View Full Version : The Varsity Meet November 3 2011?

11-03-2011, 08:32 AM
Hi guys and gals, is anyone planning on attending the Varsity tonight? It has been quite some time since I have come to one, I guess they are still the first Thursday of the month?

11-03-2011, 08:48 AM
Don't even bother, it's a hoodlum fest now.

big mac
11-03-2011, 09:04 AM
quality has gone way down from what it used to be. you still find some nice whips here and there but kinda of getting over run by the donks and bubbles hahaha. we should just make them park at the very bottom so no one will have to deal with em lol

11-03-2011, 09:11 AM
The V has become a lost cause. One group doesn't have the right to tell another group where to go or what to do. I would rather start a new meet in a new location until that one gets overrun. Easier said than done though.

Mr Egg Rollllll
11-03-2011, 09:22 AM
The V has become a lost cause. One group doesn't have the right to tell another group where to go or what to do. I would rather start a new meet in a new location until that one gets overrun. Easier said than done though.

I'd be one to agree with you. I hope one day that it'll happen, maybe IA has enough pull in the community to promote another monthly event at another location.

11-03-2011, 10:36 AM
I'll be there.

11-03-2011, 10:59 AM
lets change it to the varsity jr in Dawsonville !

11-03-2011, 11:01 AM
Maybe its time for another LOCATION AND TIME.

11-03-2011, 11:19 AM
It's going to be hard to get everybody on board with a location and time change. I have no opposition to trying, but I think it's going to take some time before a good turn out.

11-03-2011, 11:21 AM
It's going to be hard to get everybody on board with a location and time change. I have no opposition to trying, but I think it's going to take some time before a good turn out.

Personally I think it would help if it was the same place and time, just a different day.

I will most likely be there tonight.

11-03-2011, 11:31 AM
^^ Agree. I would consider going again if it was on a different day and the volume of people was trimmed.

11-03-2011, 12:01 PM
going to rain

11-03-2011, 01:37 PM
I'm heading down from marietta with about 5 other cars.

11-03-2011, 01:48 PM
varsity is only good for the food. the cars are lame and the traffic and retards walking around isn't worth going.

11-03-2011, 01:55 PM
I would be there... BUT, I STILL dont have my car back from paint.

11-03-2011, 02:16 PM
varsity is only good for the food. the cars are lame and the traffic and retards walking around isn't worth going.
What Varaity are you eating at? The food at the V is some of the worst shit I've ever eaten in my life...

11-03-2011, 02:31 PM
anybody still going even with the weather?

11-03-2011, 03:49 PM
Going to Wild BIlls at 9pm. It's suppose to rain all early evening.

11-10-2011, 04:01 PM
If anything does get setup in a better location feel free to shoot me an email. I'd love to come see old and new faces with cool rides.

[email protected]

11-14-2011, 04:34 PM
Seems like wild bills is getting to be the new spot. I sure hope it it anyway.

11-15-2011, 09:17 AM
It's a shame the V is being over run with the donks and general garbage, but it's the best location to have it... central to everyone. Wouldn't be a good idea to have it in the NW, NE, or even south of town. Too much to travel for some folks... needs to stay centralized.

12-01-2011, 09:27 AM
just throwing an idea out there what bout atlantic station? it has good parking size