View Full Version : How much can I piss you guys ofF...OR make you agree with me???

07-29-2011, 10:26 AM
Since the "fuck your honda/v8" thread kinda got shit going, I'll see if I can light a fire under this bitch. Sure I could rag on your cars and why 20yr old Hondas suck and if you're anything other than a highschool studen you souldn't be proud to own a 20+ yr old POS.


Fuck the organized Christians. Stop meddling in the government and wasting perfectly good tome and money on your useless bullshit issues. Fine, have your religion, go to church and believe in whatever you want to believe in...jsut stop shoving your shit down everyone else's throat. It's only by a fucking miracle that we kind passes the right to buy alcohol on Sundays here in Ga...because you bible thumping shitbags we know as the Christian Coalition screamed like a beat child everytime the subject was brought up. Don't worry, when I can finally buy my Guinness on Sunday, I'll go to their HQ/tent/house/trailer/steel storage shed and take a picture of me drinking and holding my receipt with a big MFR.
Oh and get over the whole gay marriage thing. I'm not gay, I don't really care...but there are far more pressing issues to take care of. I don't get why these assholes think that their religion is supreme and must apply to all mankind. Fuck that. What are they so afraid of? Someone might do a better job of decorating your house? It's not like you guys have to worry about them boinking your wife/girlfriend....and you women- it's not like you would mind a little tongue action on the boat pilot.

What else. Oh yeah...fuck Congress. What a bunch of chickenheads. Honestly there is too much shit to get into on that one. Why do we allow Congressmen to have UNLIMITED terms? This is the problem. We have a boat load of old, grouchy, old-world dustbags running everything how they want to. We need to toss all of them and start over. That's how things will change.

Want to know my solution to fixing all of this shit? First we withdrawl from the middle-east. All of it. They've been fighting eachother long before we were a country and they will continue to do so...let them. Now take all of those troops and put some of them on the boarder of Mexico. Have them build better security and give permission to shoot to kill those jumping illegally. We have a due process to becoming a citizen..use it or fuck off. Bomb China. Not all of it, just the cities ove 1 billion people. China doesn't have much regard for helping the world politically or enviornmentally. Not to mention the massive demand for petrolium that is also driving prices up. I mean, now that the Chinese people are starting to use cars and roadways, I'm sure they will all eventually kill eachother with their cars, but that will take too long. So now what? Well, all those factory job will need to go somewhere since we just blew them up. Mexico. Bring them all to Mexico. This solves a few things. First, it will create jobs for them...but labor costs will still be low and transportation costs will be reduced as well as delivery time. This also decreases the yearning for them to take up residence in the U.S. and abuse our system, reduce crime and keep more money in out boarders. But Mexico is unsafe with all the drug cartels, isn't it? Yes. But remember how I said put some of the troops from the mid-east on our boarder? Now take that other half...or more...and send them into Mexico for a Rambo-style execution of drug lords and cartels. I'm sure we can wipe them out pretty easily. Taking them out will also make it easier for them to govern themselvs as there won't be as much corruption and blackmail from drugfucks.

Oh and take all the money and resources back that we gave Hati.


07-29-2011, 10:56 AM
Well, I disagree with some things you say and agree with others, so I remain neutral.

07-29-2011, 11:19 AM
Can't find anything I really disagree with. :dunno:

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

07-29-2011, 12:38 PM
Your attempt is fail, albeit funny. For this..... Reps.

Oh, and you spelled 'off' wrong in teh title.

07-29-2011, 02:34 PM

07-29-2011, 02:40 PM
Since the "fuck your honda/v8" thread kinda got shit going, I'll see if I can light a fire under this bitch. Sure I could rag on your cars and why 20yr old Hondas suck and if you're anything other than a highschool studen you souldn't be proud to own a 20+ yr old POS.


Fuck the organized Christians. Stop meddling in the government and wasting perfectly good tome and money on your useless bullshit issues. Fine, have your religion, go to church and believe in whatever you want to believe in...jsut stop shoving your shit down everyone else's throat. It's only by a fucking miracle that we kind passes the right to buy alcohol on Sundays here in Ga...because you bible thumping shitbags we know as the Christian Coalition screamed like a beat child everytime the subject was brought up. Don't worry, when I can finally buy my Guinness on Sunday, I'll go to their HQ/tent/house/trailer/steel storage shed and take a picture of me drinking and holding my receipt with a big MFR.
Oh and get over the whole gay marriage thing. I'm not gay, I don't really care...but there are far more pressing issues to take care of. I don't get why these assholes think that their religion is supreme and must apply to all mankind. Fuck that. What are they so afraid of? Someone might do a better job of decorating your house? It's not like you guys have to worry about them boinking your wife/girlfriend....and you women- it's not like you would mind a little tongue action on the boat pilot.

What else. Oh yeah...fuck Congress. What a bunch of chickenheads. Honestly there is too much shit to get into on that one. Why do we allow Congressmen to have UNLIMITED terms? This is the problem. We have a boat load of old, grouchy, old-world dustbags running everything how they want to. We need to toss all of them and start over. That's how things will change.

Want to know my solution to fixing all of this shit? First we withdrawl from the middle-east. All of it. They've been fighting eachother long before we were a country and they will continue to do so...let them. Now take all of those troops and put some of them on the boarder of Mexico. Have them build better security and give permission to shoot to kill those jumping illegally. We have a due process to becoming a citizen..use it or fuck off. Bomb China. Not all of it, just the cities ove 1 billion people. China doesn't have much regard for helping the world politically or enviornmentally. Not to mention the massive demand for petrolium that is also driving prices up. I mean, now that the Chinese people are starting to use cars and roadways, I'm sure they will all eventually kill eachother with their cars, but that will take too long. So now what? Well, all those factory job will need to go somewhere since we just blew them up. Mexico. Bring them all to Mexico. This solves a few things. First, it will create jobs for them...but labor costs will still be low and transportation costs will be reduced as well as delivery time. This also decreases the yearning for them to take up residence in the U.S. and abuse our system, reduce crime and keep more money in out boarders. But Mexico is unsafe with all the drug cartels, isn't it? Yes. But remember how I said put some of the troops from the mid-east on our boarder? Now take that other half...or more...and send them into Mexico for a Rambo-style execution of drug lords and cartels. I'm sure we can wipe them out pretty easily. Taking them out will also make it easier for them to govern themselvs as there won't be as much corruption and blackmail from drugfucks.

Oh and take all the money and resources back that we gave Hati.

http://i302.photobucket.com/albums/nn89/Delta105/1238613145059.jpgI didn't read the whole post, but I agree with exactly 97.5% of it. But I would like to add one to your list. Fucking Canadians. You know why I hate Canadians? Because they are foreigners

but they look just like us.

07-29-2011, 02:55 PM
^ agree, with their wee beedy eyes and there eh's

07-29-2011, 03:11 PM
Even though I'm mexican, I'm not too offended by this and I have to admit that I do agree with most of what you said. Not bad.

07-29-2011, 03:15 PM
Wal-Mart - you posted in the wrong forum for trolling religion and politics. You posted about something completely unrelated to the majority of the forum. This is a car forum, so it's obviously why the V8/import thread would get attention. You try to troll a car forum with religion and politics? Go find your way to some other political or religious forum - or at least post it in the correct section if on this board.
Next time, be smarter before you type a bunch of gibberish that has no relationship to the board you are on.

07-29-2011, 05:40 PM
your are one of those ppl who needs to get a fucking girl and get laid!!!! live your life and get all that fucking gay anger out of your blood i mean no lie but you sound like a kkk member!! sorry dont get offended!!!

07-30-2011, 02:14 PM
your are one of those ppl who needs to get a fucking girl and get laid!!!! live your life and get all that fucking gay anger out of your blood i mean no lie but you sound like a kkk member!! sorry dont get offended!!!

maybe he a home grown terrorist? I do agree with the government stuff. The President is the only one on capital hill that have term limits, all the others have to keep getting re-elected and the Supreme court nannies also have jobs for life

07-30-2011, 02:29 PM

Is that a guy or girl?

07-30-2011, 02:36 PM

best post in this thread

08-01-2011, 06:39 AM
Yeah, I see that and I know....it's IA, most people on here aren't smart enough to get anything on either of those two subjects, at least not people who regularly post in the WL. But the WL is a place where people can easily get their panties in a wad who take internets too seriously ;)
If I were really trying to be "correct", trust me when I say it be a lot less of a rant and more factual and well written with quotes and references. FTR- My sig pic got a 20-something page thread years ago in the WL because it royally pissed some people off...based on politics....so it does happen in here.

08-01-2011, 06:41 AM
Anyone I see who types such terrible English with such diregard for punctuation, I imagine looks/talks/sounds like this all of the time-


You must be a product of APS or a lot of lead paint.

08-01-2011, 07:20 AM
I love how the dumb, uninformed, wannabe hippies (like the ones in your sig) "tweet" about the evils of capitalism on their Iphone.

The irony is ironic.

08-01-2011, 07:49 AM
Tweeting is for shitbag hipsters that need to be run over by a bus....same with getting notifications about your facebook on your phone.
Oddly enough, my phone is used for calling people, I don't have a facebook, never read/used any of those trendy bandwagon "blogging" sites......so you can't judge everyone. However, I do frequent other websites that are more specific to the topics I like to discuss. Lastly, I too, dislike the people you describe.

08-01-2011, 08:55 AM
so you can't judge everyone.I disagree. I can and do.

In my free time I like to throw stones and clean the windows in my glass house.

08-01-2011, 10:34 AM
Kevin, it's pretty easy to spot when you're trying to be cheeky.

08-01-2011, 11:47 AM
Death to the empire!



08-01-2011, 12:38 PM
Death to the empire!

http://i132.photobucket.com/albums/q31/eenkmouse2311/Obama/obama-300.jpgNow this we can all agree on.

08-01-2011, 01:23 PM
No shit...the US needs to stop playing world fucking police and focus on our own shit.

Remember, the President is just the puppet to all the minions, politicians and lobbyists....blame all of them....not just the President.

08-01-2011, 04:55 PM
No shit...the US needs to stop playing world fucking police and focus on our own shit.

Remember, the President is just the puppet to all the minions, politicians and lobbyists....blame all of them....not just the President.

so true.

but fuck politics. They say the church and state are separated but thats some bs.

08-01-2011, 05:12 PM
so true.

but fuck politics. They say the church and state are separated but thats some bs.When the President of the Mother Fucking United States aunt, is an illegal alien and on welfare we got bigger problems than having 8lb 6oz baby Jesus mentioned before your probation hearing.

08-01-2011, 07:35 PM
i somewhat sorta agree with you on most of these things..however...the gas prices going up has nothing to do with chinese or a shortage...its the fucking koch brothers and their oil "speculators" that jumped the price of gasoline up..

08-01-2011, 07:51 PM
i somewhat sorta agree with you on most of these things..however...the gas prices going up has nothing to do with chinese or a shortage...its the fucking koch brothers and their oil "speculators" that jumped the price of gasoline up..

The idiocity of this made me chuckle.

08-01-2011, 10:16 PM
Why? He's right (well as kinda/sorta right as a Honda driver can be). I blame Washington, all of Washington, but in particular that communist loving Muslim we have in the White House sitting on high playing his fiddle while Rome burns.

08-01-2011, 11:16 PM
i still cant believe u ppl cant get over communism and islam...sad.

08-02-2011, 06:30 AM
i still cant believe u ppl cant get over communism and islam...sad.u ppl? Maybe that makes sense on planet Ebonics, but I'm not from there, nor was it offered as a language class at Yale. I think you meant to type "you people", and therefore I can only assume you mean "white folk".

aka: The Man, Powder, Crackers, Blue-eyed Devils, Gringos, Pinewood or Honky McGee.

But what is there to "get over"?

08-02-2011, 08:05 AM
Get over communism? When the fuck did that become an issue? We are not threatened by such type of government rule and those that think we are and amusingly ignorant to those who are educated.
Get over Islam? Once again, those who spew useless verbal vomit like "our President is a Muslim and we can't have that!" are pure, retarded fucks. Who gives a shit about one's religious views if they're not pressing them on everyone around them? The sad thing is, there is no arguing with people who think like this because they are simply too stupid to educate and the best thing to do is pat them on the head, smile and hand them a lollipop and tell them it will all be OK on Monday. Personally, I think Christianity is to blame for many of the world's problems.

08-02-2011, 10:20 AM
The idiocity of this made me chuckle.

So much so that you made up a new word?

08-02-2011, 02:30 PM
Personally, I think Christianity is to blame for many of the world's problems.
Personally, I think retards like you are to blame for many of the world's problems.

08-02-2011, 02:34 PM
On a serious note, what has anyone done to change things? Do you just post on IA, or do you go out and vote? Do you donate money or volunteer for what you believe in?

08-03-2011, 01:59 AM
Tweeting is for shitbag hipsters that need to be run over by a bus....same with getting notifications about your facebook on your phone.
Oddly enough, my phone is used for calling people, I don't have a facebook, never read/used any of those trendy bandwagon "blogging" sites......so you can't judge everyone. However, I do frequent other websites that are more specific to the topics I like to discuss. Lastly, I too, dislike the people you describe.

The only people who dont have facebook are serial killers, people with no friends, and geriatrics that dont know the internet exists. Pick one.

08-03-2011, 06:58 AM
The only people who dont have facebook are serial killers, people with no friends, and geriatrics that dont know the internet exists. Pick one.I disagree. Try actually communicating with people while you're not sitting behind your computer in your underwear. Like actually go see your friends and do something together... Not type OMG ;) tl;dr and other gay shit to each other. I think Facebook is for the socially inept and for insecure people to feel like their lives are important.

Do I care you went to Starbucks and got a Mocha Grande latte decaf with extra cream and a twist of lemon? Fuck no.

Do you really have 548 friends? Fuck no, you and your life are not that interesting.

08-03-2011, 08:22 AM
Personally, I think retards like you are to blame for many of the world's problems.

On a serious note, what has anyone done to change things? Do you just post on IA, or do you go out and vote? Do you donate money or volunteer for what you believe in?

David, clearly you're easy to get on a roll. Retards like me? Oh please be more specific about having an outside view makes me a problem. Is it really OK that a religion has been responsible for the loss of entire cultures? I hope not. Do I vote? Bet you ass I do. Donate money? Depends. Giving to rich politicians or religions? Fuck no. Donate money to help homeless animals? Everytime I got to the pet store. I've been known to give to firefighters and Shriners as well.
As far as "change" goes, it's unfortunate to say that America has become fat and lazy over the past decades. We rely on everyone elses to do the work for us while we sit back and get fat. Now that we have let shit hit the fan, people are starting to voice thei opionions and not take shit laying down.

The only people who dont have facebook are serial killers, people with no friends, and geriatrics that dont know the internet exists. Pick one.
Aww how cute. Your attack is weak. Want a lollipop?

I disagree. Try actually communicating with people while you're not sitting behind your computer in your underwear. Like actually go see your friends and do something together... Not type OMG ;) tl;dr and other gay shit to each other. I think Facebook is for the socially inept and for insecure people to feel like their lives are important.
This man gets it.
Do I care you went to Starbucks and got a Mocha Grande latte decaf with extra cream and a twist of lemon? Fuck no.

Do you really have 548 friends? Fuck no, you and your life are not that interesting.

08-03-2011, 02:46 PM
David, clearly you're easy to get on a roll. Retards like me? Oh please be more specific about having an outside view makes me a problem. Is it really OK that a religion has been responsible for the loss of entire cultures? I hope not. Do I vote? Bet you ass I do. Donate money? Depends. Giving to rich politicians or religions? Fuck no. Donate money to help homeless animals? Everytime I got to the pet store. I've been known to give to firefighters and Shriners as well.
As far as "change" goes, it's unfortunate to say that America has become fat and lazy over the past decades. We rely on everyone elses to do the work for us while we sit back and get fat. Now that we have let shit hit the fan, people are starting to voice thei opionions and not take shit laying down.

Aww how cute. Your attack is weak. Want a lollipop?

I didn't attack you. I made a sarcastic statement in the first post, and then asked a couple of open-to-all questions. You took it personal, and got your panties in a wad. You got suckered into making another rambling post, and went full retard. Never go full retard.
Now give me my lolipop. I want it, and he can't have it.

08-03-2011, 06:12 PM
I don't have a Facebook, I think it's for tweens and people with no life.

08-04-2011, 07:37 PM
i still cant believe u ppl cant get over communism and islam...sad.

Obama isnt a communist. He is a socialist though. That is pretty obvious by his remarks and attacks on anyone that is actually successful.

This administration forced GM to fire its CEO and placed a CEO of their liking in his place.

This administration violated bankruptcy law in forcing Chrysler's secured creditors to take a back seat, and lose money, in favor of the union that played a major part in destroying the company in the first place.

This administration is using the power of the EPA to sabotage the coal industry while at the same time, wasting billions on useless alternatives.

This administration is a major factor in the high prices of oil. Again, using the EPA and permitting to choke off oil exploration and exploitation on our own soil and our waterways. This makes us more susceptible to problems in the middle east.

Here are a couple paraphrased quotes that also shed a little light. His remarks about spreading the wealth around. And my favorite, his telling reporters that raising taxes on successful people wasnt about raising revenue, but about being more fair.

Oh and I love your little internet gangsta remark when you neged me. Too bad we both know you are too much of a punk to tell me that in person.

08-04-2011, 08:03 PM
I totally agree with this guy

08-05-2011, 01:14 AM
wait hang on now...i have a facebook so i can connect with my friends over seas and across the states..i have facebook so i can talk to cousin richard or aunt mary in england or scottland...i mainly use it to connect to ppl.......i think even tho facebook is a piece of shit govt tool for w/e...its still a good way to keep up with people u dont wanna lose touch with...

08-09-2011, 07:35 AM
I didn't attack you. I made a sarcastic statement in the first post, and then asked a couple of open-to-all questions. You took it personal, and got your panties in a wad. You got suckered into making another rambling post, and went full retard. Never go full retard.
Now give me my lolipop. I want it, and he can't have it.

No, you directed it at me, I know it. No you can't have your lollipop.....not yet.

08-09-2011, 11:16 AM
First post, I quoted you, and did a sarcastic commnet to it.
Second post was intentionally split off and was open. Reading comprehension owns you.

08-09-2011, 12:11 PM
You can't win, David.

08-09-2011, 12:14 PM
You can't win, David.

I already won. I got my lollipop!

08-10-2011, 06:38 AM
What happens in your fantasy world doesn't count. Lollipops are still in the bag in the back of my car.

08-10-2011, 11:00 AM
Check again. I already clipped them. Got another one now.