View Full Version : He wanted to steal my car...

11-23-2005, 10:04 AM
..and just about did.

So I meet a couple people at a QT near Doraville to go down to Ru Sans in Buckhead. Lea Anne pulled in about 1 minute before I did and we're sitting there in the corner of the station waiting on Wayne in his newly painted Z. Wayne pulls in several minutes later and two spaces down is an older S10 with dark tint facing the woods (we backed into the spots) As soon as Wayne pulls in the window goes down on the S10...i didn't even know anyone was sitting in it?! Anyways, I left the car running as i get out. I wasn't really concerned with the S10 driver, looked over at him and I am usually pretty accurate on someones demeanor just from their eyes...he had a passenger and we all got out and while they are standing around their truck i stood in front of my car...

First of all, I ALWAYS lower my window when i get out with the car running and usually put the passenger side at least halfway down. Reasons: 1) I hate autolocks, sometime unpredictable 2) If someone jumps in then you have to bust a window to grab them...

Anyways, I saw a third person, appeared to be a homeless hispanic walking towards the group with a handful of cellphone accessories. I turned towards wayne to acknowledge him as he's walking up to lea anne but i'm keeping an eye out on the hispanic walking up behind me...out of the corner of my eye I see the guy brush right by the two guys next to the truck and go straight for my car door with one hand out... He's looking towards me the whole time and as soon as he see's me turn my head he freezes about 1 step from the door and puts his arm down like i didn't see him, i shook my head while glaring at him said, "nah huh", and he turns and walks towards the two guys at the truck and shows them a couple phone chargers. As i walk over towards them he grabs the chargers and takes off...i reach in and just pull the key out and walk back over to check out waynes car.

That lil fucker was one step from getting in my car. I know it's stupid leaving a car running but i'm normally pretty alert and wasn't going to go any farther than two or three steps from it anyways...i just couldn't believe he was going to do it.

A.P. Photography
11-23-2005, 10:06 AM
people are ballsy these days man. You gotta watch em.

11-23-2005, 10:07 AM
damn......thats why "protection" is always a good thing to keep around..

B16a2 Civic
11-23-2005, 10:08 AM

11-23-2005, 10:08 AM
dam... thats some bull sh*t, espically if i was standing there, i would have been pissed

11-23-2005, 10:09 AM
damn......thats why "protection" is always a good thing to keep around..i'm not big into shooting someone for a car but i would have done anything for a floor jack handle about that time ;)

11-23-2005, 10:10 AM
damn......thats why "protection" is always a good thing to keep around..

yeah it is lol

11-23-2005, 10:15 AM
i would of been like here take it :D

11-23-2005, 10:16 AM
i'm not big into shooting someone for a car but i would have done anything for a floor jack handle about that time ;)

wouldnt even have to shoot them......but you never know if they couldve been armed....and if they wanted your car bad enough the wouldve got it.....

Some guy i used to work with got carjacked in atlanta with his wife and kids in the car.Was coming out the gas station and some bum put a gun to his stomach told him to tell the wife and kids to get the fuck out the car. It was the most tramatic thing hes been through......shit like that makes you think...

atlanta is the 7th dangerous place to live in........and i dont see it gettin any better out here

11-23-2005, 10:19 AM
Hispanics they are the worst man I hate them...................... oh wait

11-23-2005, 10:39 AM

man what were you white folks doin in Doraville after dark anyways? you were just looking for a good time weren't you, and look what (almost) happened. you are lucky you didn't get sodomized!

11-23-2005, 10:45 AM
I wouldnt ever leave my car running anyways if I am not in it, Just takes a second for them to jump in, You cant always count on running fast enough to stop them

11-23-2005, 10:45 AM
I'm not sure if the people in the truck were working together with the "homeless" guy but the whole thing was suspicious...that's why i didn't want to start anything (you know a certain group of people like to play with knifes and i wasn't in the mood for 3 on 1) and wayne and Lea Anne had their backs turned so they didn't even notice what went on in those few seconds.


man what were you white folks doin in Doraville after dark anyways? you were just looking for a good time weren't you, and look what (almost) happened. you are lucky you didn't get sodomized!Exactly, that's what i tried to say, and this was one of the reason's why i didn't even want to stop anyways, i'd much rather meet on the highway, just play catchup but someone insisted on stopping...i was going a buck fifteen on 85 to get there at the same time as her just so she wasn't at the gas station alone. I hate this shit. Can't trust anyone and always having to watch yours and others backs.

kelly marie
11-23-2005, 10:48 AM

i dont understand why you left it running.. unattended!! especially in that area.. :confused:

11-23-2005, 10:50 AM
I mean Doraville isn't so bad if you are from the area or know what the hell is goin on, but for your average Gwinnett County resident DeKalb is no walk in the park :D

you gotta be alert man, I mean it's good you saw the guy, most people aren't so sharp, you made up for the leaving your keys in the car part, but like Brett said, what if you didn't see him? then whaaaaat?

I'd be laughing hard at a "My car was stolen last night, in front of my cara" post :lmfao:

11-23-2005, 10:55 AM
man thats some shit dude....I would have just took the keys out when you notice that there was something suspicious.

11-23-2005, 10:59 AM

i dont understand why you left it running.. unattended!! especially in that area.. :confused:i was standing at the corner of my bumper...i just about could have touched the hood and wasn't moving any farther away. He couldn't have even gotten the door open enough to get in before i would have been over the front of the car. Still stupid yes.

11-23-2005, 11:08 AM
Glad it all worked it out man :)

The Golden Child
11-23-2005, 12:05 PM
well hope u got a lesson ..
always take key out and roll window up ..
turn alarm on and ur good 2 go ..

11-23-2005, 12:46 PM
well hope u got a lesson ..
always take key out and roll window up ..
turn alarm on and ur good 2 go ..shit, if i have to do all that when i'm standing within a couple steps of the car then there's something seriously wrong.

The Golden Child
11-23-2005, 12:50 PM
either way better safe then sorry ..

11-23-2005, 12:54 PM
Could have been bad news. That'll learn ya boy!

Oh thinkfast... I used to live in Doraville and I'm white... what cha tryin' to say? ;)

B16a2 Civic
11-23-2005, 01:00 PM
Could have been bad news. That'll learn ya boy!

Oh thinkfast... I used to live in Doraville and I'm white... what cha tryin' to say? ;)

Lol@ your statement under your screen name
( i kno you joking tho Lol)

11-23-2005, 01:00 PM
Could have been bad news. That'll learn ya boy!

Oh thinkfast... I used to live in Doraville and I'm white... what cha tryin' to say? ;)yeah, it's called install the south african car jacker deterent with a remote ignitor...

11-23-2005, 01:01 PM
Could have been bad news. That'll learn ya boy!

Oh thinkfast... I used to live in Doraville and I'm white... what cha tryin' to say? ;)

Hey man Tilly Mill rd don't count! LOL

11-23-2005, 01:07 PM
Hey man Tilly Mill rd don't count! LOL
Damn! :rant:

11-23-2005, 01:08 PM
Lol@ your statement under your screen name
( i kno you joking tho Lol)
That used to be my motto and then I changed it... Its back!

11-23-2005, 01:24 PM
Look at it this way, he didnt take the car...and even if he did-
he prolly wouldnt have gotton 2 far cause wayne had out the TT beast. ;)

No really though, you scared me when u said that last night.... im glad he
didnt really take any action upon being that close to the car-

11-23-2005, 01:29 PM
good thing that you kept the car jason... thats some crazy shit... you shoulda let him show that he was actually gonna do it, im sure the QT cameras coulda caught it, knock him to the ground, then call the cops on his ass, and get him deported

11-23-2005, 01:57 PM
Crazy shit. Glad you were standing there. I'd hate to see it stolen before I got to drive it.

11-23-2005, 01:57 PM
I'd let someone try and steal my car. They wouldn't get far before it broke down and they handed me my keys back saying my car was a piece of shit.

11-23-2005, 03:02 PM
I'd let someone try and steal my car. They wouldn't get far before it broke down and they handed me my keys back saying my car was a piece of shit.

:lmfao: Wait a minute. You have a Nissan, not a DSM....

11-23-2005, 04:22 PM
damn man, i never leave cars on

but i never lock my door tho, lol

11-23-2005, 04:54 PM
damn man, i never leave cars on

but i never lock my door tho, lol
i thought u didnt havea license

11-23-2005, 04:59 PM
how funny would it be if the car was running on a turbo timer and the fuker got in and tried to take off...lol talk about an ass beating

11-23-2005, 05:04 PM
how funny would it be if the car was running on a turbo timer and the fuker got in and tried to take off...lol talk about an ass beatingearlier this year i thought about putting one in....mainly for track days and summer mtn runs.

11-23-2005, 05:26 PM
Damn, not too many "almost stolen" incidents out there.

Learn from it!

11-23-2005, 05:27 PM
Thats one reason why I have no door handles, I can keep my car running with the windows up.I always keep my spare door popper in my pocket.

11-23-2005, 05:30 PM
Lucckkyy Soonn of a biiootch.

11-23-2005, 05:50 PM
I've had someone try to get in my car while it was running ... I was in a QT with the car running (remote start) and the alarm of course was armed with the doors locked ... I came out with a six pack in hand and he was missing with the handle trying to get in ... at that point I then yelled out "What the Fuck do you think you're doing" he ran behind the building and off to who knows where. Even if he had got in the car the kill switch would killed the engine, alarm would be going off and some wonderful pezos would be making his ears bleed in pain. long story short ... Don’t fuck with my car :D

11-24-2005, 12:23 AM
Jason nvr should have left the car running in the first place. Man u let him go too easy.

11-24-2005, 07:31 AM
You need a good alarm system. My suggestion: Glock

I've had to stick a .40 cal in a guy's face before during a situation similar to that. This was off of the BP gas station at Clairmont and the guy got IN my car (via the passenger side) while I was still in it (I had the driver's side door open while I was letting it cool down - my own turbo timer if you will as a normal turbo timer for my car de-activates the alarm system - that's a no no). Put a .40 cal in their face before they can even breath and that will teach them to stop VERY quickly...

11-24-2005, 07:45 AM
lol good call. i think its time i invested in somethin of that sort... just in case...

11-24-2005, 11:17 AM
You need a good alarm system. My suggestion: Glock

I've had to stick a .40 cal in a guy's face before during a situation similar to that. This was off of the BP gas station at Clairmont and the guy got IN my car (via the passenger side) while I was still in it (I had the driver's side door open while I was letting it cool down - my own turbo timer if you will as a normal turbo timer for my car de-activates the alarm system - that's a no no). Put a .40 cal in their face before they can even breath and that will teach them to stop VERY quickly...exactly, i've been looking at the 23 and 27 for a while now.

Friend of mine has a 23 and after shooting i'd take it apart and clean it riding down the road. I love plastic guns :)

11-24-2005, 11:37 AM
First of all, I ALWAYS lower my window when i get out with the car running and usually put the passenger side at least halfway down. Reasons: 1) I hate autolocks, sometime unpredictable
good idea, my passive arming locked automatically after I was rear ended (totaled) and car was still running, I had to climb through the broken rear window.

I wouldnt ever leave my car running anyways if I am not in it, Just takes a second for them to jump in, You cant always count on running fast enough to stop them
I can understand this though, he was standing righ tnext to it....but yeah I usally don't leave it running, and if I do I am usally standing one foot in the car.

:lmfao: Wait a minute. You have a Nissan, not a DSM....
Hey now :rant: ....they go for more than a minute....at least 2 minutes.

have you driven a Ford lately?

well those don't go at all :lmfao:

earlier this year i thought about putting one in....mainly for track days and summer mtn runs.
I have one for sale :wink: :wink: :nudge: :nudge: ;)

Glad your car didn't get stolen, I probably would have chased him down and beat some sense into him

11-24-2005, 11:43 AM
good idea, my passive arming locked automatically after I was rear ended (totaled) and car was still running, I had to climb through the broken rear window.

I can understand this though, he was standing righ tnext to it....but yeah I usally don't leave it running, and if I do I am usally standing one foot in the car.

Hey now :rant: ....they go for more than a minute....at least 2 minutes.

well those don't go at all :lmfao:

I have one for sale :wink: :wink: :nudge: :nudge: ;)

Glad your car didn't get stolen, I probably would have chased him down and beat some sense into him
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11-24-2005, 06:11 PM
how much for the timer?

Rankings/ Awards:
longest post ever!
most replies in a single postlol

11-24-2005, 11:02 PM
how much for the timer?
wtf? what timer?

11-25-2005, 12:47 AM

11-25-2005, 12:49 AM
O and that was directed to Speedminded. I'm not big on shooting either but i could of done some damage with a jack handle

11-25-2005, 10:34 AM
O and that was directed to Speedminded. I'm not big on shooting either but i could of done some damage with a jack handle

Both are deadly weapons in the state of GA. There really is no difference between the two in the eyes of the law (if you legally own the gun, that is). Never bring a jack handle to a gun show. When/if you have to use a deadly weapon, you ALWAYS bring the biggest, baddest one. Keep that in mind...

11-25-2005, 12:45 PM
what if you dont own the jack handle, and its not registered.

11-25-2005, 01:16 PM
what qt camera's there is only one camera and it is on the registers, it can't see the parking lot, except for maybe the front couple at the doors...but glad to hear that it worked out, otherwise wayne would have bitched about how dumb it was all night, and you would have wanted to kill him..:)

11-25-2005, 01:37 PM
i think i wouldve kicked the dawg shit out of him ne way, just for thinking about it. or just for what couldve happened it u hadnt turned around and saw him or just bc. the turbo timer was what i was gonna post, goo thing i kept reading. lol!!!

11-25-2005, 01:38 PM
... otherwise wayne would have bitched about how dumb it was all night, and you would have wanted to kill him..:)
lol!!! yeah, fuh rel mang. lol!!!

11-25-2005, 01:53 PM
best thing to do is take your keys out regardless. next time you might not see them.

stay out of doraville. go when you have to.

a "homeless" looking hispanic is fishy, they were probably up to something bigger IMO. for most of them know there is no such thing as "no jobs" in america.

11-25-2005, 02:22 PM
man tere doin tht shit over her ein gwinnet they fukin try to do a san andreas on u try to take u strait out ur car n run i kno the answer to tis !!! BLAST EM woohooo

11-25-2005, 02:26 PM
man tere doin tht shit over her ein gwinnet they fukin try to do a san andreas on u try to take u strait out ur car n run i kno the answer to tis !!! BLAST EM woohooowow

11-25-2005, 04:03 PM

I know, right? I might have lost IQ points for just reading that... :)

11-25-2005, 04:12 PM
I might have lose IQ points for just reading that... :)

oh shit, you did lose IQ.... just look at that sloppy grammar ;) (j/k)

11-25-2005, 05:18 PM
oh shit, you did lose IQ.... just look at that sloppy grammar ;) (j/k)

Fuck! I was in the middle of saying "I might lose IQ if I read..." and "Might have lost a few IQ points by...", but ended up merging the two together. Shit.

11-25-2005, 05:29 PM
you not hook up an ignition kill to the brake switch??? just have it toggled with a hidden switch, it's fool proof on an automatic and its hard to get far in a manual....