View Full Version : Casey Anthony

07-05-2011, 02:35 PM
So she is not guilty of murdering her 2yr old daughter...what do you guys think??

07-05-2011, 02:49 PM
personally i think its bullshit

07-05-2011, 02:58 PM
its bullshit that she was not guilty??

07-05-2011, 04:02 PM
Here we go......:facepalm:

She was found not guilty of the major charges and guilty of the lesser. Meanwhile a child unknown to the masses is raped and or murdered and will never get the justice they deserve either. Move on with your lives.

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07-05-2011, 04:17 PM
i am f'n sick to my stomach

07-05-2011, 04:34 PM
I havent paid much attention to the trial, but from what I have heard since the verdict, it comes down to no one being able to nail down the cause of death. Without an exact cause of death it was going to be nearly impossible for the prosecution to get a conviction with nothing more than circumstantial evidence on anything more than Anthony not caring that her daughter is dead. IMO, cases like this prove why our justice system actually works. The rules were followed by most and the evidence spoke for itself. Anthony's mother may be a bit of trouble over this though as she perjured herself and the prosecution can prove that.

Side note, does anyone know the last time the prosecution actually won a high profile case? I remember quite a few pleas, but I cant think of the last time a jury trial ended in a guilty verdict.

07-05-2011, 04:36 PM
It makes me sick too but not because she may or may not have gotten away with murder. It makes me sick because someone just got away with murder and this little girl didn't get the justice she deserved.

Fate will meet the killer one day and judgement will be made then.

07-05-2011, 04:50 PM
She still has another judge to face and he knows exactly what happen that day.....

07-05-2011, 04:54 PM
agree with bacon

07-05-2011, 06:26 PM
Yea I heard the bitch got away with a slap on the wrist

07-05-2011, 07:12 PM
She still has another judge to face and he knows exactly what happen that day.....

You say this with confidence, how are you so sure that she did it? I haven't paid a lot of attention to this trail but she was found not guilty because of lack of evidence more or less...... or maybe the lack of evidence was simply because they were looking for evidence in the wrong area, in this case the mother, Casey Anthony. I'm just saying that is it not possible that someone else killed her?

07-05-2011, 07:24 PM
IMO, both sides of the argument were played extremely well. The defense ultimately won due to lack of insufficient evidence against her which is where the DA ****ed up. Sure, she lied to the police which is why she was found guilty of the lesser charges. It boils down to this; she was acquitted of the murder charges so as far as anyone is concerned she didn't do it. The only people who knows what happened are the ones that did it. All of us will have our opinions about it but why dwell on it?

Did anyone hear that sound just now as you read my post? It was the sound of a little child who was raped and/or murdered in cold blood, unknown to the masses, and will likely never get the justice that is deserved; case in point with little Caylee Anthony. It's an extremely unfortunate thing that happens everyday that nobody should ever have to go through. Sure a TV show will come of it or maybe she will write a book about it but she is the one that has to deal with the loss along side her family. I, myself, had to bury a casket 18 inches long and if anyone here has had to do the same then you will know what they are going through emotionally. Shit happens and people have to move on with life.

07-05-2011, 08:15 PM
You say this with confidence, how are you so sure that she did it?

Because it is absolutely normal for a distressed mother to:
A. Hide the fact that Caylee was missing even from her own family for over a month
B. Claim Caylee was kidnapped, a month later
C. Dump the body in a swamp to hide an accidental drowning.
D. Party hard for a month while "grieving" for her downed child.

Yea, sounds compleely normal to me.

07-05-2011, 08:21 PM
thats what i was thinking, there wasnt any hard evidence or evidence how caylee died but her story keep bouncing around and changing

07-05-2011, 08:21 PM
Anyone and everyone is "sure she did it" but at what point will you realize that thinking what has been disproved won't do you any good? Everything imaginable weighed against her but in the end her attorney just got a huge paycheck.

07-05-2011, 08:39 PM
IMO, cases like this prove why our justice system actually works.

Exactly. It's sad that a "probable" killer got away with it to show that the US Justice system works as it was designed to. I bet she never thought (when she killed that child) that she would be able to live her party lifestyle for the rest of her life without fear of getting caught. Not only that, but she's going to end up filthy rich on this.

Anyone and everyone is "sure she did it" but at what point will you realize that thinking what has been disproved won't do you any good?

It wasn't proven that she wasn't the killer. It was disapproved that there wasn't enough/any hard evidence to prove she was. I think she did it or knows who did do it. Between her parents, brother and her; someone knows something. Later, QD.

07-05-2011, 08:52 PM
You say this with confidence, how are you so sure that she did it? I haven't paid a lot of attention to this trail but she was found not guilty because of lack of evidence more or less...... or maybe the lack of evidence was simply because they were looking for evidence in the wrong area, in this case the mother, Casey Anthony. I'm just saying that is it not possible that someone else killed her?


Because it is absolutely normal for a distressed mother to:
A. Hide the fact that Caylee was missing even from her own family for over a month
B. Claim Caylee was kidnapped, a month later
C. Dump the body in a swamp to hide an accidental drowning.
D. Party hard for a month while "grieving" for her downed child.

Yea, sounds compleely normal to me.

07-05-2011, 09:06 PM
It wasn't proven that she wasn't the killer. It was disapproved that there wasn't enough/any hard evidence to prove she was. I think she did it or knows who did do it. Between her parents, brother and her; someone knows something. Later, QD.

I meant my post only in the sense that she was acquitted of the murder charges and that's the only thing we can go on short of having our own opinions. I worded it wrong. My bad.

07-05-2011, 09:17 PM
I meant my post only in the sense that she was acquitted of the murder charges and that's the only thing we can go on short of having our own opinions. I worded it wrong. My bad.

Not guilty and innocent are two VERY different things.

07-05-2011, 09:23 PM
Never said she was innocent; simply not guilty and that is the only thing we have to go on other than our own opinions.

h22 jones
07-05-2011, 09:25 PM
I understand that evedently there wasnt enough evidence to say with out a shadow of a doubt she did it (even though im sure she had something to do with it ) . If you was on the jury could you sleep at night by letting her go ? Could you say well its there fault for not proving there case not mine . I couldnt no freaking way and in eleven hours at that . I mean realy. So you duck tape a childs mouth that has already drowned ? yea makes alot of since .

Untill you have kids there is no way you can feel the way i do or anybody else that has kids does about this case sorry thats just how it is.

h22 jones
07-05-2011, 09:30 PM
Well my opinon is she is a piece of shit either way .

07-05-2011, 10:10 PM
I meant my post only in the sense that she was acquitted of the murder charges and that's the only thing we can go on short of having our own opinions. I worded it wrong. My bad.

I got you now, dude!

If you was on the jury could you sleep at night by letting her go ?

I can't imagine every single person on that jury reaching those "not guilty" verdicts in that time frame like that. There had to be some that wanted to convict, but didn't. Honestly? I probably would have been that person. Later, QD.

07-05-2011, 10:22 PM
Well my opinon is she is a piece of shit either way .:goodjob:

07-05-2011, 11:29 PM
Agree with QD 1000%

Our justice system is based on the prosecution proving BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT she did it.

DNA: none linking her to the deceased. Trunk had "decaying body air particles" but nothing conclusive it was her daughter
MOTIVE: mild. Up until the point of disappearance she was for all intensive purposes a good mother. No child abuse we know of or can prove etc
CAUSE OF DEATH: unknown. Most likely she was strangled or she was suffocated either intentional (with duct tape) or unintentional (drowning) but still unknown.

This was a horrible case for the prosecution. Caylee could have wandered in the jungle and died there, drowned, etc NO ONE KNOWS FOR CERTAINTY which is why they said not guilty.

I believe she did it, or she knows what happened. But we don't operate on beliefs we operate on FACTS AND WHAT YOU CAN PROVE.

They couldn't prove she did it.

Erratic behavior, despair, partying, promiscuity, LIEING is a far leap from murderer.

Justice system worked, sad, but blame lies with prosecution, and maybe she committed a perfect murder.

Xrated O.G.
07-06-2011, 03:24 AM
Agree with QD 1000%

Our justice system is based on the prosecution proving BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT she did it.

DNA: none linking her to the deceased. Trunk had "decaying body air particles" but nothing conclusive it was her daughter
MOTIVE: mild. Up until the point of disappearance she was for all intensive purposes a good mother. No child abuse we know of or can prove etc
CAUSE OF DEATH: unknown. Most likely she was strangled or she was suffocated either intentional (with duct tape) or unintentional (drowning) but still unknown.

This was a horrible case for the prosecution. Caylee could have wandered in the jungle and died there, drowned, etc NO ONE KNOWS FOR CERTAINTY which is why they said not guilty.

I believe she did it, or she knows what happened. But we don't operate on beliefs we operate on FACTS AND WHAT YOU CAN PROVE.

They couldn't prove she did it.

Erratic behavior, despair, partying, promiscuity, LIEING is a far leap from murderer.

Justice system worked, sad, but blame lies with prosecution, and maybe she committed a perfect murder.

:goodjob: 100% correct

07-06-2011, 06:19 AM
They couldn't prove she did it.

Yup. Those folks should have waited and pressed on for more clues. Now, from my understanding of the law, she can never be tried for murder of that girl ever again. Later, QD.

07-06-2011, 08:17 AM
Yup. Those folks should have waited and pressed on for more clues. Now, from my understanding of the law, she can never be tried for murder of that girl ever again. Later, QD.

Correct. That would be double jeopardy.

Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk

07-06-2011, 02:40 PM
Because it is absolutely normal for a distressed mother to:
A. Hide the fact that Caylee was missing even from her own family for over a month
B. Claim Caylee was kidnapped, a month later
C. Dump the body in a swamp to hide an accidental drowning.
D. Party hard for a month while "grieving" for her downed child.

Yea, sounds compleely normal to me.

While all these are true. Nothing points straight to her as the one who did it. Is it shitty that she waited a month before doing anything about her daughter missing, Yep or that she lied about her being kidnapped by the nanny. Of course. BUT there is NO proof of motive or cause of death. It is very sad that there is no justice for this little girl but here in America you are INNOCENT until proven guilty. There is no proof that she did it. Only proof that she is not getting mother of the year.

07-06-2011, 04:55 PM
While all these are true. Nothing points straight to her as the one who did it. Is it shitty that she waited a month before doing anything about her daughter missing, Yep or that she lied about her being kidnapped by the nanny. Of course. BUT there is NO proof of motive or cause of death. It is very sad that there is no justice for this little girl but here in America you are INNOCENT until proven guilty. There is no proof that she did it. Only proof that she is not getting mother of the year.


07-06-2011, 05:30 PM
While all these are true. Nothing points straight to her as the one who did it. Is it shitty that she waited a month before doing anything about her daughter missing, Yep or that she lied about her being kidnapped by the nanny. Of course. BUT there is NO proof of motive or cause of death. It is very sad that there is no justice for this little girl but here in America you are INNOCENT until proven guilty. There is no proof that she did it. Only proof that she is not getting mother of the year.

I agree with you in a legal sense. I disagree with you in a personal sense.

Judging by the very little of what I saw and heard of the trial, I would have said not guilty also. I BELIEVE she did it, the prosecution was a very long way away from PROVING she did it. The only things the prosecution proved are that Casey and her mother are lairs and Casey is a slut. Neither of which are capital crimes.

In the end, the prosecution wasted a whole lot of tax payer money on a very weak case. They had her dead on several charges, the most serious being obstruction of justice, and would have been able to win that case. They were never going to win a murder trial with what they had.

07-07-2011, 06:45 AM
9oclock is when the judge will give her her sentence...

07-07-2011, 08:27 AM

LOL that is damn hilarious.

07-07-2011, 09:50 AM
Looks like she will be in for another month at most.

Update: She will be released July 13th