View Full Version : Black Shopping Network??

01-09-2012, 08:47 AM
Okay so I was scrolling through the channels last night, and I cant believe there is really a BLACK SHOPPING NETWORK.... REALLY?? What is the reason and need for this?? :thinking: Races all claim racism, etc but all races try to separate from all other races, I just dont get it.

01-09-2012, 08:56 AM
Okay so I was scrolling through the channels last night, and I cant believe there is really a BLACK SHOPPING NETWORK.... REALLY?? What is the reason and need for this?? :thinking: Races all claim racism, etc but all races try to separate from all other races, I just dont get it.

Black people leading the march on that one. They want "black" put in front of everything.

I know the token black response is "every channel is white entertainment".... but if there was a "white entertainment television" station, Jesse Jackson would be leading an army to the door step of that network.

Black people are the most racist, i'd love to hear an argument to the contrary.

01-09-2012, 09:26 AM
Black people leading the march on that one. They want "black" put in front of everything.

I know the token black response is "every channel is white entertainment".... but if there was a "white entertainment television" station, Jesse Jackson would be leading an army to the door step of that network.

Black people are the most racist, i'd love to hear an argument to the contrary.

Kind of a generalized statement don't you think?

I'm not going to lie the last thing, as black male, we as a people need is the 'Black Shopping Network'.

But just say Black People are the -most- racist, that's kind of a stretch.

01-09-2012, 09:39 AM
Kind of a generalized statement don't you think?

I'm not going to lie the last thing, as black male, we as a people need is the 'Black Shopping Network'.

But just say Black People are the -most- racist, that's kind of a stretch.

how can ANY comment you could possibly make about racism not be "generalized"............. No.... 100% of black people are not racist, but a higher % of black people are racist compared to any other group of people. It's not a generalization, it's math... being applied to a topic, to support an idea. I experience racism FROM black people on a daily basis and have most of my adult life, but for some reason..... black racism goes completely under the radar and is completely socially acceptable as if they get a free pass.

01-09-2012, 09:48 AM

01-09-2012, 09:56 AM
District 4 here in georgia had a "blacks only debate" and refused to accept any white candidates. district 4 is Atlanta.

01-09-2012, 09:56 AM

blacks only field trip for elementary students.

01-09-2012, 09:58 AM
this is the man who married President Obama to the first lady.


01-09-2012, 10:04 AM
"I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites."

"I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother?s race."

"There was something about him that made me wary, a little too sure of himself, maybe. And white."

"It remained necessary to prove which side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black masses, to strike out and name names."

"I never emulate white men and brown men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into my father's image, the black man, son of Africa, that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, Dubois and Mandela."

"I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction."

Quotes from our President.

01-09-2012, 10:06 AM

01-09-2012, 10:08 AM
For one, being a black person, you wouldnt understand the reason why they are going this route w/ labeling everything black. Two, the OVERFLOW of black this, black that is retarded. Alot of people know my thoughts on hwo this entire racism thing goes. Before just going off on a rampage, understand what they/we/whoever is doing what is trying to accomplish before being so quick to cast a quick judgement as being 'the most racist race'...yea...i get bent out of shape when i hear talks of white people do this and white people do that....alot of things that white people do, every other race does, period. everyone is a crab in a bucket. but to sit there and act like everyone IS afforded the same opportunity, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, etc, is ignorant. that's all i'm saying on it.

01-09-2012, 10:09 AM
how can ANY comment you could possibly make about racism not be "generalized"............. No.... 100% of black people are not racist, but a higher % of black people are racist compared to any other group of people. It's not a generalization, it's math... being applied to a topic, to support an idea. I experience racism FROM black people on a daily basis and have most of my adult life, but for some reason..... black racism goes completely under the radar and is completely socially acceptable as if they get a free pass.

Where's your supporting facts on that statement. Where's your math? Because you throw up a single number doesn't mean it's math and it doesn't mean it's a fact.

You're assuming because of the small percentage of black people you've actually met and you're making a sweeping statement about the lot of them, which is ignorant on your part.

You've experienced racism...congratulations, so have I.

But it doesn't mean that a group of people are racist. If that's the case all white people are racist.

See how stupid and rather close minded that sounds?

So you can go ahead and thow up all the 'Black America' links and the photoshopped Jesse Jackson pictures you want to. You're not proving a point, you're just showing your knowledge of how to use Google Images.

I'm more that happy to have a civilized and adult conversation with you about the topic, but to think that any comment about racism is going to generalized is just a double standard.

Jim call Jack a nigger.

Jim is white and Jack is black.

All white people are racist.

See how incredibly stupid that sounds? But according to you, that's okay and a logical thought process?

Racism is about a group of people, because you've met only to or three of them. Racism is about how a individual treats another basic on the color of his skin.

Now we can get into a discussion about BET and Black Scholarship Funds if you want, but that's a whole different topic all together.

01-09-2012, 10:13 AM
I heard VH1 is about to be changed to BET2.

01-09-2012, 10:14 AM

This is could get interesting.

01-09-2012, 10:16 AM

This is could get interesting.

Count on it.

01-09-2012, 10:18 AM
For one, being a black person, you wouldnt understand the reason why they are going this route w/ labeling everything black. Two, the OVERFLOW of black this, black that is retarded. Alot of people know my thoughts on hwo this entire racism thing goes. Before just going off on a rampage, understand what they/we/whoever is doing what is trying to accomplish before being so quick to cast a quick judgement as being 'the most racist race'...yea...i get bent out of shape when i hear talks of white people do this and white people do that....alot of things that white people do, every other race does, period. everyone is a crab in a bucket. but to sit there and act like everyone IS afforded the same opportunity, regardless of ethnicity, nationality, etc, is ignorant. that's all i'm saying on it.

So when Martin Luther King stood in public and said " I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. "

what he ment to say was that we should segregate white college only to replace them with black colleges? Do you want equality or do you want a role reversal??????????????????

01-09-2012, 10:19 AM
Where's your supporting facts on that statement. Where's your math? Because you throw up a single number doesn't mean it's math and it doesn't mean it's a fact.

You're assuming because of the small percentage of black people you've actually met and you're making a sweeping statement about the lot of them, which is ignorant on your part.

You've experienced racism...congratulations, so have I.

But it doesn't mean that a group of people are racist. If that's the case all white people are racist.

See how stupid and rather close minded that sounds?

So you can go ahead and thow up all the 'Black America' links and the photoshopped Jesse Jackson pictures you want to. You're not proving a point, you're just showing your knowledge of how to use Google Images.

I'm more that happy to have a civilized and adult conversation with you about the topic, but to think that any comment about racism is going to generalized is just a double standard.

Jim call Jack a nigger.

Jim is white and Jack is black.

All white people are racist.

See how incredibly stupid that sounds? But according to you, that's okay and a logical thought process?

Racism is about a group of people, because you've met only to or three of them. Racism is about how a individual treats another basic on the color of his skin.

Now we can get into a discussion about BET and Black Scholarship Funds if you want, but that's a whole different topic all together.

do you own a TV set???????????????????????????????? read a paper??? have access to the internet????? Black racism is everywhere..... im not making a comment based on some guy i work with, i basing it on everything i see in my everyday life, at work, tv, news, internet, music... EVERYWHERE................

01-09-2012, 10:22 AM
That's not completely true. You're taking that out of context to fit your own arguement.

HBC's are colleges that were established because, back then, those students would've gotten an education because colleges were segergated and would admit black students. Today these schools are such a staple in the college communities that they still thrive and prosper to this day. No one is seperating white and black schools, whatever a 'white' and 'black' school is.

There a number of white students that go to HBC's and vice-versa.

What's next on the dossier?

01-09-2012, 10:24 AM
i just fuckin told you that DISTRICT 4............... the district you live in............................... A-T-L Georgia................................... ATLANTA........................................... .................................................. ............

had a blacks only debate and refused white candidates..... this is not an opinion.... this is not "my life", this is not "a few black people ive met".........

This is reality, i suggest you step into it.

01-09-2012, 10:28 AM
do you own a TV set???????????????????????????????? read a paper??? have access to the internet????? Black racism is everywhere..... im not making a comment based on some guy i work with, i basing it on everything i see in my everyday life, at work, tv, news, internet, music... EVERYWHERE................

Yes, I own several.

Yes, believe it or not, I do read the paper.

What you see at work isn't a proper stance about suc a sensitive arguement and topic.
And the whole internet question is just silly.

There is no such thing as 'black' or 'white' racism. Racism is Racism is Racism.

Point blank.

If you base everything you see on TV or the Internet, I want to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge because you're more niave that I'm giving you credit for.

So let's try this again because you've apparently missed my whole point.

Racism isn't about a ENTIRE group of people...it's not about a MAJORITY of people, because let's face it...you haven't met the MAJORITY of people to make a valid generalization.

If you've had some negative encounters with black people, sorry but that's life. Everyone isn't going to be nice to you, it's the way of world...but chances are it's not racism, maybe they just don't like you as a person.

I'll give you the point that there are black people that just the 'race' card because they refuse to look at thier own shortcomings and for that, I can't help that. That's their own hang-up and the reason why they are thriving like everyone else.

01-09-2012, 10:29 AM
That's not completely true. You're taking that out of context to fit your own arguement.

HBC's are colleges that were established because, back then, those students would've gotten an education because colleges were segergated and would admit black students. Today these schools are such a staple in the college communities that they still thrive and prosper to this day. No one is seperating white and black schools, whatever a 'white' and 'black' school is.

There a number of white students that go to HBC's and vice-versa.

What's next on the dossier?

argument is based around the perception of it. It's OK to be loud and proud about being a "black college" even if the name isnt literal, but a school like Yale who doesnt label themselves as a "white college", gets branded as racist because they have mostly white students without any mentions of the degree of difficulty to get into Yale vs say............................................... ..... Florida A&M

01-09-2012, 10:30 AM
i just fuckin told you that DISTRICT 4............... the district you live in............................... A-T-L Georgia................................... ATLANTA........................................... .................................................. ............

had a blacks only debate and refused white candidates..... this is not an opinion.... this is not "my life", this is not "a few black people ive met".........

This is reality, i suggest you step into it.

I don't live in District Four.

And your reality is distorted beyond belief, your reality isn't my reality.

So you can actually step off.


01-09-2012, 10:32 AM
argument is based around the perception of it. It's OK to be loud and proud about being a "black college" even if the name isnt literal, but a school like Yale who doesnt label themselves as a "white college", gets branded as racist because they have mostly white students without any mentions of the degree of difficulty to get into Yale vs say............................................... ..... Florida A&M

Show me your facts on this....because chances are, you don't have any but then again Google is an amazing place.

Yale vs. Florida A&M...you're comparing apples and oranges.

I can't get into Yale and neither can you.

I can get into FAMU and so can you.

01-09-2012, 10:35 AM
Yes, I own several.

Yes, believe it or not, I do read the paper.

What you see at work isn't a proper stance about suc a sensitive arguement and topic.
And the whole internet question is just silly.

There is no such thing as 'black' or 'white' racism. Racism is Racism is Racism.

Point blank.

If you base everything you see on TV or the Internet, I want to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge because you're more niave that I'm giving you credit for.

So let's try this again because you've apparently missed my whole point.

Racism isn't about a ENTIRE group of people...it's not about a MAJORITY of people, because let's face it...you haven't met the MAJORITY of people to make a valid generalization.

If you've had some negative encounters with black people, sorry but that's life. Everyone isn't going to be nice to you, it's the way of world...but chances are it's not racism, maybe they just don't like you as a person.

I'll give you the point that there are black people that just the 'race' card because they refuse to look at thier own shortcomings and for that, I can't help that. That's their own hang-up and the reason why they are thriving like everyone else.

If i drive to work 20 days out of the month, on 20 of those days i'm approached by 20 black people, 5 say "hello sir, nice weather today aint it, good day" and 15 of them rob me and steal my car. If on the 21st day i see a black person approaching me at the gas station so i jump in my car and lock the doors.


i get so tired of the "a few black people argument" ...... Nobody bases their opinion on "that one black guy they met that one time".... its an observation as a whole of all experiences with black people. I dont have to sit down and have dinner with every black person in the united states to have an opinion.

01-09-2012, 10:38 AM
I don't live in District Four.

And your reality is distorted beyond belief, your reality isn't my reality.

So you can actually step off.



close enough................

01-09-2012, 10:40 AM
If i drive to work 20 days out of the month, on 20 of those days i'm approached by 20 black people, 5 say "hello sir, nice weather today aint it, good day" and 15 of them rob me and steal my car. If on the 21st day i see a black person approaching me at the gas station so i jump in my car and lock the doors.


i get so tired of the "a few black people argument" ...... Nobody bases their opinion on "that one black guy they met that one time".... its an observation as a whole of all experiences with black people. I dont have to sit down and have dinner with every black person in the united states to have an opinion.

Then that's call 'stereotyping'.

There's a major difference.

And I'm telling you that your perception of black people are completely screwed. But then again, that's you and who am I to tell you what to think.

You're absolutely right, you have a right to have a opinion and in return I have the right to tell you that your opinion isn't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on.

So calm it down, Scooter.

You have a shitty opinion/perception about black people, in the end the only person that hurts is you because you're missing out on opporunity to meet some people who can actually enrich your life.

But then again, who am I?

Just some black guy, right?

01-09-2012, 10:41 AM

close enough................

And 2+2=5.

Close enough. But still wrong.

01-09-2012, 10:44 AM
And 2+2=5.

Close enough. But still wrong.

you're completely missing the point............................................. lets just say GEORGIA...

01-09-2012, 10:46 AM
Count on it.

Stupid comes in all shapes a colors.

The only thing I'll really say about the subject is that the word racist is entirely overused because it gets a reaction, most people couldn't tell you the difference between racism, bigotry and prejudice.

01-09-2012, 10:47 AM
No, I'm not missing the point.

You are wrong. What's to miss?

01-09-2012, 10:47 AM
Then that's call 'stereotyping'.

There's a major difference.

And I'm telling you that your perception of black people are completely screwed. But then again, that's you and who am I to tell you what to think.

You're absolutely right, you have a right to have a opinion and in return I have the right to tell you that your opinion isn't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on.

So calm it down, Scooter.

You have a shitty opinion/perception about black people, in the end the only person that hurts is you because you're missing out on opporunity to meet some people who can actually enrich your life.

But then again, who am I?

Just some black guy, right?

I've got a ton of black friends... most of the people i spend my day with are black. Still doesnt change the racism i see. The same person i laugh and talk with on a daily basis comes out of the office the other day after being asked to stop talking on their phone during work.... ( they literally talk on their phone 4 hours out of an 8 hour day ) comes out and says to me " i wouldnt be getting in trouble if i was white "

This is the norm for myself and most people i know, we shrug off black racism on a daily basis.... however........................... if i was to say "nigga" at the local basketball court.... id probably have to fight my way back to the car.

01-09-2012, 10:49 AM
No, I'm not missing the point.

You are wrong. What's to miss?

Are you fucking retarded??????? i point out an extreme case of black racism in our backyard......... North east Georgia and you're attempting to discredit that simply because the district i used missed Atlanta by about 2 miles?????

seriously..... are you fucking retarded?

01-09-2012, 10:54 AM
a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on.

This is relevant to my interests.

01-09-2012, 10:54 AM
Actually I'm quite educated and during this entire conversation I haven't cursed at you, but apparently you're slippery grip on the English language seems to boggle your mind.

So no, I'm not retarded.

And now you didn't point out any in -my- backyard. Because the District you pointed out has nothing to do with me.

So, yes...you are wrong.


Not Right.


Any way you slice it.

And yes, if you say the word 'nigger', 'nigga', 'nukkah'...you deserve to get your ass whooped because you should, hopefully, know better.

By the way, just because you have black friends doesn't equal up to shit. You're perception of black people only shows how little you know, how little you want to know, and how open you are actually see things outside of your little box.

Do the World a favor, pull your head out of your ass and realize that everyone isn't out to get you.

So I pose the same question to you, how fucking retarded are you?

01-09-2012, 11:01 AM
Actually I'm quite educated and during this entire conversation I haven't cursed at you, but apparently you're slippery grip on the English language seems to boggle your mind.

So no, I'm not retarded.

And now you didn't point out any in -my- backyard. Because the District you pointed out has nothing to do with me.

So, yes...you are wrong.


Not Right.


Any way you slice it.

And yes, if you say the word 'nigger', 'nigga', 'nukkah'...you deserve to get your ass whooped because you should, hopefully, know better.

By the way, just because you have black friends doesn't equal up to shit. You're perception of black people only shows how little you know, how little you want to know, and how open you are actually see things outside of your little box.

Do the World a favor, pull your head out of your ass and realize that everyone isn't out to get you.

So I pose the same question to you, how fucking retarded are you?

OK.... so holding a blacks only debate for a political office in Georgia has nothing to do with you. I guess it will be your problem when it comes to your front yard.......... OH WAIT.... no it wont...

because you have no problem with black racists....

but people like me "deserve to get my ass whopped because i should know better"

01-09-2012, 11:03 AM
And i dont see how my language has anything to do with this conversation. This isnt a church picnic and i personally think "fuck" is the greatest word in the dictionary.

01-09-2012, 11:05 AM
Just to clarify, I just dont understand why there is a new for a BSC, thats all. I am not saying any race is more racist than another, to me EVERY RACE is full of racist, Sad to say we will never see it go away, I just asked the question to understand the need for this channel, and why it has to be a channel singled out for just one race. Ya know?

01-09-2012, 11:05 AM
Why cant black people apply the same argument they do to white racist, to black racist?

I've had black people look me in the face and say " black racist dont exist, black people have a right to hate white people"

01-09-2012, 11:05 AM
If it's not in my District or County...where I can't vote.

No, because I can't do anything about where I DO NOT live.

And no I don't have a problems with 'Racists' period, black or white, because I'm above that type of thinking.

And once again, you're taking what I said out of context to fit your own flawed logic and arguement.

So, let's read and sound out the words you can understand.

If you want to use the word 'Nigger' in any type. And you get your eye dotted...don't cry racism, you knew what you said when it came out of your mouth.

01-09-2012, 11:08 AM
Why cant black people apply the same argument they do to white racist, to black racist?

I've had black people look me in the face and say " black racist dont exist, black people have a right to hate white people"

And those people are idiots.

And have you been paying attention to this discussion.

Black Racists and a White Racist. What's the difference?

None. They are both racists. Why is that so hard to understand?

01-09-2012, 11:11 AM
Good lord at the amount of ignorance in here. Let me start by saying I'm white, since this is apparently an important fact.

I have never thought that any one race hosted more racism than others as a percentage. I don't find black people more aggressive, more likely to rob me, dumber, etc. As Browning mentioned, the word "racism" gets thrown around all too much. You are clearly less educated than you think you are. No one with a valid point would toss out photoshopped images from Google and find the need to ask someone if they are "fucking retarded".

01-09-2012, 11:16 AM
And those people are idiots.

And have you been paying attention to this discussion.

Black Racists and a White Racist. What's the difference?

None. They are both racists. Why is that so hard to understand?

There's racist white people.
There's racist black people.

Everyone wants to burn white racist at the stake as they sympathize and make excuses for black racist.

that's the difference.

Does the person who said "i wouldnt be getting in trouble if i was white" deserve to have their ass whopped too???

Does Jessie Jackson deserve to have his ass whopped?

Does Obama?

No.... obviously not, you sympathize with them, yet you're up in arms against any hint of racism TOWARDS blacks..... while being blind to when it comes FROM them.

01-09-2012, 11:20 AM
Good lord at the amount of ignorance in here. Let me start by saying I'm white, since this is apparently an important fact.

I have never thought that any one race hosted more racism than others as a percentage. I don't find black people more aggressive, more likely to rob me, dumber, etc. As Browning mentioned, the word "racism" gets thrown around all too much. You are clearly less educated than you think you are. No one with a valid point would toss out photoshopped images from Google and find the need to ask someone if they are "fucking retarded".

Images not photoshopped.... just pointing out how commonly accepted it is too attach "black" to anything and everything...... much like the topic of this thread... "BLACK shopping network".

Quoted several black leaders directly from their own words. Linked directly to news articles.

I guess because i curse, that all goes out the window.

01-09-2012, 11:22 AM
Black Racists and a White Racist. What's the difference?

None. They are both racists. Why is that so hard to understand?


01-09-2012, 11:26 AM
There's racist white people.
There's racist black people.

Everyone wants to burn white racist at the stake as they sympathize and make excuses for black racist.

that's the difference.

Does the person who said "i wouldnt be getting in trouble if i was white" deserve to have their ass whopped too???

Does Jessie Jackson deserve to have his ass whopped?

Does Obama?

No.... obviously not, you sympathize with them, yet you're up in arms against any hint of racism TOWARDS blacks..... while being blind to when it comes FROM them.

Ugh, Good Lord.

Please, don't put words in my mouth, it only shows the lack of communication that you have...or don't have in this instance.

Now, everyone isn't making excuses for anyone. You're obviously stuck on whatever Bizzaro-World logic that apparently makes sense in your head.

But I digress.

Does Jesse Jackson deserve to have his ass whooped?

God yes, and I hope I'm the first in line.

Does Obama? I'm not sure where he comes into this equation, but I don't have a problem with our President, white or black.

But I'm getting sidetrekked.

I don't sympathize with anyone, so I don't know where you got that from. And no, I'm not up in arms at all, I'm not a fan of any type of rascim against Whites, Blacks, Asians, Muslims or any religion, race, creed, sex, or sexuality for that matter.

So please, don't assume I sympathize with one side or another. But please understand that if you're going to say something one side or another, someone is going to have something to say about it. I can argue both sides of this subject quite well, as you can see...so at this point you're just grasping at straws and making me repeat myself.

01-09-2012, 11:28 AM

01-09-2012, 11:30 AM

The point is that there is MORE black racist. Not that one side is racist and one side is not. Things have shifted to a place where it's socially acceptable to be racist towards white people.

01-09-2012, 11:32 AM
That about sums it up, Mr. Rhodes.

01-09-2012, 11:33 AM
The point is that there is MORE black racist.......

Have fact to back this up?

01-09-2012, 11:34 AM
The point is that there is MORE black racist. Not that one side is racist and one side is not. Things have shifted to a place where it's socially acceptable to be racist towards white people.

Once again.

Where's your proof to back up that grossly incorrect statement?

01-09-2012, 11:39 AM
Ugh, Good Lord.

Please, don't put words in my mouth, it only shows the lack of communication that you have...or don't have in this instance.

Now, everyone isn't making excuses for anyone. You're obviously stuck on whatever Bizzaro-World logic that apparently makes sense in your head.

But I digress.

Does Jesse Jackson deserve to have his ass whooped?

God yes, and I hope I'm the first in line.

Does Obama? I'm not sure where he comes into this equation, but I don't have a problem with our President, white or black.

But I'm getting sidetrekked.

I don't sympathize with anyone, so I don't know where you got that from. And no, I'm not up in arms at all, I'm not a fan of any type of rascim against Whites, Blacks, Asians, Muslims or any religion, race, creed, sex, or sexuality for that matter.

So please, don't assume I sympathize with one side or another. But please understand that if you're going to say something one side or another, someone is going to have something to say about it. I can argue both sides of this subject quite well, as you can see...so at this point you're just grasping at straws and making me repeat myself.

idk what more i can say to you. I could link 100 videos of black people being racist on national news channels, link 100 books, 1295891358 quotes.... you simply ignore it because you chose to.

01-09-2012, 11:41 AM
I would like to retract my statement that Black people are more racist seeing as how i don't have the time or resources to do a personal head count of every person living in the united states. I will ignore all examples displayed in public media until such a count can be made.

01-09-2012, 11:43 AM

01-09-2012, 11:46 AM
smh....this thread sure enough showed the ignorance of some people

01-09-2012, 11:46 AM
The point is that there is MORE black racist. Not that one side is racist and one side is not. Things have shifted to a place where it's socially acceptable to be racist towards white people.

What stat's do you have to back up such a bold statement? There are a ton of racist ass white trash out there, Like The KKK, Skin Heads, etc.... so I would think there are more white racist than black actually since white people are sick enough to have actual groups for it....

01-09-2012, 11:46 AM
The only reason I refuse to accept these 'quotes' is because what journalistic value do they hold?

You post random facts with no logical support and try to pass them off as truth.

For every 100 videos you post I can post 100 more of white people being racist. You haven't proven anything that when it comes to trying to have a discussion you lack the needed facilities to actually hold a geniune conversation.

So how about you do what 90% of IA does and just call me a 'Asshole' and rage quit.

See what I did there?


01-09-2012, 11:48 AM
would also like to ad that i think Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton are true patriots and i support any and every TV show, book, movie, or college that would prefer to cater specifically to a black audience. You fought for desegregation, there for you deserve the right to segregate yourselves.

God bless, gotta go to work.

01-09-2012, 11:51 AM
Have a great day at work!

01-09-2012, 11:54 AM
What stat's do you have to back up such a bold statement? There are a ton of racist ass white trash out there, Like The KKK, Skin Heads, etc.... so I would think there are more white racist than black actually since white people are sick enough to have actual groups for it....

funny you say that......

Dwight York, one of the biggest black supremacists in the United States is from Georgia. Right in your back yard.......... You know what you want to know and nothing more.

United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors
Main article: United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors
The United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors was founded by Dwight York who is considered to be "one of the most successful — and least known — black supremacist leaders in America". The Nuwaubians believe in black people's superiority to white people, that white people are "devils," devoid of both heart and soul, that the color of white people is the result of leprosy and genetic inferiority, and that the ancestors of white people are the sexual partners of dogs and jackals.[15]
Among the different species of Apeman you have the black-haired Lar. This is where you get the word ‘lord,’ or master from. The Lares, plural for Lar, were recognized for their intelligence. These Lares were the head monkeys or spiritual monkeys, well known. This is where the word ‘monks’ comes from. Certain beings used the species known as the Baboon (part hyena, jackal and monkey) together with Orangutans for breeding. This resulted in your Behaymaw (called the beast of the field) type of carnivorous man called Mankind, one of the many species of Caucasians.[16][17]
White people are said in one myth to have been originally created as a race of killers to serve black people as a slave army.
The Caucasian has not been chosen to lead the world. They lack true emotions in their creation. We never intended them to be peaceful. They were bred to be killers, with low reproduction levels and a short life span. What you call Negroid was to live 1,000 years each and the other humans 120 years. But the warrior seed of Caucasians only 60 years. They were only created to fight other invading races, to protect the God race Negroids. But they went insane, lost control when they were left unattended. They were never to taste blood. They did, and their true nature came out.… Because their reproduction levels were cut short, their sexual organs were made the smallest so that the female of their race will want to breed with Negroids to breed themselves out of existence after 6,000 years. It took 600 years to breed them, part man and part beast

01-09-2012, 11:54 AM
Have a great day at work!

you do the same! peace

01-09-2012, 11:56 AM
it only shows the lack of communication that you have...or don't have in this instance

^^ This didn't even make sense.... so your saying it shows the lack of communication that he has or the non-lack of communication that he has? lolol :thinking::thinking::thinking:

01-09-2012, 12:08 PM
funny you say that......

Dwight York, one of the biggest black supremacists in the United States is from Georgia. Right in your back yard.......... You know what you want to know and nothing more.

United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors
Main article: United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors
The United Nuwaubian Nation of Moors was founded by Dwight York who is considered to be "one of the most successful — and least known — black supremacist leaders in America". The Nuwaubians believe in black people's superiority to white people, that white people are "devils," devoid of both heart and soul, that the color of white people is the result of leprosy and genetic inferiority, and that the ancestors of white people are the sexual partners of dogs and jackals.[15]
Among the different species of Apeman you have the black-haired Lar. This is where you get the word ‘lord,’ or master from. The Lares, plural for Lar, were recognized for their intelligence. These Lares were the head monkeys or spiritual monkeys, well known. This is where the word ‘monks’ comes from. Certain beings used the species known as the Baboon (part hyena, jackal and monkey) together with Orangutans for breeding. This resulted in your Behaymaw (called the beast of the field) type of carnivorous man called Mankind, one of the many species of Caucasians.[16][17]
White people are said in one myth to have been originally created as a race of killers to serve black people as a slave army.
The Caucasian has not been chosen to lead the world. They lack true emotions in their creation. We never intended them to be peaceful. They were bred to be killers, with low reproduction levels and a short life span. What you call Negroid was to live 1,000 years each and the other humans 120 years. But the warrior seed of Caucasians only 60 years. They were only created to fight other invading races, to protect the God race Negroids. But they went insane, lost control when they were left unattended. They were never to taste blood. They did, and their true nature came out.… Because their reproduction levels were cut short, their sexual organs were made the smallest so that the female of their race will want to breed with Negroids to breed themselves out of existence after 6,000 years. It took 600 years to breed them, part man and part beast

Okay, stop copying and pasting and give us a hard link to this please.

And all you've successfully done is tell us what we already know. There are racist black people in the world.

You haven't stated anything new.

01-09-2012, 12:09 PM
^^ This didn't even make sense.... so your saying it shows the lack of communication that he has or the non-lack of communication that he has? lolol :thinking::thinking::thinking:

I'm allowed a error in my grammar here and there. ^_^

01-09-2012, 12:21 PM
No your not, Only white people can!! LMAO

01-09-2012, 12:27 PM
^^ Zing.

Keep it up I'll get Jesse and Barrack on you.

I'm black...we know errybody.

01-09-2012, 12:29 PM
Okay, stop copying and pasting and give us a hard link to this please.

And all you've successfully done is tell us what we already know. There are racist black people in the world.

You haven't stated anything new.
York was serious business.. I saw first hand a lot of things that sick man did. His temple was only about 15 miles from my home. He terrified, molested, and brainwashed innocent children. Racist based or not, the man is where he deserves to be.

01-09-2012, 12:58 PM
^^ Zing.

Keep it up I'll get Jesse and Barrack on you.

I'm black...we know errybody.


01-09-2012, 12:59 PM
Any one remember there history and the term "seprate but equal"? The black communinty fought against it now it seems like they want it? wtf

01-09-2012, 01:05 PM
Just like woman wanting equal rights when they should keep their ass in the kitchen son!! HAHA

01-09-2012, 02:06 PM
Any one remember there history and the term "seprate but equal"? The black communinty fought against it now it seems like they want it? wtf

with the overdoing of 'black_______' it can very well seem that way, but the meaning of starting it was to gain recognition, that we are very well capable of doing what anyone else can do. but especially with the overdoing of all the 'black' this and that...especially a 'black shopping network'....seriously...thats just, too much.

01-09-2012, 02:41 PM
Yeah dont get me wrong, I am not bashing any race, I just did not see a actual point of a shopping channel dedicated to black people ya know? I think thats taking it a bit to far, I can see BET, and channels like that, fine... But a shopping channel? Next we will see the Black Weather Channel, or Black CNN.... When really there is no reason for any channel other than one for EVERYBODY :)

01-09-2012, 02:55 PM
Yeah dont get me wrong, I am not bashing any race, I just did not see a actual point of a shopping channel dedicated to black people ya know? I think thats taking it a bit to far, I can see BET, and channels like that, fine... But a shopping channel? Next we will see the Black Weather Channel, or Black CNN.... When really there is no reason for any channel other than one for EVERYBODY :)

What do they sell? weave, chicken and watermellon....and accepts food stamps? j/k

01-09-2012, 03:07 PM
HAHA they were selling Bracelets which just plain silver, so to me any woman of any race would wear them

01-09-2012, 03:13 PM
What do they sell? weave, chicken and watermellon....and accepts food stamps? j/k

Only after drug testing.....wait too soon. :ninja:

01-09-2012, 03:34 PM
Yeah dont get me wrong, I am not bashing any race, I just did not see a actual point of a shopping channel dedicated to black people ya know? I think thats taking it a bit to far, I can see BET, and channels like that, fine... But a shopping channel? Next we will see the Black Weather Channel, or Black CNN.... When really there is no reason for any channel other than one for EVERYBODY :)

exactly...and just cuz it's "Black _____" doesnt mean i'm going to watch it...with more of this stuff popping up, i will be less inclined to watch it.

01-09-2012, 03:40 PM
HAHA they were selling Bracelets which just plain silver, so to me any woman of any race would wear them

black folks dont wear silver lol! They SHO DEM GOLDS!

01-09-2012, 03:48 PM
with the overdoing of 'black_______' it can very well seem that way, but the meaning of starting it was to gain recognition, that we are very well capable of doing what anyone else can do. but especially with the overdoing of all the 'black' this and that...especially a 'black shopping network'....seriously...thats just, too much.

I get what your saying but why do they feel the need to prove anything to anyone. Not trying to start another heated debate just wondering why so many black people feel the need to prove something to everyone else. Prove to yourself.

01-09-2012, 04:10 PM
In meeting a ton of people, IN MY OPINION, I think probally 80% of the muslim people I have ever met have been racist as hell to one race or another, I think black people are further down the list. xD

01-09-2012, 05:03 PM
How ironic
"IA's Sexiest Black Man 2009!"
I kid I kid...

The biggest question is, what are they selling on that channel ?

01-09-2012, 10:27 PM
all you people saying i cant prove that black people are the most racist group......


When i posted this poll on IA, people agreed with my opinion by an overwhelming margin. That's all im gonna say about it. Most people dont care to speak up because its simply not worth arguing over. As i stated previously in this thread, white people shrug their shoulders at black racism on a daily basis. That is my opinion, you cant prove that i'm wrong.

01-10-2012, 06:50 AM
I get what your saying but why do they feel the need to prove anything to anyone. Not trying to start another heated debate just wondering why so many black people feel the need to prove something to everyone else. Prove to yourself.

this isnt trying to pull the race card, but we do have it more difficult than SOME white folks to try to make a name for ourselves and to make it to the top, because of certain people, white AND black that dont want to see success for another black person. i mean this...for the white person that doesnt like/care for black people, he just flat out doesnt want to see him succeed in a position a white person, they feel, should be in...whether qualified or not (although, as well, knowing inside people gets certain people into position, even if you dont have the skills) also the white person (this also goes for the black person) that just acts like crabs in a bucket and just dont want to see the next man get higher than they are...that goes for all races too. i'm not biased, but my eyes are open to everything.

i understand, prove to yourself, totally, but to try to make something of one's self, whether whatever race, it usually goes pass having to prove just to yourself. i'll put it this way, when i was unemployed, i know i was qualified and proved to myself on my prior job, before i was laid off due to lack of work, that i was good (not great because i didnt have THAT much experience) at what i did. but i was laid off for 9 months constantly putting in resumes for career based jobs with no success. i know it wasnt TOTALLY because i was black, other reasons (not hiring, already selected someone else, etc) were some of the reasons, but i know there were times when race came into the decision. that's just something i know, not that i'm plastering it, because no one ever saw me say when i was unemployed, 'i cant get hired because i'm black and they dont want to hire a black man', naw i hustled, got my money to pay bills, by whatever legal means necessary until i was able to find employment in a similar field.

for someone to come in this thread and say 'black people are the most racist' is close minded and ignorant to say. yea you cant prove that they are and you cant prove that they arent....you were the one that said we are and were asked to provide proof that we are. that perception is so tunneled and tainted....it just shows more on your ignorance. stop sitting there labeling people as this or that, humans are racist period

01-10-2012, 07:24 AM
exactly...and just cuz it's "Black _____" doesnt mean i'm going to watch it...with more of this stuff popping up, i will be less inclined to watch it.

Exactly sir.

01-10-2012, 08:01 AM
all you people saying i cant prove that black people are the most racist group......


When i posted this poll on IA, people agreed with my opinion by an overwhelming margin. That's all im gonna say about it. Most people dont care to speak up because its simply not worth arguing over. As i stated previously in this thread, white people shrug their shoulders at black racism on a daily basis. That is my opinion, you cant prove that i'm wrong.

If you can't prove that you're right...why do I need to prove that you're wrong?

That's the thing about having a debate. If you can't prove that you're right...then you have no creditability with your arguement.

And the thing about an opinion is exactly that...it's a opinion. Which means whatever comes out of your mouth is holds no value at all.

Oh yes, you posted a poll on IA.

I totally forgot that IA is the end all, be all when it comes to things of this nature.


01-10-2012, 08:38 AM
Is there really a need for another shopping channel black or not?? I'm already tired of flipping through the ones that are already there

01-10-2012, 09:25 AM
There is always a need for more...LOL

01-10-2012, 09:27 AM
The problem iswhen you continually try to segregate yourself, its impossible to unite.

The problem with racism is there is power that comes with it. Don't like your boss, claim racism, don't like a politician, claim racism, don't like a college, claim racism, etc. Its also become a crutch for people like jessecjackson, Travis Smiley, Rev sharpton to use to fool people into thinking they can use it to their advantage.

It gives them power to drive the racist machine to seperate people, because if blacks nd whites got along, they would lose their power and influence.

I was taught to ignore skin color, but stereotypes exist for a reason.

Every time I set foot on a basketball court I experience racism because I'm white, I just go out and prove them wrong

01-10-2012, 09:32 AM
The problem iswhen you continually try to segregate yourself, its impossible to unite.

The problem with racism is there is power that comes with it. Don't like your boss, claim racism, don't like a politician, claim racism, don't like a college, claim racism, etc. Its also become a crutch for people like jessecjackson, Travis Smiley, Rev sharpton to use to fool people into thinking they can use it to their advantage.

It gives them power to drive the racist machine to seperate people, because if blacks nd whites got along, they would lose their power and influence.

I was taught to ignore skin color, but stereotypes exist for a reason.

Every time I set foot on a basketball court I experience racism because I'm white, I just go out and prove them wrong

You can't jump.

01-10-2012, 09:52 AM
If you can't prove that you're right...why do I need to prove that you're wrong?

That's the thing about having a debate. If you can't prove that you're right...then you have no creditability with your arguement.

And the thing about an opinion is exactly that...it's a opinion. Which means whatever comes out of your mouth is holds no value at all.

Oh yes, you posted a poll on IA.

I totally forgot that IA is the end all, be all when it comes to things of this nature.


Any poll you find that asks this question will produce the same results, i know i'm right. I just also know that it is impossible to produce something that will convince you that i'm right. Black people are the most racist group as a whole in the united states.

01-10-2012, 09:53 AM
The problem iswhen you continually try to segregate yourself, its impossible to unite.

The problem with racism is there is power that comes with it. Don't like your boss, claim racism, don't like a politician, claim racism, don't like a college, claim racism, etc. Its also become a crutch for people like jessecjackson, Travis Smiley, Rev sharpton to use to fool people into thinking they can use it to their advantage.

It gives them power to drive the racist machine to seperate people, because if blacks nd whites got along, they would lose their power and influence.

I was taught to ignore skin color, but stereotypes exist for a reason.

Every time I set foot on a basketball court I experience racism because I'm white, I just go out and prove them wrong


01-10-2012, 10:11 AM
Every time I set foot on a basketball court I experience racism because I'm white

Then get off the court, havent you seen White Men Cant Jump? LOL

01-10-2012, 10:44 AM
Any poll you find that asks this question will produce the same results, i know i'm right. I just also know that it is impossible to produce something that will convince you that i'm right. Black people are the most racist group as a whole in the united states.

You claim this and claim that but you have nothing to back it up with.

It's impossible to produce something that will convince me that you're right...because you aren't.

You're hands-down one of the most idiotic people I've had the pleasure of coming in contact with.

01-10-2012, 10:47 AM
this isnt trying to pull the race card, but we do have it more difficult than SOME white folks to try to make a name for ourselves and to make it to the top, because of certain people, white AND black that dont want to see success for another black person. i mean this...for the white person that doesnt like/care for black people, he just flat out doesnt want to see him succeed in a position a white person, they feel, should be in...whether qualified or not (although, as well, knowing inside people gets certain people into position, even if you dont have the skills) also the white person (this also goes for the black person) that just acts like crabs in a bucket and just dont want to see the next man get higher than they are...that goes for all races too. i'm not biased, but my eyes are open to everything.

i understand, prove to yourself, totally, but to try to make something of one's self, whether whatever race, it usually goes pass having to prove just to yourself. i'll put it this way, when i was unemployed, i know i was qualified and proved to myself on my prior job, before i was laid off due to lack of work, that i was good (not great because i didnt have THAT much experience) at what i did. but i was laid off for 9 months constantly putting in resumes for career based jobs with no success. i know it wasnt TOTALLY because i was black, other reasons (not hiring, already selected someone else, etc) were some of the reasons, but i know there were times when race came into the decision. that's just something i know, not that i'm plastering it, because no one ever saw me say when i was unemployed, 'i cant get hired because i'm black and they dont want to hire a black man', naw i hustled, got my money to pay bills, by whatever legal means necessary until i was able to find employment in a similar field.

for someone to come in this thread and say 'black people are the most racist' is close minded and ignorant to say. yea you cant prove that they are and you cant prove that they arent....you were the one that said we are and were asked to provide proof that we are. that perception is so tunneled and tainted....it just shows more on your ignorance. stop sitting there labeling people as this or that, humans are racist period

Thank you.

01-10-2012, 11:11 AM
You claim this and claim that but you have nothing to back it up with.

It's impossible to produce something that will convince me that you're right...because you aren't.

You're hands-down one of the most idiotic people I've had the pleasure of coming in contact with.

you claim i'm wrong but you have nothing to back it up.

it is impossible to produce something to prove me wrong, because im right.

you are the most hands down idiotic person ive ever had the pleasure of coming in contact with.

01-10-2012, 11:31 AM
you claim i'm wrong but you have nothing to back it up.

it is impossible to produce something to prove me wrong, because im right.

you are the most hands down idiotic person ive ever had the pleasure of coming in contact with.

Further proof that you are narrow-minded and show no desire to seek proof nor disproof of your claim.

Are you making the claim based on Georgia or as a collective whole?

01-10-2012, 11:33 AM
All you black people saying i am racist for saying you're racist are racist for calling me a racist for saying you're racist.

01-10-2012, 11:33 AM
Then get off the court, havent you seen White Men Cant Jump? LOL

that fuka balled like no other

01-10-2012, 11:34 AM
Further proof that you are narrow-minded and show no desire to seek proof nor disproof of your claim.

Are you making the claim based on Georgia or as a collective whole?

Further proof that you're narrow-minded and show no desire to seek proof nor disproof against my claim.

01-10-2012, 11:34 AM
All you black people saying i am racist for saying you're racist are racist for calling me a racist for saying you're racist.

you just proved you are dumb as fuk cuz i, neither did anyone else call you a racist, i called you ignorant and your perception, or whatever the hell it is you have, tainted and tunneled

01-10-2012, 11:35 AM
I've never called you a racist.

Please keep your perceptions to yourself.

01-10-2012, 11:36 AM
Further proof that you're narrow-minded and show no desire to seek proof nor disproof against my claim.

Can't prove or disprove an opinion.

01-10-2012, 11:40 AM
It's his 'perception' that he can.

01-10-2012, 11:42 AM

01-10-2012, 11:51 AM
Can't prove or disprove an opinion.

but mine is wrong and yours is right?

01-10-2012, 11:53 AM
Rasism also is not always towards another race, I have personally seen a certain race black, white, hispanic, ect. show racism to someone who is either lighter in skin color or darker. Its just how people have been raised from being told stories from parents, grandparents, ect.

01-10-2012, 11:57 AM
Rasism also is not always towards another race, I have personally seen a certain race black, white, hispanic, ect. show racism to someone who is either lighter in skin color or darker. Its just how people have been raised from being told stories from parents, grandparents, ect.

Exactly, more like the schools teaching that bs in history/social studies and the kids come and ask their parents about it when they get home from school and thus the hatred and racism continues it's never ending cycle

01-10-2012, 12:00 PM
you just proved you are dumb as fuk cuz i, neither did anyone else call you a racist, i called you ignorant and your perception, or whatever the hell it is you have, tainted and tunneled

if you knew everything, you would know what purple wheels look like shit on white 4 door maxima.

01-10-2012, 12:01 PM
but mine is wrong and yours is right?

I can't prove or disprove an opinion regardless of who you are. Neither of us are right or wrong but for you to say that black people are the most racist is a narrow-minded, opinionated statement that you cannot back up with justified evidence.

01-10-2012, 12:05 PM
I can't prove or disprove an opinion regardless of who you are. Neither of us are right or wrong but for you to say that black people are the most racist is a narrow-minded, opinionated statement that you cannot back up with justified evidence.

Evidence is personal experience and public comments made in the news media, radio, music, tv and public attempts at segregation which were the topic that started this thread.

01-10-2012, 12:10 PM

01-10-2012, 12:15 PM
Gotta go to work, video says everything else i have to say on this topic.

01-10-2012, 12:18 PM
So...you have nothing to say.

Fair enough.

01-10-2012, 12:20 PM
Evidence is personal experience and public comments made in the news media, radio, music, tv and public attempts at segregation which were the topic that started this thread.

YOUR personal experience within YOUR area. Being that I live closer to Atlanta, I see, if any, racial groups are localized to different locations.

So, several people say something in the news, on the radio, etc so it must be right and not an opinion of their own, correct?

01-10-2012, 12:20 PM
Evidence is personal experience and public comments made in the news media, radio, music, tv and public attempts at segregation which were the topic that started this thread.

Personal experience isn't evidence. It's your perception/opinion.

Public Comments aren't evidence...it's opinion.

Racism isn't just a white/black thing, which is a point you fail to register.

Then again, you assume the Holocaust was just a misunderstanding.

01-10-2012, 12:22 PM
So...you have nothing to say.

Fair enough.

I'm only saying the same thing that Martin Luther King said. He stood up against racism and was mocked, slandered and imprisoned. Your insults dont erase the message the same way they didnt erase his. I am against RACISM of all types against any people. Where we disagree is that you're not ready to agree that white people are a victim of racism. That's fine. Moving on.

01-10-2012, 12:24 PM
I'm only saying the same thing that Martin Luther King said. He stood up against racism and was mocked, slandered and imprisoned. Your insults dont erase the message the same way they didnt erase his. I am against RACISM of all types against any people. Where we disagree is that you're not ready to agree that white people are a victim of racism. That's fine. Moving on.

Where in this entire thread did I say that white people aren't a victim of racism?

Please...check your facts and reread this entire thread to point that out to me.

01-10-2012, 12:26 PM
Racism is racism is racism regardless of how you cut it, chop it, screw it, mix it, blend it, etc. I see racism from whites, blacks, hispanics, middle easterns, asians, blue people, white people, green people, and red people.

I don't lose sleep over it because I am not racist and it doesn't affect my life. The honey badger don't give two fucks if there is a black shopping network, a white porn network, or a hispanic comedy network.

01-10-2012, 12:29 PM
YOUR personal experience within YOUR area. Being that I live closer to Atlanta, I see, if any, racial groups are localized to different locations.

So, several people say something in the news, on the radio, etc so it must be right and not an opinion of their own, correct?

Like i said, i dont have the resourced to interview every person in the united states. What i can do, is notice that when i watch the news (which sometimes i literally do ALL day, since its the only station at work) that about 80% of all racial topics are started by black people. I've posted several examples of current news media, you ignore thats and keep sticking to the argument that my point cant be proven. You could apply the same argument to almost any debate you could possibly have, unless its a math problem.

01-10-2012, 12:30 PM

01-10-2012, 12:56 PM
this is one closed minded dumb fuck. he can't read, he doesnt realize i dont give a shit about what he thinks about my past/current vehicles and he lacks comprehension. 'debating' with him is like having an in depth conversation with a corpse, its a dead beat attempt

01-10-2012, 12:57 PM
I like where he brought your car into it Bryan!! LOL Whats with that???

01-10-2012, 01:23 PM
I like where he brought your car into it Bryan!! LOL Whats with that???

who knows

01-10-2012, 01:40 PM

01-10-2012, 04:04 PM
It's a feeble attempt at an insult when his lack of communication skills deadline.

01-10-2012, 04:25 PM

01-10-2012, 04:33 PM
I personally think blacks' use of the "N" word is stupid, deroggatory, and with racial slurs like that being used so often does not help prejudice go away....

While I don't think any race is the "most racist" I do think that if there was a white entertainment TV the entire black community would flip the fuck out....or maybe not? Maybe I'm just racist myself lmao. But for real my god son is black and he is awesome and I love the blacks I mean how could you not like beyonce.

01-10-2012, 04:36 PM
Then get off the court, havent you seen White Men Cant Jump? LOL

You laugh but think about it.......

When I walk onto a court at GSU for a pick up game, I'm ALWAYS last picked bcause I'm white, I'm slow, I'm not the typical ball player even though I watch far shorter and inexperienced BLACK players get picked over me. Usually within a few games I'm picked up much quicker once they realize I'm not a total spaz.

How is that any different than seeing a black guy in college park with his pants around his ass and think "what an uneducated jackass".

Its the same thing. I could be the lebron james, the kid in college park could have graduated from Harvard.

I wont say blacks are the MOST racist because its improbable and unproven. Its opinion. Ill say in my experience they are just as racist as white people I know.

Its pretty evenly distributed for different reasons

01-10-2012, 04:45 PM
I think his point is that blacks are just as guilty of modern day racism as whites.

That is probably an accurate statement.

White kid gets jumped by black kids, whatever.
Black kid gets jumped by white kids, jesse Jackson to the rescue.

The naacp as it is now, is inherently racist. Affirmative action, is racist. Etc etc

01-10-2012, 08:49 PM
2012 and a lot of ignorance in here. Glad I don't think the way some people do. Later, QD.

01-10-2012, 10:32 PM
Vteckidd says what i want to say, but i make sure to come off as an asshole when i say it.

01-10-2012, 10:35 PM
I like where he brought your car into it Bryan!! LOL Whats with that???

because i know he gets butt hurt about that and it entertains me.

All of these people debating my "arguing skills" have yet to prove me wrong. You guys are the ones throwing stones. I tossed a pebble at Sammich, but for the most part it's been me dodging rocks while staying on topic. When you cant win an argument, you insult the person arguing.

01-11-2012, 07:51 AM
So when you called others fucking retarded means....?

And once again, you can't prove opinion to be true or false. Hence why its called a opinion.

Please crack open a dictionary and look it up.

Reading is fundamental.

01-11-2012, 08:26 AM
I think his point is that blacks are just as guilty of modern day racism as whites.

That is probably an accurate statement.

White kid gets jumped by black kids, whatever.
Black kid gets jumped by white kids, jesse Jackson to the rescue.

The naacp as it is now, is inherently racist. Affirmative action, is racist. Etc etc

Well said.

01-11-2012, 08:50 AM
So when you called others fucking retarded means....?

And once again, you can't prove opinion to be true or false. Hence why its called a opinion.

Please crack open a dictionary and look it up.

Reading is fundamental.

If this was a thread calling these guys racist we would be in here talking how they were all douchebags and nobody would be disagreeing with each other.

But when you call these guys racist, it starts a fight with black people.

There's a double standard with white racism and black racism. A lot of black people even feel its impossible for black people to be racist.

So keep ignoring the truth in my posts and calling it an opinion. I'm not doing anything other than following in Martin Luther King's footsteps and speaking out against racism. Only difference is, i say it like an asshole and i'm not gonna wait until im on cotton field to speak up about it. My entire life i've watched racism escalate to where it is today and it continues to get worse.

For some reason people sympathize with black people being racist. Racism is not a white thing. What you need to do instead of getting angry is go read a book.

Black people sold black slaves to the united states. Said slaves didnt stand up, take arms and revolt. America went to war with itself to right the wrong in slavery. Many white and black people died fighting the civil war. Many white people assisted in helping slaves get to freedom for no other reason than it was the right thing to do.

so when i turn on my TV constantly and hear some black political figure tell me that racism is a white thing, it pisses me the fuck off. There's black racist compounds in GEORGIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!! There's compounds of people that say white people need to be eradicated in GEORGIA.

White racist groups are fading out because EVERYONE wants to get rid of them. White people, black people and everyone else. Black racist groups fly under the radar because everyone is too tight assed and worried about offending black people.

well me, i dont give a fuck if i offend you. The majority of racism i see is from black people. I want to get rid of any racist. I wanted to get of the KKK and i want to get rid of the NAACP.

01-11-2012, 08:57 AM
Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are RACISE

01-11-2012, 09:14 AM
Al Sharpton and Jessie Jackson are RACISE

theyre commonly accepted political figures and are welcome to speak on any public media. They could walk into your local applebees dressed just like that picture and nobody would think a thing about it.

The people he's walking with believe that god made man in his image and that because white people do not absorb the sun the same as black people, that its proof that we are not of this world and are products of the devil. That we should eradicated.

01-11-2012, 09:30 AM
Well I Like To Be Called "The White Devil"

01-11-2012, 09:45 AM
It's a feeble attempt at an insult when his lack of communication skills deadline.

clearly you need to develop some reading skills. I've posted more information in this thread than anyone else.

01-11-2012, 10:17 AM
you just proved you are dumb as fuk cuz i, neither did anyone else call you a racist, i called you ignorant and your perception, or whatever the hell it is you have, tainted and tunneled

if you knew everything, you would know what purple wheels look like shit on white 4 door maxima.

It's this kind of bullshit that has ME saying you argue irrationally, because that was ME who neg repped you (A liberal as fuck WHITE New Yorker). So as far as HE (sammich) was concerned, NO ONE had called you a racist in THIS THREAD and he was right. Furthermore, NO ONE you were ACTUALLY arguing with (until now) called you a racist either. Yet you still manage to pull irrelevant shit like that in (cutting the names off either intentionally or unintentionally) and twist reality to benefit what you are saying at the time.

Last time I will bring these up:

Thread 1:
"I could build a 240 that would kill a new mustang for the same price"... meanwhile the main arguing point of the thread is 400hp with a WARRANTY... so in that context who gives a fuck about an irrelevant 240?

Thread 2:
"You can't beat a mustang dollar for dollar"... How the fuck we go from yay 240 to yay mustang? ... Again you twisting around to support YOUR arguing points.

Thread 3:
"No Tebow had a better week than such and such, he threw for 300 yards and 3 TD's"... who the fuck adds running yards and TD's to your passing total unless you are trying to skew an argument?

Thread 4:
You pick the most irrational and stereotypical examples imaginable (ie: Jesse Jackson) and pick on black colleges when blacks were literally not allowed to drink out of the same water fountain as us at one time never mind go to OUR universities. They are a product of a time in which we not only kept slaves, but then reminded them that they were still a lower social status for decades to come. I'd love to see racism go away and I think affirmative action is retarded at this point, but do I understand that there is still a little bit of dislike for white people? Hell fucking yes.

This is why I say you argue irrationally and your lack of understanding for other races is why I say that you are apparently a racist. :yes:

Hell, you might be a cool guy in person, but I HATE having debates with your ass.

01-11-2012, 10:31 AM
It's this kind of bullshit that has ME saying you argue irrationally, because that was ME who neg repped you (A liberal as fuck WHITE New Yorker). So as far as HE (sammich) was concerned, NO ONE had called you a racist in THIS THREAD and he was right. Furthermore, NO ONE you were ACTUALLY arguing with (until now) called you a racist either. Yet you still manage to pull irrelevant shit like that in (cutting the names off either intentionally or unintentionally) and twist reality to benefit what you are saying at the time.

Last time I will bring these up:

Thread 1:
"I could build a 240 that would kill a new mustang for the same price"... meanwhile the main arguing point of the thread is 400hp with a WARRANTY... so in that context who gives a fuck about an irrelevant 240?

Thread 2:
"You can't beat a mustang dollar for dollar"... How the fuck we go from yay 240 to yay mustang? ... Again you twisting around to support YOUR arguing points.

Thread 3:
"No Tebow had a better week than such and such, he threw for 300 yards and 3 TD's"... who the fuck adds running yards and TD's to your passing total unless you are trying to skew an argument?

Thread 4:
You pick the most irrational and stereotypical examples imaginable (ie: Jesse Jackson) and pick on black colleges when blacks were literally not allowed to drink out of the same water fountain as us at one time never mind go to OUR universities. They are a product of a time in which we not only kept slaves, but then reminded them that they were still a lower social status for decades to come. I'd love to see racism go away and I think affirmative action is retarded at this point, but do I understand that there is still a little bit of dislike for white people? Hell fucking yes.

This is why I say you argue irrationally and your lack of understanding for other races is why I say that you are apparently a racist. :yes:

Hell, you might be a cool guy in person, but I HATE having debates with your ass.

you can bend an argument anyway you wish to rationalize it with your own opinion.

I can out run a 2012 mustang with a 1992 240sx for less money. This doesnt change my argument about Mustangs $vs$. With a 1992 Mustang i could outrun (Insert any 2012 sports car here) with less money. I dont see the point you're trying to make other than you grasping @ straws and TRYING (all be it poorly) to argue with me.

Tebow's yards... product is production. I count moving the football as moving the football. Tebow struggles with 5 yard passes, Brady does not. Brady struggles with 5 yard runs, Tebow does not. I dont think it's unfair to account for all of Tebow's production when forming an argument about his value as a QB. CLEARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 his ability to run the ball is an OVERWHELMING factor seeing as how the threat of that run is what made every passing TD vs the steelers possible.

White people wanted their own water fountains, black people now want their own tv stations, colleges, debates, elections, shopping networks ect.... segregation is segregation. You cant expect people to unite when you continue to make attempts to segregate yourself in any fashion. I've already answered your comment about "Understanding their is dislike for white people", you clearly didnt read it.

When arguing with someone frustrates you clearly as much as arguing with me does for you, its probably because you're losing the argument.

01-11-2012, 10:32 AM
For some reason people sympathize with black people being racist. Racism is not a white thing. What you need to do instead of getting angry is go read a book.

Black people sold black slaves to the united states. Said slaves didnt stand up, take arms and revolt. America went to war with itself to right the wrong in slavery. Many white and black people died fighting the civil war. Many white people assisted in helping slaves get to freedom for no other reason than it was the right thing to do.

Like i said guy, you sympathize with black racist.... I responded to your argument before you even made it. Quote above.

am i an asshole? 110% yes.....
am i a racist? No. Nothing about black skin offends me in the least.

01-11-2012, 10:38 AM
anyways, that time for me again. gotta pay the bills. Peace.

01-11-2012, 10:54 AM
you can bend an argument anyway you wish to rationalize it with your own opinion.

I can out run a 2012 mustang with a 1992 240sx for less money. This doesnt change my argument about Mustangs $vs$. With a 1992 Mustang i could outrun (Insert any 2012 sports car here) with less money. I dont see the point you're trying to make other than you grasping @ straws and TRYING (all be it poorly) to argue with me.

Tebow's yards... product is production. I count moving the football as moving the football. Tebow struggles with 5 yard passes, Brady does not. Brady struggles with 5 yard runs, Tebow does not. I dont think it's unfair to account for all of Tebow's production when forming an argument about his value as a QB. CLEARLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 his ability to run the ball is an OVERWHELMING factor seeing as how the threat of that run is what made every passing TD vs the steelers possible.

White people wanted their own water fountains, black people now want their own tv stations, colleges, debates, elections, shopping networks ect.... segregation is segregation. You cant expect people to unite when you continue to make attempts to segregate yourself in any fashion. I've already answered your comment about "Understanding their is dislike for white people", you clearly didnt read it.

When arguing with someone frustrates you clearly as much as arguing with me does for you, its probably because you're losing the argument.

Mustang: There were a LOT of other talking points in that thread which I am generalizing to prevent the post from being 9 pages long in it's own right. Again I am going to GENERALIZE. The article I wrote said, "why build a car when you could buy one that puts out 400hp with a factory warranty... Why have 2 separate cars (daily and project) when you can have 2 in 1?". You said "I could out-run a mustang for the money"... True, but sacrificing reliability and warranty... You then said "Said built 240/Rx7/whatever would be just as reliable"... Bullshit, and it still won't have a 40k mile warranty. You then proceed to post 999999 pictures of nice looking tuner cars which somehow proves me wrong? Never did YOU support that god damn argument with fact (because you can't... project cars by nature are not reliable), just as you never really addressed the main point of what I was trying to say. Anyone who tries to disprove you regarding reliability (I gave up because I thought I was talking to someone with downs syndrome), you tell them they don't know what they're talking about and call their mechanical skills into question. You know how many positive reps I got for calling you out on that "mustangs are hard to beat" thread? That should tell you something, which certainly isn't that I'm grasping for straws.

I could truly give a fuck about Tebow, but adding together his stats (which you did get called out for by someone else in that thread), again is just an example of you twisting facts.

Truth be told the only reason I said "Hell, you might be a cool guy in person, but I HATE having debates with your ass." is because I am trying to keep it friendly in case we ever meet face to face, but my perception is that you are an ignorant loudmouth who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. One of those dudes who will yell over you in an argument because they feel like they're winning if they're talking louder or more often. The type that NEEDS the last word because even if said last work is completely irrelevant, they still won the argument.


They say ignorance is bliss... You must be the most happy motherfucker on the face of this planet.

01-11-2012, 11:40 AM
^^ I LOL'd at the last line.

There's alot of inconsistancies that I want to bring up from the last few posts that Mr. 240 has brought up, but to be honest...what's the point?

He'll just post up some more Google Images and the whole cycle will start over.

01-11-2012, 11:49 AM
I personally think blacks' use of the "N" word is stupid, deroggatory, and with racial slurs like that being used so often does not help prejudice go away....

While I don't think any race is the "most racist" I do think that if there was a white entertainment TV the entire black community would flip the fuck out....or maybe not? Maybe I'm just racist myself lmao. But for real my god son is black and he is awesome and I love the blacks I mean how could you not like beyonce.

Kelly Rowland > Beyonce...IJS

I think his point is that blacks are just as guilty of modern day racism as whites.


01-11-2012, 11:56 AM
"White people wanted their own water fountains, black people now want their own tv stations, colleges, debates, elections, shopping networks ect.... segregation is segregation. You cant expect people to unite when you continue to make attempts to segregate yourself in any fashion. "-Sinfix

Probably should have left it at that LOL

01-11-2012, 12:09 PM
Mustang: There were a LOT of other talking points in that thread which I am generalizing to prevent the post from being 9 pages long in it's own right. Again I am going to GENERALIZE. The article I wrote said, "why build a car when you could buy one that puts out 400hp with a factory warranty... Why have 2 separate cars (daily and project) when you can have 2 in 1?". You said "I could out-run a mustang for the money"... True, but sacrificing reliability and warranty... You then said "Said built 240/Rx7/whatever would be just as reliable"... Bullshit, and it still won't have a 40k mile warranty. You then proceed to post 999999 pictures of nice looking tuner cars which somehow proves me wrong? Never did YOU support that god damn argument with fact (because you can't... project cars by nature are not reliable), just as you never really addressed the main point of what I was trying to say. Anyone who tries to disprove you regarding reliability (I gave up because I thought I was talking to someone with downs syndrome), you tell them they don't know what they're talking about and call their mechanical skills into question. You know how many positive reps I got for calling you out on that "mustangs are hard to beat" thread? That should tell you something, which certainly isn't that I'm grasping for straws.

I could truly give a fuck about Tebow, but adding together his stats (which you did get called out for by someone else in that thread), again is just an example of you twisting facts.

Truth be told the only reason I said "Hell, you might be a cool guy in person, but I HATE having debates with your ass." is because I am trying to keep it friendly in case we ever meet face to face, but my perception is that you are an ignorant loudmouth who doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about. One of those dudes who will yell over you in an argument because they feel like they're winning if they're talking louder or more often. The type that NEEDS the last word because even if said last work is completely irrelevant, they still won the argument.


They say ignorance is bliss... You must be the most happy motherfucker on the face of this planet.

You got positive reps for siding with the imports on the import vs mustang debate on importatlanta.com???? i find this simply hard to believe... LOL.... Lets have the same debate on stangnet.com and see how that turns out.

The last time i put the same amount of money in my 240sx into a mustang, that mustang ran 9s.

You're the person bringing up car and football arguments because you cant offer anything to this topic.

The reason i argue so aggressively is because i'm actually willing to find details, sources, stats ect to support my argument. After i take time out of my day to go read something to apply it to my argument, im not going to bow down to someone saying " you're ignorant"

I'm pretty laid back in person, anyone who has met me will tell you this. I dont think i've raised my voice in 10 years and im not confrontational in the least.

You guys are picking 1 line of my entire argument to get pissed off about.

I think black people are the most racist group. That is an opinion. It cant be proven, but i believe it 100% and stand on that opinion.

Everything else ive said is 100% true fact. Some % of black people are racist. There is black racism on public TV. There are compounds in Georgia for black racist to gather. They do gather. NAACP does mingle with these racist groups. Those are facts.

If you want to keep calling me ignorant for my opinion that there are more black racist than white in the modern world, be my guest.... you cant prove me wrong.

01-11-2012, 12:12 PM
"White people wanted their own water fountains, black people now want their own tv stations, colleges, debates, elections, shopping networks ect.... segregation is segregation. You cant expect people to unite when you continue to make attempts to segregate yourself in any fashion. "-Sinfix

Probably should have left it at that LOL

I'm an asshole, im gonna hammer the nail until it breaks the board. The underlying message is still genuine.

01-11-2012, 12:27 PM
and now i really do have to go, thats all folks..... FOR NOW

01-11-2012, 12:50 PM
I like turtle.

01-11-2012, 01:40 PM
"White people wanted their own water fountains, black people now want their own tv stations, colleges, debates, elections, shopping networks ect.... segregation is segregation. You cant expect people to unite when you continue to make attempts to segregate yourself in any fashion. "-Sinfix

Probably should have left it at that LOL


01-11-2012, 01:47 PM
"White people wanted their own water fountains, black people now want their own tv stations, colleges, debates, elections, shopping networks ect.... segregation is segregation. You cant expect people to unite when you continue to make attempts to segregate yourself in any fashion. "-Sinfix

Probably should have left it at that LOL

So your saying black people demand more than white people do?? LOL We just wanted a water fountain and black folk want all the other stuff you listed? Thats a Racise comment Mike!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

01-11-2012, 09:59 PM
Wasn't there a time, before most of us existed, when there was a "white only" this and "white only" that. The all white schools and the white only eateries and buses and the white only neighborhoods? It's irrelevant really, seeing as if we were not exposed to the past from the black folk and white folk before us, we would not have known of how much white and how much black is here and there. But I do know, the "black only" places that existed before our time, were not anything we actually wanted our race on or to be "allowed" to be on. So yes, the black folks are plastering their race on things they'd prefer, not on the things others would prefer.

So complaining about the "black" before titles shouldn't be a bother, it's clearly a mirror of what the "white" titles used to be on things we as black folks could only dream of at that time. Let the older folks who couldn't, enjoy the chance to title something they otherwise couldn't before our times. You're 28 Sinfix, you aren't even part of that past and neither am I. And Brett, this is a repost, you said something about this at least a year ago. None of us would understand more than those from that past.

01-11-2012, 10:07 PM
So complaining about the "black" before titles shouldn't be a bother

This is all that needs to be said. There's no need for any arguments or rebuttals. Just that part of your post. Who gives a fuck if there is a black this or a black that?

Ignorance is bliss to some. Later, QD.

01-11-2012, 10:20 PM
Ignorance is bliss to some. Later, QD.

It really is, when you're little you have no sense of race. You have friends, that is all. I shouldn't have to worry or think about where I'm going, just because I have to or want to go there and neither should anyone else.

01-11-2012, 10:21 PM
Who gives a fuck if there is a black this or a black that?
Atleast u know what to avoid with things being labeled Black

01-11-2012, 10:24 PM
It really is, when you're little you have no sense of race. You have friends, that is all.

For real! My two youngest are damn near the only white folks in their classes and have no qualms about it. Neither do I.

Atleast u know what to avoid with things being labeled Black

HAHA! Good shit. Later, QD.

01-11-2012, 10:30 PM
I just made an account on www.blackpeoplemeet.com

That's wuzzup.

01-11-2012, 10:33 PM
Wasn't there a time, before most of us existed, when there was a "white only" this and "white only" that. The all white schools and the white only eateries and buses and the white only neighborhoods? It's irrelevant really, seeing as if we were not exposed to the past from the black folk and white folk before us, we would not have known of how much white and how much black is here and there. But I do know, the "black only" places that existed before our time, were not anything we actually wanted our race on or to be "allowed" to be on. So yes, the black folks are plastering their race on things they'd prefer, not on the things others would prefer.

So complaining about the "black" before titles shouldn't be a bother, it's clearly a mirror of what the "white" titles used to be on things we as black folks could only dream of at that time. Let the older folks who couldn't, enjoy the chance to title something they otherwise couldn't before our times. You're 28 Sinfix, you aren't even part of that past and neither am I. And Brett, this is a repost, you said something about this at least a year ago. None of us would understand more than those from that past.

Black people fought to remove segregation and are now replacing it with their own segregation. Two wrongs doesnt make a right. If i punch you in the nuts, that doesnt make it ok for you to go punch someone else in the nuts.

I'm 28? what does this matter??? unless there's a 65 year old man on here arguing with me, we're all in the same boat. What i know about racism is from TV and history books. The same as any other black person on this forum. I'm sure some black person is gonna say "my grandfather told me stories of ......" well... that goes both ways. Not every white person in the united states was a southern slave owner. Remember.... we went to war over this issue, and the side that didnt want slaves won. someone's white grandfather could have been standing the front line fighting for the north or been a part of the underground railroad. Racism is not a white thing.

I'm sorry, but im not sympathetic to the idea of black people getting revenge for what happened to them or having any special rights because of it. You are equal. Equal is equal. Like i said before, im not gonna wait until i'm on a cotton field to speak up about a racism.

01-11-2012, 10:33 PM
I just made an account on www.blackpeoplemeet.com

Did you get my "Welcome" e-mail after you submitted your application? Later, QD.

01-11-2012, 10:34 PM
This is all that needs to be said. There's no need for any arguments or rebuttals. Just that part of your post. Who gives a fuck if there is a black this or a black that?

Ignorance is bliss to some. Later, QD.

I want my white water fountains back then.

01-11-2012, 10:37 PM
Did you get my "Welcome" e-mail after you submitted your application? Later, QD.Yes I did. Thank you for the warm, non-racially incentive welcome.

unless there's a 65 year old man on here arguing with me, we're all in the same boat. :(

01-11-2012, 10:37 PM
I want my white water fountains back then.

Then go get it. Later, QD.

01-11-2012, 10:41 PM
Remember.... we went to war over this issue, and the side that didnt want slaves won. someone's white grandfather could have been standing the front line fighting for the north or been a part of the underground railroad. Racism is not a white thing.
Are u sure the Civil War was over slavery and not state rights. Lincoln didnt give a shit about black people, he wanted to win a difficult war. Abolishing slavery was a selling point for Northern's to think they're fighting for more than just the right for the federal government to tell the states what to do.

01-11-2012, 10:41 PM
I would be the only person that could drink out of a "white-only" water fountain at my house...

01-11-2012, 10:45 PM
Are u sure the Civil War was over slavery and not state rights. Lincoln didnt give a shit about black people, he wanted to win a difficult war. Abolishing slavery was a selling point for Northern's to think they're fighting for more than just the right for the federal government to tell the states what to do.

i feel it would be impossible to prove what his actual intentions were. Point of the statement is that there was obviously a conflict between white people about slavery. If Lincoln thought abolishing slavery was a "selling point" then obviously there was an audience who didnt support slavery. The North won, so clearly the support against slavery was stronger than the support for it. Unless you're saying they just wanted to fight to fight.

01-11-2012, 10:46 PM
I would be the only person that could drink out of a "white-only" water fountain at my house...

I'm gonna put a white only water fountain beside my mailbox, so i can get a sip when i check the mail.

01-11-2012, 10:50 PM
I've never seen a white mail box... They're all black.

01-11-2012, 10:55 PM
I've never seen a white mail box... They're all black.

i googled "racist mailbox" hoping something good would pop up, this is the best i can do.


01-11-2012, 10:55 PM

I Googled that, and came up with this...


01-11-2012, 11:02 PM
now that is pretty awesome

01-11-2012, 11:04 PM
The attention to detail is amazing.

01-11-2012, 11:05 PM
id love to see his gun collection, you know its gotta be sweet if he cared enough to make something like that.

01-12-2012, 07:26 AM
I've never seen a white mail box... They're all black.

Cause the Postal Service is RACISE!!! I want a "Black" Only water fountain next to my black mailbox, this way my mail box doesnt feel left out in my white neighborhood lol

01-12-2012, 01:35 PM
Ironically enough my black mailbox is bigger than all the other white mailboxes in my neighborhood.

01-12-2012, 02:04 PM
Hmmmmm just like IRL?? LOL

01-12-2012, 02:15 PM
Seriously... That's an urban legend.

01-12-2012, 02:44 PM
Why are you using the word Urban? You saying black people are Urban now?? RACISE I SAY!! hahahaha

01-12-2012, 06:42 PM
Urban is codeword for Ghetto which is codeword for black.

01-12-2012, 06:56 PM
Urban is codeword for Ghetto which is codeword for black.

not code, politically correct.

01-12-2012, 07:01 PM
Urban is codeword for Ghetto which is codeword for black.I disagree.

"Ghetto" is codeword for old run-down sections of town that are predominantly black.

"Historic" is codeword for old run-down sections of town that are predominantly white.

01-12-2012, 07:07 PM
The North won, so clearly the support against slavery was stronger than the support for it.

The north won because it controlled all of the industry and had a much higher population, therefore more and better equipped soldiers. The turning point of the war took place outside a small PA town that had a shoe factory. I'll let you guess what the name of the little town was. There was actually very little support for the war in the North, in fact, the upper class were 'importing' people from Europe to fight in their place if not simply buying out of the draft all together.

01-12-2012, 09:22 PM

01-13-2012, 07:31 AM
I disagree.

"Ghetto" is codeword for old run-down sections of town that are predominantly black.

"Historic" is codeword for old run-down sections of town that are predominantly white.

This is actually very true...lol

01-13-2012, 09:09 AM
I know...

Because I said it.

01-13-2012, 09:19 AM

01-13-2012, 10:27 AM
Are u sure the Civil War was over slavery and not state rights. Lincoln didnt give a shit about black people, he wanted to win a difficult war. Abolishing slavery was a selling point for Northern's to think they're fighting for more than just the right for the federal government to tell the states what to do.
Horrible interpretation and flat out wrong.

The states right issue WAS over slavery. The south wanted slaves to work in their fields, the north didn't like that. Lincoln abolished slavery, "emancipation proclamation" , allowed "colored people" to serve in the military, Lincoln was probably the most anti slavery person of his time.

Don't confuse slavery with equal rights, as that didn't come till years later.

01-13-2012, 10:30 AM
Atleast u know what to avoid with things being labeled Black

You don't combat racism with equal racism in the name of revenge.

Just saying

01-13-2012, 11:10 AM
Sadly this thread has received more posts than any thread on here in recent times LOL

01-13-2012, 11:12 AM
Sadly this thread has received more posts than any thread on here in recent times LOL

Need to change the name of the site to Importcomearguewithsinfix.com

01-13-2012, 11:37 AM
Good Idea!! HAHA

Any other topics you want me to start that you can chime in on and piss people off with?? HAHAHAHAHAHA

01-13-2012, 11:39 AM
Here ya go!! HAHA


01-15-2012, 08:08 PM
Horrible interpretation and flat out wrong.

The states right issue WAS over slavery. The south wanted slaves to work in their fields, the north didn't like that. Lincoln abolished slavery, "emancipation proclamation" , allowed "colored people" to serve in the military, Lincoln was probably the most anti slavery person of his time.
The North wanted to stop the expansion of slavery, this lead the South to believe the North would eventually pass federal laws banning slavery which would be a direct hit to the Southern economy but more importantly they feared the south would lose their voice in the country and would have to succumb to the Majority (North). The North went to war because the South wanted to leave the Union because they felt like the federal government was not working in the favor of the south and was going to undermine their economic growth and other ways of life in the coming years. Every war or major event comes down to money and power, so I believe slavery was the tipping point but was not the leading contributor to the civil war. Seriously ask yourself, do i really believe this country went through a civil war over black people. Next you're going to tell me the U.S. went to war with IRAQ to liberate some Muslims. Get the fuck out here! In order to justify a war you have to make it appear as a moral crusade.

Don't confuse slavery with equal rights, as that didn't come till years later.
Who is confuse, did you just make a trip to the slavery museum in Alabama or something and is now getting on a fucking high horse

01-15-2012, 10:02 PM
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcScSmkPu1W4ELtb33XuOqxgP4psKJAXU S3B31EUiLgZ93yzkeeKwKGdgc37

01-15-2012, 10:22 PM
What's happenin' up in heun????? Bert, cliff notes....Kidd, what's up?.....Tiger, still being racise????....lol. Carry on.

01-15-2012, 10:51 PM

01-16-2012, 09:32 PM
Does Jesse Jackson deserve to have his ass whooped?

God yes, and I hope I'm the first in line.

Can we just go ahead and get this line started now? Ill be second!

01-17-2012, 07:37 AM
What's happenin' up in heun????? Bert, cliff notes....Kidd, what's up?.....Tiger, still being racise????....lol. Carry on.

Cliff notes... SINFIX_15 is the most Racise honkey on IA, and black people have their own shopping channel now, That about sums it up.