View Full Version : "The Varsity" (January 5th, 2012)

01-05-2012, 11:05 PM

January 5th, 2012
If anyone wants hi-res versions of these pictures, PM me and I'll get them to you. They're 18MP, around 8MB/piece and about ~5000x~3500 pixels.

Leave me some reviews/feedback/criticism, please!




01-05-2012, 11:12 PM
They're ok pics. Most of them are chopped up with partial car shots. The best one, to me, is probably the sideways leaning IBM tower shot. Later, QD.

01-05-2012, 11:15 PM
They're ok pics. Most of them are chopped up with partial car shots. The best one, to me, is probably the sideways leaning IBM tower shot. Later, QD.
Takes up to much memory to capture a whole car :ninja:

01-05-2012, 11:16 PM
It was my first time taking a tripod and my new Canon T2i to a car meet, this being besides the fact that I'm only using the kit lens and I've only had the camera since December 25th. I'm still learning, but thank you for being honest! (Also on some/most of them, I was actually going for the half-car, half-scenery look.)

EDIT: And I actually also took the very first picture in this thread, of the varsity.

01-05-2012, 11:23 PM
I'm still learning, but thank you for being honest!

Everyone starts somewhere, man. Keep practicing. You'll get there. Unless you're me and you'll never get there. But you're not me so you have a better chance.....hmmmmmm.....the rambling will cease now, sir. For real, though, keep practicing. It'll be the best way to learn your camera.

(Also on some/most of them, I was actually going for the half-car, half-scenery look.)

My opinion? It doesn't work. Always better to go full on scenery or full on car or both. I know it's not always in the cards to get both, but when you do it the way you did, the center of attention is all over the place. Kind of like your camera having ADHD. Later, QD.

01-05-2012, 11:41 PM
Nice shots.

01-05-2012, 11:48 PM
You did have some nice shots, but I would like to see some of the crew shots in future pictures. For example, there was a large mustang group, a subie group, a prelude group, or just friends who always roll together and would like shots of their rides.

01-06-2012, 12:07 AM
Point and shoot. Appreciate you taking the time and sharing.l. But point and shoot :)

Keep practicing.. You will get better...

01-06-2012, 12:33 AM
Practice makes perfect! Thanks for getting a few shoots of my hatch in there as well.

Brandon Head
01-06-2012, 06:15 AM
Thanks for the shots on my lude. Keep up the good work & practive makes perfect.

01-06-2012, 06:30 AM
They're ok pics. Most of them are chopped up with partial car shots. The best one, to me, is probably the sideways leaning IBM tower shot. Later, QD.

What IBM tower? There is a BOA and an ATT tower there, but no IBM.

01-06-2012, 06:34 AM
It was my first time taking a tripod and my new Canon T2i to a car meet, this being besides the fact that I'm only using the kit lens and I've only had the camera since December 25th. I'm still learning, but thank you for being honest! (Also on some/most of them, I was actually going for the half-car, half-scenery look.)

EDIT: And I actually also took the very first picture in this thread, of the varsity.

It's not the camera or the lens. You have good equipment. The only issue isn't technical, it's composition. Think about what you want to show in the actual photo, and show only that. Also, you can rename and group photos so that they display in an order. Put all of the car photos together, and then all of the scenic shots together before uploading.
You've got a good start, which is a desire to get better. I keep working on improving daily.

01-06-2012, 07:27 AM
Yeah, first thing you need to do is back up. Look around on Flickr at good car photographers and study how they set up the composition. Partial car is almost never preferred unless it's a shot within a larger set.

You've got a good start though, the V Meet is not an easy event to shoot at all.

01-06-2012, 08:30 AM

Boosting EG
01-06-2012, 08:34 AM
nice shot

Boosting EG
01-06-2012, 08:35 AM
did you take any of a red EK hatch

01-06-2012, 09:35 AM
You really need to resize that damn signature picture.

OP- As other have said, your compisition is...pretty poor at the moment. Not to say you can't improve upon that. But it's a fine line between trying to hard and having pictures that look like a tourist with a pocket camera who just walks around and snaps everything in sight. There are a TON of details to remember/consider when you are taking pictures....poles, buildings, people, other cars, which way the wheels are turned, light reflections...and the list goes on.

01-06-2012, 09:53 AM
As other have said, your composition is...pretty poor at the moment. Not to say you can't improve upon that. But it's a fine line between trying to hard and having pictures that look like a tourist with a pocket camera who just walks around and snaps everything in sight. There are a TON of details to remember/consider when you are taking pictures....poles, buildings, people, other cars, which way the wheels are turned, light reflections...and the list goes on.Well, I'm sure it will improve over time. Another thing is that at night, I have to leave the shutter open for a good 6-10 seconds to capture good light, so it's not really a point and shoot type of thing. I'm trying, I just wanted to capture the event through my eyes and share it with others.

01-06-2012, 09:57 AM
Fast lens, and higher ISOs - then you can lose the tripod.

I have a D5100, and I can raise the ISO cleanly and still use the kit lens, and not need a tripod. redr1 has a T3i, and can do the same on his kit lens. You might want to check your ISO settings.

01-06-2012, 10:06 AM
Well, I'm sure it will improve over time. Another thing is that at night, I have to leave the shutter open for a good 6-10 seconds to capture good light, so it's not really a point and shoot type of thing. I'm trying, I just wanted to capture the event through my eyes and share it with others.

This is where you learn the balance of your 3 main settings (ISO, f, shutter speed) so you don't use one too much over another. Raise your ISO, lower your f-stop and adjust shutter speed accordingly. Or you can kinda cheat and use shutter priority mode.

01-06-2012, 11:01 AM
Fast lens, and higher ISOs - then you can lose the tripod.

I have a D5100, and I can raise the ISO cleanly and still use the kit lens, and not need a tripod. redr1 has a T3i, and can do the same on his kit lens. You might want to check your ISO settings.

The issue with Canon cameras is their inability to take pictures above 400 ISO speed without large amounts of grain.

As you guys can see here ->[Wild Bill's Car Meet (http://www.flickr.com/photos/gagefaulkner/sets/72157628707721433/)]<- all of these pictures were taken with the ISO speed set anywhere from 3200-12800 (depending on the current lighting) and with the shutter speed anywhere from 1/30-1/125. F-Stop usually didn't move from 5.6-6.1. They're apparently better pictures because of their content, though, according to my friends. I was aiming to just have good lighting in darker situations at this meet. I'll find my balance, I'm sure.

01-06-2012, 12:58 PM
The issue with Canon cameras is their inability to take pictures above 400 ISO speed without large amounts of grain.

As you guys can see here ->[Wild Bill's Car Meet (http://www.flickr.com/photos/gagefaulkner/sets/72157628707721433/)]<- all of these pictures were taken with the ISO speed set anywhere from 3200-12800 (depending on the current lighting) and with the shutter speed anywhere from 1/30-1/125. F-Stop usually didn't move from 5.6-6.1. They're apparently better pictures because of their content, though, according to my friends. I was aiming to just have good lighting in darker situations at this meet. I'll find my balance, I'm sure.

those images are okay, the shooter could have easily stopped it down lower.. dropped the ISO and had much much cleaner images.

as for the OP's photos.. their okay, more along the better side i would say. some are over exposed and loss of detail in some of the car is very noticeable.. and speaking of loss of detail, shooting half a car or sections of a car is a big no no unless its for detail for its part of a larger set of images of the same particular car (as Andy stated).

for a novice, your doing good though.. there are ALOT of good photogs on here, look at their work and study.

01-06-2012, 03:31 PM
those images are okay, the shooter could have easily stopped it down lower.. dropped the ISO and had much much cleaner images.

as for the OP's photos.. their okay, more along the better side i would say. some are over exposed and loss of detail in some of the car is very noticeable.. and speaking of loss of detail, shooting half a car or sections of a car is a big no no unless its for detail for its part of a larger set of images of the same particular car (as Andy stated).

for a novice, your doing good though.. there are ALOT of good photogs on here, look at their work and study.
I also took the Wild Bill's pictures. Those were all handheld, all by me.
And trust me, I've learned by now that I needn't try to capture half car and half scenery in a photograph.

01-06-2012, 06:25 PM
nice coverage

01-06-2012, 08:26 PM
Damn and I was in the area that day. Havent been to one of these meets in over 2 years

01-07-2012, 12:25 AM
Thanks for getting pics of me and a few friends cars!!




01-07-2012, 12:31 AM
why does that eg look identical to bamboo's type r lol it even has the single fog cover haha