View Full Version : Handling Mods Would it be safe...

03-16-2012, 12:08 PM
I bought some 2 1/2" lowering springs for my integra and after installing them noticed that the rear was still pretty high but the front was slammed about a 3/4" from the ground. Would it be safe to put the rear spring on the front and the front on the rear? I know this is a noob question but fuck it i wanna know.

03-16-2012, 01:17 PM
So you want to be lower in the rear?

03-16-2012, 01:22 PM
yea that's fine

03-16-2012, 01:28 PM
So you want to be lower in the rear?
Yes lower in rear and higher in front

03-16-2012, 01:30 PM
yea that's fine
Will it affect handling or make it extremely bouncy? I just know that the rear spring is just a bit wider than the front spring

03-16-2012, 01:35 PM
handling maybe affect by 1mph or so...like for instance you might not be able to take a corner but at 87 mph now. but its not like you're going to track the car

03-16-2012, 08:21 PM
okay well the front springs are taller but not as wide as the back and the back are shorter but wider than the front. so does that mean that the front would go even lower and the back higher judging by the height of the springs or no?

03-16-2012, 08:26 PM
read the spring rate listed on the springs.. Normally a 200lb difference front to rear, but some rates are the same..

03-16-2012, 08:49 PM
read the spring rate listed on the springs.. Normally a 200lb difference front to rear, but some rates are the same..

i looked but i couldnt find anything on the springs.

03-16-2012, 08:59 PM
I've run front springs on the rear, but never a softer rear spring on the front.. If the spring rate is lower in the rear and you switch them it will:
1. bounce or float, or 2. it will bottom out on the bump stop causing damage to the shock....

Not knowing the spring rate is not helping you, so it's risky..

03-16-2012, 09:07 PM
I've run front springs on the rear, but never a softer rear spring on the front.. If the spring rate is lower in the rear and you switch them it will:
1. bounce or float, or 2. it will bottom out on the bump stop causing damage to the shock....

Not knowing the spring rate is not helping you, so it's risky..

okay well my buddy gave me some coilovers yesterday and after installing them its near impossible for me to get them to even out ( ie: back pass is higher than back driver) ive been trying forever it seems and i just cant get it ive tried measuring them on both sides to get them equal and ive tried counting the threads on them. the car sits funny as hell because its uneven all over.

03-16-2012, 10:54 PM
Sleeves on coilovers are different front to rear.. Also we go back to the spring rates, you may have 3 fronts and 1 rear..LOL, check your parts

okay well my buddy gave me some coilovers yesterday and after installing them its near impossible for me to get them to even out ( ie: back pass is higher than back driver) ive been trying forever it seems and i just cant get it ive tried measuring them on both sides to get them equal and ive tried counting the threads on them. the car sits funny as hell because its uneven all over.

03-16-2012, 11:34 PM
as far as i can tell they are right. the two front springs look exactly the same ( long and narrow ) the rears also look the same ( shorter and wide) the front springs dont have a flat part for the spring to "sit" in the pockets but the rear do. sorry if im confusing you because im confusing myself. lol

03-20-2012, 07:38 AM
If the directions saynthe Rear are for the rear and the fronts are for the front, then its probably a good idea to follow the directons. u should of bought coilover sleeves or a full coilover setup, that way u could of adjusted the car to the height u wanted...

03-20-2012, 08:57 AM
IMHO, It sounds like the springs are on wrong. Most of the suspension I have dealt with puts the shorter/fatter springs on the front and the longer/smaller springs on the rear. You'll notice that the shorter springs are probably a thicker gauge (thicker material), which determines the spring rate. The length and diameter of the spring does NOT dictate spring rate, the thickness/gauge does.

You can see what I am talking about here-


Notice the shorter springs have a thicker gauge? That indicates the higher spring rate and would typicall mean they are for the front since most cars are heavier in the front.

okay well my buddy gave me some coilovers yesterday and after installing them its near impossible for me to get them to even out ( ie: back pass is higher than back driver) ive been trying forever it seems and i just cant get it ive tried measuring them on both sides to get them equal and ive tried counting the threads on them. the car sits funny as hell because its uneven all over.

As for this, I'd take them off and adjust the collars until the springs were free/not compressed. Then I'd measure the length of each spring to make sure the longer springs are on the rear shocks. They may have been assembled wrong.