View Full Version : '89 560SL Oxidation Paint Correction

01-15-2012, 08:28 PM
Decided to start posting up some work again on this site, since its changed hands and I have talked with Randomguy...One of the shops I do work for, had this car sitting around their shop for a year waiting on the owner to put in some money to get the work completed. Since it sat outside a lot from being at the shop and from the owner neglecting the paint, the classic single stage paint went south in a hurry. Car was not street-able and I had some open time to get out to their shop to get it done rather than waiting on it. Originally I was going to do the usual 2-Step correction that I normally do on all the cars they bring to me, but as soon as I saw the car, I knew that 2-steps was not going to cut it. Tested the trunk, since it was an easy area of factory paint to test and the hood, since it had been repainted some years ago, to see what the outcome would be and what it would take. After starting into it, with a combo I knew would cut enough and still have the ability to finish down on the second step, did not work out. Figured out at minimum it would take 3-steps, 4 in a lot of areas.

Now onto the progress...

When I first showed up the condition of the car was quite a surprise...


A few shots showing the condition of the paint with twin 500w lights on them...


I started by testing the trunk, since it was factory single stage...

Looks to be a decent starting platform...


After 3-4 rounds with the buffers, think there was a slight change?


Now, it was obvious that the hood had base coat/clear coat on it, as it did not oxidize like the rest of the vehicle and more faded. Wanted to see how the paint would clean up and what it would take.

Hood before...


Now after a go at it, another noticeable improvement...


Once I knocked out the roof, hood, trunk and top of the fenders, I did not have everything I needed to complete this job, so got as much as I could done for the day. Before I left, I talked with the owner of the shop and had them remove the windshield wipers so I could work around the cover panel and the rear emblem, so I could clean around it up.

After testing both areas, I finished claying the entire car. Even after washing, the paint felt like 800 grit sandpaper. Which, after sitting outside for a year and it being a single stage paint, I knew that was going to happen. Went straight to claying to help get out a lot of the grime and mold and cut some of the oxidation down. Only shot I took of the claying, as it took me just over 2 hours to do the whole thing and did not get more pictures as one explains it all.

Clay before and after, after doing a 1x1 area of the roof.


When I got back for day two, took off the pinstripe and we realized that the hood was not the only place that had been repainted, the driver door and driver quarter had been repainted at another time, separate from the hood. Which, was not a great repaint at all.

Once all the buffing as done, we started on the coated trim to try and clean it up as best as possible. The shop techs agreed it should be replaced, but most people do not as its costly to replace the trim. So after spending 45 minutes testing tons of combos, the only thing that would make even the slightest dent in the cloudiness of the trim was buffing compound & #0000 Steel Wool. We spent about an hour and a half going over the trim and cleaning it up as best we could. I can say, it did not come out brand new, but was a world of difference better than it was before.


Final test area that showed great results...


Finally after 9.5 hours straight with no break, we finished. Many paint spots later on the wall....


We were done. It was dark and the car does not move easily, so inside pictures would have to do...


The top is missing in the afters, once we finished the top and the trim, we had it removed to work under the top that covers the paint and to get better access to the interior. It was set aside and I forgot to get any after pictures of it.

Then the causalities of war from day two...


01-15-2012, 08:53 PM
What is the significance of this car? That is a lot of time and effort for a car that is not personal in some way (or that has a customer who is paying bookoo bucks). Looks great though. Good work!

01-15-2012, 09:00 PM
What is the significance of this car? That is a lot of time and effort for a car that is not personal in some way (or that has a customer who is paying bookoo bucks). Looks great though. Good work!

That it was an interesting turn around that some would be interested in. On top of the shop that contracted the work, paid the "bookoo bucks" to have the car more than presentable to the customer. There are those on this forum that would appreciate bringing a nice old Benz back to life. On top on when I get my sponsor section back I would post a lot of other work. Till then, I will go back to posting them in the car pics section for those that appreciate detailing and odd, different, rare, classic or exotic cars.

01-15-2012, 09:11 PM
Oh dont get me wrong, I respect the car. That is a lot of work for ANY car which is why I asked.

01-15-2012, 09:12 PM
That is a lot of time, but the results are awesome.

01-15-2012, 09:13 PM
Oh dont get me wrong, I respect the car. That is a lot of work for ANY car which is why I asked.

Its about usual. This one only had about 23 hours into it. But thanks. You will be seeing more cars like this soon, as I have another 3 lined up over the course of the next month from the shop. Luckily only one of them being almost as bad as this one. But its a smaller '60s model.

01-15-2012, 09:34 PM
Looks great man! And nice car

01-15-2012, 09:56 PM
Nice work!

01-16-2012, 02:27 PM
Sent you a PM!!

01-16-2012, 02:34 PM
Dang, I'm jelly. Maybe i'll roll around the shop and have y'all fix mine. My trim looks just like yours and my trunk needs to be cleared again :goodjob: Lol, and that's just for starters

01-16-2012, 03:36 PM
nice job....cant imagine how tough all that mustve been...

01-16-2012, 04:39 PM
What is the significance of this car? That is a lot of time and effort for a car that is not personal in some way (or that has a customer who is paying bookoo bucks). Looks great though. Good work!

Why should there be any significance to the car? It seems like a job and the job was done 100% to the best interest.

Really it shows true dedication to the car scene. Even if it was a customer who paid big bucks. I would pay for quality then save money and get half assd.

01-16-2012, 05:43 PM
Looks great man! And nice car

Nice work!


Sent you a PM!!


Dang, I'm jelly. Maybe i'll roll around the shop and have y'all fix mine. My trim looks just like yours and my trunk needs to be cleared again :goodjob: Lol, and that's just for starters

I do not do paint work, I only do paint correction. I save paints that really do not need to be repainted. Granted, this one could use a solid $2000-3000 paint job, but the turn around was enough that the owner could keep it up and in a garage and it will stay in glossy condition for awhile.

nice job....cant imagine how tough all that mustve been...

It wasnt that bad. The trim was a pita. Still does not top a brand new Denali I did two months ago. 33 hours into a brand new vehicle.

Why should there be any significance to the car? It seems like a job and the job was done 100% to the best interest.

Really it shows true dedication to the car scene. Even if it was a customer who paid big bucks. I would pay for quality then save money and get half assd.

I really wanted to quote this one and separate it from the rest. In my line of work, there is a huge difference in price for quality work. I get a lot of import owners who contact me because a friend told them about me are taken aback when I quote them $300-600 for starting level paint correction. Then they tell me they could just get it repainted for that or has a friend or a friend of a friend who can do it all for $100. Those jobs are the one that leave a finish all covered with holograms and haze...Once the glaze/fillers the person used wear off.

Once Randomguy finishes updating the site and has time to create a section for me, you will be able to see some of the cars I have corrected that must assume just need a new paint job. Its amazing what you can do with factory paint, that is in great condition, just scratched and swirled up.

01-16-2012, 05:51 PM
alwasy been super impressed with your work canadien

01-16-2012, 06:03 PM
You have skills! That's looks truly amazing. I detail cars also so I know what goes into what you've done. That was a hell of a project to take on :goodjob:

01-16-2012, 06:12 PM
alwasy been super impressed with your work canadien

Thanks Irishmen.

You have skills! That's looks truly amazing. I detail cars also so I know what goes into what you've done. That was a hell of a project to take on :goodjob:

Thanks. What type of detailing do you do?

01-16-2012, 06:22 PM
Nothing too serious, more universal detailing really. Interior and upholsry cleaning. Waxing and claying if needed. I haven't seen much that had been in the shape of what you've done lol.

01-16-2012, 06:46 PM
from someone who has very very basic experience with detailing, I noticed all the buffing pads with paint on them. Does that harm the paint at all? remove clear coat? make it more vulnerable to oxidizing quicker?

01-16-2012, 06:51 PM
from someone who has very very basic experience with detailing, I noticed all the buffing pads with paint on them. Does that harm the paint at all? remove clear coat? make it more vulnerable to oxidizing quicker?

Single stage. What your seeing is just paint transfer, or basically color bleed. It seems like a lot, but its mostly the compound/polish taking on the color, as a sort of dying effect. Now on whether this thing will oxidize again, is all on the owner caring for it. If it goes back outside and sits for a year, it will look just like that again, its the nature of single stage paint.

When it comes to paint correction, when your doing it correctly, you remove scratches by leveling clear to the lowest point of the scratch/swirl. On this car, with we did, we removed about .1-.2 mils on paint, on the thinnest area being around 6.5 mils. To give you an idea on a mil, a strand of hair is about 1 mil thick.