View Full Version : Legit complaint?

01-10-2012, 08:53 AM
In light of a few other threads around here lately I thought I'd post this up and get some opinions on it.

Ga. district investigates math homework on slavery

By The Associated Press
NORCROSS, Ga. -- Suburban Atlanta school officials are deciding whether to discipline teachers who gave third-grade students math homework with word problems about slavery.
Gwinnett County schools spokeswoman Sloan Roach said Monday that the district is working with the school principal to address the problem after parents complained about the worksheets. She says the district wants to ensure it doesn't happen again.
The NAACP has called for the firing of the nine teachers involved.
One of the math problems reads: "Each tree has 56 oranges. If eight slaves pick them equally, then how much would each slave pick?"
Another was: "If Frederick got two beatings each day, how many beatings did he get in one week?"
Roach said the questions attempted to incorporate what students had been discussing in social studies with their math.

01-10-2012, 09:08 AM
They could have used any other reference other than "slaves" maybe kids,monkeys,teenagers, hell even prostitutes picking oranges would have been more politically correct.... I can't believe this happened and I hope the NAACP gets the 9 involved fired

01-10-2012, 09:26 AM
They could have used any other reference other than "slaves" maybe kids,monkeys,teenagers, hell even prostitutes picking oranges would have been more politically correct.... I can't believe this happened and I hope the NAACP gets the 9 involved fired

Yeah if those were legitimately the questions then someone needs to get their ass fired.

01-10-2012, 09:29 AM
Yeah if those were legitimately the questions then someone needs to get their ass fired.

Without a doubt, there is no reason to even want to be incorporating anything being discussed in social studies into mathematical problems. And with that being said there is no reason why the children were discussing slavery or beatings in the first place, this is why racism will never leave this world.

01-10-2012, 09:44 AM
Be funny as shit though if some of the teachers were actually black.

01-10-2012, 10:03 AM
Be funny as shit though if some of the teachers were actually black.

lol that would be a weird, I think that would even be worse than if the teachers were white lol that would make this whole situation more construed

01-10-2012, 10:12 AM
They would pick 7 oranges.
Fred would get 14 beatings.

moving on.

01-10-2012, 10:45 AM
there is no reason why the children were discussing slavery or beatings in the first place, this is why racism will never leave this world.

So we shouldn't study history?

01-10-2012, 10:50 AM
In math class?

01-10-2012, 10:55 AM
So we shouldn't study history?

We most definitely should but I feel like some things in history shouldn't be re-taught generation after generation, it is pointless and frivolous to repetitively teach generations and generations of hatred and stupidity that once was. This type of repetition is only prolonging racism and anger in the hearts of young kids and their parents alike. Although it is an important part of history I think it needs to be removed from class. If parents want their kids to learn about it they can provide reference materials and proceed how they see fit, otherwise keep it out of the classroom.

01-10-2012, 11:37 AM
We most definitely should but I feel like some things in history shouldn't be re-taught generation after generation, it is pointless and frivolous to repetitively teach generations and generations of hatred and stupidity that once was. This type of repetition is only prolonging racism and anger in the hearts of young kids and their parents alike. Although it is an important part of history I think it needs to be removed from class. If parents want their kids to learn about it they can provide reference materials and proceed how they see fit, otherwise keep it out of the classroom.

Ever heard the phrase "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

There is a reason that we study history, and not everything is comfortable or easy to talk about but it is important that it is taught and understood. If anything, kids learning the evils that humans have perpetrated on each other throughout history helps them to be more understanding and realize that we are all human and that skin color or religious affiliation doesn't make one less human than the other.

01-10-2012, 11:46 AM

01-10-2012, 11:47 AM
ok, so the question is perhaps inappropriate but i dont think that they should be fired for it, and in third grade you have one teacher that teaches everything which is probably where they got the idea to incorporate (not saying it was a good idea) maybe they thought it would help engage them more in their activity. should the teachers be warned and punished if something like this happens again yes. fired ? no. its not like it was a racist gesture.

01-10-2012, 12:04 PM
its not like it was a racist gesture.

Are you kidding me!? Yeah slaves picking oranges isn't a racist gesture at all........

01-10-2012, 12:12 PM
Ever heard the phrase "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."

There is a reason that we study history, and not everything is comfortable or easy to talk about but it is important that it is taught and understood. If anything, kids learning the evils that humans have perpetrated on each other throughout history helps them to be more understanding and realize that we are all human and that skin color or religious affiliation doesn't make one less human than the other.

This is true, however it all depends on the teacher and how they teach the lesson too. Although I have to disagree with your statement "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." This isn't viable into today's world as the world is slowly turning into the melting pot America already is. These days we grow up together regardless of race, color, etc etc so those past mistakes would most likely not be repeated as there is no seperation between races (example: whites watter fountain and blacks water fountain) were all equal and that is more than apparent without those parts of history being taught. What if say a teacher is teaching a class about racism and go's through the curriculum and does his/her job but never makes mention as to racism being inappropriate or being a mistake etc etc it all really depends on how it is taught. But me being a father of two I see no reason for my kids to learn about racism in history/social studies partly because me and my girl are different races than each other ourselves and america is a melting pot anywhere you go there are different races of people doing all the same thing. I could understand if there were separate lines and places functioned with a different structure based on skin color but it isn't that way so common sense tells you we're all equal.

01-10-2012, 12:16 PM
not all slaves were black, and it was something that happened in history. its not as if the teacher said x number of black slaves or worthless slaves or anything to that effect it was just slaves. just because the word slave was used does NOT make it racist.

01-10-2012, 12:24 PM
not all slaves were black, and it was something that happened in history. its not as if the teacher said x number of black slaves or worthless slaves or anything to that effect it was just slaves. just because the word slave was used does NOT make it racist

Right. But you have to take into consideration how the world is and how our society operates. Just like you, I too know that not all slaves were black, but allot of people are unaware of this fact and immediately jump the gun when the word slave is used to implement it with black people because that is the most popular form of slavery from back in the day. So when you take that into consideration I'd have to say yeah just using the word slaves by itself is extremely inappropriate especially in a mathematical equation simple math or not.

01-10-2012, 12:46 PM
i definitely agree that it was a very inappropriate question. but just because someone miss perceive the word slave to mean black person from back in the day does not make it racist.

01-10-2012, 12:49 PM
i definitely agree that it was a very inappropriate question. but just because someone miss perceive the word slave to mean black person from back in the day does not make it racist.

Ok, and even in the event it wasn't meant to be racist, the question was inappropriate and should have never been seen by children in a school or anyone anywhere and those responsible should lose their jobs for ever even contemplating such a despicable gesture.

01-10-2012, 12:58 PM
so you say one thing that is inappropriate and you should lose you job immediately? it was wrong i agree and i think that they need to be put on a probation and if something like this happens again then and only then do they deserve to lose their jobs.

01-10-2012, 01:19 PM
Are you kidding me!? Yeah slaves picking oranges isn't a racist gesture at all........

Please explain how this is racist.

01-10-2012, 01:23 PM
so you say one thing that is inappropriate and you should lose you job immediately? it was wrong i agree and i think that they need to be put on a probation and if something like this happens again then and only then do they deserve to lose their jobs.

It wasn't something said, it was something printed on sheets and sheets of paper for kids to do mathematical equations with not seen by one person or one child seen by who knows how many children and parents.

01-10-2012, 01:26 PM
ok so one bad decision means the end of your career? people are entirely too eager to jump to the conclusion that something is racist just because of one word. just because you said the word slave does not make you racist therefore the math problem was not a racist gesture

01-10-2012, 01:29 PM
Please explain how this is racist.

African american slaves back in the early colonial days of America were used as farming tools (On a farm) to work the fields, upkeep the crops, bring in the harvest etc etc

Now lets revert back to the original mathematical equation:

"Each tree has 56 oranges. If eight slaves pick them equally, then how much would each slave pick?"

The question clearly is making references leading to the fact that there is more than one orange tree by saying "each" and also note "56 oranges" on each tree idk about you, but I don't know many people that have multiple orange trees on their property other than a farm. So you put two and two together and you have slaves picking oranges from trees .... and your not getting the racism there?

01-10-2012, 01:32 PM
I saw this on the news the other day and I couldn't believe that was the same elementary I went to about 10+ years ago. I don't remembering having math problems like these.

01-10-2012, 01:33 PM
ok so one bad decision means the end of your career?

Yeah pretty much, sucks it is that way but that is the sad truth of it all. For instance if you were caught doing drugs at your job they would fire you instantly (Unless of course it is family owned for otherwise ok to do so and only in a rare situation) but hey that was only one mistake right? WRONG what if a school bus driver failed a drug test one time, do you think that driver should be put on probation and allowed to drive after a certain allotted amount of time? I say hell fuck no I don't want my kids ridin around with some drug doing bus driver. So yeah I think they should be fired they knew better, they should have known the repercussions of their actions

01-10-2012, 01:34 PM
people often sold their white sons and daughters into slavery too. not all slaves were black! you are assuming it is talking about black people and therefore assuming that it was intended as a racist remark with no real reason to think so.

01-10-2012, 01:36 PM
people often sold their white sons and daughters into slavery too. not all slaves were black! you are assuming it is talking about black people and therefore assuming that it was intended as a racist remark with no real reason to think so.

Re-read the thread and understand how our society works because I explained it rather well in a post on the previous page. I'll wait for you to do some reading and come back to continue this debate.

.blank cd
01-10-2012, 01:38 PM
We most definitely should but I feel like some things in history shouldn't be re-taught generation after generation, it is pointless and frivolous to repetitively teach generations and generations of hatred and stupidity that once was. This type of repetition is only prolonging racism and anger in the hearts of young kids and their parents alike. Although it is an important part of history I think it needs to be removed from class. If parents want their kids to learn about it they can provide reference materials and proceed how they see fit, otherwise keep it out of the classroom.

Lol. So how do you feel about the Crusades, the civil war, ww1, ww2, the holocaust, South African Apartheid, Jim Crow era, Vietnam, 9/11, just to name a few. Should we leave all of that out of the classroom since it also deals with oppression and loss of life?

01-10-2012, 01:38 PM
this wasnt drug abuse, though. it was using an inappropriate word. if you get a paper cut and say oh shit and the entire office hears you should you be fired?

01-10-2012, 01:40 PM
ok, i did read your post on society and that you did know that all slaves weren't black. but that means that the uneducated people who jump to conclusions (which is what you are doing by saying that it is racist) are right

p.s. im not saying you're uneducated.

01-10-2012, 02:26 PM
African american slaves back in the early colonial days of America were used as farming tools (On a farm) to work the fields, upkeep the crops, bring in the harvest etc etc

Now lets revert back to the original mathematical equation:

"Each tree has 56 oranges. If eight slaves pick them equally, then how much would each slave pick?"

The question clearly is making references leading to the fact that there is more than one orange tree by saying "each" and also note "56 oranges" on each tree idk about you, but I don't know many people that have multiple orange trees on their property other than a farm. So you put two and two together and you have slaves picking oranges from trees .... and your not getting the racism there?

So now tell me where in those questions that it said the slaves were black, or that they were even studying about slavery in America.

01-10-2012, 02:52 PM
and even if it did say they were black, stating that there were black slaves isnt racist its fact.

01-10-2012, 02:54 PM
Lol. So how do you feel about the Crusades, the civil war, ww1, ww2, the holocaust, South African Apartheid, Jim Crow era, Vietnam, 9/11, just to name a few. Should we leave all of that out of the classroom since it also deals with oppression and loss of life?

War is not something implemented into everyday life, when has someone been accused of being a warist? Your missing the point here, and the point is that racism is a problem of the moment I never hear anyone ever talk about war's on the streets or in everyday conversation. I couldn't even tell you the last time I had some coffee in the break room and had a conversation about WW1 or any of those other events. Stick to the topic there is no need to stray away from the matter at hand, and if you want to have a debate about the similarities of wars vs racism (Which idk how thats going to go) make a new thread.

01-10-2012, 02:57 PM
this wasnt drug abuse, though. it was using an inappropriate word. if you get a paper cut and say oh shit and the entire office hears you should you be fired?

Your missing the point it was an action that resulted in affecting others around, The drug use example was a hypothetical situation used to compare whats going on right now. This has affected alot of people, kinda how someone doing drugs driving a forklift could affect alot of people. There are different situations but deserve the same outcome IMO

ok, i did read your post on society and that you did know that all slaves weren't black. but that means that the uneducated people who jump to conclusions (which is what you are doing by saying that it is racist) are right

p.s. im not saying you're uneducated.

No you misinterpret what I am saying completely, You can't just use the mindset that oh well I now that not all slaves were black people so everyone else should and this should be dismissed as a minor offence. You have to take into consideration everyone's mindset and everyone's opinion, and while I don't agree with it it is the way it is, so with that being said no one should be using any type of inappropriate words that would cause anyone else to feel hurt or oppressed especially not on the youth of america and not on any type of form or document. I'm entitled to my own opinion and I feel like these are grounds to lose their jobs/careers thats all

01-10-2012, 03:08 PM
So now tell me where in those questions that it said the slaves were black, or that they were even studying about slavery in America.

It absolutely doesn't say they were black or of African decent but I feel that it was definitely implied especially seeing as how there aren't too many places in the world where oranges are grown and slavery took place (Both together). Just pieces of the puzzle. Like I said earlier on you have to take everyone's feelings into consideration. If you have something on a document or a worksheet that some people feel offended about but others do not, guess what? It shouldn't be there. The fact that it was there is the reason someone noticed it complained about it, it got on the news, and ended up here on IA in thw WL as a thread. You can't do something that's half and half especially with a sensitive subject like that. It could have very well been something mutual it definitely did not have to be slaves picking oranges I'm js. Thats my opinion

Oh and to answer your question about where it said they were even studying about slavery in America, here is a line from your OP -
"Roach said the questions attempted to incorporate what students had been discussing in social studies with their math"

^^Pretty sure that says it all right there

01-10-2012, 03:13 PM
Should a math question contain a question that the general public would question? Of course not.
Was the question racist? No, it wasn't, as it is history, not a derogatory statement that a lot of blacks in the US were slaves prior to the Civil War.

Here is some food for thought - most people on here don't seem to realize that slavery still exist today. Africa still has a lot of slavery, as does Europe. Asia also has a lot of slavery. Guess what - they are not only black, they are of all races. Perhaps we should focus on the slavery part of the equation, and how to teach kids that slavery is wrong, no matter what color the person's skin happens to be.

01-10-2012, 03:15 PM
Should a math question contain a question that the general public would question? Of course not.
Was the question racist? No, it wasn't, as it is history, not a derogatory statement that a lot of blacks in the US were slaves prior to the Civil War.

Here is some food for thought - most people on here don't seem to realize that slavery still exist today. Africa still has a lot of slavery, as does Europe. Asia also has a lot of slavery. Guess what - they are not only black, they are of all races. Perhaps we should focus on the slavery part of the equation, and how to teach kids that slavery is wrong, no matter what color the person's skin happens to be.


01-10-2012, 03:27 PM
It absolutely doesn't say they were black or of African decent but I feel that it was definitely implied

So you assumed that they were referring to black slaves in America.

especially seeing as how there aren't too many places in the world where oranges are grown and slavery took place (Both together). Just pieces of the puzzle.

Slavery predates written history, that's a pretty broad brush you're painting with there.

Like I said earlier on you have to take everyone's feelings into consideration.
No, you don't.

If you have something on a document or a worksheet that some people feel offended about but others do not, guess what? It shouldn't be there.

That's called political correctness, and it's absolute garbage. It's also part of the reason this country is so divided today. No one says the things that need to be said for fear of "offending" someone, and people get their thongs in a wad over the smallest insignificant things. You can't please everyone or even the majority of everyone all the time.

Oh and to answer your question about where it said they were even studying about slavery in America, here is a line from your OP -
"Roach said the questions attempted to incorporate what students had been discussing in social studies with their math"

^^Pretty sure that says it all right there

How does that say it all? It says they were incorporating lessons from social studies into the math lesson. Where does it say what exactly they were studying?

01-10-2012, 03:27 PM
Your missing the point it was an action that resulted in affecting others around, The drug use example was a hypothetical situation used to compare whats going on right now. This has affected alot of people, kinda how someone doing drugs driving a forklift could affect alot of people. There are different situations but deserve the same outcome IMO

drug use while operating a vehicle can cost someone their life. you are comparing a word to an action that can take someones life or seriously injure them. complete different story.

also might i point out that no one alive in america today is oppressed by the term slavery or slave. no one is or has been a slave in a long time. that is whats wrong with society today, people are so worried about hurting someones feelings everyone gets enabled and that their mediocrity needs to be rewarded, this type of thinking is going to slowly bring our society further into the shit hole.

.blank cd
01-10-2012, 03:33 PM
War is not something implemented into everyday life, when has someone been accused of being a warist? Your missing the point here, and the point is that racism is a problem of the moment I never hear anyone ever talk about war's on the streets or in everyday conversation. I couldn't even tell you the last time I had some coffee in the break room and had a conversation about WW1 or any of those other events. Stick to the topic there is no need to stray away from the matter at hand, and if you want to have a debate about the similarities of wars vs racism (Which idk how thats going to go) make a new thread.

I am on topic here! Lol. You said we should take mentions of slavery and the bad parts of history out of the classroom. Everything I mentioned has everything to do with that.

01-10-2012, 03:45 PM
Ignorance causes way too many problems these days...

01-10-2012, 04:00 PM
drug use while operating a vehicle can cost someone their life. you are comparing a word to an action that can take someones life or seriously injure them. complete different story.

also might i point out that no one alive in america today is oppressed by the term slavery or slave. no one is or has been a slave in a long time. that is whats wrong with society today, people are so worried about hurting someones feelings everyone gets enabled and that their mediocrity needs to be rewarded, this type of thinking is going to slowly bring our society further into the shit hole.

Dude you are still missing the point this isn't about injuring someone from drugs this is about getting fired for doing one thing wrong....remember? your argument piece from earlier??? Yeah well you do drugs once you get fired. WHY because it affects other people. You offend hundreds of parents and maybe the children Guess what? You should be Fired WHY because it affects other people. And are you completely blind? There are slaves right now! Currently! in other countries, get educated before you jump in this ring buddy slavery is huge these days not here in america but other places yes start researching you have alot to learn

01-10-2012, 04:10 PM
you are comparing a major one thing wrong to an extremely minor thing wrong. if someone is offended by the word slave they need to be slapped. slave is not an offensive word.... speaking of blind did you not see the phrase IN AMERICA. maybe you should read before you insult someone's intelligence.

01-10-2012, 04:14 PM
know what else i find amusing you admit that the average person doesnt realize that there were more than just black slaves... yet you think that it needs not be taught in school?

01-10-2012, 05:21 PM
you are comparing a major one thing wrong to an extremely minor thing wrong. if someone is offended by the word slave they need to be slapped. slave is not an offensive word.... speaking of blind did you not see the phrase IN AMERICA. maybe you should read before you insult someone's intelligence.

Regardless of major wrong or minor wrong WRONG IS WRONG. Oh so if someone who escaped from slavery gets offended by the word slave they should get slapped? are you serious right now!?

know what else i find amusing you admit that the average person doesnt realize that there were more than just black slaves... yet you think that it needs not be taught in school?

Know what I find amusing? You still after 3 pages have failed to realize to whole point of this thread and our debate. And yeah I don't think ANY FORM of it should be taught in school AT ALL, not educate everyone on all the different shapes, and sizes and colors of slaves.

01-10-2012, 05:26 PM
I am on topic here! Lol. You said we should take mentions of slavery and the bad parts of history out of the classroom. Everything I mentioned has everything to do with that.

lol bad parts of history? lmfao no sir please people please read!!!!! this is what I said

We most definitely should but I feel like some things in history shouldn't be re-taught generation after generation, it is pointless and frivolous to repetitively teach generations and generations of hatred and stupidity that once was. This type of repetition is only prolonging racism and anger in the hearts of young kids and their parents alike. Although it is an important part of history I think it needs to be removed from class. If parents want their kids to learn about it they can provide reference materials and proceed how they see fit, otherwise keep it out of the classroom.

01-10-2012, 05:28 PM
know what else i find amusing you admit that the average person doesnt realize that there were more than just black slaves... yet you think that it needs not be taught in school?Braveheart.....................enough said , my kin were "slaves" too , you dont have to be black to be a slave

01-10-2012, 05:30 PM
Braveheart.....................enough said , my kin were "slaves" too , you dont have to be black to be a slave

Ok so you had past family that were slaves? I'm so sorry to hear this, but if you don't mind can I ask you how the OP's topic makes you feel? and what you feel like should be done to rectify this situation

01-10-2012, 05:32 PM
Ok so you had past family that were slaves? I'm so sorry to hear this, but if you don't mind can I ask you how the OP's topic makes you feel? and what you feel like should be done to rectify this situationmy honest opinion?

01-10-2012, 05:34 PM
my honest opinion?

Yeah lol or do you just not care?

01-10-2012, 05:41 PM
i dont care actually , america is the only place that gets super fuckin bent out of shape with this race crap , to be honest , who fuckin cares , you go to any other f'n country , and guess what .........................all colours are the same , and no that wasnt a f'n typo

01-10-2012, 05:55 PM
i dont care actually , america is the only place that gets super fuckin bent out of shape with this race crap , to be honest , who fuckin cares , you go to any other f'n country , and guess what .........................all colours are the same , and no that wasnt a f'n typo

Yeah I feel ya but I'm coming more from the lines of being a father, I'm not sure if you have little ones or not but that kind of stuff bothers me.

01-10-2012, 06:00 PM
Yeah I feel ya but I'm coming more from the lines of being a father, I'm not sure if you have little ones or not but that kind of stuff bothers me.i have two wee lads(one is 2 and one is 5 , very impressionable ages if you ask me) , and i for sure will raise them that we are all the same , i never saw race issues til i moved to america , sad how that works

01-10-2012, 06:01 PM
and yes it bothers me greatly , as in i cant see how people cant see past this

01-10-2012, 06:16 PM
Rasice is the reason, why many a white man has never tasted brown sugar.

Darker the berry, sweeter the juice. IMO

01-10-2012, 06:17 PM
it is pointless and frivolous to repetitively teach generations and generations of hatred and stupidity that once was. This type of repetition is only prolonging racism and anger in the hearts of young kids and their parents alike

thats what you said, so by that standard we shouldnt teach of the holocaust either because there are jewish students and they shouldnt hear about how millions of their people were murdered out of pure hatred and stupidity. IMO that was far worse than slavery, slavery was a terrible thing for us definitely but how many slaves were mass killed.

ignorance is what breeds racism, not knowledge and your solution to the problem of racism is to not teach the bad things that happened in the past.

again i will say that the math problem was inappropriate. however, it is not racist.

01-10-2012, 06:20 PM
it is pointless and frivolous to repetitively teach generations and generations of hatred and stupidity that once was. This type of repetition is only prolonging racism and anger in the hearts of young kids and their parents alike

thats what you said, so by that standard we shouldnt teach of the holocaust either because there are jewish students and they shouldnt hear about how millions of their people were murdered out of pure hatred and stupidity. IMO that was far worse than slavery, slavery was a terrible thing for us definitely but how many slaves were mass killed.

ignorance is what breeds racism, not knowledge and your solution to the problem of racism is to not teach the bad things that happened in the past.

again i will say that the math problem was inappropriate. however, it is not racist.kudos to you

01-10-2012, 06:29 PM
it is pointless and frivolous to repetitively teach generations and generations of hatred and stupidity that once was. This type of repetition is only prolonging racism and anger in the hearts of young kids and their parents alike

thats what you said, so by that standard we shouldnt teach of the holocaust either because there are jewish students and they shouldnt hear about how millions of their people were murdered out of pure hatred and stupidity. IMO that was far worse than slavery, slavery was a terrible thing for us definitely but how many slaves were mass killed.

ignorance is what breeds racism, not knowledge and your solution to the problem of racism is to not teach the bad things that happened in the past.

again i will say that the math problem was inappropriate. however, it is not racist.

If you will please redirect yourself to the previous pages and re-read this entire thread you will see that I concur that the problem was in fact inappropriate and not racist, But if you REALLY REALLY read and pay attention to all the things I've posted you will see that I was rationalizing for the people that not only do not know that there were different colors and races of slaves, but for the parents and the grandparents of the parents that had slavery involved in their family. These people will see this as racism please re-read everything again and let it soak what I've been saying because your misconstrued concept of this debate is failing hard. And as much as I would love to continue this debate I'd rather be playing MW3 so I'll ttyl

.blank cd
01-10-2012, 06:31 PM
it is pointless and frivolous to repetitively teach generations and generations of hatred and stupidity that once was. This type of repetition is only prolonging racism and anger in the hearts of young kids and their parents alike

thats what you said, so by that standard we shouldnt teach of the holocaust either because there are jewish students and they shouldnt hear about how millions of their people were murdered out of pure hatred and stupidity. IMO that was far worse than slavery, slavery was a terrible thing for us definitely but how many slaves were mass killed.I'm glad someone else caught this bullshit. Lol.

01-10-2012, 06:32 PM
Are you kidding me!? Yeah slaves picking oranges isn't a racist gesture at all........

so this isnt saying it was racist?

.blank cd
01-10-2012, 06:35 PM
so this isnt saying it was racist?

Of course not, because he thinks that no one else anywhere in the world has ever picked an orange from a tree other than black slaves in America. Lol

01-10-2012, 06:37 PM
yeah and black slaves were the most common too... we also had chinese slaves working on the railroads out west.


01-10-2012, 06:38 PM
African american slaves back in the early colonial days of America were used as farming tools (On a farm) to work the fields, upkeep the crops, bring in the harvest etc etc

Now lets revert back to the original mathematical equation:

"Each tree has 56 oranges. If eight slaves pick them equally, then how much would each slave pick?"

The question clearly is making references leading to the fact that there is more than one orange tree by saying "each" and also note "56 oranges" on each tree idk about you, but I don't know many people that have multiple orange trees on their property other than a farm. So you put two and two together and you have slaves picking oranges from trees .... and your not getting the racism there?

this was your response to Browning151's question of "please explain how this is racist." again with your response you suggest that you believe that it was racist.

01-10-2012, 06:46 PM
yeah and black slaves were the most common too... we also had chinese slaves working on the railroads out west.

http://www.revisionisthistory.org/forgottenslaves.htmli beg to differ , the scots and irish were slaves also

01-10-2012, 06:46 PM
ignorance is what breeds racism, not knowledge and your solution to the problem of racism is to not teach the bad things that happened in the past.

Ding ding ding.

Knowledge is the solution, not the problem.

01-10-2012, 06:47 PM
Of course not, because he thinks that no one else anywhere in the world has ever picked an orange from a tree other than black slaves in America. Lol

LOL. Pretty narrow minded if you ask me.

01-10-2012, 06:49 PM
yeah and black slaves were the most common too... we also had chinese slaves working on the railroads out west.

http://www.revisionisthistory.org/forgottenslaves.htmldue to american history

01-10-2012, 06:49 PM
i beg to differ , the scots and irish were slaves also
oh i know STRteg seems to think that black slaves in america were the biggest group of slaves in history or most commonly thought of

01-10-2012, 06:50 PM
Of course not, because he thinks that no one else anywhere in the world has ever picked an orange from a tree other than black slaves in America. Lolactually it was the floridians

.blank cd
01-10-2012, 06:53 PM
I'm taking solace in the fact that no matter how much he complains about it, and for the sake of future generations and his children's future, they will continue to teach the atrocities in history to his children in public and private schools, and there isn't much he can do about it, except play MW3

01-10-2012, 06:54 PM
probably lets his young children sit by and listen to him/the people he plays yelling at each other

.blank cd
01-10-2012, 07:00 PM
"Dad, why did that guy in the game call you a dumb nigger?"

(because MW3 online has some of the most racist fucks imaginable)

"Well son, I really can't tell you. There's a period of time where that word was used that I don't want you to know about"

01-10-2012, 07:03 PM

and yes mw3 has a lot of racist comments being thrown around.

01-10-2012, 07:44 PM
i am for the " should be brought up outside of school" , too many bended thoughts on what racism is , its not always about the "south"

01-10-2012, 07:45 PM

and yes mw3 has a lot of racist comments being thrown around.you must have a failbox

01-10-2012, 07:54 PM
nope i have a ps3 and i hear racists comments a lot, not just against black people against all people and honestly i dont care. what other people have to say about other races or my own has no effect on me or my thinking.

01-10-2012, 07:58 PM
i find it funny.

01-10-2012, 08:11 PM
Ok I wasn't expecting to get railed when I initially voiced my opinion, but allow me to retort:

CptWitwiki - you were the first person in this entire thread to bring up racism, and your comment referenced towards "Racist Gesture" which coincidentally is what I ran with in the entire thread in every response.

its not like it was a racist gesture.

Note the use of the word "Gesture"

Right. But you have to take into consideration how the world is and how our society operates. Just like you, I too know that not all slaves were black, but allot of people are unaware of this fact and immediately jump the gun when the word slave is used to implement it with black people because that is the most popular form of slavery from back in the day. So when you take that into consideration I'd have to say yeah just using the word slaves by itself is extremely inappropriate especially in a mathematical equation simple math or not.

This is why I said to read through my responses because I carried "Racist Gesture" through this whole debate, Also there is no where in this thread where I typed that it was racist, Implying racism? yes will the people that are unaware of the facts noted above assume this to be racism? YES you know why the NAACP jumped in? Because they interpreted this as a racist situation (otherwise they wouldn't be involved) I stated a few times that the problem with the mathematical word problem was the inappropriate use of "Slaves" not racism

Ok, and even in the event it wasn't meant to be racist, the question was inappropriate and should have never been seen by children in a school or anyone anywhere and those responsible should lose their jobs for ever even contemplating such a despicable gesture.

Me stating once again that it was in fact inappropriate not racist

so you say one thing that is inappropriate and you should lose you job immediately? it was wrong i agree and i think that they need to be put on a probation and if something like this happens again then and only then do they deserve to lose their jobs.

This is you confirming and acknowledging me stating the math question was inappropriate

I still fail to see anywhere in this thread where I said it was racism, but i'll defend to my death that it most definitely implies it, and plenty of other people will interpret it that way too

.blank cd
01-10-2012, 08:16 PM
i am for the " should be brought up outside of school" , too many bended thoughts on what racism is , its not always about the "south"

It should be brought up outside as well, but it's fruitless to not include racism in context in the classroom. Not only does this purvey the message of why certain events happened during the course of history, but you also take it out of the hands of some parents that may have twisted views of racism, or that actually believe in racism, because they're still out there, believe it or not.

01-10-2012, 08:21 PM
whats the difference between racist and racist gesture? black slavery wasnt based on racism, white people didnt go damn i hate those black people im going to make them slaves. black people sold their own into slavery and the white man benefited from it. again not saying it was right merely saying that it wasnt a racially driven act. black people initially not having equal rights after being freed THAT was racism.

i also said from the beginning that it was inappropriate but what we have been debating is was it racist or not? note: its not like it was a racist gesture meaning i would understand the need for more punishment if an authority figure was essentially promoting or showing racism.

do I again have to quote where you did ask "... and youre not getting racism there?"

01-10-2012, 08:24 PM
leaving it up to parents to teach their children anything is almost a waste of energy because while there are plenty of good parents out there that would try to educate their children there are several parents who do not teach their children anything. parents who havent even taught their children respect.

so where you may be a great and attentive parent who will teach your child plenty, you arent the majority. also it is good for children to get more than one perspective on things.

01-10-2012, 08:28 PM
probably lets his young children sit by and listen to him/the people he plays yelling at each other

Actually I do not yell, and I would never subject my children to that, do not make accusations about me and how a father my children - this is of the up most disrespect

"Dad, why did that guy in the game call you a dumb nigger?"

(because MW3 online has some of the most racist fucks imaginable)

"Well son, I really can't tell you. There's a period of time where that word was used that I don't want you to know about"

It's actually a very easy solution highlight opposing teams user names press X (I play PS3) and select "toggle mute" idk how you've been playing but yeah....

01-10-2012, 08:29 PM
It should be brought up outside as well, but it's fruitless to not include racism in context in the classroom. Not only does this purvey the message of why certain events happened during the course of history, but you also take it out of the hands of some parents that may have twisted views of racism, or that actually believe in racism, because they're still out there, believe it or not.

This actually is true and you make a valid point

01-10-2012, 08:48 PM
It was a joke but it was out of line so I apologize

01-10-2012, 09:00 PM
I think it's still too touchy of a subject. I don't think it's a good idea for hw but thats me.

01-10-2012, 09:00 PM
It was a joke but it was out of line so I apologize

apology accepted so you wanna jump on MW3?

01-10-2012, 09:13 PM
Nah I have class in the morning haha