finished and said "I'm sick of being profiled here, it happens everytime I'm in town..."

So he doesnt even look in my car, takes my license and registration to his car, 2mins later comes back and explains he pulled me over because of my vanity plate, the lightly tinted plate cover. (not because I'm missing my front plate, which would of been a reasonable excuse to stop me IMO). He finishes with a "is this your car?? I say "what does the registration say?" He hands my things back and I leave. 3mins total time for the stop, just to check, when nothing was wrong.

Overly obsessive about following traffic laws is a piece of a profile, especially at 3am. The people that pay that close of attention to speed limits at that time of night are those with something to hide. You said you were in a meth county, there is strike 1. You could have easily been drunk, strike 2. Unusual driving habits, yes, I know how stupid that sounds, is strike 3. 1 more thing to consider, if you were paying that much attention to your mirrors and gauages that you knew exactly were the cop was, how far you went, and exactly how fast you were going, there is a good chance you were also drifting side to side in your lane, causing even more suspicion.

I got arrested by a dirty cop in douglasville a couple years back. I had my old 240sx towed on a dolly to the emmission shop at the end of my road which is in a privately owend gas station and i happen to be good friends with the owner of the gas station and emmission shop. I went thru the hassle of loading it so i wouldnt get in trouble as my tags were expired even though its less than a mile from home. I unload park the car and park the truck and dolly beside it. As i waited for the guy to get the dyno up and running i went in the store and was talking to tye owner for 10 min when he noticed a cop going thru my car.i walked out nice and didnt walk up behind him i approched him from the front and asked what the deal was he asked for license and insurance. I gave it to him... I went to jail. Ue said i had a warrent in gwinnett... Never even called in my license just lookd at it and blam in handcuffed... So 6hours later i walked out of the jail as gwinnett had no warrent... Walked 9 miles to my car at the station still to see the cop arrest someone else... Court day comes around and what ya know the report says he pulled me over but there was no tape.... Charges dropped but lost the bail money and cop was sternly talked too... That same day 9 cases were thrown out because of the cop and hes still on the force.... Everytime i drive thru that town now if he recognizes me i get stopped 29min later as they can only hold u for 30 min i get released yet i do written comolaints and nothing.... Some cops just really are durty

I'm just going to call BS on this one. A cop isnt just going to make up a story about a warrant because it is a slam dunk lawsuit for false imprisonment, and one that you can go after the officer personally for. When you got to the jail, the officer would also need the warrant number in order to book you. Without that info, the jail would likely refuse to take you.

05-23-2012, 11:08 PM
Didnt book me for the warrent. Booked me driving a nonregisterd vehicle and reckless driving (but car never was on the road only driven off the tow dolly) which is why they asked for the video in court and postponed my court date 3 times. Claimed technical difficulty with camera and since nothing could be proven in his behalf they dropped the charges and reckless driving claiming was in the excess of 100mph but that i was going the oppisit direction on i20 that he "happened" to spot me on bankhead hwy a few cars up and pulled me over into the lot is what the report said... All tickets and arrest that day made was dismissed from that officer. Yes i can sue but what does it get me if they dont fire his ass??? I get harrassed til the day he retires??? No thanks. His captain signed on the report and the captain was onsite before i was taken to the jail i told him then i wasnt driving that the dolly was mine oh and i gotta ticket for having my old mustang tag turned backwards and writting tag applied for on it he told captain i had it on right and not showing tag applied for... Just a durty cop....my complaints is on public file feel free to check ill even post tue officer name and badge no. In the morning. When i get to work... Just word to the wise if a big samoan cop gets behind u in douglasville ga.... Behave and do right

05-23-2012, 11:14 PM
Oh and about the warrent i sat in a metal folding chair not in a cell for 4 hours while they kept pursuing this warrent i was "supposed" to have...then was booked for wreckless driving and endangering lives... And the reversed tag... Cost me $250 to bail myself out.... Anyways why u may or may not belive me i really dont care jus sharing a personal story pertaining to the topic... theres alot of real great polive officers and there is pigs... I met 1 but thats my only bad experiance ever... So dont sweep the law under the rug for a few bad apples... And if ur gonna act like a asshat u should be expected to be treated like one

05-24-2012, 12:47 AM
I'm just going to call BS on this one. A cop isnt just going to make up a story about a warrant because it is a slam dunk lawsuit for false imprisonment, and one that you can go after the officer personally for. When you got to the jail, the officer would also need the warrant number in order to book you. Without that info, the jail would likely refuse to take you.

Not to mention, if he was "let go" from the jail since there was no warrant, he wouldn't have had to post bail... LOL, and when you show up for court, your bail money is refunded... LOL so how was "bail money lost" when none would have been needed ?? and what would it matter that the report said he was pulled over but 'was no tape' -- you think the judge (or anyone for that matter) watches the dash cam for every single ticket? LOL hell no. dude would have had to subpoena the dash cam for them to "discover" there wasn't one. what a bs story.

05-24-2012, 07:58 AM
Look i wasnt going for the detailed 5 page spread as its not my rant i was just adding my personal story to the mix. Yes there was a call for the "discovery package" when after the first "reschedule" of tue calender call. As we took the time to set an appointment with the "solicitor" of douglas county and gave my story compaired to the fucking cops story. He had the report in hand when i arrived for my appointment with him and as discussing my case he stopped me and said "wait you werr not driving?" i replied with "no i was parked we towed the car up there" he says "oh the officer put that he pulled u over" "no sir i wasnt on the raod with the car" he says "oh well this is an easy fix mr.bearden" i asked how of course he then says" ill request a copy of the dash cam tape if he pulled you over there is a video of it.... If he didnt pull u over there is not" so i got to court and 4 more damn times and ask why all the delay on this. "oh they aretrying to put tue video together and saying they cant seem to put theyre hands on it was a tech. Difficulty... Or theres no tape cause he didnt stop you" so i ask well crap how long can this keep goin on i dont wanna be tied up in court forever i gotta dang job... The next month they offer to drop all tickets/charges if i lost my license for 6 montys told them no i work i did nothing wrong no deal.... The following month they said they dropped my case have a nice day and i lett end of story....so do they look at every dash cam video surely not what a waste of time... But if u dont lay down and allow ur self to get screwed and talk to ur local DA / SOLICITOR they will look into it when it comes to a charge due to u driving and you never was driving... And i mentioned i know the gas station owned and the emission shop owner the camera on the propery worked i gave a copy on dvd to the solicitor... Dont you think after watching a video of me unloading my car off the dolly in to a space on private property i might add... And reading that the "PIG" pulled me over wouldnt u like to ask for that video.... When theres a good E0 to 40 min pass with my car sitting after being unloaded.... Anyways sorry its not bs.. Oh and naw i know a few ive bailed out beside my own ass... If you put up the entire bail u would get that back if the case was dismissed BUT if u put roughly 10% down with a bonds company you dont get that back thats theyre fee for you to walk free til court... I paid $250 thru a bonds man... U dont get that back...so i think some of yall need to give some of us a little credit... There was the time taken on my part to do every thing right in tue laws eyes amd i still got hareassed because it was a slammed stock primer blue s13 240. ... And theres a detailedthat t way to tell it or a quick way... I mean i still didnt add when asked by tye judge what the damn deal was on the day the wreckless driving charges were dropped and he then claimed he had stopped me a week earlier walking into a gas station on i20 and told me if he saw me speading again hed catch me to slow down.... Problem was that i got the car back the day before the arrest from "parkers auto service" in buford ga becuase they had the car for 3 months installing a new bushing kit new motor and tranny new suspension... They allow for payment which is why it took E montus and i had all reciepts and papers to show why i was getting it towed and why my tag was out of date a total of 4 months... Hell it didnt run.. I mean is that enough damn detail for you or do you want to know what he lookeded like 6' 3"ish dark skin samoan big dude more built than fat. Shaved head minus ur basic fade to a little hiar worn short and tight on top. I dont know his shoe size nor if hes married if ur interested in that im sure i can spot him down for u to ask. Or u can go buy the douglasville sparkles skating rink he apparently is stationed there on the weekends now due to a conflict in another fucking case and working with kids i guess is to better his attitude against loud young people... Is this enough detsil for you??? If not oh well ,,l,,(>.<),,l,,

05-24-2012, 08:37 AM
Man that could be a rant #3 i see now what everyone was talkin bout at the meet and at qt last night as to why they dont get on here no more... Geez... IA mods wanna know whats happened to the sites traffic... Its right there instead of asking for more detail... Ur called a liar. Or retarded like i read in another post cause ur ideas arent that of everyone elses... Sad really i didnt like tue kids ideas but bashing him for what he "thought" looked good seemed a bit harsh.... Anyways... My story is true sad but true... But the attitude of todays young enthusiest has become very negative and standoffish... Anyways im outtie buttafly collas n polyester suits

05-24-2012, 09:31 AM
Look i wasnt going for the detailed 5 page spread as its not my rant i was just adding my personal story to the mix. Yes there was a call for the "discovery package" when after the first "reschedule" of tue calender call. As we took the time to set an appointment with the "solicitor" of douglas county and gave my story compaired to the fucking cops story. He had the report in hand when i arrived for my appointment with him and as discussing my case he stopped me and said "wait you werr not driving?" i replied with "no i was parked we towed the car up there" he says "oh the officer put that he pulled u over" "no sir i wasnt on the raod with the car" he says "oh well this is an easy fix mr.bearden" i asked how of course he then says" ill request a copy of the dash cam tape if he pulled you over there is a video of it.... If he didnt pull u over there is not" so i got to court and 4 more damn times and ask why all the delay on this. "oh they aretrying to put tue video together and saying they cant seem to put theyre hands on it was a tech. Difficulty... Or theres no tape cause he didnt stop you" so i ask well crap how long can this keep goin on i dont wanna be tied up in court forever i gotta dang job... The next month they offer to drop all tickets/charges if i lost my license for 6 montys told them no i work i did nothing wrong no deal.... The following month they said they dropped my case have a nice day and i lett end of story....so do they look at every dash cam video surely not what a waste of time... But if u dont lay down and allow ur self to get screwed and talk to ur local DA / SOLICITOR they will look into it when it comes to a charge due to u driving and you never was driving... And i mentioned i know the gas station owned and the emission shop owner the camera on the propery worked i gave a copy on dvd to the solicitor... Dont you think after watching a video of me unloading my car off the dolly in to a space on private property i might add... And reading that the "PIG" pulled me over wouldnt u like to ask for that video.... When theres a good E0 to 40 min pass with my car sitting after being unloaded.... Anyways sorry its not bs.. Oh and naw i know a few ive bailed out beside my own ass... If you put up the entire bail u would get that back if the case was dismissed BUT if u put roughly 10% down with a bonds company you dont get that back thats theyre fee for you to walk free til court... I paid $250 thru a bonds man... U dont get that back...so i think some of yall need to give some of us a little credit... There was the time taken on my part to do every thing right in tue laws eyes amd i still got hareassed because it was a slammed stock primer blue s13 240. ... And theres a detailedthat t way to tell it or a quick way... I mean i still didnt add when asked by tye judge what the damn deal was on the day the wreckless driving charges were dropped and he then claimed he had stopped me a week earlier walking into a gas station on i20 and told me if he saw me speading again hed catch me to slow down.... Problem was that i got the car back the day before the arrest from "parkers auto service" in buford ga becuase they had the car for 3 months installing a new bushing kit new motor and tranny new suspension... They allow for payment which is why it took E montus and i had all reciepts and papers to show why i was getting it towed and why my tag was out of date a total of 4 months... Hell it didnt run.. I mean is that enough damn detail for you or do you want to know what he lookeded like 6' 3"ish dark skin samoan big dude more built than fat. Shaved head minus ur basic fade to a little hiar worn short and tight on top. I dont know his shoe size nor if hes married if ur interested in that im sure i can spot him down for u to ask. Or u can go buy the douglasville sparkles skating rink he apparently is stationed there on the weekends now due to a conflict in another fucking case and working with kids i guess is to better his attitude against loud young people... Is this enough detsil for you??? If not oh well ,,l,,(>.<),,l,,

Good god that gave me a headache trying to read that.


05-24-2012, 09:45 AM
Exactly thats why i wrote the basics... And not all that shit at first lol... It gave me obe trying to remember it all blarg